22 Inner game lessons for a better life

Top lessons that I’ve learned over my years in relationships as well as in my development

I was having a think about the top lessons that I’ve learned over my years in relationships as well as in my development, After sitting down and having a chat with Liam Mcrea and thinking about all the work I’ve done in the naturals with James Marshall over the years I decided to write out the top lessons for life that For the principles for a better relationship with yourself and others.

Im interested to hear which ones you like the most and if you have any others that you think should make the list.



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22 Lessons to live by

1. Realize that the source of all love, happiness and abundance exists within yourself

There is no other person or thing that can give you what you truly seek outside yourself. When you realize and embody this you will enter the flow as an independent yet simultaneously connected individual. When we let go of needing to fulfill ourselves through the external we free ourselves to truly be powerful and make choices that are in our best interests.

2. Work on your purpose on a daily basis even if you dont know what it is (seek it) and know that your self and all that is reflected back to it from the world of circumstance is like a garden that needs to be tended and nurtured constantly

The seeds you plant today with thought word and deed will be the world you wake up in tomorrow. When you are at one with your purpose you will be able to navigate the ocean of life with greater ease grace and synchronicity.

3. Never take your power for granted you are the creator of the meaning in your life

Learn to stand between the opposites of life and hold the paradox. Be aware that your desires, feelings and conditions only a small and transient aspect of the possibilities that exist in life and the opposite of them is just as real and powerful if you need to tune into them and bring them into being as well.

4. Grow from your challenges rather than resist and resent them

When you allow yourself to really step into a challenge you will find things out about yourself that you never knew, You will grow learn and evolve as a result. Resisting challenge only prolongs the suffering accepting it allows you to move through it with greater ease and grace.

5. Be wary of putting yourself into a box of limited being and always question what truly serves you

Learn to say no to energies, thoughts, feelings and people that are not good for you and your evolution and be clear on your boundaries of what’s ok and not ok for you.

6. Develop yourself worth and let go of guilt shame and fear

Drop any attachments to the past or the future that have negative emotions attached to them and know that as you let go and forgive yourself and others, you will always be rewarded with a greater sense of peace, love and appreciation for life as it is rather than what you wished it was. This will make you stronger, clearer and wiser in the process.

Drop any attachments to the past or the future that have negative emotions attached to them and know that as you let go and forgive yourself and others, you will always be rewarded with a greater sense of peace, love and appreciation for life as it is rather than what you wished it was. This will make you stronger, clearer and wiser in the process.


7. Have gratitude, love and appreciation for what you have even if it’s just this breath and be open to the greater potential of receiving that which you truly desire in your heart

Understand that you are the door keeper that rejects or accepts things coming into your life and gratitude is the magnet to attract that which you desire in your heart.

8. Be open to receiving, understanding and creating new distinctions in your view of the world

A closed mind is the beginning of suffering. Learning to grasp more complex understandings free’s you from the chains of ignorance and allows you to make better choices that are in alignment with what actually is. There are no black and whites in the world nor shades of grey. There is every color, combination and variation you can imagine.

9. Don’t be afraid of the ocean of chaos that is life, it is you

Even though at times the calling to be more than we have ever been before can seem overwhelming at times consciously engaging and working through it with skill and strategy is the path to true self actualisation. To repress or reject the chaos of life only means that you will have to learn the lessons unconsciously and in a way that is destructive to yourself and others.

10. Don’t let society, other people, culture or religion take over your own values but respect and have empathy and compassion for the value of others

When we allow others values to supersede and subsume our own we become deeply conflicted, stressed and destructive to ourselves and others. Instead make the wiser choice, Work out what’s important to you in your heart and live it with committed resolve. When you are on your path of true will destiny will open before you and nothing can stand in your way. If it does and it succeeds it was not your destiny anyway.

11. Connect to the source of your power on a regular basis

Your being is always connected to infinite intelligence, love and abundance, with an open heart and a desire to be connected with your source you will always have the love and polarity of the divine masculine and feminine within you on tap. Learn to be still, watch and listen as an impersonal witness and let your higher connection and knowing come into being effortlessly.

