Lifestyle Design vs Seduction (Video)

When it comes to developing a cool lifestyle wherever you are in the world, there is usually the organic slow burn, which relies on your gradually meeting people and stumbling across interests and new social scenes. This can literally take years to build or may not happen at all if you are isolated or have limited contacts.

Put in the effort needed to have a better life for yourself

To build an amazing lifestyle full of fun activities, interesting friends and sexy women, you must put effort into it. Many guys fall into the mindset of only focussing on one area of their life at a time, whether that is career, lifestyle or seduction. Sometimes yes you need to have sole focus that devours most your attention, but in general, combining these elements of your life goals will deliver much broader results. Although we endorse cold approach as a vital skill for having access to any woman you see, meeting women through a scene or hobby is certainly easier, as it is expected that people within a social scene be open to each other.

Building a lifestyle of hobbies you enjoy makes you a more attractive man. The reason is, when you are changing yourself and sculpting your life in a desirable way, you become desirable. You unconsciously carry a different energy with you that draws people to you. You radiate a happiness that is alluring to those who look at you. Therefore, put in the effort needed to have a better life for your self. Seek out that which you like to do. Creating the life you want is initially hard work, but after a while it becomes enjoyable and starts to generate it’s own momentum that eventually doesn't require you to maintain it, just to turn up and enjoy yourself.

Girls who are into the same subculture as you are much easier to meet. You have commonality, she's socially obliged to be friendly to you and she will have less fear or barriers to meeting you outside of class because you have mutual connections. Now of course if your seduction skills suck, no amount of proximity at yoga class will help. But when you mix game and lifestyle, the results skyrocket. When approaching and seducing within a social scene,, there are some key points to keep in mind.

Firstly, if you will see her frequently, don’t be full on with your interest. Overt direct statements of interest will create negative pressure and she’ll likely reject your advances. Flirt with her playfully instead of trying to treat her like a girl on the street. Saying things like “Good choice on your outfit today”, instead of “you look sexy in that outfit today” will deliver the message and keep you out of the friend zone without freaking her out.

Keep in mind this is the primary way she meets men anyways. Most couples meet through social circle, so there is no new paradigm to try to make her step into.

If you have some seduction ability and start moving into new social circles regularly, lifestyle game will become a major element in your success statistics.

Have fun building a lifestyle that you desire. Seek that which you want. This process of doing that will change you for the better. And of course, take advantage in your hobbies to meet women because the truth is, it's easier.

If you want to learn more on creating a desirable lifestyle filled with fun and women, come join me an the TNL team in of our workshops. Full details HERE.

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WARNING: Your Friends Are Stopping You From Getting Laid

This whole fear that men have around other men ‘getting ahead’ of them is really to do with insecurity. Men are afraid to face up to the idea that there is some room for improvement.

The Negative Side of Having a Shitty Social Circle

There’s a little secret I know about you.

If my hunch is correct, I’m the only one that knows it.

Maybe you’ve told a friend or two.

But I’m guessing it’s just you and I who are in on this one.

And I have some news for you.

I’m now sharing it on the internet, for the whole world to see.

Are you scared?

You should be.

See, I know that because you’re reading this very article, you want to become a better version of yourself.

There. I said it. It had to be done.

No More Hiding

Men have this incredibly weird stigma around self improvement, especially in countries like Australia where I grew up.

For some reason as soon as someone in the ‘group’ wants to expand, to grow, to set a new course in their life everyone else raises arms and becomes determined to do whatever it takes to keep them in their place.

You’ll see this happening on social media all of the time. Guys ripping on their friend for having something as simple as a well lit, professionally shot profile picture.

Heaven forbid that he actually try to make a good impression. I suppose the ‘entry requirement’ for that social circle is having a lame selfie that was taken at 3am when you were drunk as a profile picture.

Breaking The Norm

This whole fear that men have around other men ‘getting ahead’ of them is really to do with insecurity. Men are afraid to face up to the idea that there is some room for improvement.

As a dating coach I especially encounter this a lot when it comes to men’s romantic lives.

It’s common for men to greatly overstate their abilities and success with women, because anything less would be to admit a flaw in their masculinity.

In extreme cases like Australia it actually makes you less of a man in some people’s eyes if you aren’t “killin’ it with the ladies”.

That’s why I know that you’re different. The very fact that you’re here tells me that you are at least willing to admit that there is some room for improvement.

