Is it wrong to use women for your pleasure?

Women need to feel strongly desired.

No matter how good your conversation and flirting skills are, if she doesn’t feel you deeply want her, she’ll never really think of you as a lover material.

This is different than being needy or thirsty, it’s the self-assured dominant aspect of masculinity and this is one of the core foundations of successful dating, yet most men are not comfortable nor aware of it.


Accept that you want her and be ready to take her.

That’s what core masculine Intent boils down to.

Ask yourself…

Are you ok with deliberately using girls for your own pleasure and enjoyment?

And by ‘using’, I do not mean taking advantage of them or manipulating them into obeying you –– that’s despicable.

What I suggest is being capable of shutting down the constant need for reciprocating and asking for permission and just focusing on enjoying your own experience.

In the end, if you cannot please yourself first, how can you expect to be deeply seductive to other people?

Paradoxically, this will not only massively benefit your self-esteem and seductive results but will also greatly increase connection and intimacy with the majority of the girls you date.

It’s a very empowering feeling for both women and men to momentarily surrender control and be exploited by others as tools for unrestrained desire and lust.

You just have to let loose.

To learn more about this topic, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Want to attract solid relationships and start dating more high-quality women in the upcoming year?

Knowing how to set and enforce healthy boundaries will guarantee that both your and your partners’ needs are met from the very beginning.

And it all begins with one step: learning how to masterfully approach beautiful girls and get them on dates.

If you want to master the fundamentals of dating and relationships and build a fulfilling masculine lifestyle, join me and my crew of elite coaches from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest, Hungary, for our week-long intensive Residential program.

This is a comprehensive deep-dive into everything a man needs to excel at dating including masterclasses on approaching, conversations, texting, physical escalation, as well as dozens of hours spent in the field meeting and going on adventures with stunning eastern European women.

To learn more about the program, get on a free call with our coaching team:

> Workshop introduction

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2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

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Why men feel lonely (the #1 crisis in masculinity)

2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

Know what separates the most elite women from regular cute girls?


Most model-looking types out there are bombarded online by hundreds of men every day clamoring to get their attention.

Just look on Instagram…

Young girls in their late teens and early twenties with tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of thirsty followers hoping to get something from them.

It’s a twisted validation game that makes it harder than ever to get on dates with the true world-class stunners out there.

But you still have a solid chance if you tailor your seduction strategies to the unique needs of this niche demographic of women. It’s very unlikely you’ll pick them up online but with a calm natural style approach on the street, you definitely have a chance.

See, after over 15 years of my personal and coaching experience in approaching and dating models, I’ve realized that high levels of beauty do not really affect your dating outcomes, provided you follow two main rules:

First, don’t make a big deal out of the fact that she’s a model.

Once she tells you, comment on it briefly and then move on. She’s already aware of her beauty and unique lifestyle. To stand out, focus on challenging and validating what’s truly unique about her as a person (i.e., her character and vibe).

Second, always get her number, not her Instagram.

Unless you also have a world-class, influencer-level profile, avoid becoming one of the zillions guys who message her on social media. Even if you met in person and the conversation was good, she will likely ignore you online because you easily disappear into the mass of online noise.

To learn more about this topic, and witness one of my brave students approaching and seducing a stunning Ukrainian model in front of the camera, watch my latest video. Link below:

P.S. If you want to master the art of natural seduction and start dating the extremely beautiful women most guys thirst over on social media….

Then join me and my elite team of coaches from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest for our exclusive 7-day Residential workshop!

This is your chance to receive intensive 8+ hours a day training on how to approach, seduce, get contacts, and meet on dates with exactly the types of gorgeous women you’ve always wanted.

We waste no time on confusing theory or state-pumping placebos. Instead, we teach you the skills and head to the streets to take action by talking to dozens of beautiful women in the streets, cafes, and shopping malls of Budapest, giving you precise real-time feedback to make sure every approach leads to improvement. I and the crew will be by your side every step of the way, making this a fun, fast-paced, exponential learning curve.

To learn more, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

> What’s the 7-day Workshop?

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Should you ever pay on a 1st date? (avoid this trap)

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Is it wrong to use women for your pleasure?

Should you ever pay on a 1st date? (avoid this trap)

Taking women out for expensive dates is never a good idea.

The Hollywood tale of treating girls to luxurious dinners and gifts will only contribute, in the vast majority of cases, to creating a skewed relationship dynamic built around impressing women to build attraction.

To be fair, I rarely take girls out for anything more than a hot tea because that’s more than enough to move forward in the seductive process.

I don’t need to incentivize their interest.

