Being Analytical Ruins Your Sex Life

Does being an analytical thinker make you unique?

The Fallacy Of Being An Analytical Guy

Today I wanted to talk to you about something that I come across on nearly every workshop I run. It occurs so commonly that I think the only way to really get through to you is to just come right out and say it. Here goes.

Being an analytical thinker does NOT make you unique.

The Upside of Being Analytical

Now, if you’re reading this it’s a good chance that you are an analytical thinker. Most of my clients are above average intelligence and working in logical technical fields.

You spend a lot of your time thinking about concepts, philosophizing about things that have happened, are happening and could happen - considering every single angle possible of a problem before taking action.

It’s possible that you’re right now thinking how pissed off you are at me for saying you’re not special, and formulating a cohesively structured logical argument in your mind to prove me wrong.

I’m not saying analysis is a bad thing. Especially if you’re working in a job that requires you to be analytical.

The last thing I want is to be driving across a bridge, built by an engineer who decided his first draft was ‘good enough’, because it will probably collapse and kill me.

...and the Downside

However, it DOES become a problem when you start to wear it as a badge of honor, as though it makes you special.

If your thinking habits are making seduction harder, you need to really ask yourself if it’s worth the trade off. The problem is that when you are so invested in analysis you can’t shift into the more creative, loose way of thinking needed to approach women.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard guys say “my mind works differently than everyone else”.

The truth is that effective seducers do not use analysis when approaching and seducing women. They use presence, spontaneous flow and real time re-calibration by reading the situation through their senses rather than by thinking through the problem.

Analysis is Your Enemy in Seduction.

Trust me, I’ve been there. As a teenager I thought that I was the only one who was considering the deeper spiritual and philosophical meanings to life.

That all of the meatheads didn’t have the mental capacity to transverse the intricacies that my mind could.

That is, until I discovered meditation. A way for me to observe my thoughts instead of thinking that I WAS my thoughts.

Part of my motivation for creating the Marshall Meditation Method, my six week online course designed to teach a comprehensive yet practical meditation system, was to help guys who are stuck in their heads all day, just like I was. To show them that it’s possible to stop overthinking and shift their focus to being in the present moment.

That they aren’t a one dimensional being, that ‘analytical thinker’ isn’t the only way to describe themselves. That they can be spontaneous, and fun, and free, and flowing in the moment. They can experience life as it is, now, in reality, instead of inside of their heads. If you want to learn more about the course click HERE for full details.

Remember, if you are an analytical guy it doesn’t mean you suddenly need to forsake that part of yourself. Obviously there are times in life when it is useful, but recognize that there is a whole other side to you that is creative, spontaneous and playful which has been repressed for a long time and NEEDS to come out if you ever hope to get better with women.


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Dealing With Objections

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Dealing With Objections

What To Say To Women Who Have Been Approached Before?

What To Say To Women Who Have Been Approached Before

If you’ve been out approaching you might have encountered a woman who has been approached before, or might not be very open to it happening and try to leave.

So how do you get her comfortable enough to stay? Should you just ‘plow’ through it and pretend it’s not happening, or deal with it there and then?

The Plowing Problem

In the old days dating coaches used to teach something called ‘plowing’. The basic idea is that any time a woman gives you an objection, whether it’s that she’s busy and can’t talk to you, or that she doesn’t give her numbers out to strangers, you should just ignore it and push past it.

It works off an assumption that women are easily distracted, and that by drawing her attention to something else and spiking her emotions in some way you can move through the objection.

The trouble is that you’re never actually dealing with what’s happening there and then.

This might not seem like big deal to her in the moment, but it can slowly spiral out of control if she’s not careful, and get her caught up in a bad situation. A guy who doesn’t notice she’s uncomfortable being touched could easily become aggressive and forceful.

This is what women mean when they say something or someone is creepy. That they’re unable to pick up on social cues enough to understand that someone isn’t comfortable or open to something, and just keep pushing past it.

Finding The Balance

So what should you do instead?

Sometimes men will get reactive when women give them objections. They’ll get angry or fall into a defensive position because they feel like they’ve done something wrong.

Other times men will become apologetic, saying sorry for approaching them, which really comes across as “sorry for being a man and finding you attractive”. Not exactly the most empowering position to be in.

The middle line is to just simply acknowledge the objection.

