How To Deal With High Energy People

If everyone around you is talking, making jokes, jumping around, it can seem like they’re the life of the party, having all of the fun, and you’re kind of a wet blanket who’s bringing everyone down.

Even if you’re an introvert and ‘low energy’

Today’s question comes from Kevin in Vienna who asks:

As an introverted guy, I feel nervous and awkward around high energy or extroverted girls. How do I handle these situations?

Being an introvert myself I know how uncomfortable it can get being in a social situation with people who are high energy and feeling really overwhelmed.

If everyone around you is talking, making jokes, jumping around, it can seem like they’re the life of the party, having all of the fun, and you’re kind of a wet blanket who’s bringing everyone down.

This can be especially hard when it comes to girls who want to race off and explore the world, or who talk non-stop, or are constantly distracted by people and things around them.

It can seem like they have an endless abundance of energy. So why would a girl like that want to hang around with a low energy guy?


The Path Out Of Loneliness - Dating Workshop Documentary

The Truth about Social Anxiety - James Marshall's Solution for Introverts

Accepting Yourself

Firstly, if you’re a low energy guy, you need to accept it.

There’s no use fooling yourself into thinking that you can just ‘pump your state’ and suddenly match the energy of people who are naturally extroverted.

Not only will you burn out very soon, but it will become apparent to everyone around you that you’re putting on a facade to be more like them, rather than just being comfortable in your own skin.

But sometimes, being yourself CAN be uncomfortable, right?

What are you supposed to do with all of that nervous tension that’s building up inside of you?

How do you cope with the thoughts running through your head telling you that she’s getting bored or wishes you were more fun?

Is it even possible to shift away from that paralysis and towards taking action, like getting her number, or if it’s a date, going for a kiss?

Yes, it is. But the solution may surprise you.

Basking In The Awkwardness

Instead of reacting to the awkward feelings that come up when you’re around high energy people, have you ever thought about just sitting in it?

I know it may sound counter intuitive, because if something is uncomfortable, we’re biologically programmed to get away from it.

Next time you’re in a social situation around lots of high energy people, try this:

  1. Begin by acknowledging to yourself, even in your mind, that you’re uncomfortable.
  2. Notice that you have tension inside of you that says “if i don’t do something right now, something bad is going to happen”
  3. Wait for the tension to resolve.

Sound too good to be true?

I’m sure it does! Let me tell you though, I’m frequently getting myself into situations that make me feel awkward and uncomfortable. Even clothes shopping can freak me out; as soon as I walk into the store I have these cool chicks asking me all of these questions when I don’t even know what I want!

But then all I do is acknowledge that the tension is there, that I’m uncomfortable, and let it pass. If it seems too hard for you right now, I’d suggest checking out the Marshall Meditation Method. This is an online course designed to teach you meditation even if you’ve never learned how before.

The reason why meditation is so useful in these situations is because instead of not knowing what to do with all of the tension inside of you, suddenly you have the tools to just let it be there.

And the more you accept those feelings and make way for them, the sooner they will shift and change and move to something else.

In real life, this looks like someone else doing something to resolve the tension. Maybe someone will crack a joke, or the girl will ask you a question.

So make sure you try it next time you’re in an uncomfortable situation, and let me know how it goes!

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Women Who Don’t Give Out Their Phone Number

Rather than thinking “oh, she said no when I went for the number because she doesn’t want to go on a date with me”, ask yourself: What other reasons could she have for saying no?

and what to do about it!

If you’ve ever asked a girl for her number and she say’s no, it can be one of the most soul crushing things ever. Nothing sucks more than having a smooth chat only to be thrown an abrupt curveball out of nowhere.

But why do women say no when you ask for their number?

Is it because they don’t like you?

Is it because they have a boyfriend they aren’t telling you about?

Or is it something much more complex, intricate and confusing that only the infamous dating coach and natural seducer James Marshall can deduce?

Let’s find out.

Cracking The Code

When it comes to seduction, there is rarely a situation that is a complete carbon copy of the other.

Even though pickup lines and routines are only practiced by guys in their 40’s who ‘just can’t let go of the old ways’, a lot of men still hold onto the idea that there is a one size fits all approach to certain situations.

That there is a perfect opener.

Or a perfect way to ask for her number.

Or the perfect first text to send afterwards.

Here at The Natural Lifestyles we always focus on taking a step back from this focus on situations and instead look at the meta of a situation.

So rather than thinking “oh, she said no when I went for the number because she doesn’t want to go on a date with me”, ask yourself: What other reasons could she have for saying no?