12. Say yes to experiences that challenge you and make you grow even if past conditioning tells you to close off and push them away

At the same time know when something is not for you and don’t be afraid to walk away if it’s not right.

13. Above all else be true to yourself and your needs and never forget that you are the centre of the world as far as your concerned

Paradoxically understand that everyone else is a centre as well and respect and support them to fulfil the needs and themselves as long as does not harm others unnecessarily or intentionally.


14. Trust in the abundance of life to provide you with your needs and fulfil your desires but don’t forget to do your bit in creating alignment with them as best as you can

Think of what you wish for regularly and feel good about it then let go, trust and take appropriate action. Learn to clear your own path by letting go of limiting beliefs, knowing your values and setting goals and intensions on a regular basis.


15. Aim for efficiency and let go of ways of thinking, feeling and acting that cost you time and effort

The one thing you have a limited resource of is time, never forget it and aim to be a master of your time. By setting up systems and strategies that help you get more out of what you do and help you get to where you need to be easier and faster. A sub lesson of this is to be aware of time and energy traps that exist in the world and do your best to free yourself from them. Society is full of these traps that want you to buy into all kinds of schemes and scams learn to avoid time intensive processes, avoid time wasting and don’t buy into anything big before you have thought about it’s consequences and the sacrifices that it way bring in the long run.


16. Love your shadow and realise that your down times are equally valid, important and powerful to your evolution, growth and wholeness as a human

Your shadow is your ally in disguise, Your best friend that holds a mirror to your flaws with the intention of helping grow and be more of what you truly are.


17. Let go of shadows that aren’t yours. It is a normal part of life that we share and exchange energies and information with others and the world around us

Be aware of energies and information that does not serve you and detach from them. Intent and send shadows that do not belong to you back to the source and abstain from negative sources of information that invade your thought and feeling space. This means turning off the TV, choosing your internet info wisely and not reading the papers if and when the information that they are presenting is not of highest intentions.


18. Don’t take things personally

In the final analysis most of the things that worry us and seem to create negativity are insignificant in the greater context if life. Ask yourself will you really care about this on your death bed? And in the light of all the things that are really important, the love you have from people around you, your life, your health, and your very miraculous existence does it really matter? 9 times out of 10 it will be a no and if so take a deep breath say fuck it and let it go back to the source. Holding onto negative thoughts and feelings only ends up poisoning yourself anyway.


19. Abstain from negativity, judgment, fear and criticism as much as possible

It only fosters separation negative ego and drops your energy to a lower state of potential.


20. Look after yourself and learn to truly love yourself like a perfect parent would bring up a child

We are all still children that need strong parents in this journey of life and as such we need allot of love, support, nurturing and most of all allot of fun, creativity and play. Eat well, sleep well, love allot and do things you love and make you happy on a regular basis. Be the source of your own happiness.


21. Take responsability and speak for yourself only

Be aware of the tendency to generalise, delete and distort the world around you and think that if it’s true for you it’s true for others as well. Catch yourself out at every opportunity and realise that there are no real limits to the life you create except the rules you put on life and it’s self.

22. Forgive the challenging past and let go of your fears. The attachment to the hurtful past and the fears that live within it are the very things that will recreate that which you feared in the first place

When you take the lessons from your experiences the fear based emotions will fall away and you will be left with gold nuggets of loving wisdom you can keep forever.


If you are interested in finding out more about how to actually embody these lessons and other lessons get in contact with me. I’de love to hear from you.

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Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…

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Be A Man: Act Weak.

Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…

Many guys come to us asking for relationship advice when it’s already too late. They want to know how to make their girlfriend like them, how to bring the spark back, how to keep things exciting.

But what they don’t realize is the relationship advice they’ve been given is not just unhelpful…in most of the cases we see, it’s too little, too late. They are already in too deep, driven by cultural myths about what women want, and have lost their masculine energy, vitality and life force that made the woman attracted to them in the first place.

A man feels as though, if he is a good enough guy, shows respect, affection, is on time, is neat, is nice, a woman will fall for him.

What we’ve seen over and over is that women respond to how a man makes her feel, not the things he does. And most guys have no idea how they make a woman feel, or what feelings are exciting for her.