Maybe you can even admit that you aren’t satisfied with your dating life.

Perhaps you would even go as far as saying you need help.

And that’s ok. That’s what we’re here for.

Getting The Help You Need

I often have to remind guys that very few men actually have someone in their everyday life to teach or demonstrate dating skills to them.

Unless you’ve just been genetically gifted as a natural, or had a Dad/Uncle/Brother/Friend show you the ropes, it’s ok to be clueless.

It’s not like there is some Dating Skills 101 class offered up in universities these days that you just decided to skip out on because you had more important priorities like playing Xbox.

This is why I’ve created the online course The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction, which is designed to teach you everything you need to know about seduction. It’s a comprehensive 5 week program that begins with meditation to help with your anxiety, and ramps up to more complex topics like emotional connection and escalation.

You can learn more by clicking here.


Why Your Friends Are WRONG About Dating


"Course Unboxing" - What's Inside The Five Principles - Legacy Edition?

Cutting The Ties

When all’s said and done, sometimes you need to cut ties with those who are holding you back.

A lot of guys are uncomfortable about even entertaining this notion, especially if they have life long friendships that need to be let go.

But what are your options?

You can continue having that person, or those people in your life, and keep playing small.

You can cut them out completely.

Or you can try to bring them along with you, which can sometimes make getting ahead in life even harder because you now have EXTRA resistance to deal with.

If this resonates with you at all, maybe it’s time to sit down and think about who you need to let go of.


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What Is Love?

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Being Yourself Under Social Pressure

What Is Love?

Struggling to pin down what this odd combination of emotions, thoughts and sensations is, where it is, and how it always seems to make us do crazy, stupid things.

How To Tell If You’re In Love

Ah, the age old question that philosophers, poets, novelists and artists of all kinds have been trying to answer for eons. Struggling to pin down what this odd combination of emotions, thoughts and sensations is, WHERE it is, and how it always seems to make us do crazy, stupid things.

If you’re a guy who has spent most of his life single and alone, its particularly important for you to pay attention to the feelings you develop for women.

Whether you’re using what you learn from our videos to finally ask that girl out you’ve been pining over for months, or you have started approaching women on the street, you’re at a high risk to confuse love with intense feelings for a girl.

Curing Desperation

A common tale we hear from guys after a workshop goes something like this:

"I spent my whole life wondering when I’d meet that next girl. This meant going months, often years without sex. And now, I’ve got the confidence and skills to meet as many women as I like. But there’s this one special girl I approached recently, and well, I’ve decided I want to settle down into a relationship with her. In fact, I think I love her."

Tell me, can you see the problem here?

A guy has gone from being completely lonely and desperate, to suddenly finding a girl who will sleep with him, and coincidentally she just HAPPENS to be the girl he’s fallen in love with.

Is this a fairy tale ending? Or a guy shooting himself in the foot?

Seeing The Forest For The Trees

What’s really going on here is that a guy is still operating under the same mindsets and programming he was before. There are many things we can do on a workshop for our clients, but one of the things we cannot do is make decisions for them after the workshop.

When it comes time to getting back home and meeting women in their day to day life, men are ultimately left to their own devices. And if they haven’t really understood the true extent of the abundance that is now waiting for them in the wide world of women, they’re going to settle for the first girl they meet.

What they think of as ‘love’ is really just a bundle of emotions that comes along with finally being accepted and seen by someone. Finally having a woman like them enough to sleep with them.

The simplest way to recognise what’s really going on is to look at the type of connection you have with a girl.

Is it just a physical/sexual connection? If she stopped sleeping with you, would you still want to hang out with her?

Or maybe it’s an intellectual mental connection? If the sex stopped, maybe you’d love being friends because you could still have enjoyable conversations?

Maybe there is a deeper emotional connection, but you need to really think about why you feel that connection. Is there going to be more to this than just the initial infatuation that lasts for the first weeks or months?

Do you share the same values? Do you enjoy the simple things, like doing laundry together or cooking meals?

Like any guy these are questions I had to answer on my own journey, which you can read more about in my book, A Natural History. There are times when I met women who I truly felt something for, yet had to make a critical decision as to whether I wanted to pursue something further with her, or keep my eye on my bigger vision.