A common complaint women have is that they don’t feel seen and heard by men, which often times is because men just aren’t paying attention, or are afraid to ruin their chances and so they opt for saying nothing.

As you’ll see in the in-field video, I approach a woman who knows about guys running around NYC approaching.

I didn’t defend myself by saying “I’m not like that”, or apologize for approaching her, I just reaffirmed what she said, and asked some questions.

That’s it.

Paying Attention

So if this is something you’d like to get better at, how do you learn to pay more attention when you’re meeting women?

The single most useful tool that has helped me to do this is meditation, and I’ll tell you why.

In the Marshall Meditation Method online course I teach a form of meditation that is all about practical implementation. This means that instead of sitting around on a cushion in your house and meditation, only to leave all of that mindfulness behind, you carrying that sense of presence and awareness into your day.

Not only that, but in those moments when you feel like you need to apologize or get reactive, you can instead notice what’s happening internally, then take a step in another direction. You can learn more about meditation and my online course by clicking HERE.

Developing this sense of awareness helps not only when you’re approaching women, but also on dates and in the bedroom.

In all of these environments you’re going to encounter objections from women, and sometimes they might not even be spoken verbally. If you can notice them and call them out, it makes you instantly more attractive to women because they feel like you truly see and hear them, something most men aren’t able to offer them.

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When Should You Start Approaching Hotter Girls?

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Being Analytical Ruins Your Sex Life

When Should You Start Approaching Hotter Girls?

When it comes to approaching, if you have very little experience with women should you be matching your standards to your skill?”

Punching Above Your Weight In Seduction

When it comes to approaching, if you have very little experience with women should you be matching your standards to your skill?”

I actually hear this question a lot as I’m constantly interacting with men of a varied level of skill, from guys who are brand new to approaching on our workshops to more advanced students wanting to date models and have threesomes.

It can be a confusing conundrum. On one hand, if you only ever go for the girls that are WAY hotter than you’ve gotten before, you might end up getting frustrated and burnt out from the lack of results. At the same time, it can feel really lousy just dating ordinary girls and feeling like you deserve better.

Back In My Day...

When I look back to starting out in 2006, I approached all sorts of girls.

I hate to use a crude number scale rating, but I had sex with a bunch of girls I would now lovingly call “friendly five’s” and “saucy sixes”.

To be real with you, I had some great times fucking chubby girls or pretty girls with something weird going on like a lazy eye or an odd body. They were sexy and had something going on, but just weren’t that hot.

At the time I had so much to learn about sex, women, and how the whole seduction process actually worked. These were the girls who would give me the time of day considering my growing skill set, and so I took that opportunity to share a great time with a girl and to learn something.


OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY (Why Awkwardness is your Friend)

A Young Man's Guide To Being Attractive To Hotter Women

Learning The Ropes

If you’re just starting out like I was, the early days can be a sweet space to be in and one that you should enjoy.

That’s not to say I didn’t approach the stunners either. Not all the time, admittedly. Sometimes I would pussy out. But the ones that I did get, here and there, were incredible learning experiences for me.

I either figured things out as I went along, adjusting as need be and picking up after myself, or saw a gaping hole in my skill set that needed to be addressed.

This process of constantly reflecting on my abilities and refining them was eventually consolidated in a course I’ve put together called the ‘Dating Accelerator’. I was lucky enough during this beginner stage to have a group of role models around me who I could learn from, and a keen determination to get this handled no matter what the cost.

Meanwhile I know a lot of guys starting out don’t have that same atmosphere or drive, and those early disappointments, girls flaking, harsh rejections, walking home empty handed can take it’s toll. By taking the ‘Dating Accelerator’ online course you’ll ensure you have a solid understanding of the key fundamentals you need to make this period a lot smoother so you can get to the good part. Be sure to check it out by clicking here.

Putting Yourself In HER Shoes

If you’re only going for amazing women, and you can’t compete with guys who have a higher sexual marketplace value than you, you’re going to have a really hard time. I’m talking about guys that are more attractive than you, have more to offer, are more connected or who have better game.

Take a moment to put yourself in her shoes.

Let’s say it’s a young girl, maybe 19, and she’s a model. She’s living in a world where she is professionally beautiful, and needs to be interacting with some big players, professional photographers, event managers, club promoters, you get the idea.