Here are the 3 distinct phases guys play out:

1. Knight in shining armour

This is a classic role that guys love to play. It’s fed into our brains since childhood… the powerful handsome rich prince saving the princess and getting rewarded with sex, affection, and female attention. This story often leads guys to pursue girls who are not interested in them, spend months or years patiently hoping that if they stick around long enough a girl will recognize what a good guy they are, or stay in toxic relationships with girls who have extreme emotional problems hoping that they can ‘fix them’ or ‘save them. This leads to the next mistake…

2. Sacrifices

The knight has to slay a big dragon to impress the princess. But it’s worth it when he gets that sweet, sweet feminine attention and approval he’s been craving in the form of sex, a girlfriend, intimacy etc. So many guys often end up making sacrifices to prove their love, from the subtle day by day ones to the grandiose. An example of the subtle is attending to a woman’s every need to the point where you smother her. and the grandiose… in this job I’ve watched countless guys throw away passions, friendship groups, careers, fulfilling lifestyles and artistic pursuits to ‘be with a girl’. And here’s the worst part: women don’t respect you for it… they actually resent it! They are attracted to a man with a vital life force and purpose… unless that purpose is ‘needily extract validation and feminine attention from this woman.’ She wants to be part of your life, NOT your whole life.

3. Resentment

Men who play out these stereotypes long enough end up resenting women. They feel cheated by the system, lied to, manipulated. This is covered extensively in “No More Mr Nice Guy” by Robert Glover. It feels for them that no matter how hard they try, no matter how nice, chivalrous they are, their quest for feminine affection and attention winds up hurting them.


So what is the ultimate relationship advice? Maintain a purpose, drive, and passion outside of women. Make her a fun addition to your already stimulating lifestyle, not the focal point of it. This involves discovering who YOU are as a man before diving head first into a serious long-term monogamous relationship. Click HERE to explore this topic in depth.

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5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys

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22 Inner game lessons for a better life

5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys

Shy guys often wonder if they’ll ever meet a girl. Some of them turn to the internet for seduction tips. This can be confusing when they come across extroverted ‘life-of-the-party’ style pickup artists and seduction coaches.

“Could that really be me?” They ask, wondering if they’ll ever be able to feel comfortable in a nightclub.

The good news is, you don’t have to! Here are my 5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys:

1. You don’t have to be high energy

If you’ve ever watched infield videos of James Marshall you’ll see that he’s cool, calm and collected, almost to the point of being boring. A natural introvert, he likes to keep things low key. Many guys assume that because some pickup artists they watch shout and yell and are high energy, that this is the ONLY way to meet girls. If you are a shy guy, this is going to make things WORSE for you, as you burn up your energy, stress yourself out, and adopt behaviours that don’t fit your natural temperament. Low energy can be as powerful, if not more powerful approach, as it gives the girl space and time to relax, get to know you, and allows sexual tension to develop.

2. Some girls think shy guys are cute

Not every girl wants a muscle bound suit wearing rich guy. Some girls find shy guys cute and endearing. Does this mean you can just ‘be yourself’? Not exactly. You still need to approach women, show sexual intent, and make a move. But it doesn’t have to be super smooth. Awkwardness transforms into sexual tension if she likes you.

3. Sometimes the girl is just as shy as you

Many guys think that all girls are the same. Some are confident, and some are super shy! Knowing this helps you to stop interpreting every awkward moment as your fault… sometimes she’s just nervous too.

4. Speaking less is better

You don’t have to dominate the conversation. In fact, leaving space for her to talk puts more pressure on her to invest in the conversation, allows you to listen more and find out about her. This is a good chance to give her a flirtatious look with your eyes to turn friendly chit chat into sexually charged conversation.

5. With practice you will relax

Rejection is good! If you are shy, the best thing you can do is go an get rejected. You will start to realize it’s not so bad, and avoid becoming obsessed over trying to make the seduction go perfectly. Learning to be relaxed and comfortable after rejection is a vital skill for the rest of your life. Go get rejected today!