The Big Picture

At the end of the day, eventually you will meet a woman who you do love and want to develop a deeper relationship with. However, this does not mean that you’ll fall in love with every woman that you meet, or that because a woman has sex with you it means you should love her.

Keep your eye on the big picture. Most of the time guys get into relationships thinking its the best thing for them at the time, only to wake up 2 years later and realise they’ve wasted an enormous amount of time. Don’t let that be you. Stay focused on why you’re doing this, why it’s important for you to get better with women, and what the end goal looks like.

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Get Sexual, Not Creepy

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WARNING: Your Friends Are Stopping You From Getting Laid

Get Sexual, Not Creepy

How are you able to express your sexual intent clearly, without being perceived as a creep?

How To Express Your Sexual Intent Without Being Creepy

In today’s world most men are terrified of touching women in a sexual way, and for good reason.

With the heightened awareness around sexual assault and harassment, along with the allegations, media coverage and drama that goes along with it, all you have to do is turn on the nightly news and be terrified out of your mind by the way women feel about being touched inappropriately.

So what’s a guy to do?

How are you able to express your sexual intent clearly through touch, without being perceived as a creep?

In A Monochrome World

Before I go any further, I need to explain what needs to happen in order for a woman to accuse a guy of being creepy.

See, women aren’t always exactly black and white about their boundaries. They’re very comfortable expressing what they don’t want, but not so much what they do want.

It’s not like you’ll be sitting at a bar, chatting with a woman, and have her lean over to say

“You know what? You’re a great guy! I’ve given it some careful consideration, and having spoken to you for well over 5 minutes I’d be really happy if you went ahead and put your hand on my thigh”.

Never going to happen. She might make subtle suggestions or give hints, but even those can be hard to misinterpret or not see altogether.

This would end a lot of confusion on our behalf as men because those direct statements would make things SO MUCH EASIER!

Yet I hope you can appreciate that for a woman, it ruins some of the excitement. It takes away the subtext of the interaction between you. The dance. The passion. The internal struggle between wanting something, but needing to follow certain social protocols and rules, even if she doesn’t fully agree with those.

Being A Creep

So what is it about escalating and touching women that leaves you so open to be called a creep, with your picture featured on the 11 o’clock news?

It’s simply the inability to perceive and interpret her boundaries.

See, getting into a woman’s space and showing sexual intent isn’t just a one way thing. It’s the two of you communicating on a subtle level about how comfortable you are being in each others space. Whenever you escalate, you need to be observing how it makes her feel, whether it’s uncomfortable or if she’s enjoying it. If it’s clear that you’ve gone too far or it’s weird, you need to back off.

How do you gain this awareness? Meditation.

It might sound really strange, because meditation is all about sitting on a cushion and doing...well...nothing. And there might be some chanting, bald monks with ringing bells thrown into the mix.

In the Marshall Meditation Method online course the core skill I teach is awareness. This is the ability to just perceive the present moment as it is, without any kind of filter or coloured interpretation.

Most men don’t really have this skillset since it’s not something that is taught in school, or belive will help them to be good with women.

But the more aware you are of what a woman is experiencing, the better you’ll be at knowing when and how to touch. If this sounds like a skill you need to learn, you can find out more about the 5 Week Online course by clicking here.

Following The Signs

Whenever you make a move on a woman, she’ll have a reaction of some kind. Taking our previous example, let’s say you’re chatting with a woman and after a couple of minutes place your hand on her thigh.

Now she might physically grab your hand and move it away, which is a really clear sign that she isn’t ok with it.

Or, she might glance down at it and shift uncomfortably in her seat. It’s probably wise to back off and give her some more time to get comfortable with you.

Then again, she could place her hand on your hand, or even on your thigh. That’s certainly a good sign.

The core of all escalation between a man and a woman is a process of you putting forth your intentions, communicating your sexual desire, and having the awareness to see how you’re affecting her.

The amount of control you have over how she perceives your intentions is limited. She might have a boyfriend, not be interested in you in that way, or simply not be ready for that yet.

Yet what you can control is your awareness. Are you going to pay attention to her response, thereby acknowledging and respecting her boundaries? Or are you going to ‘plow’ forward without any concern for her response or experience?

Not only will she appreciate your insight, but she may even begin wondering how that raised awareness improves other parts of your life, say, your ability to please her in the bedroom...

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How To Approach A Group Of Girls

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What Is Love?

How To Approach A Group Of Girls

(Without Making A Fool Of Yourself!)

