The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

You can’t fake your way through when seducing women.

Sure, you can invent some grandiose stories and pretend to be smooth and confident…

…For a date or two.

But ultimately, who you truly are will always come through.

And if you lack self-love and trust in the fact that others can be seduced by the ‘real you’, things will fall apart.

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That’s why we at TNL focus a great deal of our work with each student on the internal aspects of dating.

The so-called ‘core’ of attraction and seduction––your character and set of beliefs.

Only after tackling these pivotal foundations, you can start exploring the outer layers of the seductive process––the technical aspects.

Think about it, a Ferrari will never win a race despite having the best suspensions, tires, or experienced pilot if it lacks an engine.

In the same way, no seduction skills will ever make up for poor self-esteem and sense of self.

If you want to learn how to practically get better at dating, both internally and externally, watch our latest video. In it, you’ll see TNL’s newest female instructor Virag Tierra coaching in real-time some of our students on how to become both effortlessly more confident and successful with girls.

Click on the link below to watch it

P.S. Looking to get coached privately by Virag in one the wildest and most filled to the brim with attractive women locations on the planet?

Running from January 10-12 2021, TNL will land for the first time in history in Miami, Florida!

This is your chance to master the world’s most effective system of natural seduction and masculine improvement while spending dozens of hours meeting exotic women in sunny Miami boulevards and receiving real-time feedback by Virag.

If interested, click on the link below to speak with our enrollment team:

=> Click here to speak with us

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How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

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Why men feel miserable

How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

Hot guys have it much easier in dating.

It would be absurd trying to deny it.

Women will always pick a man who is attractive over several more average options.

The good news, however, is that what “hot” and “sexy” mean to women is something radically different than it does to men.

For most girls, hotness in guys is not merely physical but vastly connected to behavioral traits as well as to perceived social value.

We all have met men who were constantly smashing around with stunners despite not being model-looking or over six feet tall.

In fact, I highly suggest next time you meet one of such unicorns you don’t get envious but instead carefully study every move he makes.

Once you do, you’ll be quick to realize that certain male traits are universally considered attractive and sexy by most women.

Things like being the organizer of a cool event, or being creative and cultivating artistic passions on the side.

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Yet, probably the powerful and magnetic quality a man can own is being capable of saying no to women.

After all, having firm dating standards and politely rejecting people who do not conform to them is the exact thing most attractive women do.

It’s the strongest indicator of non-neediness and abundance a guy can display, but something only a tiny fraction has the courage and confidence to pull off.

To learn more about no b.s.‘high-status’ cheat codes and how to make your character sexier, watch my latest video by clicking on the link below:

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Stop being every girl’s boyfriend!

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The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

Stop being every girl’s boyfriend!

Do you find yourself falling into the boyfriend role way too often?

Perhaps you want to keep things casual and fun and are not looking to commit to one girl at the moment.

But, somehow, every woman you hang out with starts asking for more.

And so you find yourself in the tough spot of either cutting things off abruptly or being forced to settle into something you’re not fully convinced of.

This is not coincidental or a case of bad luck…

big beat records girl GIF by Clara Mae

In fact, you’re getting what you specifically asked for.

Or, as I like to call it, it’s your lack of ability to communicate and enforce your focus on others.

For example, let’s say that your current intention is to get better at dating and explore your sexuality with several attractive women.

But every time you meet one of such women, you start acting all romantic, holding hands in the street and going to candlelight dinners and cute brunches the morning after where she predictably posts stories of you and her on Instagram.

See what you’re doing? Deviating from your original focus in order to keep her sticking around.

The result? She sticks around, but as a demanding girlfriend and not a casual lover.

If you want to learn how to smoothly enter casual ‘friends with benefits’ type of affairs, as well as smoothly transition into traditional monogamous relationships once you’re sure she’s good for you, watch our latest video.

In it, you’ll find comprehensive advice and practical tips on how to properly define your seductive frame and focus and later communicate them to women to get what you truly want without compromise.

Click on the link below to watch it:

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The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you

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How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you

Realize this: what you do or say to women matters far less than you think.

It’s all about how you make them feel.

Being able to impact others at deep emotional levels is what ultimately makes the difference between a guy who is friendly and likable and a man that is craved by women and respected by other males

But there is a reason if this is something only a small percentage of people are capable of.

A fundamental prerequisite must be met: getting rid of all expectations.

The expectation that she will laugh at your jokes.

Or that she will be nice to you if you compliment her.

This is exactly what most nice guys do, provide good emotions to others hoping to get something––most often sex––in return for their chivalrous manners.

