The 3 Things You Think Get Sex, But DON’T

So many men are lost, stabbing around in the dark trying to get sex. They’ll try anything and everything… except for actually approaching a woman. I see it so often. Guys convincing themselves that they’re having a good time, when really under the surface, the main thing they want is sex.

Here are 3 classic things guys to in the vain hope that it will somehow get sex in some roundabout way:

1. Drinking with their friends

Alcohol is such a multi-layered liquid in the seduction world. For starters, it gives you a false sense of confidence. Secondly, I gives you an escape from the brutal truth that you’re not getting laid as much as you would like to be. It also gives you an excuse to be out and about in social venues talking to girls. It actually numbs your social skills and means that you’re not really progressing or dealing with your anxiety, just putting off facing it till a later date.

2. Focusing on your career/“Developing yourself” without actually approaching women

Many guys will convince themselves that if they work hard enough to reach a senior position in their firm, get the status and prestige and power, and the company car, that suddenly women will begin to flock to them. This is not the case, and the worst part about this dael is that when guys have worked so hard for this “watch, suit, car house = women” fantasy, and they arrive to realize it was all bullshit, it makes them even more bitter and resentful of women, as if women told them this. Parallel versions of this include “I’ll approach women when I’ve found inner peace through meditation”, “When I have more muscles” “If I just become and interesting person girls will see that.”I ABOSOLUTLEY endorse pursing your passions, trying out new hobbies, mastering an artistic or physical craft, whether that’s music, art, meditation, bodybuilding, sport, entrepreneurship. BUT none of these things are an excuse NOT to start approaching women TODAY. Every day you spend not approaching women is a day you are missing out on being closer to the woman of your dreams.

3. Cars/houses

Society has been telling you since you were born that a cool car is a powerful status symbol. That it will somehow manifest you sex. Maybe a girl will see you getting into it and then suddenly approach you. Maybe she will even see the photo on your Facebook and send you a message. Very unlikely. Cars are not only poor seduction props, they are actually massive financial black holes. The amount of money you have to spend buying and maintaining them would be much better invested in something else. $40,000 could get a car that instantly depreciates to $32,000 or less. $40,000 could allow you to live in a cool eastern European city for a year or two comfortably.

Check Sex God Masterclass to learn about topic deeply. Stop making excuses, distracting yourself and come and train with us to learn the real skill that will make you happier than any beer: the ability to seduce women.



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9 Ways To Screw Up A Date

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Learning Seduction is not Optional (Video)

9 Ways To Screw Up A Date

Men often complain that women make it problematic to have sex with them, particularly when a girl comes home after a date. They think “Why would she come to my house if she didn’t want to fuck!” The joke is, she probably did, and your house or the way you acted turned her off.

Here are 9 common ways guys mess up a chance to get laid after a date:

1. The Awkward Invitation

Making a big deal out of asking the girl to come in creates unnecessary tension. This is the moment where you don’t want to make her uncomfortable.

2. The Messy Kitchen

Your house being disgusting is a sure way to turn her off. The guy that doesn’t tidy up before a date is mentally preparing for failure or ruining the mood when she gets home.

3. The Awkward Conversation

Forcing a long drawn out conversation is a reaction guys often fall into when they are nervous of unsure about how to make a move. The longer you remain physically distant and dredging for small talk, the less she wants to be there.

4. The Cockblocking Friend

This can take many forms, the annoying/polite/unaware friends, hers or yours. The worst of course being a male friend (showing her the dubstep remix of two girls one cup), who is competing with you for the girls attention in a lose / lose game. The guy that doesn’t take the lead and handle logistical problems will find his sure thing turning into an epic sex fail.

5. The Disgusting Bathroom

James Marshall: “A girl once told me that she went to a guys house, saw the shit stains smeared on the toilet bowl, and then decided not to fuck him.” Men love bad boys but they hate dirt, shit, pubic hairs, napkins for toilet paper and no towels above floor level.