A student recently asked me a question about approaching girls when they’re bunched together in groups. Not just 2 friends walking together, but a bigger group of say 4 or more people.

It’s natural to find the idea of approaching a group of women incredibly nerve wracking, because you’re taking all of the pressure of approaching one woman and multiplying it.

So what’s the best way to approach girls in groups?

An Important Skill

Sometimes you’ll see an amazing girl, but she’s surrounded by a group of friends. If you don’t practice this, then you’re always going to feel shortchanged when these opportunities come around.

More importantly, you need to know how to do this in other social situations as well. If you’re at a party and don’t know anyone, how many opportunities will you have to approach one person standing by themselves? It’s more likely that they’ll be clumped together.

And then there are networking events where it’s important to make a good impression. The next person you talk to might be your future boss, and if you fumble the introduction you could miss out on an excellent opportunity.

Straight To The Point

Whenever you're approaching a group, it’s best to be direct.

This means giving people a very clear intention of why you’re there.

When it comes to a group of women, if you lack clarity and intention when you approach, people can get very uncomfortable because you’ve suddenly upset the status quo.

A new person has joined the group, for reasons unknown, and as one person becomes uncomfortable, the others will feel it too. Very soon that awkwardness spreads like a virus, and they’ll become focused on driving out it’s source; YOU.

If you’re still not sure about how to approach in a direct manner, it’s something I cover in my introductory course, the ‘Dating Accelerator’. Many guys have no idea where or how to start when it comes to seduction and meeting new women, so I’ve designed a 3-week online video course that will teach you everything you need to know as a beginner.

Being direct can be confusing for some as it can seem like something creepy; giving women unwanted attention on the street. But the truth is that it’s far creepier to approach women with no intention at all, because they’ll be left wondering what you want and why you’re there. Click here to learn more about the course so you can start being direct in your interactions with women.

Finding Your Style

As you progress on your seduction journey, it’s important to at least try all of the different aspects of seduction; approaching groups, nightclub game, same-day lays and so on.

But it doesn’t mean you have to master everything. If that is really your goal, it’s likely that you’re focused more on your ego or persona as a ‘pua’ rather than having a pure intention of meeting and spending time with more women.

What really matters in the long run is finding what suits you. So ask yourself; Do you really like meeting girls in a group? Or would you rather meet them one on one? Does the idea of feeding off a group’s energy and being the centre of attention thrill you, or would you rather build an intimate connection with just you and her?

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Numbers vs. Facebook: The Final Verdict

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Get Sexual, Not Creepy

Numbers vs. Facebook: The Final Verdict

Sometimes when you’re ready to ask a girl out, it can feel like all of this pressure has been building up until this one single moment.
Part of you is expecting that it’s not going to go as planned. As though hearing her say “sure, here’s my number” seems almost too easy.

Why Getting A Number Isn’t Always Your Best Option

Sometimes when you’re ready to ask a girl out, it can feel like all of this pressure has been building up until this one single moment.

Part of you is expecting that it’s not going to go as planned. As though hearing her say “sure, here’s my number” seems almost too easy.

Knowing Where You Stand

If you’ve been out approaching women you’ve likely heard a lot of different responses from women when you ask them out.

Sometimes they might tell you they don’t give their number out to random strangers.

Other times they might sidestep altogether and simply offer to be Facebook friends.

But really, those two are your best options.

Anything beyond that is a depressing decline into the stark realization that this girl has absolutely no interest in seeing you again. I’m talking about her offer to let you follow her on Instagram. Or maybe snapchat.

Or the worst of the worst, swapping email addresses.

“Sure, I’ll take your email address! It’s not like my well thought out and articulate email is going to get lost in a tide of spam, sale announcements and other internet flotsam!”.


Why Numbers Aren’t Always Best

So if we boil it down to either Facebook or a phone number, which is best?

At first instinct you might say phone number, because it’s more personal, right? She could have over a thousand Facebook friends, but it’s unlikely she has 1,000+ phone contacts.

Then again, to make the assumption that her giving you her number means that she likes you more doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best way to go.

See, the variable here is always going to be her preference for how people contact her.

Perhaps she just hates giving out her number because she’s had bad experiences in the past.

Maybe she wants your Facebook because it’s easier to block you if things go south.

Or it’s possible that she doesn’t even have a phone number in the country she’s in because she’s traveling.