When she meets you, she’s going to be asking herself “What’s in it for me? He wants to fuck me, but so does every other guy!”.

See what I mean?

That’s not to say you won’t get there eventually. But for now, you need to be realistic about what level you’re at, and what results you can expect. Take stock of your current situation and just focus on the next step, not getting to the top of the mountain from base camp.


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Uncomfortable Talking About Sex?

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Uncomfortable Talking About Sex?

How comfortable are you talking about sex with a woman you’re attracted to?

Why Sex Is Hard To Talk About

How comfortable are you talking about sex with a woman you’re attracted to?

In today’s video I sat down with Theodora, one of our role-play models here at The Natural Lifestyles who joins us on workshops to work 1 on 1 with guys, helping them to be more comfortable expressing themselves sexually.

After coaching guys for many years I’ve observed a whole bunch of strategies that guys have to deal with the pressure that comes along with talking about sex.

But where does this pressure come from? I mean, nobody feels awkward about discussing their favourite movie, or what they typically order at Starbucks.

So why should sex be any different?

Misguided Beliefs About Sex

A large part of it has to do with sex being so taboo. After all, most of us are living in societies founded on religions which had strict views on sex. These have then evolved into social norms and stigmas about what is and isn’t acceptable.

And maybe part of it has to do with our evolutionary biology and the way we evolved to interact with each other socially.

But instead of delving into the theory side of things it's much more productive to talk about how this shows up in your life, and what to do about it.

One of the core areas I focus on in my online course,Sex God Masterclass, is your beliefs about sex. Whether or not you’ve ever explored this realm of your psyche I can guarantee they’re influencing how you act around women you want to sleep with, and as a result, how much sex you have.

If you’re interested in having an expert guide you through this process of self-discovery and give you the tools you need to change your beliefs, you can learn more about the course by clicking here.

Whatever the cause may be, talking about sex with a girl who you’re not currently sleeping with brings with it a degree of tension. You’re not sure if what you’re saying will offend her, or if it's rude to talk about it, or how that will affect your chances on sleeping with her in the future.

This underlying tension will then influence how you talk about sex.

“Just Act Natural”...

As humans we naturally shy away from anything that brings discomfort. So when you find yourself in a situation where sex is being discussed, maybe because you’re in a group discussion with her friends, or you pass by a lingerie store and she comments on a piece she likes, that discomfort will instantly hit you, forcing you to respond.

Some guys will ignore the topic altogether. Maybe they’ll say “oh, I don’t really like it, but I guess if it’s your thing that’s fine”. In essence this is a rejection of her expression of her sexuality. She’s trying to share her sexual world with you, and you’re basically saying “no thanks”.

Other guys will try to diffuse the tension through humour. Making crude jokes like “yeah, one time I saw a stripper wearing a piece just like” which, whilst alleviating the tension, again shuts down her invitation to talk about sex with you.

The best response is to act is a natural way.

Easier said than done, right?

I’m not going to give away all of my secrets today, but I want to assure you that there is room for growth here. Once you’re able to express your sexuality in a way that feels natural to you, you’re going to be opening up a lot of doors with the women you come across in life.

You’ll be able to show that you’re not embarrassed by sex, that you’re not ashamed of your sexual urges, and when it comes to being in the bedroom she’ll know it’s not going to be an awkward experience where you’re constantly making jokes to ease the tension, or even shaming her for sleeping with you.

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Ever Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough For Women?

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Ever Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough For Women?

For whatever reason, a lot of guys believe that they don’t deserve what they desire. Maybe it’s women, or maybe it’s money, or success, or happiness.

Deserving The Best

Imagine what it would be like if you felt like you were entitled to the woman of your dreams.

I mean truly, like you really deserved her and not once, even for a second, doubted that you were worthy of her.

What would that be like?

How would you speak to her? Touch her? Look at her?

What thoughts would run through your head? How would it affect the other areas of your life, work, family, interacting with other women?

I think for most guys they aspire to reach a point one day when they really do feel like they deserve that woman. The smart ones recognize they need to do a lot of work on themselves if they’re ever going to get there. The rest delude themselves into thinking they’re already there…

But for now, it’s likely that you’re carrying around some kind of limiting belief about women which is holding you back.

Feeling Unworthy

After being a dating coach for over 10 years I can safely say that every man has at least one limiting belief, and they vary widely.

