Approach Anxiety Made Simple
#approach anxiety#how to meditate#james marshall meditation#relaxed pickup#talk to women in a relaxed way
Does your positivity and confidence stays with you once you see the girl you want to talk to?
#approach anxiety#how to meditate#james marshall meditation#relaxed pickup#talk to women in a relaxed way
Does your positivity and confidence stays with you once you see the girl you want to talk to?
#approach anxiety#Low Energy#meditation#natural seduction#when is it too late to approach a girl?
The Nightmare You’re Not Seeing When you’re first starting out at seduction it’s easy to be so focused on your own fears and anxieties around meeting women that you forget about how a woman is experiencing YOU. It’s common for guys to consciously or subconsciously put women on a pedestal, which leads them to think […]
#expressing yourself#lifestyle design#Low Energy#meditation#natural seduction
When you’re meeting women, they seldom care about your job, where you’re from, what you studied. That’s not to say that these things aren’t important, but on face value they really don’t mean anything.
#Goalsetting#lifestyle design#shae matthews
The art of reading signals, why it's ok to fuck up and what's an "Indicator of Interest" really?
#daygame#how to approach women#inner game#motivation#natural seduction
When guys start out approaching they often have a really short term goal in mind. What's the long vision? Is having beautiful women in your life enough?
#Becoming A Risk Taker#James Marshall#masculine mastermind#natural game
The art of reading signals, why it's ok to fuck up and what's an "Indicator of Interest" really?
#being in the moment with a girl#daygame#how to be more seductive#How to get a girlfriend#James Marshall
Remember: women feel social pressure too. If she’s suddenly been approached by a cool guy who isn’t trying to impress her or talk her head off, that sends the message that he’s not just another average guy.
#Advice for Introverted Guys#dating for introverts#daygame#daygame as a shy guy#how to get a girlfriend introvert#James Marshall
If everyone around you is talking, making jokes, jumping around, it can seem like they’re the life of the party, having all of the fun, and you’re kind of a wet blanket who’s bringing everyone down.
#heartbreak#heartbroken and suicidal#James Marshall#lifeadvise#loneliness#self development#selfhelp
Truth is, you can’t instantly be the successful guy with the suit and rolex and hot blonde when you’re an 18 year old. Bottling up those other feelings generally turns guys to addictions like alcohol and drugs, violence against themselves or others, turning the feelings inwards into depression or in the worst cases, suicide.
#approach anxiety#dating advice#dating coach#daygame#pick up russian girl#pickup
Rather than thinking “oh, she said no when I went for the number because she doesn’t want to go on a date with me”, ask yourself: What other reasons could she have for saying no?