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Make Seduction Fun (3 rules)

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Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…

Make Seduction Fun (3 rules)

Seduction can really be so much fun. Don’t believe me? Are you a “serious robot man” who is doing precisely what he needs to do because this person said do it and he will do it exactly “right”? This is the guy that women are incredibly uncomfortable to be around.

This high standard that he is holding himself manifests in rigidity of behavior. Unattractive. Being playfully flirtatious is a must to enjoying an interaction. Allowing yourself to loosen up and be happier gives the woman the feeling that you will be a pleasure to hang out with. So, the 3 simple rules to make seduction fun are:

Rule #1. Lower you standards for what you believe is great conversation

In talking to tons women, I found that lowering my standards for what makes great conversation is how I started having great conversations. Seduction material typically tells men time and time again that your conversation needs to be serious, to ask questions like “Why do you love this and that?” or “What is your deepest passion?”. At times this will be vital in getting her to open her heart to you, but great conversation is creative and spontaneous. For example, ask her “If you could live one place for the rest of your life, where would you live?”. Or if things stall out in a conversation you can say, “Make one assumption about me and I will tell you if it’s true.” When you lower the standard the pressure is immediately lifted, so you can stop being so damn serious and start having fun.

Rule #2. Say as you feel and do as you feel

To feel happier in an interaction, start saying whatever you want, doing whatever you want, and OWNING IT! Most of man’s frustration in an interaction will stem from being disconnected from the moment and being stuck in their head. On top of that, they worry about how they are being perceived by the woman. To truly be light-hearted and playful is the key. Say whatever you want and do whatever you want. This freedom will free the woman up as well. She will feel the energy coming off of you, which will allow her to open up. Which brings us to Rule 3...

Rule #3. Be slow and enjoy the interaction

So many men rush an interaction to get to the end. If you do, you will miss out on how she is really feeling behind her words and movements. Women tell you so much without saying much. Enjoy the silence between you two, enjoy how she acts, how she speaks. But most importantly, enjoy the fact that you’re creating an opportunity for you both. Being slow and enjoying the interaction will help you to elicit fun.


Understand that these 3 rules for making seduction fun will completely help you if you make sure to still simmer down your energy and really connect at times. Be responsive to her in order to make the most of whatever you're doing. Above all, have fucking fun! By being a free man in front of women, you give them that same gift of freedom. Click HERE to learn more about seduction. Until next time my fellow seducers, peace.


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PUA vs. Being Natural

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5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys

PUA vs. Being Natural

A seducer and a PUA are not the same thing. There is more than a semantic difference; it’s about two completely different and opposing mindsets. The age of the Pick Up Artist is dying, as men who want real internal change are seeing the unsatisfying results of lines, fake personalities and ego gratification.

The transformation you go through as a man internally is much more meaningful and fruitful than just seducing women. So that only leaves you with what option? Yes, you’re right. You. Your natural self is the most attractive thing to a woman. Men in the normal world, hide their flaws, their opinions and their sexuality.

PUA’s present a stylized and compensatory front, Natural seducers bare all. There is this amazing saying I heard somewhere that goes “Women are attracted to your rough spots”. This means exactly that what is most attractive about you is both what is loved by many and not accepted by many. Let’s take a further look into why being natural is more challenging than memorizing lines but your best route to attracting the most desirable women who love you for you.
The most appealing parts that you can show a woman are the parts that most people don’t see. Not your cock you nasty fuckers (although later you will), but the raw aspects that really define your character.

Here’s 2 examples of recent dates I had where my honesty led to polar results

Example 1. Acceptance:

I met a woman in the nightclub and she said, “What is your favorite movie?” Now, my favorite at the time was Frozen. I had a choice in that moment to guess what I thought she wanted to hear to make me appear alpha or to just give the Disney truth. Of course I took the truth. And something beautiful happened. She said “Oh my god I love that movie. I love Olaf”. And we both hugged and kissed. Now, I’m an open-relationship with this woman and we have watched Frozen numerous times together.