Some guys think that women won’t like them because they’re not tall enough.

Others think they need to have more of something…money…status…looks.

Occasionally I coach guys who are from certain racial backgrounds that feel leaves them at a disadvantage with women.

Yet these can all be summed up in a single belief, which may vary semantically, but is thematically singular.

“I’m not worthy”.

For whatever reason, guys believe that they don’t deserve what they desire. Maybe it's women, or maybe it's money, or success, or happiness.

After some deduction it can seem that this belief is very black and white. The opposite of “I’m not worthy” is, one may assume “I am worthy”.

Yet does that mean there are some men out there who are completely deluding themselves 100% of the time into thinking that they deserve the best of everything no matter what? I mean, maybe there are, but I’d easily slot them into the sociopath/psychopath category, because they’d be completely blind to any and all external feedback from the world.

Rather it’s more like a spectrum.

If you’re on the side of feeling completely unworthy, that’s going to reflect in your day to day life: how you walk, talk, interact with people, even how you view your future and set goals.

But moving out of that space doesn’t have to mean fooling yourself into thinking that everything is perfect and that you’re the greatest thing to ever grace the earth, because you’re not, and never will be.

Instead, what if you shifted the slider over a little? What if you started thinking like those guys out there who, for the most part, save for the hard times in their lives, generally felt and believed they were worthy of the women they desired?

How would a man like that walk? What would he say to people, and how would he say it? How would he look at women? What interpretation would he have about events that didn’t go his way?

Defining The Meaning Of Rejection

Let’s take approaching as an example. When guys first start out on workshops they’re often hyper aware of the mistakes they’re making. They instantly interpret their ‘bad approaches’ or ‘rejections’ as failure, as though they have done something wrong, or more accurately, that it is a reflection of some deep and dark flaw within them.

And yeah, often times there is room for improvement when it comes to their approaching and seduction skills, which is the value of coaching. Having experts there who have been through what you’re experiencing and can guide you to improve. If you’re in need of some tips to get started, I’ve put together a 3 week beginners course called the Dating Accelerator. By the end of the course you’ll know all of the basic nuts and bolts you need to start approaching women in your day to day life, including what to say as an opener, how to structure conversations, and getting her phone number. You can learn more by clicking here.

But even the way they interpret it can be changed. If a woman rejects you, it doesn't always have to mean that you’re unworthy of her. Maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend. Or maybe her cat died. Or maybe the barista gave her regular milk instead of soy milk and she’s had terrible gas all morning (might make you reconsider a date with that hot Russian model you approached…)

Who knows? The important thing is that it doesn’t necessarily have to mean something about you.

So start thinking about the negative beliefs you have about yourself, or about women, or even the world. What is the opposite of that belief?

Write down how a person would walk, talk, behave and operate in the world. Then try on some of those behaviours or attitudes for the day. Notice how people treat you, and notice how you feel about your life in general. The results will surely surprise you.


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Do Dating Workshops Really Work?

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Do Dating Workshops Really Work?

…and will it work personally for you?

Sometimes, taking a dating workshop isn't so much about a guaranteed result and more about what you want for yourself and your life

Today I want to talk about the most common fear most guys have about attending a dating workshop, and maybe this is something you can relate to.

Of course guys have understandable fears around approaching, a niggling sense that they're not good enough for really amazing women but these tend to get cleared up in the early days as they have lived experiences of moving through their anxiety and getting great responses from women.

Simply put, some part of them always wonders “will this work for me?”.

To be honest, it's always a tough question to answer.

I know that most guys want some kind of quantitative answer.

“90% of our students get laid one week after the workshop!”

“10 dates in the first month after your workshop or your money back!”

“4 out of 5 guys report their cocks have tripled in size since attending the EuroTour!”

Ok, so maybe I’m being a little facetious, but I’m simply trying to highlight that looking for some kind of numerical answer to this question is a black hole. It’s like trying to find an answer to the question “what is happiness?”

So, tell me…

What do YOU want to get out of a workshop?

Defining Success

Something I consistently notice when meeting clients at the beginning of a workshop is how much time they’ve spent over-analyzing all of the problems in their life, how terrible they are with women and what’s stopping them from approaching. But they spend little time thinking about what they actually want.

Sure, they might say they want to “be able to approach” or “spend time around the coaches”. But those aren’t really goals.