The Creepy Texter

A lot of women have a story about this one guy in their life. No, he wasn’t the charming romantic who swept her off her feet.

Instead, he was the guy who she innocently gave her number to because at the time she thought he was cute, or he made her laugh.

Emphasis on the innocent here. She wasn’t hearing wedding bells or picturing their family home, it was just done on a whim, a spur of the moment kind of thing.

Yet because most men are coming from a place of complete SCARCITY and have very limited options with women, getting a woman’s number = sex.

All they need to do is pester her enough times until she finally submits.

So they text her.

And then text her some more.

When she doesn’t respond, they call.

And then when there is no answer, you know what the

y do?

That’s right. They leave a voice message.

Then send a text.

You know.

Just in case the voicemail didn’t work.

So suddenly she’s gone from giving out her number to some guy she barely knows who is now constantly harassing her.

The last thing she wants to do is give him the impression that she’s interested, so she doesn’t respond.

But instead of him getting the hint, he just thinks she’s playing “hard to get” and so texts him even more.

Talk about a nightmare.

Calling It Out

Since I’ve been doing this for many, many years, I’ve heard countless stories like this from women about their experiences with men.

So when I hear “I don’t give my numbers to strangers”, I don’t interpret that as “I don’t want to date you”, but rather “I’ve done that before and deeply regretted it”.

In this instance a little reassurance goes a long way.

Just the fact that I mention this to her is a huge weight off her shoulders.

If you want to hear more about my origin story and how I eventually became the world’s leading dating coach, you can read all about it in A Natural History. It’s an autobiography chronicling my early days starting out as a seducer, not to mention all of the mistakes I made along the way.

Admittedly, I may have had a creepy texter phase too, but you’ll have to click here to find out more…

The Sixth Sense

What this really boils down to is developing a sixth sense, a seducers empathy if you will, when you’re interacting with women.

Know that they’ve had to deal with a whole range of bizarre behaviour from men which was totally unwelcome, and for some women that makes them incredibly hesitant when meeting new men.

Especially if you’re two strangers who have just met on the street like I was meeting this redhead in Prague.

So next time you’re having a morning after with a girl, maybe ask her about some of the experiences she’s had with men. Her answers will likely shock you…

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Being Yourself Under Social Pressure

Have you ever noticed that you’re not yourself all of the time?

James Marshall explains why it’s hard to be yourself around beautiful women.

Have you ever noticed that you’re not yourself all of the time?

That sounds like a very esoteric question, so let me put it this way.

Why is it that when you’re hanging around friends that you’ve known for years, or talking to your mom, it’s really easy to be yourself.

There isn’t any social pressure, you don’t feel like you have to think of something to say next. It’s just...normal.

But when you’re talking to some intimidating, like a beautiful woman, things can really change.

Building Bridges

Most guys think that in order to be yourself you need to be cool, relaxed and at your best. If you’re someone who is very analytical and logical, say an engineer or software programmer, there is often a lot of pressure to get things perfect.

And for good reason! I’m certainly grateful that we have guys such as yourself double and triple checking the math so that skyscrapers and planes are falling down around me.

But when it comes to meeting beautiful women, trying to get everything perfect doesn’t really serve you.

For one, it means that you’re constantly going to be thinking about what to say and do, instead of just focusing on her.

And secondly, social interactions are rarely ever perfect, especially seduction. In all of my years I’ve pulled off one, maybe two seductions where everything went 100% perfectly.

Most of the time things go wrong. So how is it that you can bridge the gap between not being yourself under social pressure, to feeling comfortable no matter who you’re talking to?


This Is Why You're Constantly Stressed - How To Chill Out

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Getting Out Of Your Head

The answer, is simple. Meditation. The journey may not be entirely simple, but the answer at least for now, is simple.

See, when something goes wrong in a seduction, it’s the perfect opportunity for your mind to pitch in and start causing problems.

Analyzing how that one thing you did wrong is going to ruin everything.

Pointing out the obvious mistake that you could have seen coming a mile away.

Convincing you it’s time to just give up to avoid further embarrassment.

So is the problem really external, or is it internal? Is it that you made a mistake, or how you process the mistake?

Sometimes it’s both. But the process of correcting that begins with meditation.

In the Marshall Meditation Method online course, I teach guys a practical way to meditate that is applicable to situations where you’re under high pressure.