Example 2. Non - Acceptance:

I was on a date with an L’ Oreal makeup artist and she was a very classy woman. Well dressed and wanted chivalry from me the whole night. As we are on the date she says, “Now, tell me some words to describe you?” So, as I’m saying words I say, “I’m sexual” and say a few more. I end she goes “Why would say your sexual on the first date with someone? It’s a bit awkward.” I said, “Well, I’m just being honest”. Guessing her reply to me saying that, you know where the date ended up. We never spoke again after that day.

So, I had the choice in both instances to give a part that I thought was more PUAish or what I thought she wanted to hear, or just plainly give her the truth of who I am. Both women reacted strongly to my truth. The first became more attracted the second was completely turned off. Those are the responses you want. To have the majority of women you talk to like you is not your aim. No seducer is 100% or anywhere close to that, nor should they be trying to be. If 90% of women you talk to like you (in a generic way), you’re not showing them exactly who you are. Show exactly who you are, your true desire without apology. Then, watch how the tide turns.

PUA’s follow what they’re “supposed to do” based on rigid external ideas while Naturals follow their truth, desire and integrity. Put a PUA in a club and he will try to seduce the hottest women in the room. He will be so attached to his image of getting that hot girl that he will diminish his integrity, put him in his head and as a result he’s unlikely to get her. Put a Natural in the club and he will seduce the women who he best matches up with. The hottest girl in the club is not the pinnacle woman. She is just another woman who still needs to be qualified and engaged with on a deep level, to see if you’re right for each other. The Natural may still approach her; walk up to her with presence, integrity, and truth and speak to her. He will be qualifying her to see if she’s a cool girl and worthy to see again, just like he does to all women. If so, great. If not, he will simply move on. Men get so caught up on achieving that super-hot girl in the club that they forget about what is amazing for the soul. Of course allow your instant attraction to lead you to whoever you want but operate the same way as if you would with a woman who is cute.I hope this clears up the mindset difference between being Natural and being a “PUA”.

The pursuit of beauty solely to boost your ego will in the long run be a hollow journey and ironically you’ll get much hotter, incredible women by first becoming clear of what real standards are important to you. So, start now. Be completely natural by showing women who you are exactly, vulnerabilities, quirks and all. You can either build a mask and armor based on a false Pick Up Artist identity or act through your exact and natural self, while continuing to develop yourself into the ideal man you wish to be. The choice is yours. Until next, my fellow seducers.

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Learning Seduction is not Optional (Video)

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Make Seduction Fun (3 rules)

Learning Seduction is not Optional (Video)

There are 2 main areas of education that are completely overlooked by all formal and cultural teaching systems for the modern man. The irony being that these two fields are the ones that are most likely to determine your success and fulfillment. The first is money.

Unless you were born into wealth, or find mentors and methods to understand how to make your resources work for you, develop positive mindsets and know the difference between investments and liabilities, you are likely to be a wage slave forever. I’ll be dealing with this topic in depth another time.

The second is social skills and seduction. The ability to connect emotionally, understand human behavior and particularly how to release and consistently generate attraction with women is the defining skill that leads to either a rich sex & relationship life or long periods of enforced celibacy and loneliness.

Many men who have come into the seduction sphere treat this as a hobby, or a topic of interest. As if, getting good at this is optional and if they choose not to commit to mastering approaching women outside their social circles that they will somehow end up finding “the one” anyway. Wake up. Most people settle for relationships that are based on scarcity. They date directly within their social and work/study circles. The reality is that you will be choosing from a pool of around 3- 15 women. What is the chance that you’ll find a sexy girl who is truly compatible with you from that? Even if she drifts into your orbit, without the understanding of female sexual psychology and abilities to trigger it you won’t get her anyway and will spend years in the friend zone.

Who you decide to spend long periods with and later who you marry and have children with are literally the most important decisions of your life. Choosing the wrong person, or conducting a relationship from a weak, needy position will lead to divorce, losing most of your assets, fucking your kids up and wasting your peak years.

And yet, most people don’t make these decisions at all. They fall into relationships because that is the best they can find and simply let fate decide. If you have been dabbling in seduction, consuming theory from the sidelines, or occasionally chatting to women, now is the time to wake up and realize that this is a survival skill you must learn and time is running out.

