My secret to make any girl happy in bed…

#advanced daygame#approach anxiety#become more social#becoming a master seducer#being natural#better life#change your mindset

It’s truly fascinating how we all seek limitless growth and progress… But often can’t get past the biggest success blocker of all: our ego. This is true in career, seduction, and even more so in another aspect of men’s lives that it’s surrounded by so much pride and assumptions that rarely gets discussed: Their sex […]

Lost the motivation to date? (try this)

#advanced daygame#approach anxiety#attract women#become more social#becoming a master seducer#dating#how to date

Ever felt like giving up? Calling it quits on this whole dating thing and settling with one below-average girlfriend like most guys do. Look, we’ve all been there. Repetition is the key to mastering the seductive skill set. But things do in fact get repetitive and lose their spontaneous, adventurous aspect after a while… …If […]