Doing the opposite won’t work either…

You know, the whole ‘being an as*hole and disrespecting girls to get them attracted to you’ strategy––that’s still expectation-based (also makes you look like a sociopath).

Seduce Vanessa Simmons GIF by WatchUMC

What you want to develop is a strong dose of non-neediness.

To express yourself and give to others without wanting anything from them in return.

And, paradoxically, the moment you stop hiding your agendas, women will be much more into you.

Because that’s all they really need: to feel something (not necessarily always positive) with you and from you.

Learn how to appeal to their emotional side, and your dating potential will know no limits.

To learn more about this, watch my latest video interview I just released in collaboration with my good friend and enlightened dating coach, Zan Perrion. Click on the link below to watch it:

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Why Women Should Perceive You As ‘The Prize’

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Stop being every girl’s boyfriend!

Why Women Should Perceive You As ‘The Prize’

Let’s be honest, if being nice and agreeable was enough to attract women, half of the world would be drowning in pus*y.

But they are not.

In fact, things seem to work almost the opposite way if you study dating dynamics carefully…

Girls constantly ditching and friend-zoning the nice guy who respects and nurtures them for the f*ck boy/bad boy type who is selfish and always puts himself first.

Truth is that women love ‘challenges’.

They crave the addictive feeling of being around a masculine guy who is firmly unapologetic about his actions and is not afraid to call them out whenever they do something he doesn’t like.

Are you that kind of guy?

If not, the first thing you have to understand is that being an asshole here is absolutely not the goal. In fact, a large part of being successful with women and socially is owning a strong element of likability.

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What you’re looking for here is to develop personal standards.

The next step is holding women accountable to them by qualifying them…

Is she your type?

Do you share the same interests and similar views on the world?

Does she care about the same things you care about?

Finding answers to questions like these is fundamental to getting the right woman by your side and making her perceive you as the real ‘prize’. This can easily be achieved in a flirtatious way by using a little banter and ‘challenging’ her in a teasing way whenever she does or says something you don’t like.

To learn more about this complex topic, watch my latest video. In it, you’ll also see one of our brave workshop students struggling and succeeding at creating solid connections with several women while remaining unapologetically true to himself.

Click on the link below to watch it


P.S. Looking to get personally mentored by a team of world-class masters in key masculine areas such as seduction, social circle growth, and lifestyle design?

After an overwhelmingly successful and mostly sold-out year of coaching, we are now opening at great demand the enrollments to the 2022 season.

4, 7, and 10-day training programs specifically designed to rapidly install elite upgrades in the way you communicate with women and other high-value people in general.

Every workshop comprises several theory classes, followed by roleplay sessions with our team of hot female coaches to test and internalize the concepts in a safe environment and most importantly dozens of hours spent approaching and talking to beautiful women in real life in the streets, bars, cafès, shopping malls and more.

Due to the exclusive nature of our programs, we can only allow a handful of students into each workshop. If serious about becoming the prize most women crave to conquer, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team and discover the best training options for your specific needs:

→ Click HERE to speak with us

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Why Girls Make You Wait For It (Sometimes Forever)

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The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you

Why Girls Make You Wait For It (Sometimes Forever)

There is no magic number of dates to go through to get every girl from ‘Hi’ to the bedroom.

In reality, all women are different, some take more time and effort to open up and feel comfortable getting intimate with you while others are naturally more confident and uninhibited when it comes to sex.

However, when talking with clients and students about logistics and smooth escalation, I often notice how most of them tend to absolutely over-exaggerate and overestimate the effort it takes to get sexual with girls. Truth is that, in most cases…

She wants to f*ck you much sooner than you think.

Simply put, women crave sex as much as we do, and in most cases, if they’re attracted to a guy and feel relatively relaxed around him, they will seek physical intimacy as soon as possible.

Sure, some girls won’t just sleep with you the first night or first date, no matter how great you are at seduction, but they generally will on the second and third date.

Ultimately, it all depends on your mindset…

Do you feel sex is a big deal and judge girls who hook up with guys “fast”?

Do you see getting physically intimate as a prerequisite for any emotional connection and so you strive to sleep with women as soon as possible without judging them?

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Whatever you feel, the girl will feel.

It’s as simple as that.

To learn more about this controversial topic, watch my latest video. In it, I also reveal other two of the most important lessons and epiphanies I’ve learned in over 20 years as a dating coach and consummate seducer.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. Looking to learn a proven method to approach, talk and seduce any girl you want whether it’s in the street, at a cafè, in the supermarket or even in libraries?

Over the past fifteen years, I and my team have worked relentlessly to break down the art of cold-approach seduction in a set of actionable principles that any guy can learn to dramatically transform his dating life.