Most men I know who became really good at this, made it a priority for a couple of years, or sought out mentors to speed up the process. By good, I don’t mean any particular number of lovers, or becoming a PUA god - I mean being able to get exactly the type of women you want into the relationship you want. That for me is the definition of seductive success. Take an honest look at your life and if you know deep down you can’t do that, it’s time to commit.

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The 3 Things You Think Get Sex, But DON’T

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PUA vs. Being Natural

The 3 Things You Think Get Sex, But DON’T

So many men are lost, stabbing around in the dark trying to get sex. They’ll try anything and everything… except for actually approaching a woman. I see it so often. Guys convincing themselves that they’re having a good time, when really under the surface, the main thing they want is sex.

Here are 3 classic things guys to in the vain hope that it will somehow get sex in some roundabout way:

1. Drinking with their friends

Alcohol is such a multi-layered liquid in the seduction world. For starters, it gives you a false sense of confidence. Secondly, I gives you an escape from the brutal truth that you’re not getting laid as much as you would like to be. It also gives you an excuse to be out and about in social venues talking to girls. It actually numbs your social skills and means that you’re not really progressing or dealing with your anxiety, just putting off facing it till a later date.

2. Focusing on your career/“Developing yourself” without actually approaching women

Many guys will convince themselves that if they work hard enough to reach a senior position in their firm, get the status and prestige and power, and the company car, that suddenly women will begin to flock to them. This is not the case, and the worst part about this dael is that when guys have worked so hard for this “watch, suit, car house = women” fantasy, and they arrive to realize it was all bullshit, it makes them even more bitter and resentful of women, as if women told them this. Parallel versions of this include “I’ll approach women when I’ve found inner peace through meditation”, “When I have more muscles” “If I just become and interesting person girls will see that.”I ABOSOLUTLEY endorse pursing your passions, trying out new hobbies, mastering an artistic or physical craft, whether that’s music, art, meditation, bodybuilding, sport, entrepreneurship. BUT none of these things are an excuse NOT to start approaching women TODAY. Every day you spend not approaching women is a day you are missing out on being closer to the woman of your dreams.

3. Cars/houses

Society has been telling you since you were born that a cool car is a powerful status symbol. That it will somehow manifest you sex. Maybe a girl will see you getting into it and then suddenly approach you. Maybe she will even see the photo on your Facebook and send you a message. Very unlikely. Cars are not only poor seduction props, they are actually massive financial black holes. The amount of money you have to spend buying and maintaining them would be much better invested in something else. $40,000 could get a car that instantly depreciates to $32,000 or less. $40,000 could allow you to live in a cool eastern European city for a year or two comfortably.

Check Sex God Masterclass to learn about topic deeply. Stop making excuses, distracting yourself and come and train with us to learn the real skill that will make you happier than any beer: the ability to seduce women.



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9 Ways To Screw Up A Date

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Learning Seduction is not Optional (Video)

9 Ways To Screw Up A Date

Men often complain that women make it problematic to have sex with them, particularly when a girl comes home after a date. They think “Why would she come to my house if she didn’t want to fuck!” The joke is, she probably did, and your house or the way you acted turned her off.

Here are 9 common ways guys mess up a chance to get laid after a date:

1. The Awkward Invitation

Making a big deal out of asking the girl to come in creates unnecessary tension. This is the moment where you don’t want to make her uncomfortable.

2. The Messy Kitchen

Your house being disgusting is a sure way to turn her off. The guy that doesn’t tidy up before a date is mentally preparing for failure or ruining the mood when she gets home.

3. The Awkward Conversation

Forcing a long drawn out conversation is a reaction guys often fall into when they are nervous of unsure about how to make a move. The longer you remain physically distant and dredging for small talk, the less she wants to be there.

4. The Cockblocking Friend

This can take many forms, the annoying/polite/unaware friends, hers or yours. The worst of course being a male friend (showing her the dubstep remix of two girls one cup), who is competing with you for the girls attention in a lose / lose game. The guy that doesn’t take the lead and handle logistical problems will find his sure thing turning into an epic sex fail.

