The Natural Lifestyles – Before MLM Changes Backup

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How to effortlessly talk to any girl you like ... even if you've always been afraid in the past!

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4 Day Workshop
NOV 1ST - NOV 4TH 2024

Barcelona Workshop

1 spot(s) available
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7 Day Workshop
APR 21st - APR 27th 2025

Budapest Workshop

5 spot(s) available
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If you are a single guy struggling to connect with women, please know this…

The reason for your lack of success isn’t because you're not using the latest “PUA” tactics, nor is it because you don’t have what society deems attractive to women.

Do you want to waste years, money, your time and energy, trying to impress women with success and money, or grabbing the next dating gimmick, hoping for an edge? Or are you finally ready to make a significant change and get the women you want and deserve?
James Marshall
CEO of The Natural Lifestyles

Alex León

Executive Coach

Alex brings a unique perspective to the coaching team having had humble beginnings as an introverted German/Austrian heavily invested in electronics and programming, only to break free and embrace a new way of connecting with women and the world.

More about Alex

Shae Matthews

Inner Game Coach

Our resident Inner Game coach, Shae Matthews specializes in removing a student’s internal blockages, and rewiring their core beliefs through a combination of meditation, NLP and other techniques to help them fast track their way to success with women...

More about Shae

James Marshall

CEO of The Natural Lifestyles

Founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles, James specializes in low-energy, high-impact seduction. Combining years of hardcore Shaolin Kung Fu training with years of Australian hippy rock and roll game, James’ wide variety of experiences allows him to see the simple problems stopping men from having the women they want, and the steps needed to be taken to become natural with women.

More about James

Virag Tierra

Executive Coach

After being personally trained by James for the past five years and collaborating on dozens of workshops as a guest-teacher, TNL’s newest rising star, Virag, has now joined the crew as a full-time executive coach.

More about Virag

Combining dozens of years of experience in Natural Seduction & Lifestyle Design, The team at "The Natural Lifestyles" specializes in taking men from a dating life of scarcity and little abundance of women, to giving them the freedom and choice that they desire in their relationships.

My name is James Marshall, and I’m the founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles: The only dating coaching company in the world that focuses on becoming “Natural” with women.

Since 2008 The Natural Lifestyles has been a pioneering world leader in natural seduction, inner change and lifestyle design. Thousands of men have smashed their dating, sex, love and lifestyle goals using our methods and philosophy and now it’s your chance.

But what does it mean to be “Natural” with women?

Throughout history there have been men who were “Naturals”. Casanovas, Lotharios, men who were able to attract beautiful women time and time again. And they weren’t necessarily handsome Greek Gods with chiseled bodies, nor were they rich tycoons with millions of dollars to splash.

However, they understood women on an intimate level that had the world’s most coveted women falling head over heels with them, time and time again.

I myself didn’t start out natural with women

In my early years, I was a flute playing, opera obsessed nerd who got constantly bullied by the jocks, and hardly any girls paid attention to me.

I went through a long journey of self discovery which took me to studying Kung Fu in Shaolin temple, touring Australia in a funk band, studying eastern philosophies, sexual practices and healing methods. All the while learning about women, building social circles, changing my psyche, healing old pain and daily anxiety and gradually discovering my potential.
And when I discovered the underground “pickup” scene, I threw myself deep into the art of seduction, going through the painful trial and error process to get the women I wanted. For two years I dedicated myself full time to approaching seducing and deconstructing the science and art of spontaneous natural seduction.

Eventually, I found myself joining up with a crew of 3 other “Naturals” who all had distinctly different styles with women. From blindingly fast rapid escalations in glamour clubs, to low energy, almost hypnotic seductions.

Rolling with these guys night after night I closely watched their movements and thinking processes. Amongst all the differences I saw the unifying principles at work behind each unique seduction.

I took these principles, which eventually I developed into the "Five Principles of Natural Seduction"


The Five Principles

The Five Principles were born

I started teaching the early students of TNL a rough, unpolished version of them… but even then it worked, and it worked well. Over the years TNL’s coaches and I have continued to innovate, experiment and pass on new yet timeless methods for dating and sexual success.It didn’t matter what race, height or age they were… if they used the principles, they became uniquely capable with women, and were able to pull off seductions they’d only dreamed of in the past.