To clear up the confusion, ask yourself this:

If you had just completed a workshop with The Natural Lifestyles, how would you KNOW that it had been a success for you?

What would you be able to do? What changes would you see in yourself as a man? How would you feel?

Because the answer to that question is what will determine whether or not a workshop will work for you.

If you aim to leave a workshop having had a threesome with two playboy bunnies, then I can safely say that it’s an unrealistic goal for a workshop and probably not going to happen. It’s not to say that can’t happen for you in the future (and if it does please email me with the story!), but it’s just not what we’re out to do.

Our primary focus for our clients is to help them express themselves to women in an authentic way. Mind you, this isn’t the same as the self-help cliche of ‘be yourself’, because I can guarantee there are a bunch of things you’re doing right now when meeting women that are blowing your chances, and it’s likely that you don’t even register what they are.

What we really need to do is take you through a process of balancing. Taking a look at all of the things you’re doing too much of (saying sorry, talking to fast, nodding for no reason) and toning them down.

Then, looking at all of the things you’re not doing enough, and amping them up. Being aware of your emotions and hers. Expressing your sexual intent. Holding pressure.

But that’s just the workshop itself. The real journey begins after the workshop, when you’re back home and left to your own devices.

This, I think, is what most guys worry about when they wonder about taking a workshop. It’s easy to approach when you have myself at your side, but what about when you get back home?

Learning To Motivate Yourself

It’s a good thing to think about because ultimately we cannot do the work for you. Imagine spending a week with one of the best personal trainers in the world. Someone who can give you an optimal work-out plan, breaking down each movement into its simplest parts, telling you what to eat, when to eat, and even how to stretch.

And then imagine finishing your time with that trainer. Would you be motivated to go to the gym? Maybe at first. But what about a few weeks later when you get caught up in that project at work? Or you have to fly out of town for a wedding? Or Christmas rolls around and you stuff your face with turkey?

If you expect the trainer to knock on your door each morning, pull the covers off and carry you on their shoulder to the gym, your expectations are way out of alignment.

At the same time, if you expect us to give you some magic pill or wave a wand and suddenly transform you into someone who is motivated and hardworking, you’re kidding yourself.

Ultimately, we can show you the way up the mountain, but you’re the one who has to climb it.

So instead of asking “will a dating workshop work for me?”, instead ask yourself “how badly do I want this and what am I prepared to do and commit to, in order to succeed?"

Because it’s not how good looking you are or how many girls you’ve slept with that determines success when it comes to cold approach seduction. It’s simply how you’re going to react when things start to get tough. When you go through 20 approaches and each girl has a boyfriend. When you’re moments away from sleeping with the hottest girl you’ve ever met and she turns you down. When you fall madly in love with a girl who came out of nowhere and things don’t work out.

Will you be someone who pushes through and finds a way to keep going? Or someone who gives up, declares it’s too hard, and becomes bitter about women and the world?

With all that in mind, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try.

At the very least you'll come away from the workshop with massive amount of reference experiences with women, world class training in the absolute best strategies for seduction and pathways to inner game advances that will gradually unfold in your subconscious. You'll have real proof that women can find you attractive, that you are capable of moving through your fears and that there is infinite potential of who you could meet and what magic you can create. Even if you don't actively cold approach, you will at least pick off the easier shots in your social circle, at work, online etc.

Of course as your coaches we want to see much much more out of you than your bare minimum, so that you achieve your ultimate potential.

As a final thought, it’s very possible that you aren’t ready for a workshop. Maybe you’ve been burned before by doing one with another coach or company, or having been following us long enough to build up that level of trust. In that case I always recommend guys check out the Dating Accelerator. I put this course together not only to teach beginners how to approach in a practical, nuts and bolts manner, but also to help calm their fears about being coached by us. You can learn more about the course by clicking here.

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Why Being Anxious Is Costing You Sex

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Why Being Anxious Is Costing You Sex

It’s often the sole thing that will make or break your attractiveness to women.

Withstanding Social Tension

Anxiety. The death knell of every man who wants to get better with women. No matter how badly you want this, no matter how many hours of research you do, or videos you watch, it’s often the sole thing that will make or break your attractiveness to women.

You might think I’m just talking about approach anxiety here, but this goes so much deeper than whether or not you can approach. Most guys think that if they get over their approach anxiety they’ll have no problem seducing women.

