Why men suck at relationships (is this you?)

Seduction is a 24/7 process, not a 20-minute performance.

If you’re at the beginning of your dating journey, you might not truly understand this yet…

After all, most guys initially prefer to meet different girls and have some casual fun.

But eventually, you will meet a woman that you deem worthy of seeing again, whether monogamously or not.

Thus a relationship is born.

And this is the moment when many guys make a fatal mistake: assuming unconditional attraction.

Simply put, just because some girl finds you interesting and is seduced by you at the beginning of your relationship, it does not mean she will continue to do so indefinitely.

After a few months of steamy s*x and burning desire, routine and monotony start to kick in.

And unless you have a plan and are proactively ready to deal with them, chances are she might become a little bored of you (and vice versa).

Of course, what to do next is up to you…

You can break things off and look for new exciting adventures.

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Or you can use seduction skills to reignite her desire and keep her attracted to you long-term.

No matter your choice, I highly recommend you learn the skill set to keep a woman with you no matter what. It will definitely come in handy at certain times in your life, and it’s the ultimate “self-assessment test” of confidence and mastery in dating.

To learn more about this topic, watch my latest in-detail video I’ve just released.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.SLast call for my 2021 Euro Tour program!

If you’ve ever wanted to master dating, social dynamics and build an elite masculine lifestyle most guys can only dream of, this is your last chance for the entire year to do so.

Running from September 1st until September 12th, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine, this ten-day program will teach you everything you need to know (from beginner to advanced/mastery levels) to confidently meet, attract, get on dates with and keep beautiful, high-quality women in your life.

Hosted in one of the best seduction cities on the planet, filled to the brim with model-looking, down to earth girls who love to interact and get in conversations with sexy strangers, this is by far the most successful coaching program I’ve ever run in the history of TNL.

If you’re ready to take a massive leap forward in your masculine journey and want some of the most experienced mentors on the planet to show you the way, I recommend you act NOW.

We only have 1 spot available and will close all enrollments soon.

Click HERE to join the Euro Tour

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The #1 Conversation Killer In Dating (dangerous)

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She is NOT that special (quit fooling yourself)

The #1 Conversation Killer In Dating (dangerous)

Getting to know a girl at a deep level in conversation and straight out barraging her with questions are two very different things.

This is a common issue I often encounter with many of my students: how to properly lead things verbally

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See, every time we observe naturally charming people doing their thing, it’s their innate ability and confidence in flowing from one topic to another that fascinates us the most.

And so we try to replicate what they do by making excessive (and sometimes hilarious) use of one of the most basic conversation tools: questions.

Suddenly, the whole date begins to look and feel like a job interview, and as a result tension and desire dissipate and you lose the girl.

The solution?

A better way to go about this is to try what I often refer to as the “QAC” method.

Here’s how it works…

Every time you pose a Question, carefully listen to the Answer the other person gives you and then make a relevant Comment.

It might feel a bit weird or robotic at first, but once internalised, this framework is guaranteed to make you much more naturally charming and skilled in all sorts of verbal exchanges.

To learn more about effective conversation strategies and the QAC method, check the video below:

P.S. Want to radically improve the way you communicate and interact with women?

Looking to stop settling for average girls you’re not really into and start dating only high-quality, crème de la crème, girls?

My 10-day Euro Tour program is your last chance in 2021 to eliminate all obstacles in your dating life and make your craziest seductive dreams come true.

Running next week, from Sept 1st-Sept 12th, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine, this intensive workshop will teach you everything you’ll ever need to know to attract women and enter casual or exclusive relationships with them.

Through 80+ hours of coaching per student, we will make sure to leave no stones unturned in your seductive evolution, covering everything from how to technically approach women anywhere with no fear, to developing charm and people-magnet conversation skills, all the way to seeing her again on a date, turn her on deeply and take her home with zero resistance.

As of today, we can only accept 1 more guy into the program.

First day of training is next Wednesday, September 1, 2021, so if this is something you’re interested in and are willing to make the trip to Kyiv, I strongly recommend you speak with us ASAP to book your spot.