6. The Man Cave

Laziness and ill preparation under the guise of manly self expression will guarantee to have your date swatting your tit hand away and making her excuses. Remember the golden wisdom of seduction: men have sex to relax, women have sex when relaxed and if the harsh lighting, jizzy odor and bad playlist stress her out, she won’t want to fuck you.

7. The Ruined Moment

A women will often set up a scenario where it’s easy for the guy to kiss her but many men miss the signals or are too cowardly to act. She doesn’t want you to ask or check.

8. The Creepy Kiss Attempt

Well after the ruined moment, trying to kiss her when she’s lost interest and then reacting badly makes an easy justification to her to block your facebook and ignore your texts.

9. The Bitter Nice Guy

Becoming frustrated at her initial rejection, without taking the feedback will not only turn her off on the date but also to ruin any chances to see her again.

Stop making excuses, distracting yourself and come and train with us to learn the real skill that will make you happier than any beer: the ability to seduce women and find love.

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Don't act like her boyfriend if you don't want to get a girlfriend

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The 3 Things You Think Get Sex, But DON’T

Sex Tips: James Epic Seduction Fail

Students often ask us how do we get past a girls resistance or what they can do to get laid, but the reality is it’s often them who is fucking it up! They want sex tips, when the simplest sex tip is just to make a move.

Women will give men all kinds of subtle but clear seduction signals that they are interested and would like the man to take things further, but men will often ignore these or miss them completely. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  1. The guy is too scared of rejection to make a move. He is terrified about what will happen if he tries and fails so he waits and waits for the ‘perfect moment’ which will never arrive
  2. He is clueless about the signals that the woman is sending and actually has no idea that she wants sex. This often comes from naïve or misinformed ideas about female sexuality. Social lies we are told like “girls don’t really like sex, they just trade it for relationships, money, jewelry, shoes”.
  3. Guys with these mindsets will often assume that a woman wont want to have sex with him ‘too early’ and therefore he will put off making a move on her until date 3 or 4, by which point she is confused by his lack of sexuality and turned off by his shyness
  4. He is scared that it will actually go ahead and he won’t know what to do or get stage fright. He might not be able to perform, might go soft from the pressure, or ejaculate too quickly.

The good news is, we’ve all made those seduction mistakes.


The Secret to becoming a Sex God - Inside MMM

Losing Your Mojo? The Truth About Your Sex Drive & Self Sabotage

The number one thing that you can do to avoid this scenario in future is to develop yourself into the kind of guy that just goes for it. The guy that pulls the trigger and tries to sexually escalate, and is comfortable being rejected. If you make this a habit, it becomes easier and easier every time, and women will actually respect you more for it.

Women respect a guy who has the balls to make a move, and the respect to stop when she sets a clear boundary. It’s a winning combination because it shows a strong masculine quality and ability to own your sexual intent without shame or shyness, but also a sensitivity and care for how you’re making her feel and the experience you’re giving her.

Don’t try to become a PUA, try to become someone who takes sexual risks while respecting women in the process. This is the best sex tip of all, because you have 100% control on how many times you pull the trigger in the next month! Make it a habit and you’ll get rejected more, but also get laid more, and never have to deal with the feeling of regret. You’ll know that you at least gave the seduction your best shot. And if you want to get our course to explore the world of ultimate sex mastery in-depth click HERE.

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How to get your Ex Girlfriend back

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3 Sex Tips on Being the Animalistic Lover

How to get your Ex Girlfriend back

There is a huge self-help industry around getting your ex girlfriend/boyfriend back, which I find irresponsible and damaging. It’s the same as offering Ex-junkies a special method to get back on drugs.

This is simply exploiting the loneliness of vulnerable people and is advising devastatingly bad advice from a presupposition of a scarcity of options and assumption that the dead relationship is worth saving. The absolute truth almost without exception is that it NEVER works when couples get back together after a serious breakup (as opposed to a fight where someone sleeps on a couch or at their mothers).

The ultimate advice on how to get your ex girlfriend back is, to never try to get your ex back. It’s called a breakup for a reason, it was broken.