Yet in my experience of coaching guys for over 6 years, even the ones who can approach fail miserably when it comes to withstanding the social tension that comes up during their interactions.

Don’t believe me?

At first we have where most guys fall on the spectrum. You’ll see me constantly interrupting the woman, never letting her finish a sentence, and overwhelming her with questions and nonsense.

These guys think that talking gets women. That by somehow coming up with a bunch of interesting questions or witty banter will convince her that he’s going to be amazing in bed.

I hope you see where I’m going with this.


The Principles of Verbal Seduction

How To Flirt - Masterclass with Alex León

Facts and Figures

The next stage is guys who maybe don’t interrupt or steamroll her, but instead don’t actually talk about anything of substance. They naturally adhere to facts and figures, and would rather learn about where she’s from, how old she is, where she went to school, what she studied, how long it was for, and where she now works.

You can walk away from a conversation like that having enough information about her to write a resume, but it's done nothing to build the sexual tension between you. And sure, maybe it’s a comfort because you’ll have plenty of things to talk about for the date, yet if you’re hoping to be seen as anything more than a friend, you’re kidding yourself.

Who you REALLY want to be is a man who can hold silence. Maintain eye contact. Let the woman finish her sentences. And whilst these may sound simple, they’re just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you need to be able to do if you want women to see you as a sexual man and not just a friend.

I reveal the secrets of seducing women in a natural way through holding pressure and applying touch in a seductive way in my online course,Sex God Masterclass. If you’re someone who is completely hopeless with women, if you find yourself consistently in the friend zone, or even manage to get girls back to your bedroom every now and then but can never close the deal, this is your chance to learn how to convey to women that you’re the guy they should be sleeping with. You can learn more about the course and what’s in store by clicking here

Putting All Of Your Eggs In One Basket

I know you might be thinking that anxiety doesn’t stick around forever. That once you get to know a girl more, and once you become comfortable around her, you’ll no longer be anxious, and that's when the sexual tension will start to build.

And ok, maybe that happens sometimes. Maybe you’ll meet a girl at work or through friends, and spend 3-6 months getting to know each other around the coffee machine and things just go from there.

But do you really have that long to wait? If you think about the last time you had sex, the last time you were intimate with a woman, are you really willing to put all of your eggs into 1 or 2 baskets, hoping that she’s still going to be single and still going to sleep with you by the time you finally stumble into a situation where you can try to sleep with her?

If you’re like any of the guys we coach, it’s more likely that you want to start having more control over when and how often you have sex. Rather than hoping a woman will do all of the work because you don’t know how to, or going out and getting drunk thinking it will result in sex, what would it be like to have the power to show women you’re sexually interested in a way that will turn them on too?

Or at the very least, tell exactly if they are interested or not.

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Are You Tired Of Settling For Average Women?

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Are You Tired Of Settling For Average Women?

For guys who think that they “don’t really need to learn that seduction stuff”

Doing ‘Ok’ Women

When guys think of our typical clients, it's very easy for them to paint a picture in their minds of who needs dating coaching. Guys who are probably still virgins and living in their mother’s basement. Guys who have mustered the courage and strength to conquer the Demon Lords of the Dungeons and Dragons universe, yet not the balls to get laid. Guys who find it easier to talk to a computer than to a real human being in front of them.

And while we do take on clients like these, the ones who ACTUALLY need it are guys like you.

Yes, YOU.

Guys who think they’re ‘doing ok’ with girls.

Guys who think they ‘don’t really need to learn that seduction stuff’.

Guys who think they’ve ‘got some things in the pipeline’, meaning they’re basically guaranteed to get laid…sooner or later.

Because whilst you think that things are going alright, they’re really not. You’ve just fallen into a false sense of security.

Unless you’re able to approach a woman you find attractive any time, anywhere, and make something happen from that, you still need to learn seduction.

Risking Rejection

I know you might not think that now. You might believe that because you’ve got a couple of girls on tinder you’re working on, you’re still hooking up with your ex, and Sally from the office is always flirting with you, that things are all going according to plan.

That you can check out our videos from time to time, or read these emails and pick up a few ‘tips and tricks’, but don’t actually have to commit yourself to ever approaching.

To, you know, risk getting rejected.