But what you can control is how you put your best foot forward.

Pimp My Profile

When you’re approaching women you seldom have 15 minutes to stand there and get to know each other. In this context, a number would seem more appropriate because something has been established.

However if you’ve only been talking for 3-4 minutes and then swap numbers, you’re relying on text and emoji’s to rekindle the spark that led her to giving you her number.

This can lead to a lot of flakes and disappointments, which is very common for beginners to deal with. In my online course, the Dating Accelerator, I teach practical ways for beginners to leave a lasting impact on the women that they meet so that they’re more likely to meet up with her again. You can find out more information by clicking here.

In comparison to swapping numbers, Facebook presents her with a rundown of what kind of guy you are, from your pictures to your updates to everything in between.

This is where swapping Facebook profiles shines. If you’ve taken the time to upload some decent photos, and give the overall impression that you lead an interesting life, you’ll spike some curiosity in her to at least take a chance on you.

That being said, don’t let that be another excuse to stop you from approaching women. You don’t need to invest months creating a better profile when that time could be spent approaching women.

Ultimately you need to be out there taking action. I wouldn’t worry about fine tuning your Facebook profile until you’re actually at the stage where you’re approaching and asking out a lot of women.


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How Meditation Saved My Life

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How To Approach A Group Of Girls

How Meditation Saved My Life

James Marshall’s Story Of Depression and Suicide

What are you thinking about right now as you read this? You’re probably hearing the words in your head as you read this blog post.

But what else are you thinking? Are you having thoughts about getting back to work? Or what you’re going to eat next? Maybe wondering if you should have approached that cute girl you saw today.

That voice in your head, that sounds like you constantly running commentary on your day, worrying about the future, mulling over the past, clammering to the next idea, desire, or fear.

Seeing The Self

Have you ever stopped for a moment and considered that you are not your thoughts?

It’s crazy I know. If you have a narrative going on inside of your head, and they’re your thoughts, how can it not be you?

Well, the truth is that your thoughts are just small aspect of your psyche – an internal dialogue created from your experiences, upbringing, socialization, exposure to media and other random elements. Although it’s the most obvious representation of yourself you usually notice, these thoughts don’t actually define you as a person.

If you’re someone who always thinks negative thoughts, who always beats himself up and can’t escape the constant overthinking, getting entangled in your thinking leads to ineffective behaviours and general unhappiness in life.

However by learning to step back and observe your thoughts as merely brief manifestations passing through your mind, you can learn to become relaxed and objective, allowing thoughts to come and go while keeping a more balanced peaceful internal position.



Discovering Awareness

In meditation we call this awareness or mindfulness. This is the foundation of the meditation system I teach in the Marshall Meditation Method, which I’ve packed into a 6 week online video course designed to teach you mindfulness, whether you’ve never meditated before or have tried it but found it didn’t work.

You can hear more about the origins of my meditation method in the epic hour long video about in this article which tells the story of how I traveled through India and China to learn from the greatest masters, studying many forms of spirituality, martial arts and philosophy.

Awareness meditation gives you the ability to disconnect from the internal dialogue and just observe your thoughts, kind of like watching cars go by on the street. If you’re interested in learning more about the online course, the Marshall Meditation Method, click here for full details.


A Practical Approach

So if you’re out walking the streets for example and you see a beautiful girl, the thoughts you have in that moment like “she probably has a boyfriend” or “she’s probably really busy”, “This will never work” aren’t actually the truth. Those opinions don’t define you. They’re just thoughts. And if you stall and choke and can’t approach and think “I have approach anxiety”, again that’s just another thought.

When you learn to just observe and allow your thoughts to pass, you’ll be able to regain control of your state and intent and take positive action despite doubts and excuses passing through you.

This is the power of being able to meditate. Being able to disconnect from the thoughts you’re having and thinking they’re true, and instead just observing them for what they are.

Next time you think a negative thought like “I can’t approach her because I don’t know what to say”, notice the thought, then ask yourself “is it true? Is this the objective truth or just my nervous internal reaction to the situation”. Then take a deep breath, feel your feet, then all the way up to your head, breathe out and go and find out.


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Are You Really Happy?

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Numbers vs. Facebook: The Final Verdict

Are You Really Happy?

What is it that people are seeking that they believe will finally make them happy?