Remember how I said the answer is easy, but the journey isn’t? I’ve done everything I can to distill over 10 years of meditation practice and study into an online course that takes you through meditation step by step, leading you up to the point where you can draw on the practice of mindfulness when you’re feeling social pressure. You can learn more by clicking HERE.

Getting The Job Done

With the right tools anything is possible, hence the course filled with everything you need to know. But your responsibility is to actually use those tools.

This means first being aware of how social pressure shows up in the moment.

Does your mouth get dry? Does your chest get tight? Does it feel like there’s a fuzzy sensation in your belly?

Next, identify the sensation. Rather than judging it, by saying “oh I’m nervous again”, just acknowledge that it’s there.

Finally, watch it pass away. Few sensations and feelings in life are consistent in every moment, and even those that are aren’t always necessarily in our field of awareness.

Meditation is all about helping you to get back to the present moment, out of your head, and hopefully, focused on the beautiful woman who is about you hand you her number.

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What Is Love?

Struggling to pin down what this odd combination of emotions, thoughts and sensations is, where it is, and how it always seems to make us do crazy, stupid things.

How To Tell If You’re In Love

Ah, the age old question that philosophers, poets, novelists and artists of all kinds have been trying to answer for eons. Struggling to pin down what this odd combination of emotions, thoughts and sensations is, WHERE it is, and how it always seems to make us do crazy, stupid things.

If you’re a guy who has spent most of his life single and alone, its particularly important for you to pay attention to the feelings you develop for women.

Whether you’re using what you learn from our videos to finally ask that girl out you’ve been pining over for months, or you have started approaching women on the street, you’re at a high risk to confuse love with intense feelings for a girl.

Curing Desperation

A common tale we hear from guys after a workshop goes something like this:

"I spent my whole life wondering when I’d meet that next girl. This meant going months, often years without sex. And now, I’ve got the confidence and skills to meet as many women as I like. But there’s this one special girl I approached recently, and well, I’ve decided I want to settle down into a relationship with her. In fact, I think I love her."

Tell me, can you see the problem here?

A guy has gone from being completely lonely and desperate, to suddenly finding a girl who will sleep with him, and coincidentally she just HAPPENS to be the girl he’s fallen in love with.

Is this a fairy tale ending? Or a guy shooting himself in the foot?

Seeing The Forest For The Trees

What’s really going on here is that a guy is still operating under the same mindsets and programming he was before. There are many things we can do on a workshop for our clients, but one of the things we cannot do is make decisions for them after the workshop.

When it comes time to getting back home and meeting women in their day to day life, men are ultimately left to their own devices. And if they haven’t really understood the true extent of the abundance that is now waiting for them in the wide world of women, they’re going to settle for the first girl they meet.

What they think of as ‘love’ is really just a bundle of emotions that comes along with finally being accepted and seen by someone. Finally having a woman like them enough to sleep with them.

The simplest way to recognise what’s really going on is to look at the type of connection you have with a girl.

Is it just a physical/sexual connection? If she stopped sleeping with you, would you still want to hang out with her?

Or maybe it’s an intellectual mental connection? If the sex stopped, maybe you’d love being friends because you could still have enjoyable conversations?

Maybe there is a deeper emotional connection, but you need to really think about why you feel that connection. Is there going to be more to this than just the initial infatuation that lasts for the first weeks or months?

Do you share the same values? Do you enjoy the simple things, like doing laundry together or cooking meals?

Like any guy these are questions I had to answer on my own journey, which you can read more about in my book, A Natural History. There are times when I met women who I truly felt something for, yet had to make a critical decision as to whether I wanted to pursue something further with her, or keep my eye on my bigger vision.

The Big Picture

At the end of the day, eventually you will meet a woman who you do love and want to develop a deeper relationship with. However, this does not mean that you’ll fall in love with every woman that you meet, or that because a woman has sex with you it means you should love her.

Keep your eye on the big picture. Most of the time guys get into relationships thinking its the best thing for them at the time, only to wake up 2 years later and realise they’ve wasted an enormous amount of time. Don’t let that be you. Stay focused on why you’re doing this, why it’s important for you to get better with women, and what the end goal looks like.

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Get Sexual, Not Creepy

How are you able to express your sexual intent clearly, without being perceived as a creep?

How To Express Your Sexual Intent Without Being Creepy

In today’s world most men are terrified of touching women in a sexual way, and for good reason.

With the heightened awareness around sexual assault and harassment, along with the allegations, media coverage and drama that goes along with it, all you have to do is turn on the nightly news and be terrified out of your mind by the way women feel about being touched inappropriately.

So what’s a guy to do?