5. The Disgusting Bathroom

James Marshall: “A girl once told me that she went to a guys house, saw the shit stains smeared on the toilet bowl, and then decided not to fuck him.” Men love bad boys but they hate dirt, shit, pubic hairs, napkins for toilet paper and no towels above floor level.

6. The Man Cave

Laziness and ill preparation under the guise of manly self expression will guarantee to have your date swatting your tit hand away and making her excuses. Remember the golden wisdom of seduction: men have sex to relax, women have sex when relaxed and if the harsh lighting, jizzy odor and bad playlist stress her out, she won’t want to fuck you.

7. The Ruined Moment

A women will often set up a scenario where it’s easy for the guy to kiss her but many men miss the signals or are too cowardly to act. She doesn’t want you to ask or check.

8. The Creepy Kiss Attempt

Well after the ruined moment, trying to kiss her when she’s lost interest and then reacting badly makes an easy justification to her to block your facebook and ignore your texts.

9. The Bitter Nice Guy

Becoming frustrated at her initial rejection, without taking the feedback will not only turn her off on the date but also to ruin any chances to see her again.

Stop making excuses, distracting yourself and come and train with us to learn the real skill that will make you happier than any beer: the ability to seduce women and find love.

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Don't act like her boyfriend if you don't want to get a girlfriend

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The 3 Things You Think Get Sex, But DON’T

Don’t act like her boyfriend if you don’t want to get a girlfriend

I want to address the common misconception that “all” women want relationships all of the time, particularly as soon as they start sleeping with a guy. First of all- this is an incorrect assumption and also a very negative and misleading mindset to have.

A lot of guys I coach often ask me:

“Why is it when I sleep with a girl she always wants to be my girlfriend soon after?”
“Why do all women just want a relationship as soon as they start sleeping with a guy?”
“How do I encourage a girl to start an open relationship with me?”
“How do I make sure it stays casual?”

Have you asked yourself this? Does this sound familiar?

I’ve realised through my interactions with clients that these are common mindsets. We need to address this and look at why men believe this and what can they do to readjust their mindsets. From what I have witnessed with many guys I coach, more often than not it’s that their own behaviour mimics that of a boyfriend (not a casual lover) therefore confuses the woman that they want a relationship. It’s important to define the relationship and the role you play in her life from the very beginning.

Men, you are creating more problems for yourself and shaping women into roles they don’t want to play. If you don’t want to get a girlfriend then don’t act like her boyfriend! Firstly, lets address this misconception and start by readjusting your beliefs and mindsets into something more positive and truthful.

Change your mindset

Your first mistake is the mindset that all women want relationships. Let go of this dated and incorrect assumption. Realise that women want a range of different relationships, depending on their age, mood time in their life- endless factors. A woman may be looking for a casual fling one month, then meet a guy a year later and desire a relationship with him. There are endless women longing to be seduced by that dashing lover or to have a wild summer fling; be that man that can offer her that experience.

Don’t screen for women looking for relationships

If you find yourself “dodging” being a boyfriend, then you need to know now its because you’re screening for and attracting women who want you to be her boyfriend. Without realising it, you may be unconsciously screening for behaviours and mindsets you don’t want. Starting casual relationship with a lover, but having the negative mindset that “she must want to be my girlfriend” is a really negative way to begin the relationship. Create the role and archetype as her casual lover internally from the very beginning.

Be clear and talk about it

There’s no need to call out your relationship status in the beginning. Being overly honest can be inappropriate. But once its clear you guys are seeing each other for some time, it will be important to discuss where you’re at. If she asks, or if you want to state it, be clear that you see your relationship with her as casual. Saying things like “I really like spending time with you. I’m not looking for an exclusive relationship, but I really enjoy what we have” can help. Ignoring it or lying is not going to help you.

Don’t behave like a boyfriend

How many times have I heard a guy say “I don’t know why my casual lover seems to want to make it more serious” and then I find out he is texting her 4 times a day and spending time with her 3-4 nights a week. Just like a boyfriend. Don’t ACT like her boyfriend if you don’t want to get a girlfriend!! It’s confusing for a woman and misleading.
Lovers and flings behave very differently than men in relationships.
Your behaviour communicates what you want, so start reframing your mindsets and behaviours to that of the casual fling or lover in her life.

