4 masculine values of a STRONG tribe

Think about it,
we live in a world that tells us everyone should be equal. In the eyes of the law? Of course, thats what our legal system is about – right to a fair trail.

But what if in some areas its GOOD to not be equal…
Male tribes SHOULD be exclusive – in this context,
exclusive means



Not about race
Not about religion
Not about ethnicity

But about

STRENGTH – are you disciplined?
COURAGE – are you ready to take risks?
MASTERY – are you at least trying to master some skill?
HONOR – are you trustworthy?

imageI was heavily inspired by the 4 masculine values Jack Donovan shared in his book “The Way Of Men”.

He studied street gangs, soldiers, ancient tribes, sports teams, to find common themes.

He’s a pretty interesting guy. Conservative Pagan Gun nut Bodybuilder… who lives with his husband for last 17 years.

Ask yourself – do you follow the Way Of Men?
Do your friends?

Who are the five guys YOU spend most time around right now?
(Yes, this includes your work mates if you spend more than 20 hours a week with them)
Are they pushing you towards your goals?

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Do girls only like high-status guys? (Social Pyramid Explained)

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Ugly guy f*cks supermodels - how? (Case Study)

Do girls only like high-status guys? (Social Pyramid Explained)

Did you ever ask yourself:
Do girls prefer high-status man?

In Short: Yes. The simple answer is – women are attracted to high status men.

But what exactly makes high status?
Fast car?
Job Title?

Not exactly…. those are external markers of status. Real status comes from people following you, looking up to you, working with you.

The formula is this: have you proved yourself as a man through
– discipline


And have you earned RESPECT from other men through:
-providing value
-connecting people

In my latest video you’ll learn the 7 Levels of Social Dominance

Most men make it to level 2, and give up.

Switch off.

If you’re reading this, you want to be at least a level 3 or 4.

Women don’t really respect men who are not at level 4, and beautiful, intelligent women will only date level 5 men.
Watch the video to learn where you’re at, and what you can focus on to move up.


P.S. If you enjoy the video – give it a like. Helps this baby channel a lot. muchas gracias.

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My secret to make any girl happy in bed…

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4 masculine values of a STRONG tribe

My secret to make any girl happy in bed…

It’s truly fascinating how we all seek limitless growth and progress…

But often can’t get past the biggest success blocker of all: our ego.

This is true in career, seduction, and even more so in another aspect of men’s lives that it’s surrounded by so much pride and assumptions that rarely gets discussed:

Their sex life.

making love passionate kiss GIF

I’ve witnessed it with countless of my clients, friends, and even some of the best naturals I’ve met during the years.

The general expectation is that guys should know instinctively how to be good in bed––it’s “not that hard” in the end…

Until you ask women…

And you understand that we’re vastly overestimating the magnitude of our sexual abilities.

A prime example of this is integrating toys into the bedroom…

Far too many men still view these as a taboo, embarrassing to use, a way to compensate for poor size or lack of manhood…when in reality…

Girls love experimenting with toys and love men who know how to use them.

I’ve been experimenting with sex toys and techniques of all types in the bedroom for nearly a decade. I’ve discussed all of it with countless women and gradually mastered mixing them into a broad sexual proficiency.

If you are curious to learn what the best toys are, where to buy them without spending a fortune, and how to integrate them with your lovers to unleash peak pleasure, check out my latest video.

In it, I also show you how to use each toy via a real-time, explicit demonstration with my female assistant. Watch it below before YouTube takes it down


P.S. Ladies LOVE toys, but they are only a fraction of the greater skillset men need to master in order to truly become legendary in bed…

The above video is just a sneak peek (part 1 of 118) into a much larger project I’ve been working on in secret for the past five years…

The Master Lover Method.

Coming to you in early 2023, this is by far the most ambitious, in-depth program I’ve ever put together: a comprehensive, 5-week exploration into real sexual mastery.