What’s actually happening underneath is that you’re lying to yourself about how good you are with women. Somewhere in there is an idealized version of yourself which isn’t actually reflected in reality.

You might THINK you’re a catch, but when push comes to shove the really quality women that you pass by on the street, that you see waiting at the bus stop, wouldn’t give you a second thought.

To actually approach her would mean having to risk getting rejected, and in turn having your ego shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

This is the fallacy of the average man. The inability to reconcile his false ego with the truth.

Because the truth is that you actually want to be with those top quality women. And not only be with them, but to have the ability to get another, and another, until you’ve completely had your fill.

You might even be one of those guys who has slept with 100’s of women because you were a nightclub promoter. Or maybe your ex-girlfriend was a model who you met through friends.

But that doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to replicate those results. As soon as you lose whatever status, privilege or connections you had that got you those women in the first place, you lose your shot at getting them again.

Your reliance on external circumstances is what has lead you to where you are now: having this false sense of superiority about your dating skills.

Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone = Ego Shattered

And trust me, I know more than anyone else what this is like, as does James Marshall. We can both point to moments in our past where we had options with women because we were in bands, or had rocking social circles.

But when it came to getting that Russian model who strutted past us on the street, we were flabbergasted as to what to do.

The only way you’re ever going to be able to score the women you really want is to step outside of your comfort zone, open yourself up to rejection, and subsequently have your ego shattered, hopefully hundreds of times like James and I have.

Because, truth be told, this doesn’t get easier. As dating coaches we struggle with this on a daily basis. We could be walking out our door having had a threesome with two models the night before, approach a girl, and have her blow us off as though we were trash.

Boom. Ego shattered.


The Essentials Of Seduction

If you’re still not convinced, consider these three things that seducers need to master in order to be able to get the truly quality women, to be able to compete with guys who are high powered CEO’s or flying girls around in private jets.

Logistics. How well would you be able to navigate a complicated situation where you’ve got mere hours to sleep with a girl before both you and her fly to different countries?

Relationships. If you’re being cockblocked by that alpha guy from her work who has been trying to get in her pants for months, or that fat friend who’s jealous of Tiffany always getting the guys, would you know how to win them over and still get the girl?

Boundaries. What would you do when those super hot girls start putting up all these walls when you’re trying to sleep with them? They KNOW they’re highly valued on the market, otherwise guys wouldn’t be buying them expensive clothing, taking them to fancy restaurants and offering to fly them out to exotic locations. Why would they offer themselves up to you without something in return? Could you really pull your weight in that situation?

If you think fumbling your way through a seduction with that chubby 6 last week will prepare you for the high class women of the world, you’re sadly mistaken.

This is the wake up call you need. Right now, that part of you who is sick of dating average girls, of having them choose you instead of the other way around, is dying to learn how to really land the top quality women of the world.

Luckily for you I’m going to teach you the exact sexual energy and touch that those women are looking for in my online course, the Sex God Masterclass I know from coaching thousands of men that it's easy for the average guy to get sexual with a 6 or 7, but once they’re dealing with a high class woman they start treating her as though she’s made of porcelain, terrified to touch her lest they taint her perfect flawless skin.

I’m going to help you overcome that barrier and teach you the mindsets, beliefs and actions you need to be able to seduce those women just like every other woman you’ve met so far. Click here to learn more about the Sex God Masterclass.

The question is simple: do you want better quality women in your life?

If the answer is ‘yes’, then do you think doing things the same way you are now is going to lead to you getting those women?

Even if you spend the rest of your life avoiding approaching and rejection, instead hoping for another one of those random encounters where you might get lucky and bump into a model at a friends house party, learning how to touch a woman properly is the starting point to bringing more of those women you REALLY want into your life.


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Feel Like You’ve Passed Your Peak In Life?

But which path do you choose?

Reliving The Glory Days

A lot of guys have fond memories of the ‘glory days’ in life, some period when things just seemed to be getting better and better, and everything was going their way.

For some it’s high school where they had a great group of buddies and a girlfriend.

For others it's university or college, where they had easy access to girls, a lot of free time to spend with friends, and laying the foundation for a successful career.

And yet something inevitably changes that makes all of this crumble. You have to leave school or university, or your friends all move on, or you break up with that girlfriend who you were planning to spend the rest of your life with.

When this happens you’re likely to find yourself at a crossroads. You can’t go back and have things be the way they were. You have to move forward. But which path do you choose?