⇒ Click here to get in touch with us

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Unpopular opinion: being rich won’t buy you a “rich life”

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Why men suck at relationships (is this you?)

Unpopular opinion: being rich won’t buy you a “rich life”

Everyone wants to make it, but do you know what true success looks like for the most?

Endless grinding at the office.

Little to no personal time for social activities or dating.

Poor sleep.

Zero vacations.

Far from the private jet, high-octane, tropical island party-fueled “entrepreneur lifestyle” we’re sold to every day on social media, isn’t it?

See, major financial success often comes at the expense of a very important currency: your time.

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Many of my private clients are wealthy CEOs and successful businessmen who look like they have their lives together, except they don’t…

They’re rich in worldly possessions but poor in life experience and depth.

And that is because they haven’t yet achieved the most important step of true lifestyle success: delegating all non-fundamental tasks

Whether you’re committed to rising through the ranks in a global corporate firm or achieve fame and fortunes as an entrepreneur, knowing how to effectively remove yourself from the most time-consuming processes is an absolute game changer.

To learn more on how to free tons of new time in your life as well as defeating procrastination and daily distractions, watch my latest video by clicking on the link below:

P.S. Want to skyrocket your dating opportunities and success without having to spend hefty sums trying to organize private parties or devoting entire nights meeting women in bars?

My 10-day EuroTour program running from September 1st-September 12th, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the missing link that will allow you to consistently get new dates and adventures with girls no matter your work schedule or current social life.

That’s because, during the training, we coach intensively every student so that he’s effortlessly able to approach, start interesting conversations with and confidently take girls home from literally anywhere.

Our unique natural dating method is extremely effective and proven to work in very relaxed scenarios like coffee shops, libraries, public transports, museums, co-working spaces, and even in the streets of a crowded city center. It won’t require you to spend endless hours chasing women but will most definitely teach you how to make the best of every opportunity that comes your way.

As we speak, there is only ONE spot left to join (and will probably be already gone by the time you read this).

If this is something you are interested in, I strongly encourage you to take action and save your seat NOW!

Click HERE to get started

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The biggest deal breaker for men (no judging!)

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The #1 Conversation Killer In Dating (dangerous)

The biggest deal breaker for men (no judging!)

Today we’re going to deal with one of the biggest double standards in dating.

Something most men get terrified by and incredibly judgmental about.

Tell me…

How do you feel knowing that a girl you like has slept with lots of dudes?

And more importantly, what’s your opinion in general about very sensual, s*xually free and liberated women?

Think about it for a few seconds.

Take your time.

See, I’ve been there too…

Ask me the same question a decade or so ago, and the answer would have probably been a combination of confusion mixed with disgust, sadness, or even denial––and that’s what I’d personally define as a “moderate to low” reaction.

As I mentioned before, most men are extremely uncomfortable with this topic.

Going to the lengths of putting pressure and actively shame on girls to keep them under their control.

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Many of us are guilty of this, to varying degrees…

That’s because common masculine thinking tends to strictly separate women into two categories: the “saint/girl next door/girlfriend material” types and the “one-night stand/no strings attached/s!ut types”.

PLOT TWIST: most women can and will fit in both roles at different stages in their lives.

To start making sense of and learn more about this crazy and unsettling topic, watch the video below:


P.S. Want to start understanding women and female desire at a visceral level to finally attract the quality of girls you deserve?

Say no more––here’s what you have to do…

STEP 1: approach dozens or hundreds of women every month, testing out what works and what doesn’t, trying to understand how they think and what they find sexy and intriguing.

STEP 2: repeat everything for a few years until you start making sense of how dating and girls truly work, and you begin to get your first serious seductive results.


You could join one of our upcoming live programs which essentially packages decades’ worth of the best dating & seduction advice on the planet to make you skilled and capable of epic success with girls in only 10 days!

Running from Sept 1st-Sept 12th, 2021 in Kyiv, Ukraine, our upcoming EuroTour will give you all the tools and confidence––including many several sessions spent interacting and testing your new learnings with our team of attractive female roleplay coaches––to meet and date your ideal type of woman.

Btw, we only have 1 spot left at the moment, so…

If this is something you’re interested in, I highly recommend you get in touch with my team to reserve your place asap.