We’ll cover it all, from the basics of escalation and anatomy, turning her on so that she begs for sex, role play and dominance, restraints and BDSM, Tantric techniques to strengthen libido and deepen intimacy, through to multi-orgasms, thre3somes, squ!rting, an*l, using toys, fantasy creation and embodiment techniques to last for hours…literally everything you need to become the best she’s ever had.

All demonstrated explicitly on camera with sexy female models, as I break down all key techniques in clinical detail, creating a huge toolkit for you to play with.

I’ll be dropping more juicy morsels from the course soon and stay tuned for the launch early next year;)

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Lost the motivation to date? (try this)

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Do girls only like high-status guys? (Social Pyramid Explained)

Lost the motivation to date? (try this)

Ever felt like giving up?

Calling it quits on this whole dating thing and settling with one below-average girlfriend like most guys do.

Look, we’ve all been there.

Repetition is the key to mastering the seductive skill set.

But things do in fact get repetitive and lose their spontaneous, adventurous aspect after a while…

…If you approach all women the same way, in the usual locations, week in, week out.

That’s why I’m not going to advise you against it…

Just quit it.

Abdicate it.

Take a break for a few days, or for as long as necessary, and find novel ways to meet women.

Until you get excited and hungry for results again…

I discuss this in detail, as well as all my best strategies to deal with ‘dating burnout’ in my latest video. Check it out below:


P.S. If you got the opposite problems and haven’t been approaching enough, or struggle to turn conversations into actual dates leading to your bed…

We have just opened spots for our 2023 coaching season.

You can join us on the sunny beaches and jam-packed with hotties streets of Barcelona, Spain, and finally, make your dating dreams a reality.

We’ll cover it all, from approaching to flirting, texting, making her chase you, and taking her back home.

Drilling it until it becomes second nature and success becomes fun and in flow.

Join us on the world’s best seduction workshops, so that your only excuse not to go out and meet more girls… is that you’re already too busy jostling multiple adoring lovers.

>> Click here to find the best workshop for you

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Dating has changed - game over?

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My secret to make any girl happy in bed…

Dating has changed – game over?

Dating is not what it used to be…

Since I was young and trying to get laid, the dating landscape has changed drastically.

With Tinder, Instagram, and Onlyfans surging, young men are vanishing into their rooms to blink at screens all night, instead of meeting girls at the skate park with a cask of cheap wine, as we did in my day.

Nowadays, it’s all about satisfying the algorithm’s cravings: picking the right pictures, swiping all day, and crafting the perfect first message in the hopes that she replies with a dry-ass ‘Hi’.

Or is it?

We can’t ignore the impact that online dating has made on modern society, yet…

The truth is some things have never changed. Women still respect a man who approaches her with charm and directness.

one direction kiss GIF by RealityTVGIFs

Cold approach is still the great equalizer that allows guys without high status or carefully constructed social funnels to sweep beauties off the street.

The good news is, you have way less competition as the years go by. If you become one of the tiny fraction of men who learn how to approach women competently, your options become limitless.

Or.. you can go back to swiping.

If you’re interested in watching me and Gareth Jones discussing recent trends in seduction and our favorite methods to get dates in this digitally-confusing era, watch the video below:


P.S. All coaching workshops for 2022 are completely sold out!

If you want to join me and the crew to learn the world’s most effective method to effortlessly meet women and get them on dates in real life, without wasting time in front of a screen, check our training availability for the 2023 season below:

> Click here for more info on coaching dates

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The low-effort, high-return way to meet hot women

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Lost the motivation to date? (try this)

The low-effort, high-return way to meet hot women

Can I be honest with you?

It absolutely bewilders me how so many men think they must put in insanely long hours and effort to meet girls.

Like…you’re supposed to enjoy this!

Dating should be fun, for the most part, and add to your life––this is not a job.

Sure, results may differ.

hot girl si swimsuit 2017 GIF by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

Some guys will encounter success much faster than others when starting to approach women due to their background, pre-existing social skills, looks, and many other factors.