Everyone (including the author) ignores this sage advice sometimes and very often couples will chew up years on again off again, with starkly diminishing returns as the makeup sex and nostalgia fades, to be replaced by bitter disappointment, denial and fatalism.

Here are the top 7 brutal and liberating lessons about breakups:

1. Dragging out the end ruins the rest

The end of a relationship is the worst part, so dragging it out and going through the breakup cycle multiple times is the major reason (along with miscommunicated relationship goals early on) for people to become cynical about relationships in general and carry baggage into the next one. You will rapidly destroy the love and empathy for each other as well as spoil the overall experience as the end takes emotional precedence.

2. Women break up better than men

In general a woman coming out of a relationship will process her emotions faster and deeper than a man. She’ll cry, have a tantrum, get drunk or whatever does it for her and have a catharsis and then move on. (Occasionally she’ll become a stalking psycho but as you start to choose more level headed emotionally mature women this will happen less). She is also much more likely to buy a new dress, go out with her friends and fuck a few guys to get over it. Men will often close themselves off with a few friends and commiserate over hard liquor apathetically swipe through tinder, being flaked on by dumpy suburban girls, sending needy texts to his ex hoping she’ll take him back.

It’s vital that you learn seduction skills and mindsets, not to become the ultimate pick up artist but so that whenever you need to be skillfully single you can be. The best thing you can do after a break up is go out and date new women. Even if it’s fumbling and contrived at first, you need to have regular sexual expression, fun experiences and search for new direction in life.

3. Don’t try to replace your ex

You are not trying to find a replacement to your ex, someone as “good as her”.

You’ll just end up pining for her if you approach every date as a failed audition for girlfriend, with an idealized vision of your ex as the benchmark. You should take this time to explore more easy going less intense flings with girls that may not be your wife material but are fun, kind, sexual, exciting.

This very quickly becomes new energy and drive leading to untold abundance of sexual choice and dating fun.

Being actively single becomes the ideal time to work on yourself, process the mistakes of the last relationship and work on evolving yourself so that when you again meet someone truly compatible you’ll be ready for them.

On the reverse side, the worst thing you could do is jump into a serious relationship with the first or second girl you fuck because you can’t stand the uncertainty of single life, thereby downgrading to an even less fulfilling partnership based off a sloppy rebound.

4. Break ups are liberating and loving

At some point in your life the most caring and compassionate thing to do is leave somebody, or to accept and embrace when they do. Realizing that it is the act of being still together that is holding you both back from a better life experience can be incredibly difficult to accept. To not to take it as personal rejection and blame yourself or her for the inevitable is important. The price of staying in months longer than you should is not just the misery of it but the lost opportunities that passed you by while you were clinging to a redundant relationship.

5. Be clear that it’s over

Being clear about the ending is in alignment with the philosophy of being Natural, honest and direct. You must not only be direct on your opener but through out the whole relationship and especially at the end. A common way men use to breakup is to just become a shit boyfriend, avoid conflict and admitting his decision until she gets fed up and dumps him. By trying to be gentle he ends up causing both of you more pain and conflict. Often this soils the ending leaving bitterness between the couple.

6. Cut contact

You cannot be her counselor or vice versa after a breakup. If you stay in contact regularly you will fight, say horrible shit you regret, have soppy nostalgic chats, or get stuck in weary discussions about culpability and emotions, god help me. You’ll also probably back in bed together and start the whole mess again.

Keep distance until you’d both be happy to be in the same room as each other and your new partner and feel fine about it. That’s usually 6 months to never.

7. Over doesn’t mean failure

Rather than seeing the end as a failure and desperately trying to resuscitate it, see the end for what it is and allow the desires and unexplored paths that had been bubbling under the surface express into reality. This isn’t a failed attempt to find the one but a time in your life with somebody you cared for that has changed and needs to be left behind so that you can both continue to grow, explore and prepare for the next one. This means you will be able to leave each other with relatively little heartache and then quite likely become friends later, continuing the direct and honest communication you always (or mostly) had.Ignore this all at your peril gentlemen, you have been warned. And when you come back after dragging out some god awful breakup, or trying to get a girlfriend pathetically after she’s moved on, while missing heaps of pussy and fun then I’ll just tell you the same thing. Next time you’ll hopefully limit the drama to a couple of weeks.