Begin Again

Do you decide to retreat into your comfort zone, mourning the loss of what you once had and giving up on ever having it again?

Or do you set yourself a new goal, start putting in the work to reinvent your life and create something even better than what you had before?

Most guys I know choose the former.

They spend years stuck in a job they hate, desperately trying to meet women through work and friends with little to no success, and wishing that some magical fairy would wave a wand and take them back to the good ol’ days.

Very few actually make a conscious effort to change. These are the guys we see taking our live workshops, attending our seminars, or signing up for our online courses.

They’re the ones who have decided enough is enough, that there must be more to life then moping around in regret and sorrow.

But the rest are simply stuck in the past, forever tethered to a time that’s never going to come again.

Taking The First Steps

It’s not easy to set out on a new journey when you realize you’re never going to relive those old experiences.

Part of the resistance is admitting that somewhere along the way you’re going to have to fail, make mistakes, get rejected, all important parts of starting something new.

This is especially true of seduction and cold approach pick up. The early days can be some of the hardest because you have very little experience to go on and don’t really know what you’re doing.

So where does that leave you?

Luckily I’ve put together a 3 week course called the Dating Accelerator that is specifically designed for beginners. Guys who are looking for a new way to meet women, but are terrified of taking those first steps. In this practical nuts and bolts guide I’ll be describing exactly what you need to be doing to make progress as a beginner, as well as highlighting some of the common pitfalls and giving you homework missions to make sure you stay on target. You can learn more about the course by clicking here.

Remember, the only way you had those glory days to begin with was by making a start. It wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops along the way; it’s just easier to remember all of the good parts and forget the bad.

Having a balanced perspective on things is not only healthy but will ensure you’re able to continue enjoying life and the future before you.

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How To Touch Women?

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How To Touch Women?

The Right Way

What’s Really Holding You Back With Women

What’s the one thing that’s preventing you from experiencing intimate connections with women?

Is it not having enough money?

Or status?

Or muscles?

Or could it be that you’ve been raised to do the exact opposite of what you should be doing on a date with a woman?

See, what you’re actually supposed to be doing is touching women, and often. As long as you have a woman's consent, you should be putting your arm around her, touching her lower back, playing with her fingers underneath the table at dinner.

But instead, if you’re like most men you fumble your way through a date knowing that you SHOULD touch a woman, but with no idea as to HOW to touch her.

I’ve specifically designed my online course, the Sensual Massage Mastery, to be a practical guide to touching women. Rather than spending hours on end delving into evolutionary psychology or gender studies theory, I get straight into giving you the nuts and bolts of how you should be touching women on dates.

Putting Yourself In Her Shoes

If you’re having trouble understanding how to touch, put yourself in the woman's shoes for a moment.

She’s spending all of this time getting dressed up, doing her hair and make-up to make sure she looks great for you. She’s invested in at least getting to know you and finding out if there is a future between you two.

But most importantly, she’s showing up hoping it goes well.

And part of things going well means being touched by you.

Knowing that you can not only have a conversation with her and make her laugh, but also connect with her in a non-verbal way.

Because this is going to tell her how confident you are, how comfortable you are in your body, and also how capable you’ll be in the bedroom.

The Ideal Date

No woman wants to walk away from the date thinking “well I guess he was nice, but he didn’t touch me at all…”

And in a similar fashion, she doesn’t want to be thinking “god he wouldn’t stop touching me, it’s like he doesn’t even know what he’s doing so he just forces himself to do it!”.

She’d love to be able to call her girlfriends and say “I met this guy and…well…I don’t know how to describe it, but when he put his hands on me there was this…heat…this...electricity between us.”

That feeling that she can’t describe is why touch is so important. It circumvents the logical rational part of the brain and goes straight to the heart. It connects to something deeper, something more primal and instinctual.

We all need to be touched as people. You as a man need to be touched.

But if you’re unable to touch a woman and work towards building an intimate connection, you’re going to be denied that touch, and hoping that she does all of the work.

And even if she does initiate and touch you a lot, chances are you’re still going to be uncomfortable with it, and eventually, she’ll get sick of doing all of the work and move on to a man who knows what he’s doing.

So if you want to learn how to touch a woman properly, the masculine way, be sure to check out the Sensual Massage Mastery by clicking here.

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