Today, you get the chance to learn about them in my introductory Free 3-Part Honest Dating Course.

This is a complete, in-depth online training program with several lectures explaining every step from the first approach, all the way to taking her number and getting her on a sexy date.

To get access to it, just click on this link!

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2 Steps To Get Every Girl To Say ‘YES’

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Why Women Should Perceive You As ‘The Prize’

2 Steps To Get Every Girl To Say ‘YES’

Your seductive potential is directly proportional to how you handle women’s objections.

Plenty of guys give up way too soon, often confusing a ‘not yet’ with a resolute ‘no’.

Others try to pierce through girls’ resistance with arrogance and sleaziness, creeping them out and encountering the inevitable rejection.

Reality is that objections are to be expected with pretty much any girl you date, so knowing how to solve them in a lighthearted and relaxed manner will pretty much make the difference between a life of abundance and one of frustration and scarcity.

The good news is that there’s no complex formula to learn to be successful at this.

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All you have to do is execute two basic actions: acknowledging and overcoming.

The first one is about making sure she feels heard and understood in her moment of resistance. Many girls do not comply initially with requests like going to your place for drinks or even giving you their number because they don’t feel safe about it.

Perhaps they don’t know you enough to trust you, or they don’t want to feel like ‘one of those girls’, and so they start resisting your seductive moves. Your duty here is to listen to each girl carefully and determine whether she just needs to be reassured about it or if there’s really nothing you can do (e.g., she really has a boyfriend and doesn’t want to text you).

The second part is the trickiest one: once you address her logical and emotional worries, you must go back to seducing her. Don’t spend more time than necessary diving into her insecurities, or she’ll categorize you as the ‘male friend she does therapy with’ and will lose all attraction.

For a detailed explanation and practical demonstration of these concepts, watch my latest video by clicking on the link below:

P.S. Lacking abundance and quality in your current dating life?

Knowing how to consistently approach and get attractive women on dates in real life without needing others to introduce you at parties or hope for some miraculous Tinder moment is the keystone for feeling free and fulfilled as a man.

Over the past fifteen years, as I coached several hundred students in person and tens of thousands online on how to improve their success and relationships with girls, it became apparent how the most successful guys are masters at two things: approaching and closing.

If you too want to learn the world’s best strategies to approach and take home beautiful women from anywhere, check my free 3-Part Honest Dating Course.

It contains several lectures on the basics of cold-approach seduction, and it’s a great start to really understand what we do at TNL.

Click here to watch it for free

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Do you trust girls on this?

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Why Girls Make You Wait For It (Sometimes Forever)

How To Get A Perfect Girlfriend (No money needed)

Men look for love in the wrong places.

Just because a girl is fun and sexy with you, it’s no guarantee that she will make a good girlfriend.

Knowing how to find and select women for long-term relationships is a very different, but equally as important, skill than cold-approach seduction.

Many girls are far too immature, narcissistic, and selfish to make good long-term partners––being around them for too long will eventually make your life worse than it currently is.

Kissing In Bed Love GIF by One Chicago

The ideal type of woman you should be proactively screening for is what call ‘a giver’.

Someone who is willing and capable of sharing and devoting herself to you in a selfless way.

Ultimately, the true “girlfriend material” type of girls are those who can genuinely accept you for who you are without judgment or the need to control you and possess you.

If this sounds like less than five percent of all the women you’ve ever dated, don’t worry…

In our latest video, our Inner Game and relationship wizard, Shae Matthews, dives deep into the complexities and emotional alchemy of successful relationships. Watch it to get access to practical blueprints and tips to stop settling for incompatible and unsupportive women and finally start attracting true keepers in your life.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. An exciting and satisfying sex life is one of the most important keystones of any successful relationship.

Unfortunately, most guys are only capable of classic ‘vanilla’ lovemaking, always using the same three positions and lasting the same amount of time in bed, on average.

Over the long term, this is a classic recipe for disaster as both people in the couple will get bored of having sex and start doing it less and less, leading to mutual frustration.

That is…unless you are a living Sex God.

See, over the past 15 years, I’ve been developing a comprehensive methodology and training to take regular guys and transform them into the best lovers any woman could wish for: the S*x God Masterclass.

Joined by some of the world’s best and most in-demand experts in Tantra, BDSM, meditation, roleplay, masculine enhancement, and more, the SGM is a 7-intensive apprenticeship in the full-spectrum of sexual abilities. From connection-based fantasies to experience strong feelings of love and togetherness, to ‘darker’ aspects of sexuality like punishment and pain/pleasure roleplay, this ‘hands-on’ masterclass is guaranteed to give you the tools to enjoy and gift others the best sex of your lives.

