Why ugly guys date the hottest women (you won’t believe this)

Let’s cut to the chase: looks matter.

In fact, they are key if your primary way to get dates is to exchange eye contact and furtive smiles in bars with drunk girls hoping for them to make a move.

Been there, done that.

But if you dream of dating women who are aesthetically ‘above your league’, and who would never approach a guy first, the way you look doesn’t play that big of a role.

Sure, having a basic level of hygiene, grooming, and fitness, mixed with a decent fashion sense will do wonders to the average guy entering the dating game…

…But it’s the ability to go for it without waiting for any obvious sign of interest from the girl that ultimately makes the difference.

Again and again, on our live workshops, I’ve witnessed very average-looking guys outclassing beautiful men by miles when it came to approaching and making things happen with girls.

With no inherent advantage or shortcut, the ‘uglier’ guys had to work for it, learning how to face rejection and blow-offs and ultimately succeeding in getting the level of women they wanted.

The good-looking men, on the other hand, often experienced massive approach anxiety and problems to lead conversations, getting discouraged very easily.

So, no matter how good you might look, my advice is that you approach any girl from now on as if your appearance was an hindrance.

With that in mind, you’ll focus naturally on what really matters the most in seduction 😉

To learn more about this and the real impact of looks in dating, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Want to put an end to the idea that ‘she’s out of your league’ and date more women than you can handle?

Running from May 9th – May 15th, 2022, I’ll be leading a week-long intensive workshop in Budapest, Hungary, aimed to teach eight men how to become incredible with the ladies for the rest of their lives.

From what to say and how to exactly approach women, to starting and leading intriguing conversations, to escaping the dreaded friend-zone and building seductive tension, all the way to getting her number and taking her home on the first date…you get to master it all.

I and my team of elite coaches have over sixteen years of experience in turning ordinary guys into extraordinary, sexually-fulfilled men, and you could very well be our next success story!

To learn more about this opportunity, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

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