It’s my character and skill-set that gets the job done.

expensive usa network GIF by Bunim/Murray Productions

Don’t confuse any of this, however, with being stingy.

If you truly like a girl and have the resources to invite her to your favorite Italian restaurant, by all means, do it.

Just realize that is not necessary and don’t expect something in return from her.

At the same time, make sure you don’t pick someone that just wants to be around you for whatever expensive experiences you might provide to her.

Which leads us to the question:

Who should pay on the first date?

And what if she never proposes to split the bill?

To find out the answers, watch my latest in-depth video on the topic by clicking on the link below:

P.S. Wanna learn how to effortlessly attract the women of your dreams without paying for stuff, show up in flashy cars, or fake to be someone you’re not?

Mastering the art of cold approach is by far the fastest and most proven way to radically transform your dating life.

That means knowing by heart how to confidently talk to women anywhere, engage them in seductive conversations and build tension and intimacy so that they’re attracted and want to see you again on a date (or perhaps even go home with you right away!).

If this seems like something out of a Hollywood movie for you, rest assured…

For the past fifteen years, I and my elite crew of coaches have been teaching thousands of men in person how to meet girls everywhere and get heaps of dates, and the best is yet to come!

Running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, I’ll be leading a week-long workshop in Budapest focused on teaching eight brave men all the skills and tools to build a dating life of abundance and consistency.

Half of the spots are already taken, so if interested in learning more, get in touch with the enrollment team asap by clicking on the link below:

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From fear to confidence (instant transformation method)

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2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

Why men fail at dates (try this instead)

Setting dates with girls is NOT the goal.

Taking things as far as you can after you approached her should be your #1 priority.

Sometimes, you’re both too busy to keep talking, and all you can do is exchange contacts and invite her out for a coffee or cocktail date in the following days.

On tons of occasions, however, you can make things happen right away if you’re bold and socially skilled enough to move the interaction forward.

The ‘instant dating’

In short, you skip the canonical ‘give me your number and let’s meet soon’ part and instead take her on a quick date on the spot.

But why would you do this?

First, because waiting kills attraction.

A short conversation on the street, no matter how good you are, will keep her thinking about you only for so long; that’s often why many women flake. Spending more time together often improves your chances of building seductive tension and a powerful connection with the girl.

Second, it eliminates the need for a classic first date.

By focusing on the usual ‘getting to know each other’ conversation right away, your next date will be much more relaxed, fun, and often leads more quickly to the bedroom. After all, if she already knows you, trusts you, and wants to see you again, chances are she likes you and is ready for more.

In fact, it’s not even unusual for some of our students to approach a girl, take her on an instant date, and then back to their place within a few hours.

To learn more on this topic and see one of my awesome students approaching and taking a hot Ukrainian dancer on a date in a matter of minutes, watch the video below:

P.S. Want to work with me in 2022 to kickstart your seductive life and get more dates and opportunities with high-quality women?

Say no more…Our coaching season has officially started!

I’m now accepting 5 brave men to coach intensively in Budapest with me, Shae, Alex, and Virag, for 7 full days – from May 9th-May 15th, 2022.

Together, we’ll break down what’s currently preventing you from enjoying your desired level of success with women and rapidly install massive upgrades in your approach, conversation, and escalation skills. You also get to spend many hours infield with me personally, giving you real-time feedback as you approach (and likely go on instant dates with) eastern European stunners in the streets of Budapest.

To learn more about this opportunity, hit the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

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Beauty Vs Brains - Can women really have both?

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From fear to confidence (instant transformation method)

Beauty Vs Brains – Can women really have both?

The world is filled to the brim with high-quality women, many of whom got both the looks and the brains you’re looking for.

Unfortunately, many guys still tend to typecast women into two categories: hot party girls and less attractive but more trustworthy girlfriend material types.

That creates a scenario where settling for a not-so-exciting and average partner is justified and encouraged because ‘at least she’s loyal and well-educated’.

Throughout my fifteen-year-long career as a men’s coach, I’ve seen countless guys exploiting concepts such as ‘intelligence’ or ‘personality’ to rationalize why they could not get hotter, sexier women.

The reality is that there are tons of great girls out there who could match your physical, intellectual, and emotional needs…

…if you dared to meet them.

The sooner you start to interact and approach girls you genuinely like and are attracted to, the faster you’ll discover that many of them have a lot to offer outside of their mere physical attributes.

To learn more about this topic, watch my latest video linked below. In it, you will witness one of my brave workshop students smoothly approaching and seducing a stunning yet very nerdy Ukrainian girl. Talk about the perfect mix…

Hit the link below to watch it:

P.S. Want to work with me personally in 2022 to learn how to attract, go on epic dates and create relationships with your dream type of girl?