Why Having More Women Won’t Bring You Total Fulfillment

As Dating coaches we often meet men who are convinced that their lack of success with women, whether it be not getting enough dates or enough sex, is the biggest problem in their lives at the moment.

It’s only once we begin to dig a little deeper that we find they’re incredibly unhappy. And it’s not only with their dating life, but it’s their job, where they’re living, their family situation, their lack of a fulfilling social circle, and how they spend their time.

And that’s only the guys we’re coaching. It’s safe to assume that most people in the world today aren’t really satisfied with their lives and are spending most of their time miserable, wishing things were better.

So what is causing so much unhappiness in the world? Why aren’t people satisfied with what they have? What is it that they’re seeking that they believe will finally make them happy?

A Perfect Plan Gone Wrong

The truth is that most people are following a formula laid out for them from a very young age, which they believe will lead them to happiness.

You may have heard of this idea before. You’re told that you should go to school, get good grades, get into a university, earn a degree, get a good paying job, buy a house, marry that girl, have some kids, and so on. If you stick to the plan of what everyone else is doing, then you’re one day, eventually, HOPEFULLY going to end up happy.

And sure, that might work for some.

But the problem is that everyone is different. What has been the key to happiness for some people will just as likely make others completely miserable. And worst of all, there’s a cost associated with following a path thinking you’ll eventually be happy, only to one day wake up and realize that you’re miserable.

Here’s the real question though; if some people have even the slightest suspicion that doing all of that won’t make them happy, why do they still do it anyway?


Feel Like You Belong In This World Again


Positive Thinking Is Overrated - Manage Your Mind To Take Action!

The Devil You Know

Ultimately people stick to this plan out of fear.

Fear of not knowing what will happen if they walk the path less traveled. Fear of what others will think and say when they learn that their son, brother, husband or father wants to do something out of the ordinary. Fear of failing and having to be wrong.

This is the prison that most people find themselves in. Yet none of them are connected to the worst fear of all;

Fear of Regret.

Imagine going through life doing what everyone else wanted you to do, meeting everyone else’s expectations, only to find yourself miserable, having never done the things you really wanted to do?

Approaching is a great example of this. Most guys struggle to even start approaching, just getting the basic steps down, which is why I’ve put together the Dating Accelerator to help guys get through what I call ‘beginner’s hell’; that initial period where you have no idea what you’re doing or how to improve. Over the course of 3 weeks I’ll be teaching you the nuts and bolts essentials you need to have in order to start approaching.

Because what’s the alternative? The problem with that golden plan everyone seems to follow is that you’re actually leaving things up to chance. Nobody explains how you’re supposed to meet this woman who you’re going to marry and start a family with; they just assume it’s written in the stars.

So are you going to leave things up to fate, or take things into your own hands?

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Seducing Women From Different Cultures

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How Meditation Saved My Life

Seducing Women From Different Cultures

Do culture differences really affect your approach skils?And if yes, does the seduction style you see on our videos will work in your country?

How Much of A Difference Does Culture Make?

One of the most common questions we get from guys here at The Natural Lifestyles is whether or not the seduction style they see on our videos will work in their country.

The most bizarre thing about this question is we’re not getting asked by guys in cultures throughout sub-saharan Africa or the more conservative corners of the Middle East. Instead it’s guys in the Midwest of the USA or Scandinavian though Swedish women are completely different to all other women on the planet and require a special approach no dating coach has quite mastered!

What’s most important to recognize is that culture is important and can make a difference, but it’s more often than not a creative excuse guys have come up with to avoid having to approach women.

Breaking Down The Differences

Two of the cities we run workshops in, Budapest and Barcelona, are home to dramatically different women.

In Hungary you’ll be meeting very rigid, proud, traditional women commonly found in Eastern European countries, who might find that being approached on the street is unusual but still intriguing enough to stop and listen to what you have to say.

Whilst in Spain you’ll be in an incredibly dynamic, vibrant atmosphere with fiery Latin women for whom being approached on the street is a day to day occurrence and will think little of it.

Now you might say, “but James! This means that it’s harder to approach women in Barcelona because they’re so used to it that you don’t have the novelty on your side!”.

It’s at this point that I have to stop you and ask you to drop in for a moment. Actually connect with what’s happening here. Are you focusing on what really matters? Or are you once again retreating into your head and spinning wheels, attempting to use logic and reason to solve the problem?