How are you able to express your sexual intent clearly through touch, without being perceived as a creep?

In A Monochrome World

Before I go any further, I need to explain what needs to happen in order for a woman to accuse a guy of being creepy.

See, women aren’t always exactly black and white about their boundaries. They’re very comfortable expressing what they don’t want, but not so much what they do want.

It’s not like you’ll be sitting at a bar, chatting with a woman, and have her lean over to say

“You know what? You’re a great guy! I’ve given it some careful consideration, and having spoken to you for well over 5 minutes I’d be really happy if you went ahead and put your hand on my thigh”.

Never going to happen. She might make subtle suggestions or give hints, but even those can be hard to misinterpret or not see altogether.

This would end a lot of confusion on our behalf as men because those direct statements would make things SO MUCH EASIER!

Yet I hope you can appreciate that for a woman, it ruins some of the excitement. It takes away the subtext of the interaction between you. The dance. The passion. The internal struggle between wanting something, but needing to follow certain social protocols and rules, even if she doesn’t fully agree with those.

Being A Creep

So what is it about escalating and touching women that leaves you so open to be called a creep, with your picture featured on the 11 o’clock news?

It’s simply the inability to perceive and interpret her boundaries.

See, getting into a woman’s space and showing sexual intent isn’t just a one way thing. It’s the two of you communicating on a subtle level about how comfortable you are being in each others space. Whenever you escalate, you need to be observing how it makes her feel, whether it’s uncomfortable or if she’s enjoying it. If it’s clear that you’ve gone too far or it’s weird, you need to back off.

How do you gain this awareness? Meditation.

It might sound really strange, because meditation is all about sitting on a cushion and doing...well...nothing. And there might be some chanting, bald monks with ringing bells thrown into the mix.

In the Marshall Meditation Method online course the core skill I teach is awareness. This is the ability to just perceive the present moment as it is, without any kind of filter or coloured interpretation.

Most men don’t really have this skillset since it’s not something that is taught in school, or belive will help them to be good with women.

But the more aware you are of what a woman is experiencing, the better you’ll be at knowing when and how to touch. If this sounds like a skill you need to learn, you can find out more about the 5 Week Online course by clicking here.

Following The Signs

Whenever you make a move on a woman, she’ll have a reaction of some kind. Taking our previous example, let’s say you’re chatting with a woman and after a couple of minutes place your hand on her thigh.

Now she might physically grab your hand and move it away, which is a really clear sign that she isn’t ok with it.

Or, she might glance down at it and shift uncomfortably in her seat. It’s probably wise to back off and give her some more time to get comfortable with you.

Then again, she could place her hand on your hand, or even on your thigh. That’s certainly a good sign.

The core of all escalation between a man and a woman is a process of you putting forth your intentions, communicating your sexual desire, and having the awareness to see how you’re affecting her.

The amount of control you have over how she perceives your intentions is limited. She might have a boyfriend, not be interested in you in that way, or simply not be ready for that yet.

Yet what you can control is your awareness. Are you going to pay attention to her response, thereby acknowledging and respecting her boundaries? Or are you going to ‘plow’ forward without any concern for her response or experience?

Not only will she appreciate your insight, but she may even begin wondering how that raised awareness improves other parts of your life, say, your ability to please her in the bedroom...

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How To Approach A Group Of Girls

(Without Making A Fool Of Yourself!)

A student recently asked me a question about approaching girls when they’re bunched together in groups. Not just 2 friends walking together, but a bigger group of say 4 or more people.

It’s natural to find the idea of approaching a group of women incredibly nerve wracking, because you’re taking all of the pressure of approaching one woman and multiplying it.

So what’s the best way to approach girls in groups?

An Important Skill

Sometimes you’ll see an amazing girl, but she’s surrounded by a group of friends. If you don’t practice this, then you’re always going to feel shortchanged when these opportunities come around.

More importantly, you need to know how to do this in other social situations as well. If you’re at a party and don’t know anyone, how many opportunities will you have to approach one person standing by themselves? It’s more likely that they’ll be clumped together.

And then there are networking events where it’s important to make a good impression. The next person you talk to might be your future boss, and if you fumble the introduction you could miss out on an excellent opportunity.

Straight To The Point

Whenever you're approaching a group, it’s best to be direct.

This means giving people a very clear intention of why you’re there.

When it comes to a group of women, if you lack clarity and intention when you approach, people can get very uncomfortable because you’ve suddenly upset the status quo.