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The Hero’s Journey Of Seductive Intent (Video)

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Sex Tips: James Epic Seduction Fail

Do You Know How To Read A Woman’s Signals?

The art of reading signals, why it’s ok to fuck up and what’s an “Indicator of Interest” really?

Understanding ‘Indicators of Interest’

Have you ever noticed a girl checking you out?

Maybe she makes eye contact from across the room, then averts her gaze when she sees you looking back.

Or she starts innocently twirling her hair as you’re talking to her, planting a hand on your arm and laughing WAY too hard at a joke that wasn’t that funny.

And you think “man, this girl is SO into me”.

In the old school pick-up lingo these are called ‘indicators of interest’.

But now, something that begun as a loose terminology for a set of behaviours which may or may not be signs that a woman is interested have have been blown WAY out of proportion.

Are indicators of interest real? Do women really give signals? And if so, how do you read them to know that you have a shot with her?


I often say that ‘perfect practice makes perfect’, which trumps the old adage that ‘practice makes perfect’. As an example, if you’re learning guitar and decide to play ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for an hour each day for 10 years, you’ll probably be really good at playing that one song but not be good at anything else.

The more effective way to learn is to practice scales, develop correct finger placement and improve your picking technique, because in order to get good at something you need to know how to practice it in a way that will develop the fundamentals.

Yet still, this can be misunderstood. Anyone with a perfectionist mindset (yes, I’m talking to you!) will obsessively seek out the perfect way of doing things before ever actually getting in any practice.

The Extraordinary Art Of Fucking Up

What comes before perfect practice is imperfect practice, which in layman's terms means fucking up.

A lot.

Even if a woman is giving you signals, it really doesn’t mean anything unless you take action. She could be ready to go back to your place after a mere 5 minutes of small talk, but unless you actually approach her and then pull the trigger it’s never going to happen.

How do you know the right time to do these things? Like I said, by making mistakes. When I was first starting out I knew what it was I had to do, whether it was escalating or inviting her upstairs, but what I didn’t have down were the more nuanced details like timing, logistics, and understanding her mindsets.

After experiencing this period of ‘beginner’s hell’ myself, then learning I wasn’t the only one to have such a hard time starting out, I decided to do something about it. To save you the pain of having to learn seduction the hard way, without any insight or clues on what to do as a beginner, I’ve put together a 3 week course called the Dating Accelerator. You’ll be learning from me and other coaches here at the Natural Lifestyles everything we wished we had known starting out, from tackling approach anxiety to making sure you don’t run out of things to say. Learn more about the course and what’s included by clicking here.

So sure, it can be nice to get attention from women here and there, but I’d say it’s not worth waiting for her to give a signal before taking a risk.

The better alternative is to just assume that she is interested in you. This mindset means that you’re always making a forward action, and awaiting her response. Unless she’s making it clear that it’s not going anywhere by saying she’s not interested, it’s perfectly ok to believe everything is going well.

(...and by the way, this means respecting her boundaries. If she clearly says no, it means no. Period.)

The alternative is to have a negative mindset, and fueling any kind of anxiety or worry or doubt is only going to make you miss out on opportunities.

Lastly, keep in mind that some women can fire off more signals than any man could keep up with yet only be interested in flirting and ‘living life’, whilst other women will never express a single notion of interest yet gladly go home with you as long as you ask.

So stop waiting around for the ‘perfect’ opportunity and start taking risks. Dare to fail. It will pay off in the long run, I promise.

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One Simple Hack That Will Revolutionize How You Talk To Women

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Finding Motivation To Approach Women

One Simple Hack That Will Revolutionize How You Talk To Women

Remember: women feel social pressure too. If she’s suddenly been approached by a cool guy who isn’t trying to impress her or talk her head off, that sends the message that he’s not just another average guy.