But that doesn’t mean everyone who’s not already ‘gifted’ should endure soul-crushing amounts of approaches and late nights out going through hell to get a date eventually.

Let me repeat it in case it’s not clear yet: this is not the gym. You don’t need to heavily shock some muscle for years to see growth in this area of your life.

It might trigger some, but the truth is that many of the most successful seducers I’ve ever met were quite lazy individuals.

Nowadays, I’m all about that lifestyle: getting the most romantic results with the least amount of effort.

If you want to learn how I do it, check out my latest video below:


P.S. Want to access my secret network of 200+ ambitious guys, including many of my private students, testing out and sharing the most effective strategies to win at dating, business, fitness, and lifestyle design––for FREE?

For a limited time, you can still join my elite Discord where I personally coach and interact with people daily at no cost.

Starting as my private ‘lifestyle experiment’, the group has exceeded all my expectations forming a thriving global community with people from dozens of countries within weeks of its creation.

We’re very close to reaching maximum capacity, so if you still want to get in for free before we start to limit access to paying members, click below:

> Join Alex’s private Discord HERE

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From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

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Dating has changed - game over?

From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

You must stop wasting your time on this…

There’s no point in waiting for three or more dates out with a woman before making a move.

It’s just a fairytale.

Girls do not have any set rules about how soon they’ll sleep with a guy.

Nor do they enjoy texting for weeks before finally meeting you in person.

Sorry to break it to you, but if she keeps making excuses to postpone the date or avoids physical contact, something has gone very wrong.

Truth is that when the connection is powerful and sexual tension is there, women will often want to see you again and get naughty as soon as possible

–sometimes even within hours of meeting each other.

What tends to happen, however, is that some girls will purposefully make you wait, even though they deeply desire you, because they don’t want to appear ‘easy’ or feel judged.

As I like to remind my students, generating attraction is only one part of solving the dating puzzle…

Making her feel comfortable and safe around you is what often unlocks results.

To see a practical example of how quickly one can go from meeting a sexy stranger on the street to seeing her again on a date, check my latest infield video below:


P.S. Want to get access to a world-class tribe of hundreds of ambitious men smashing it and helping each other to excel in their dating lives, careers, and overall lifestyles?

I’ve just opened ten more slots for my FREE Transformation Discord!

Inside the group, you’ll receive daily accountability, field reports, peer-to-peer mentoring, as well as tons of content and free live webinars I don’t post anywhere else.

This is a limited opportunity, I’m running this as a lifestyle experiment and absolutely for free only in 2022. If you miss the boat this year, you’ll only be able to join my network in the future as a private, workshop paying client.

Join today for free below:

> Alex’s Private Discord

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Why therapy helps your dating life

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The low-effort, high-return way to meet hot women

Why therapy helps your dating life

It’s no mystery that most men will benefit tremendously from doing therapy.

Getting your sh*t together, sorting through your traumas and fears, and finding a person who knows how to help you dig isn’t easy but it is necessary.

I for one have been deeply involved with inner exploration work, both in the forms of traditional psychotherapy and Eastern spiritual practices, for over two decades.

Paradoxically, I credit a large part of my early seductive success more to my extensive experience with meditation than just having approached tons of women.

Being present, focused, and able to stay relaxed under pressure.

Distracting Listen Up GIF by Ramsey Solutions

These skills are as vital for the aspiring monk as they are for the modern-day Casanova.

Now, while getting a feel for the epic benefits of self-discovery is simple, finding good analysts and spiritual guides is becoming increasingly more complex.

Especially when you consider that virtually anyone with the motivation can open a YouTube channel and start selling his ‘life coaching’ services overnight.

Alex, as I mentioned before, I’ve been actively involved with this since before the Internet was a thing––to put it in another way, I had time to learn a thing or two.

Below you will find a concise video guide where I openly share my best tips and criteria to pick the right therapist and finally start healing your inner wounds:


P.S. What I also have been up to for nearly twenty years is coaching tens of thousands of men like you building insanely abundant and fulfilling dating lives.