Click HERE to speak with us

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Pain Is Not Honorable!

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Unpopular opinion: being rich won’t buy you a “rich life”

Pain Is Not Honorable!

There is truly no honor in being a martyr to your own pain.

If you think that by ignoring sadness, loneliness, and emotional damage you’ll appear as more of a badass, you’re on the wrong path.

If you assume that by blocking out or replacing the negative realities of life you’ll experience only the positive ones and live more happily, you’re set for a grim conclusion.

Paradoxically, the more you allow all kinds of emotional states to permeate you, the more you’ll realize true happiness and self-freedom.

This is what being “tough” is really about…

Taking a hit, accusing the pain, and moving on, BUT also taking the time to heal and rest at a later moment.

Because without healing and emotional recovery, chances are you’ll never grow and remain stuck in a childlike, scarce emotional state.

If you want to learn how to properly take the foot off the pedal and handle inner pain like a Man, watch the video below:

P.SPain is inevitable, but you know what’s not?


Knowing that you missed out on something big because of anxiety and fear is one of the most unsettling sensations a man can experience.

So, if you’re tired of being unable to date the level of women you’ve always desired and want to do something serious about it, I’ve got great news for you…

Our upcoming 10-day Euro Tour is the chance you’ve been waiting for your entire life!

Running from September 1st until September 12, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine, this is the most comprehensive and effective dating & natural seduction program we’ve ever created, and every year it keeps getting better…

Everything you’ve always wanted to know about attracting and dating high-quality girls is covered, from the first approach to building intriguing conversations, teasing and flirting the right way, texting, dating strategies, physical escalation, how to take her home, enter in an open relationship and much more!

The information you’ll learn on the Euro Tour will serve you for many years to come, and if you apply it properly, is guaranteed to absolutely transform your lifestyle to new epic seductive levels.

Only 2 spots left to join!

To save yours, click HERE

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Getting Dates In Your 20s Vs 30s (Realistic expectations)

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The biggest deal breaker for men (no judging!)

Getting Dates In Your 20s Vs 30s (Realistic expectations)

No matter your current challenges with women right now, I can promise you one thing:

IT IS going to get much better if you have patience.

Nature has a weird way of compensating men for all the sh!t and rejection they had to experience in dating in their teens and early twenties.

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In fact, while girls make use of their youth and physical beauty to gain access to incredible lifestyle opportunities (such as VIP parties, free travels, and holidays), guys reach their seductive peak much later.

Your late twenties and early/mid-thirties are critical in setting a foundation for success and defining the kind of social and romantic results you’ll be able to achieve for the remainder of your life.

That’s why, If you’re a young man (and by today’s standards, being less than 35 is still young), I urge you to think twice before settling exclusively with one woman…

…As you might have just scratched the surface in terms of quantity and quality of girls that you can date/have casual fun with.

I cover this topic, as well as how to realistically make the best out of your 20s and 30s lifestyle-wise in my latest video.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.SWant to transform your dating life in 2021 and learn the world’s most effective system to instantly improve your success and results with women?

Over the past fifteen years, we at The Natural Lifestyles have helped tens of thousands of men acquiring the skill set, confidence, and social intelligence to quickly rise above their peers and gain access to more high-quality dates and relationships.

By attending one of the several live programs we host every year, you’ll become well-versed in the art & science of approaching, interacting, and getting on sexy dates with several high-quality women regardless of what stage of your life you’re in.

If you’re tired of settling and want to start living like a true King, you can join me and my team of elite coaches for 10 days of epic training and seductive adventures by participating at our infamous EuroTour running from September 1st – September 12th, 2021 in Kiev, Ukraine.

There are only two spots left to join, so if you’re interested in joining, I highly recommend you speak with my team asap.

Click HERE to speak with us

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How To Stop Being A Sheep (From Prey to Predator)

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Pain Is Not Honorable!

How To Stop Being A Sheep (From Prey to Predator)

The quality of your life is largely dictated by one choice: to be a Prey or a Predator.