The SGM 2021 will be running from October 24-October 30 in Kyiv, Ukraine, and there is only one spot left to join. If serious about mastering this fundamental yet confusing area of any man’s life permanently, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

⇒Click HERE to speak with us

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How To Make Girls Obsess Over You (Most guys suck at this!)

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Do you trust girls on this?

How To Make Girls Obsess Over You (Most guys suck at this!)

Picture this…

You’re dating a sexy, intelligent, fine-looking girl you truly resonate with, but this time everything is under your control

Not only is the relationship some of the best and healthiest you’ve ever experienced…

…But she never seems to get enough of you.

It’s like she’s intoxicated by your mere presence, and so she reveres and nurtures you in any possible way she can, never behaving erratically or throwing tantrums as most women do.

Other guys try to hit her up all the time, but she coldly ignores them as she is already satisfied and attracted to you as never before in her life.

Sounds like some Hollywood playboy fairytale?

frustrated oh my god GIF by Four More Shots Please

Just another day in the life of a Sex God.

See, the irony is that most men spend incredible amounts of time, effort, and energy trying to get hot girls into bed only to have very average and disappointing sex with them.

And this is not just about how long and how hard you can keep going…

You can hammer her for one hour, and she might still feel low to no pleasure (women are epic liars when it comes to this!).

Truth is that most guys think they’re amazing lovers, except they are not (just ask your female friends…).

As a result, those who can truly make women climax in bed––through a strong mix of physical and emotional experiences––are in extreme demand and hold the keys to most girls’ hearts.

To learn more about incredible bedroom skills most men ignore, check my latest video. Link below:

P.S. Looking to master the full spectrum of advanced sexual and psychological abilities and become the lover most girls obsess over?

My 7-day S*x God Masterclass running from October 24th-October 30th in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the world’s first and only intensive “hands-on” workshop that teaches guys how to become literal gods in the bedroom.

That’s because at the SGM you don’t only learn about bedroom mastery but also get to practice every single skill(minus penetration) with our team of professional female coaches.

From the best positions and physical tips to increase your pleasure to Tantra hacks to last as long as you want and defeat ED, all the way to darker aspects of sexuality like BDSM and restraints, this is your chance to internalize decades worth of research and practice into the realms of sensuality and pleasure in less than a week.

Only 1 spot left at the moment!

If serious about massively enhancing your dating and seductive life in 2021, click on the link below to speak with our team about the enrollment process, and whether you qualify for it.

⇒ Click here to speak with us

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Why women test you (don’t be scared)

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How To Get A Perfect Girlfriend (No money needed)

Why women test you (don’t be scared)

Nothing confuses men like testing.

Over and over, I’ve witnessed brave clients getting petrified or extremely reactive whenever a hot girl started questioning them in a challenging way.

It’s the ultimate proof of self-confidence and something only a handful of guys are naturally good at dealing with.

The good news is that you can become extremely proficient at handling women’s tests in a matter of minutes by making a simple mindset shift.

I invite you to reflect on the following…

Why do women test us in the first place?

Is it because they enjoy putting guys down and turning them into needy, unattractive beta-males…

…Or is it for a very different reason?

See, we can all agree that there are some very annoying and disrespectful girls (and men) out there, but whenever you’re being tested, always remember this:

It’s a great sign! Keep going!

Let me repeat. A woman qualifying you is often a strong indicator of interest because it means that she’s attracted enough that she wants to meet the real you.

That’s all a sh!t test is: a proof of congruence exacted in a flirty, challenging way.

To learn more about tests & how to deal with them, watch my latest video. Link below:

P.S. Want to master the art of using pressure & challenge to turn women on at feral levels and radically transform your results in the bedroom?

My S*x God Masterclass running from October 24th-October 30th, 2021, is the world’s first and only live workshop aimed to teach you the complete skillset to become the best lover she will ever meet (and keep fantasizing about for her whole life).

What makes the SGM different from every other sexuality class out there is its strong emphasis on live physical practice.

The coaching curriculum combines several theory classes with dozens of hours of “hands-on” training sessions where you will get to try and refine every concept until it becomes second nature with our team of sexy roleplay models.

Due to the exclusive nature of this kind of training, we can only accept a handful of guys every year, and right now we only have two coaching spots remaining.

If you want to join, click HERE and get on a call with my team before it’s too late.

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The #1 Hollywood dating lie (wish I knew this 20 years ago...)

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How To Make Girls Obsess Over You (Most guys suck at this!)