Even if you don’t know what to say…

Picture yourself walking down the street, minding your own business. Suddenly someone runs up to you randomly, a complete stranger you’ve never met and starts rambling. Not just rambling, like talking nonsense, but speaking so fast you can barely get a word in.

And before you’ve responded or had a chance to ask them a question, they’ve already moved on and started talking about something else.

Before long it becomes apparent that they have no intention of having an actual conversation with you, or worse, actually want to take the time to find out something about you.

When guys first start approaching, this is something they subject women to ALL. THE. TIME.

And we see it on workshops consistently, no matter which country we coach in, where the guy comes from, 365 days of the year.

Understanding Social Pressure

Whenever two people are interacting, there is an ebb and flow of the conversation that will demonstrate the level of comfort.

If you’re chatting with your mom, you’re not going to be too concerned about making a good impression, hoping that she likes you and you get to see her again.

You’re just going to be casually chatting away, and probably have never even thought about the meta level of the conversational dynamic. But if its a super hot girl you’re talking to, that is a complete stranger and could brutally reject you, suddenly the stakes are higher.

Enter social pressure.

Your throat tightens up. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and your palms start to sweat.

Instead of letting the anxiety get to you, it’s possible to just sit with the tension.

This means speaking slowly.

This means intentional pauses.

This means awkward silences.


Here’s The Key:

Women feel social pressure too. If she’s suddenly been approached by a cool guy who isn’t trying to impress her or talk her head off, that sends the message that he’s not just another average guy.

He might even have something to offer her.

And suddenly she feels social pressure. She starts filling the awkward silences for you, asking you questions about yourself, maybe even trying to impress you.

Just like that, with one simple shift, you’ve all of a sudden gone from bumbling mess to attractive guy.

Sound too easy?

Then try this. Next time you’re talking to a girl, even if it’s at work or in class, just try shutting up. As soon as you feel the impulse to talk, notice it, then say nothing.

And watch the magic happen.

Remember that you can start to break your social pressure RIGHT NOW with Marshall Meditation Method online course. Click here.

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How To Deal With High Energy People

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Do You Know How To Read A Woman’s Signals?

How To Deal With High Energy People

If everyone around you is talking, making jokes, jumping around, it can seem like they’re the life of the party, having all of the fun, and you’re kind of a wet blanket who’s bringing everyone down.

Even if you’re an introvert and ‘low energy’

Today’s question comes from Kevin in Vienna who asks:

As an introverted guy, I feel nervous and awkward around high energy or extroverted girls. How do I handle these situations?

Being an introvert myself I know how uncomfortable it can get being in a social situation with people who are high energy and feeling really overwhelmed.

If everyone around you is talking, making jokes, jumping around, it can seem like they’re the life of the party, having all of the fun, and you’re kind of a wet blanket who’s bringing everyone down.

This can be especially hard when it comes to girls who want to race off and explore the world, or who talk non-stop, or are constantly distracted by people and things around them.

It can seem like they have an endless abundance of energy. So why would a girl like that want to hang around with a low energy guy?


The Path Out Of Loneliness - Dating Workshop Documentary

The Truth about Social Anxiety - James Marshall's Solution for Introverts

Accepting Yourself

Firstly, if you’re a low energy guy, you need to accept it.

There’s no use fooling yourself into thinking that you can just ‘pump your state’ and suddenly match the energy of people who are naturally extroverted.

Not only will you burn out very soon, but it will become apparent to everyone around you that you’re putting on a facade to be more like them, rather than just being comfortable in your own skin.

But sometimes, being yourself CAN be uncomfortable, right?

What are you supposed to do with all of that nervous tension that’s building up inside of you?

How do you cope with the thoughts running through your head telling you that she’s getting bored or wishes you were more fun?

Is it even possible to shift away from that paralysis and towards taking action, like getting her number, or if it’s a date, going for a kiss?

Yes, it is. But the solution may surprise you.