See, by focusing on cultures and how that changes the women you’re putting another step in the way between being a guy walking down the street wishing he could approach women and a guy who runs up to that girl and says hello.

You might be in Barcelona and fretting about approaching a girl, knowing that Spanish women are so used to being approached that it’s doomed to fail, only to take action and find out she’s not even from Spain, or Spanish for that matter. Or she could be shy, or introverted, or have grown up in a different part of Spain that makes her not subject to whatever imaginary norms you’ve cooked up in your head.

Coming Back Home To The Moment

All of these deliberations are distracting you from actually doing the one thing you know you need to do, the simplest step you must take; approach more women.

You don’t need to have all the answers, or be able to write a thesis on how women born in the rural part of your country differ from the city girls. All you need to do is approach.

If you’re getting caught up in these mental exercises I’d recommend learning meditation. It’s an ideal tool to notice when you’re coming up with excuses when you’re out infield. If you’ve never learned how to meditate before and have no idea where to start, or have tried but find it hard to apply in practical circumstances like approaching, I’d encourage you to check out my online course, The Marshall Meditation Method.

Over 5 weeks I’ll be guiding you from the ground up, starting with simple exercises to raises your awareness before moving into more complicated exercises helping you to stay grounded and in your body. Learning meditation can often be a complicated and protracted experience filled with chanting and weird hippy stuff, so I’ve specifically designed the Marshall Meditation Method to be a practical ‘man’s man’ guide to meditation. You can begin today by clicking here.

Next time you’re out on the street and you see a beautiful girl, notice if you’re making these kind of excuses. Unless you’re living in the Middle East or an ultra-religious society, I can’t imagine any reason why you shouldn’t at least try to go and approach her. Who knows, she might completely change your perspective on girls from your town/city/country/continent.

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Do You Run Out Of Things To Say When Talking To Women?

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Do You Run Out Of Things To Say When Talking To Women?

If you have a fear of rejection and you stuck when you talk to women then you should read this article.

Don’t Let This Simple Problem Stop You From Connecting With Women

One of the greatest fears men have is getting stuck in a conversation with a woman and running out of things to say.

Even if they feel confident enough to approach a woman, whether its on the street, at a work function or a house party, they’ll soon run out of things to say. Eventually it will get awkward, the girl will think they’re weird and they leave before it becomes way too uncomfortable.

The surprising thing is that what you think is the problem, running out of things to say, is the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger problem that most guys don’t even see.

Symptom or Sickness?

Instead of focusing on running out of things to say, we need to instead look at why you’re the one forced to be coming up with things to say in the first place.

If you think back to your interactions with women, what is your intention? What are you trying to do?

Is it more important that you make a good impression? That you demonstrate how clever, or interesting, or valuable you are to her?

Or are you more interested in finding out about her?

If it’s the former, that’s why you’re running out of things to say. The focus becomes “how can I make sure I get this girls number, that she’ll go out on a date with me, that she’ll sleep with me?”. And so everything that you do is about demonstrating why she should like you, which is a LOT of work. Of course you’re going to have to continuously think of new things to say, because otherwise she’ll get bored, think you’re a waste of time and walk off.

In reality displaying how interesting you are isn’t going to get you very far. Women aren’t actively seeking a man who never runs out of things to say.

Instead, they’d much prefer a man who is able to listen.

The Golden Ticket

Instead of trying to come up with things to say, you should instead be focused on listening to her.

Most conversations we have, whether it’s with family or friends or coworkers, involve very little listening. Generally people are just waiting for their turn to talk or to demonstrate how knowledgeable or opinionated they are about the topic being discussed.

So from now on, why not try listening to people? I mean, REALLY listening to them. Actually taking in what a person says and going deeper into the topic, asking a question that shows you’re listening.

In our 5 week online course, the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction, we spend a full 7 days focused on becoming a better listener through the principle of Emotional Connection. It’s really hard to build an emotional connection with a woman if you’re not actually listening to what they’re saying. But if you can listen, and I mean truly listen, you can start to delve deeper into who they are underneath the surface, what is important to them, and ultimately, if their values align with yours. You can get instant access by clicking here

If you actually shut up for a moment and listen to what a woman is saying, you’ll find that you never run out of things to say. Either she’ll say something that will give you a new topic to talk about, or she’ll feel uncomfortable with the silence and ask you a question instead.

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