Running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, I’ll be personally leading a week-long intensive live workshop in Budapest that will provide you with a lifetime worth of tools and strategies to effortlessly meet and seduce new high-quality girls––as well as tons of opportunities to practice them firsthand in real life during the program.

To learn more about the Intensive and its unique daily coaching schedule, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

>Click here to speak with us

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Why ugly guys date the hottest women (you won’t believe this)

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Why men fail at dates (try this instead)

Why ugly guys date the hottest women (you won’t believe this)

Let’s cut to the chase: looks matter.

In fact, they are key if your primary way to get dates is to exchange eye contact and furtive smiles in bars with drunk girls hoping for them to make a move.

Been there, done that.

But if you dream of dating women who are aesthetically ‘above your league’, and who would never approach a guy first, the way you look doesn’t play that big of a role.

Sure, having a basic level of hygiene, grooming, and fitness, mixed with a decent fashion sense will do wonders to the average guy entering the dating game…

…But it’s the ability to go for it without waiting for any obvious sign of interest from the girl that ultimately makes the difference.

Again and again, on our live workshops, I’ve witnessed very average-looking guys outclassing beautiful men by miles when it came to approaching and making things happen with girls.

With no inherent advantage or shortcut, the ‘uglier’ guys had to work for it, learning how to face rejection and blow-offs and ultimately succeeding in getting the level of women they wanted.

The good-looking men, on the other hand, often experienced massive approach anxiety and problems to lead conversations, getting discouraged very easily.

So, no matter how good you might look, my advice is that you approach any girl from now on as if your appearance was an hindrance.

With that in mind, you’ll focus naturally on what really matters the most in seduction 😉

To learn more about this and the real impact of looks in dating, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Want to put an end to the idea that ‘she’s out of your league’ and date more women than you can handle?

Running from May 9th – May 15th, 2022, I’ll be leading a week-long intensive workshop in Budapest, Hungary, aimed to teach eight men how to become incredible with the ladies for the rest of their lives.

From what to say and how to exactly approach women, to starting and leading intriguing conversations, to escaping the dreaded friend-zone and building seductive tension, all the way to getting her number and taking her home on the first date…you get to master it all.

I and my team of elite coaches have over sixteen years of experience in turning ordinary guys into extraordinary, sexually-fulfilled men, and you could very well be our next success story!

To learn more about this opportunity, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

> Speak with us

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Why being nice to women sucks (if you expect something back)

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Beauty Vs Brains - Can women really have both?

Why being nice to women sucks (if you expect something back)

Being nice carries a terrible ROI…

…If you expect people, and women specifically, to be nice back to you.

angry crazy ex girlfriend GIF

See, there is no unwritten rule of life or the cosmos that states that being very complaisant and providing unsolicited favors to others entitles you to get social or sexual rewards from them.

It’s a losing strategy.

One that countless ‘nice guys’ have been using for eons hoping to get girls to like them in return.

It rarely works, and even if it does it means you’ve attracted women that value only what you can provide to them rather than the real you.

If you recognize yourself in the above, it’s fundamental that you stop what you’re doing and start implementing a new system for getting what you want from people in your life.

I call it ‘the godfather method’.

In short, you deliberately act on your intentions, not hiding your true motifs as most nice guys do, but consistently give out small bits of value to others that is not so expensive to you (i.e., career advice, cooking for a night, hosting a party, epic sex).

Do this for a length of time, and you will build tons of trust, respect, and likability with people who will gladly help you back whenever you ask them to (for example, by introducing you to several attractive female friends).

To learn more about how to self-diagnose a chronic nice guy syndrome and then make the transition to a healthier and more effective approach to getting the most out of life, watch the video below:

P.S. Want to work personally with me in 2022 to guarantee you never have to please or buy women’s attention ever again to get dates?

Our 2022 coaching season is about to start.

And from May 9th-May 15th 2022, you can join me and three of my elite coaches in Budapest, Hungary, for a week-long intensive program that will teach you the nuts and bolts of building a lifestyle filled with more social and seductive opportunities than you can handle.

How to approach and talk to women anywhere without getting rejected instantly, date setting strategies, sparking an emotional connection without getting friend zoned…we cover it all!

To learn more about the workshop, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

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Master this skill —> get dates in 2022

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Why ugly guys date the hottest women (you won’t believe this)

Master this skill —> get dates in 2022

Let’s get to the point: 365 days of new opportunities.

Last year was a very uncertain and tentative time for most of us.

We expected freedom and unrestrained fun like in the good old days, but we got a slow burn, marathon-type of return to normal.