Basking In The Awkwardness

Instead of reacting to the awkward feelings that come up when you’re around high energy people, have you ever thought about just sitting in it?

I know it may sound counter intuitive, because if something is uncomfortable, we’re biologically programmed to get away from it.

Next time you’re in a social situation around lots of high energy people, try this:

  1. Begin by acknowledging to yourself, even in your mind, that you’re uncomfortable.
  2. Notice that you have tension inside of you that says “if i don’t do something right now, something bad is going to happen”
  3. Wait for the tension to resolve.

Sound too good to be true?

I’m sure it does! Let me tell you though, I’m frequently getting myself into situations that make me feel awkward and uncomfortable. Even clothes shopping can freak me out; as soon as I walk into the store I have these cool chicks asking me all of these questions when I don’t even know what I want!

But then all I do is acknowledge that the tension is there, that I’m uncomfortable, and let it pass. If it seems too hard for you right now, I’d suggest checking out the Marshall Meditation Method. This is an online course designed to teach you meditation even if you’ve never learned how before.

The reason why meditation is so useful in these situations is because instead of not knowing what to do with all of the tension inside of you, suddenly you have the tools to just let it be there.

And the more you accept those feelings and make way for them, the sooner they will shift and change and move to something else.

In real life, this looks like someone else doing something to resolve the tension. Maybe someone will crack a joke, or the girl will ask you a question.

So make sure you try it next time you’re in an uncomfortable situation, and let me know how it goes!

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Suicidal Thoughts: The Hidden Pain of Young Men

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One Simple Hack That Will Revolutionize How You Talk To Women

Suicidal Thoughts: The Hidden Pain of Young Men

Truth is, you can’t instantly be the successful guy with the suit and rolex and hot blonde when you’re an 18 year old. Bottling up those other feelings generally turns guys to addictions like alcohol and drugs, violence against themselves or others, turning the feelings inwards into depression or in the worst cases, suicide.

Why You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Recently I received a really heartfelt message from a young guy in Mexico who was having a hard time getting over a girl he was particularly fond of. So much so that he was contemplating suicide after losing her.

This video is for any guy out there who has been hung up on one particular girl and felt their world was over when they didn’t get her.

The Struggle of Emotion

There is a huge stigma against men speaking out about their emotions, displaying weakness or that they can’t cope with what’s happening to them. As men, we’re expected to be tough, be strong, and feel pressure to constantly prove ourselves. Truth is, you can’t instantly be the successful guy with the suit and rolex and hot blonde when you’re an 18 year old. Bottling up those other feelings generally turns guys to addictions like alcohol and drugs, violence against themselves or others, turning the feelings inwards into depression or in the worst cases, suicide.

Throughout my teens and early twenties I experienced some very intense phases of depression. In those moments it can really feel like there is no way out, that things aren’t going to get better, and my habit was to seek out reinforcement of that idea but surrounding myself with negative influences. Having experienced those periods in my life and worked through them has allowed me to see that it is entirely objective; the experience itself is real, but the physical, mental and emotional aspects can change and evolve in a positive way.

When you’re young and inexperienced with women, particularly coming from a place of scarcity, it’s very easy to get tunnel vision and think you’ve found ‘the one’. Losing that girl or getting rejected can be absolutely devastating. Yes, heartbreak is a fucking bitch. In reality there is no ’the one’. There are multiple people you will meet throughout your life who you will share a deep and intimate bond with. The reason you cling onto one woman is because of the scarcity mindset; thinking that if you don’t get this one girl, you’ve fucked your once chance up and it will never happen for you.

Spreading Your Wings

Instead of focusing on one woman, get out into life and explore. Try on different personalities, different behaviours, different hobbies and interests, different friend groups, and especially different women. This will help you to get closer to what your passion really is, finding out who you really are and want you really want.