Some people strive big time to be accepted and believe that the only way to conduct a happy life is by conforming to what everyone else is doing while ignoring, or repressing, their masculine instincts.

If conflict with others or unplanned challenges arise, they’re unable to respond, frozen like deers in headlights. Those are the prey.

Then you got the Predators, a rare breed of men who live according to their true will and nature. Guys who have managed to unleash their inner aggression and instincts and channel them to quadruply their results and opportunities.

Despite the negative connotations that the term has acquired in recent history, predators do NOT improve their lives by feeding on others’ work or wreaking havoc on the prey. Instead, they use their inner strength, resilience, and empathy to help and assist those in need.

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To be top of the social & seductive food chain is as much a mental as a physical endeavor.

First, to feel strong and able to optimally adapt to life’s challenges, you need to be physically strong. This is a tricky area as most men associate physical strength to stiff, bulky bodybuilder type of bodies –– all show no go.

Second, it’s about developing the right kind of mindset. Mastering your inner power and aggression is the total opposite of being a douchy, boisterous individual.

You can find a comprehensive explanation of how to transition from Prey to Predator in my latest video.

Click on the link below to check it out:

P.S. Want to be coached by me and three other world-class coaches on how to unleash, strengthen and magnify your masculinity and self-power?

Coming up very soon my Natural Warrior Training program is the pinnacle of over fifty years of combined research and teaching in the fields of deep men’s inner work, masculinity training, and social skills enhancement.

Running from August 15th – August 22nd, 2021 at my private property in Portugal, you’ll be joined by a small, cohesive brotherhood group of ten men as we embark on an epic journey of self-discovery and mind-bending character transformation.

If you’re at a point in your life where you often ask yourself “Is that it?” and struggle to find a real purpose or a way to escape the comfort-patted, safe but ultimately dull existence most people go through and are seeking a real adventure, then NWT is going to change your life!

We only have one spot left to join right now, so if you’re interested in joining, or learning more about the program, as well as asking safety and travel-related questions to get to Portugal easily, I recommend you book a call with my team ASAP.

== > Click HERE to speak to my team

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One Girlfriend Vs Multiple Chicks (The BEST dating strategy)

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Getting Dates In Your 20s Vs 30s (Realistic expectations)

One Girlfriend Vs Multiple Chicks (The BEST dating strategy)

“To get a girlfriend and settle, or have fun with several chicks and stay single, that is the question…”

Whether you’re a seasoned seducer with years of experience, or a guy who is starting to get his first results with women, you’re likely to encounter a unique kind of hamletic doubt along the way:

What to do after you sleep with a girl you like.

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Should you keep seeing her and eventually transition into a classic monogamous relationship?

Should you keep things open and keep seeing other girls on the side to further fuel your seductive abundance?Or shall you just break things off to avoid future drama?

Unfortunately, there is no one magic answer to this situation…

In fact, traditional exclusive relationships can be great for connecting and developing strong mutual trust and connection, but so can polyamorous ones.

The real question you should ask yourself before jumping into any sort of romantic arrangement is: “what do I want to get out of this?”.

Stay true to your intentions, and you will piss a few girls off but live happily.

Ignore your instincts to please others, and you’ll end up regretful.

In our latest video, my close friend and fellow TNL coach, Shae Matthews, dives deep into choosing the best kind of relationship for your unique masculine and emotional needs.

I strongly recommend you check it out now before it goes viral 😉

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. Want to unlock and master the ability to meet, date, and enter relationships with new beautiful women, whenever you want?

Our live coaching programs are infamously known to be some of the best and most powerful shortcuts available in the entire world for those men looking to build epic dating & social lives.

From the basics of approaching women and entertaining intriguing conversations to building seductive tension and taking their contacts, all the way to see them again on a date and taking them home (often by their suggestion) real fast, I and my team of coaches will teach you how to rapidly build an abundant pool of hot ladies in your life to date, whether seriously or casually, at your will.

If you’re ready to ignite your seductive life in 2021, I strongly recommend you speak with my team…

…We have only a few spots left for the remainder of the year, so you should act asap!

Click HERE to speak with us

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How to stop bullying your past self

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How To Stop Being A Sheep (From Prey to Predator)