Here’s some common “boyfriend” behaviours a guy may exhibit:
  • Texting too often (every day is too much!)
  • Involving the girl in part of his social circle too often
  • Planning for the future
  • Dirty weekends away vs Spending 24hrs straight at your place.

Yes, have sexy weekends away with each other every now and then.

However snuggling & videos at each others house every weekend is falling into relationship territory- don’t do anything in a routine.

  • Let a girl know separate time is both your own business– you don’t have to explain your whereabouts- it’s not ok to ask or check up on each other.
  • Indulging in emotional roleplays that you can’t follow through with. It’s unfair and misleading for the woman.
  • When you part ways from each other- don’t start planning for the next time you see each other (like you do in a relationship) simply say “See you soon.”

Play the dashing lover

Internalise this role. Start experimenting with this lifestyle. How is this different that a man in a relationship?
A lover is in a woman’s life irregularly. He’s the guy who she has a wild time with one weekend, but then they don’t see each other all week. He is not in constant contact with her and they don’t know every detail of each other’s lives. He is more likely to send dirty texts than sweet emotionally comforting ones.

Start experimenting with the roles you play in women’s lives and start internalising them so they become part of you. Consistency is vital.

Get into the mindset of playing the dashing lover or the summer fling. Explore these roles and the behaviours and lifestyles associated with them. Taking on these roles allows you to be more honest with yourself and with the women in your life. Your behaviour will be communicating what you really want and be thus in alignment with your mindsets. This way you will begin to screen for and thus seduce women with similar mindsets who are looking for the same type of casual relationships that you are.

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3 Sex Tips on Being the Animalistic Lover

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3 Sex Tips on Being the Animalistic Lover

As many men have started to find out, women are not just satisfied with plain old “vanilla sex” anymore. The demand to be a better lover is at its all time high for the men of this generation. But exactly what different things can a man do to keep his woman craving for more of his dick. How can you be in a woman’s mind when she’s horny?

Well the sex tips explained here are about the type of bedroom archetypes that nice guys shy away from. The Animalistic Lover. Letting go fully, a dominant mentality, and very direct language are core foundations for becoming such an intense form of lover.

1. To tap into the animalistic drive within yourself, you must be willing to let go fully

It requires that you tap into your desire to really fuck your woman. Now you say “I do that every time we have sex”. Really? So, you’re telling me that you have ripped your woman’s clothes off right after stepping in the door? You fuck her so hard and came in her mouth afterwards? You stuck your fingers down her mouth as you were fucking her from behind? Stop and think have you done this? Even if you haven’t, start now. The next time you are horny and you are with your woman, just let go. Push her up against the wall roughly. Grab her by the hair and spank her ass while you still have your clothes on. Fully take her. Make her orgasm over and over. She’ll love you for it.

2. Dominance is the intention.

The sex tips in mainstream media rarely talk about this because it’s too much to handle, but women love to be fucked hard and in a dominant manner often. Dominance is taking on the mentality that she is you

rs, and you’re responsible for leading everything in the bedroom. It’s a mentality though. “Your mine” is your intent behind dominance. Your eyes show it. How you handle her will show it. She will love you more for doing this as well. Let her know through the way to look at her and handle her, that she’s yours.

3. Be very direct in how you speak to her.

The way you speak should match your dominant mentality. Try being dominant and saying, “You’re pretty”, “You’re so cute”. Won’t work. The language should be something like, “You’re mine”, “You’re fucking sexy”, “I love fucking you”. See the difference. Speaking in an explicit and sexy way will be such a turn on because it matches the mood and she feels more like she’s under your control. Tell her. Command her. Be the animal of desire to take your woman in the way you speak.

If you want to explore this topic in depth, I created week-long course that offers the unique opportunity to gain world class training for you. Click HERE to get instant  access.

Start fucking your women men. Let them know just how much you really desire to be inside of her. I understand why women want it, because it’s the way they fantasize about it. Hopefully these sex tips will help all of you be that beast in the bed. Until next time…

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