Nevertheless, for hundreds of brave TNL brothers, it was one of the most socially-productive and seductively-rewarding years of their lives.

That goes to show that by following proven strategies and taking massive action, anyone can make rapid upgrades in his lifestyle, even during a global crisis.

Now, if I had to pick a single thing you should tackle first to guarantee epic lifestyle success in 2022…

that would definitely be mastering the art of cold-approaching

However, this is not merely about chit-chatting to girls on random occasions like when waiting for the bus.

It’s a conscious decision to walk up to any woman you’re attracted to, no matter where you are, and start a conversation with the intent of meeting her again on a date.

Might sound terrifying or unrealistic to you right now, but it’s something anyone can learn in a few weeks or months by mastering some basic steps.

The best place to start? Watch my latest video linked below.

It’s a detailed ‘caught-on-camera’ compilation of five of the best approaches I and Alex Leòn did in 2021, from the ‘hi’ to getting her number and setting up the date.

Click below to watch it:

P.S. Want to work directly with me and my team in 2022 to take your seductive life to the next level?

Our first 7-day workshop runs from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest, Hungary, and one-third of the available spots are already booked.

If serious about wanting to learn how to approach, get on dates, and back to your place several stunning women this year, click on the following link to speak to the enrollment team:

>> Speak with us

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Want women to care for you? Quit this behavior

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Why being nice to women sucks (if you expect something back)

Want women to care for you? Quit this behavior

Building an emotional connection with women is way too over hyped these days.

The idea, the fantasy, that you should bond with girls on a molecular level to spark attraction is exactly what prevents many men from sleeping with any woman.

Truth is that you don’t need to share painful memories and sorrows from the past.

Or to know all her favorite foods and how her first pet was named.

Nor do you need to soul-gaze at each other in a candle-lit room to get intimate with her.

Quite the opposite…

I always keep my game light and fun, focusing more on generating and releasing seductive pressure than building deep emotional attachment with the girl.

After all, you want her to perceive you as a potential lover and not as her psychotherapist or curious uncle.

Animation Loop GIF by renderfruit

Of course, emotions play a central role in this, but not the one you think…

It’s all about stimulating her deepest fantasies with your masculine presence and not about acting as an over-caring boyfriend right off the bat.

To learn more on how to properly create emotional impact without being friend-zoned or laughed at, check my latest video.

In it, I and the legendary Zan Perrion dive deep into common beta behaviors and how to effectively build a ‘seductive vibe’ with women that makes them heavily invested in you. Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. Want to develop irresistible masculine charm and get your dating life handled in the upcoming year?

Running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, our 7-day Residential workshop is your chance to work directly with me, Alex, Virag, and all of our top coaches as we dissect your current results and install rapid upgrades that will radically enhance your interactions with women for years.

Mastering the approach, leading conversations, getting the number, texting, seeing her again, and taking her back to your place…it’s all covered! And you also get to practice every skill––and possibly get your first successes––by meeting sexy women in the field every day while getting real-time feedback from the coaches.

6 spots available for the whole year, and they often sold out in a couple of weeks..

If interested, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

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Why men feel miserable

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Master this skill —> get dates in 2022

Why men feel miserable

Women like different men, at different times.

Sometimes, you fit perfectly into the masculine archetype she’s attracted to at the moment, and things will be ridiculously easy.

Others, no matter how good your game is, it will be an uphill effort.

Hit Different GIF by SZA

The only way to overcome the unfair entropy of the dating process is to develop what I often refer to as ‘real masculine abundance

In other words, you try to keep as many doors open with different women as possible so that you’re never desperate and begging for one specific girl to take you.

However, this doesn’t mean you should never settle with one great loving woman if you choose to…

…But you should be resourceful and confident enough to move on and find new romantic partners in the future if things do not go as planned.

The opposite of this is what most men, unfortunately, experience: scarcity.

A chronic state of insecurity, misery, and thirst for female attention often culminating in prioritizing women’s needs over your own.

If you want to stop being attached to girls’ approval and stop selling yourself short to women, make sure to watch my latest video.

In it, I reveal everything that two decades of being a world-famous dating & masculinity coach taught me on how ordinary guys can build incredibly abundant seductive lives.

Click on the link below to watch it

P.S. Looking to proactively stop the neediness and become the guy that women chase?

Our coaching pre-orders for 2022 have officially started!

This is your chance to collaborate with me and the entire TNL team for four, seven, and even ten days of intensive live coaching to radically amplify the magnitude of your opportunities with girls.

Several spots for the next year have already been taken. If serious about transforming your masculine life, click on the link below to begin your epic journey:

=> TNL 2022 coaching opportunities

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The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

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Want women to care for you? Quit this behavior