But becoming “Natural” is just a fraction of what we teach our clients

The fact is that within the seduction coaching industry, there is a culture of immature masculinity: where men are only competing to rack up the number of girls they’ve slept with, without using it as a tool to deepen their understanding of themselves, and to truly fulfill their potential as a man in the 21st century.

There is no shame here

If you’re looking to sleep with dozens of smoking hot girls before finding someone to get into a relationship with, we will show you the way.

And if you’re looking to just find one quality woman to have a great relationship with, we’ll show you how to do that as well.

On a live TNL program, our aim is to create a safe space to finally open up and grow in this crucial area of your life

Men who find us often come from conservative or religious backgrounds that have led to them hiding their sexuality, and pushing away these natural human desires.

Guys who are analytical by nature or habit and often haven’t been able to yet unlock their potential for flowing, fun and sexy interactions with women, especially ones they’ve just met.

We work with our clients to get out of their heads, trying to plan their next move and instead learn the frameworks of good sexual communication and then how to let go and drop into relaxed spontaneous flow. We encourage our clients to open up their blocked emotions, clear their minds and direct their will and desire clearly without the need to be an arrogant prick.

There is no culture of competition or judgmental attitude on our programs

The men who are on the same program as you have been screened to be individuals whose intentions with women are positive, and from a place of authenticity and intimacy.

However, they understood women on an intimate level that had the world’s most coveted women falling head over heels with them, time and time again.


Online Academy

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Remember: What one man can do,
another man can do as well

I myself did not grow up natural with women. In my own seduction journey, I went from geeky flute-playing nerd to being a low energy, relaxed seducer through painful trial and error, and being lucky enough to stumble upon and become friends with several other naturals who showed me the ropes.

Today, you don’t have to go through that struggle. We have taken the guesswork out of the equation for you, and we can show you the steps to becoming the natural you want to be, and to have the women that you dream of.

We helped hundreds of men around the world transform their lives

The Euro Tour was one of the most transforming life and learning experiences I have had. I highly recommend it to anyone that has had issues connecting with women (emotionally and sexually), lacked inner confidence or who have struggled to exert control over the course of their own lives. The tour doubles as a great way to soak up the atmosphere (and incredibly hot women) of central Europe and make a bunch of instant close friends. In short it’s both revelatory and incredible fun.
Adam, 36
The Eurotour was an exceptional experience and one of the most intense times of my life. I chose The Natural Lifestyles because of James Marshall. He was the first pick-up artist who had a similar personality to me in many regards. Naturally introverted, highly independent, a lone wolf on his quest for truth. I was deeply impressed by his aura of purposefulness and wisdom. There are undoubtedly many other professional PUAs out there who are extremely good at what they do and successfully draw attractive women into their lives. But I always found many of these men had become somewhat delusional and weird living in their pick-up-bubble for too long. James was the first I truly looked up to in every area of life.
I got a lot more than expected from Eurotour. It was a life changing experience for me that led me to have a lot of breakthroughs. In the beginning, I was very hesitant to sign up for this program because of the review I read on this website about “instructors being more interested in approaching girls themselves than to watch students grow”. I have taken other companies’ workshops in the past, and it was a legitimate concern for me that instructors would not be teaching as much as they advertised. I figured that I would at least start a good habit by going out and approaching women every day even if I did not end up learning as much as they advertised.
Kay T
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So here's what to do now if you want to...

Unlock your inner natural

Exclusive Live Coaching

Highly customised, live 4, 7 and 10-day programs. Worldwide, the ultimate option for fast and effective results.

100% free inquire. Get a free consulting call with one of our TNL team members.

Online Programs

Online paid programs and products, ranking from "Beginner Foundations" to "Advanced Seductive Frameworks.

Online Coaching Session

Online 1-on-1 Skype coaching sessions. Fast and easy way to get custom feedback. Schedule a session with one of our coaches.

Make no apology, take full responsibility

There’s a sea of lost men in this world who continually struggle with women, and never reach their full potential of what they could be if only they had the mentors and tools to develop themselves.

Just a heads up that you don’t have forever to work with me. I’ve been coaching men for nearly a decade now, and if you want me to personally help you with your dating problems you’ll need to get moving, as I plan on shifting into different ventures over the next few years.

Limited Training Possibilities

Join James Marshall and the world's greatest team of seduction, internal power and baller lifestyle design coaches - Shae Matthews, Virag Tierra, and Alex León this year to smash your limitations and achieve your true potential with women, confidence and lifestyle.

Inquire for live workshops