From how to approach any woman in an honest and charming way, to rapidly making her interested in you without reciting awkward lines or inventing stories, to setting a date and seeing her again soon so that she becomes your devoted lover.

What started as intense, spontaneous research into what actually works in dating soon sprouted into the world’s most effective and no b.s. method any guy can use to get the romantic results he deserves.

If you too want to access the TNL system at its full power and personally work with me and my team to turn your desires into reality, join us next month, from Oct 4th-Oct 8th, 2022, in New York (US), for our last coaching workshop of the year (next training round starts late spring 2023).

Only two spots remaining. For more details and questions, speak with the team for free below:

> Apply for our last 2022 workshop

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I got humbled

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From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

I got humbled

We all need challenges once in a while.

Especially when you get so good by most people’s standards at something that you get paid to travel the world to teach it.

It’s easy to get stuck in your ego and convince yourself that there’s nothing more to be gained or learned.

So, last month I decided to test myself and recorded the very first ‘seduction challenge’ in the history of TNL:

48 hours to get a date in a new city.

No friends or social circle, no Tinder, or any other online distractions.

Just walking up to total hot strangers in the street––filmed by my ninja camerawoman––and using my approaching skills to get the ladies to meet me again on a date within the next couple of days.

No consolation prizes or half-assing it: I either succeed or miserably fail in front of the entire channel.

Safe to say that the whole experience taught me a lot and, in some ways, even humbled me. Find out the outcome of my crazy experiment by watching the full video below:

P.S. Interested in working with me 1-on-1 (live on the street, or online in zoom sessions) to take your abilities with women and your lifestyle results to insane, absolutely ego-inflating levels?

I’ve just opened two more spots for my Online Mentoring Program, and this is your chance of having me as your private coach, accountability partner, texting wingman, and many more epic things for four weeks.

These will sell out fast, and when they do, you’ll have to wait another month before being given the chance to apply.

If motivated to go through an intense, challenging journey that will transform your life, click on the link below to learn more about how the mentoring works:

> Click here to work with Alex

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Your smartphone is killing your dating life

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Why therapy helps your dating life

Your smartphone is killing your dating life

We all know life is finite, so are you spending your time the right way?

Look, I’m nobody to tell you what you should or should not prioritize.

But will you look back one day at a ripe old age and say:

“Damn, those ten years I devoted to Instagram were a total blast!”

Might read funny now, but that’s where a large percentage of young men are heading nowadays.

Hooked to the instant validation and fake sense of connection of social media, research shows the average person consumes content for at least two hours a day––and that’s at the low end. .

That’s about fifteen hours per week, sixty hours per month, and…you can keep doing the math.

This is not another rant about the dangers of technology and going back to primal ways of living. I’m a big proponent of milking the sh*t out of whatever tools are available to enhance your life and find success faster than previous generations.

Going Out Like That Date GIF by Reba McEntire

What I’m warning you against is passiveness.

The exact kind of spectator mindset you reinforce with hours of mindlessly scrolling your phone every day rapidly transfers to most other areas of your offline reality.

Like, not knowing anymore how to make friends, reduced work productivity, and you guessed it…your dating results.

If you want to learn more about this and find out how to switch from a static consumer type to a ‘let’s make stuff happen’ creator type, watch my latest video below:


P.S. Tired of wasting your prime years dating average, uninteresting girls? Want to start meeting true stunners and finally unlock abundance in your sexual and romantic life?

Then join us overseas, in one of the best seduction locations in the world, for our last workshop of 2022 running from Oct 4th-Oct 8th in New York City, USA.

40+ hours of advanced theory masterclasses built around your unique sticking points and daily long infield sessions where you get real-time ‘over-the-shoulder’ feedback from us as you approach and get on dates with dozens of hot cosmopolitan girls in the Big Apple.

To learn more and guarantee your spot before we sell out, get in touch for free with the coaching team below:

> Speak with the coaches

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First date: how to not f*ck it up (4 rules)

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I got humbled