If you are feeling suicidal:

  • Talk to somebody about it, speak about it candidly. A family member or a professional (most countries have free hotlines you can call to talk to someone if you’re feeling suicidal).
  • Wait one more day. And then wait one more day. And then one more day. Don’t look it as a long term thing, think about your survival on a day by day basis.
  • Return back to the simple things in life that make you happy. Go for a walk, enjoy the sunshine and nature, interact with animals, eat some healthy, wholesome food.
  • If you’re particularly hung up on one girl, go out and meet some new girls, for the specific purpose of having fun and having sex.

And if you’re in a position to go to the next level by really conquering these tormenting thoughts, my online course the Marshall Meditation Method is designed to teach you a simple yet profound meditation system designed to draw your focus away from negative thoughts and into the present moment. Make sure you check it out by clicking here.

For now, stay strong.

But don’t be Tough.


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Women Who Don’t Give Out Their Phone Number

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How To Deal With High Energy People

WARNING: Your Friends Are Stopping You From Getting Laid

This whole fear that men have around other men ‘getting ahead’ of them is really to do with insecurity. Men are afraid to face up to the idea that there is some room for improvement.

The Negative Side of Having a Shitty Social Circle

There’s a little secret I know about you.

If my hunch is correct, I’m the only one that knows it.

Maybe you’ve told a friend or two.

But I’m guessing it’s just you and I who are in on this one.

And I have some news for you.

I’m now sharing it on the internet, for the whole world to see.

Are you scared?

You should be.

See, I know that because you’re reading this very article, you want to become a better version of yourself.

There. I said it. It had to be done.

No More Hiding

Men have this incredibly weird stigma around self improvement, especially in countries like Australia where I grew up.

For some reason as soon as someone in the ‘group’ wants to expand, to grow, to set a new course in their life everyone else raises arms and becomes determined to do whatever it takes to keep them in their place.

You’ll see this happening on social media all of the time. Guys ripping on their friend for having something as simple as a well lit, professionally shot profile picture.

Heaven forbid that he actually try to make a good impression. I suppose the ‘entry requirement’ for that social circle is having a lame selfie that was taken at 3am when you were drunk as a profile picture.

Breaking The Norm

This whole fear that men have around other men ‘getting ahead’ of them is really to do with insecurity. Men are afraid to face up to the idea that there is some room for improvement.

As a dating coach I especially encounter this a lot when it comes to men’s romantic lives.

It’s common for men to greatly overstate their abilities and success with women, because anything less would be to admit a flaw in their masculinity.

In extreme cases like Australia it actually makes you less of a man in some people’s eyes if you aren’t “killin’ it with the ladies”.

That’s why I know that you’re different. The very fact that you’re here tells me that you are at least willing to admit that there is some room for improvement.

Maybe you can even admit that you aren’t satisfied with your dating life.

Perhaps you would even go as far as saying you need help.

And that’s ok. That’s what we’re here for.

Getting The Help You Need

I often have to remind guys that very few men actually have someone in their everyday life to teach or demonstrate dating skills to them.

Unless you’ve just been genetically gifted as a natural, or had a Dad/Uncle/Brother/Friend show you the ropes, it’s ok to be clueless.

It’s not like there is some Dating Skills 101 class offered up in universities these days that you just decided to skip out on because you had more important priorities like playing Xbox.

This is why I’ve created the online course The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction, which is designed to teach you everything you need to know about seduction. It’s a comprehensive 5 week program that begins with meditation to help with your anxiety, and ramps up to more complex topics like emotional connection and escalation.

You can learn more by clicking here.


Why Your Friends Are WRONG About Dating


"Course Unboxing" - What's Inside The Five Principles - Legacy Edition?

Cutting The Ties

When all’s said and done, sometimes you need to cut ties with those who are holding you back.

A lot of guys are uncomfortable about even entertaining this notion, especially if they have life long friendships that need to be let go.

But what are your options?

You can continue having that person, or those people in your life, and keep playing small.

You can cut them out completely.

Or you can try to bring them along with you, which can sometimes make getting ahead in life even harder because you now have EXTRA resistance to deal with.

If this resonates with you at all, maybe it’s time to sit down and think about who you need to let go of.


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