A new person has joined the group, for reasons unknown, and as one person becomes uncomfortable, the others will feel it too. Very soon that awkwardness spreads like a virus, and they’ll become focused on driving out it’s source; YOU.

If you’re still not sure about how to approach in a direct manner, it’s something I cover in my introductory course, the ‘Dating Accelerator’. Many guys have no idea where or how to start when it comes to seduction and meeting new women, so I’ve designed a 3-week online video course that will teach you everything you need to know as a beginner.

Being direct can be confusing for some as it can seem like something creepy; giving women unwanted attention on the street. But the truth is that it’s far creepier to approach women with no intention at all, because they’ll be left wondering what you want and why you’re there. Click here to learn more about the course so you can start being direct in your interactions with women.

Finding Your Style

As you progress on your seduction journey, it’s important to at least try all of the different aspects of seduction; approaching groups, nightclub game, same-day lays and so on.

But it doesn’t mean you have to master everything. If that is really your goal, it’s likely that you’re focused more on your ego or persona as a ‘pua’ rather than having a pure intention of meeting and spending time with more women.

What really matters in the long run is finding what suits you. So ask yourself; Do you really like meeting girls in a group? Or would you rather meet them one on one? Does the idea of feeding off a group’s energy and being the centre of attention thrill you, or would you rather build an intimate connection with just you and her?

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When Should You Start Approaching Hotter Girls?

When it comes to approaching, if you have very little experience with women should you be matching your standards to your skill?”

Punching Above Your Weight In Seduction

When it comes to approaching, if you have very little experience with women should you be matching your standards to your skill?”

I actually hear this question a lot as I’m constantly interacting with men of a varied level of skill, from guys who are brand new to approaching on our workshops to more advanced students wanting to date models and have threesomes.

It can be a confusing conundrum. On one hand, if you only ever go for the girls that are WAY hotter than you’ve gotten before, you might end up getting frustrated and burnt out from the lack of results. At the same time, it can feel really lousy just dating ordinary girls and feeling like you deserve better.

Back In My Day...

When I look back to starting out in 2006, I approached all sorts of girls.

I hate to use a crude number scale rating, but I had sex with a bunch of girls I would now lovingly call “friendly five’s” and “saucy sixes”.

To be real with you, I had some great times fucking chubby girls or pretty girls with something weird going on like a lazy eye or an odd body. They were sexy and had something going on, but just weren’t that hot.

At the time I had so much to learn about sex, women, and how the whole seduction process actually worked. These were the girls who would give me the time of day considering my growing skill set, and so I took that opportunity to share a great time with a girl and to learn something.


OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY (Why Awkwardness is your Friend)

A Young Man's Guide To Being Attractive To Hotter Women

Learning The Ropes

If you’re just starting out like I was, the early days can be a sweet space to be in and one that you should enjoy.

That’s not to say I didn’t approach the stunners either. Not all the time, admittedly. Sometimes I would pussy out. But the ones that I did get, here and there, were incredible learning experiences for me.

I either figured things out as I went along, adjusting as need be and picking up after myself, or saw a gaping hole in my skill set that needed to be addressed.

This process of constantly reflecting on my abilities and refining them was eventually consolidated in a course I’ve put together called the ‘Dating Accelerator’. I was lucky enough during this beginner stage to have a group of role models around me who I could learn from, and a keen determination to get this handled no matter what the cost.

Meanwhile I know a lot of guys starting out don’t have that same atmosphere or drive, and those early disappointments, girls flaking, harsh rejections, walking home empty handed can take it’s toll. By taking the ‘Dating Accelerator’ online course you’ll ensure you have a solid understanding of the key fundamentals you need to make this period a lot smoother so you can get to the good part. Be sure to check it out by clicking here.

Putting Yourself In HER Shoes

If you’re only going for amazing women, and you can’t compete with guys who have a higher sexual marketplace value than you, you’re going to have a really hard time. I’m talking about guys that are more attractive than you, have more to offer, are more connected or who have better game.

Take a moment to put yourself in her shoes.

Let’s say it’s a young girl, maybe 19, and she’s a model. She’s living in a world where she is professionally beautiful, and needs to be interacting with some big players, professional photographers, event managers, club promoters, you get the idea.

When she meets you, she’s going to be asking herself “What’s in it for me? He wants to fuck me, but so does every other guy!”.

See what I mean?

That’s not to say you won’t get there eventually. But for now, you need to be realistic about what level you’re at, and what results you can expect. Take stock of your current situation and just focus on the next step, not getting to the top of the mountain from base camp.


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