Lifestyle Design vs Seduction (Video)

When it comes to developing a cool lifestyle wherever you are in the world, there is usually the organic slow burn, which relies on your gradually meeting people and stumbling across interests and new social scenes. This can literally take years to build or may not happen at all if you are isolated or have limited contacts.

Put in the effort needed to have a better life for yourself

To build an amazing lifestyle full of fun activities, interesting friends and sexy women, you must put effort into it. Many guys fall into the mindset of only focussing on one area of their life at a time, whether that is career, lifestyle or seduction. Sometimes yes you need to have sole focus that devours most your attention, but in general, combining these elements of your life goals will deliver much broader results. Although we endorse cold approach as a vital skill for having access to any woman you see, meeting women through a scene or hobby is certainly easier, as it is expected that people within a social scene be open to each other.

Building a lifestyle of hobbies you enjoy makes you a more attractive man. The reason is, when you are changing yourself and sculpting your life in a desirable way, you become desirable. You unconsciously carry a different energy with you that draws people to you. You radiate a happiness that is alluring to those who look at you. Therefore, put in the effort needed to have a better life for your self. Seek out that which you like to do. Creating the life you want is initially hard work, but after a while it becomes enjoyable and starts to generate it’s own momentum that eventually doesn't require you to maintain it, just to turn up and enjoy yourself.

Girls who are into the same subculture as you are much easier to meet. You have commonality, she's socially obliged to be friendly to you and she will have less fear or barriers to meeting you outside of class because you have mutual connections. Now of course if your seduction skills suck, no amount of proximity at yoga class will help. But when you mix game and lifestyle, the results skyrocket. When approaching and seducing within a social scene,, there are some key points to keep in mind.

Firstly, if you will see her frequently, don’t be full on with your interest. Overt direct statements of interest will create negative pressure and she’ll likely reject your advances. Flirt with her playfully instead of trying to treat her like a girl on the street. Saying things like “Good choice on your outfit today”, instead of “you look sexy in that outfit today” will deliver the message and keep you out of the friend zone without freaking her out.

Keep in mind this is the primary way she meets men anyways. Most couples meet through social circle, so there is no new paradigm to try to make her step into.

If you have some seduction ability and start moving into new social circles regularly, lifestyle game will become a major element in your success statistics.

Have fun building a lifestyle that you desire. Seek that which you want. This process of doing that will change you for the better. And of course, take advantage in your hobbies to meet women because the truth is, it's easier.

If you want to learn more on creating a desirable lifestyle filled with fun and women, come join me an the TNL team in of our workshops. Full details HERE.

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Next level Lover Secrets (Video)

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The Hero’s Journey Of Seductive Intent (Video)

Next level Lover Secrets (Video)

If you’re like most guys you want to feel like you can lead and create a good time for your lover in the bedroom. A guy that knows how to lead and create an exciting and fulfilling experience for a partner or partners will have a great skill and advantage when it comes to creating and maintaining attraction. Sex, sensuality and the ability to create romantic adventures has massive value and power to leave a positive emotional impact with those your share it with.

When it comes to being a great seducer and lover it is important to keep a focus on sharing sexual adventures worth remembering.

There are a lot of areas that you can explore when it comes to sexual, personal and PUA development. Being more sensual and capable as a lover is one of the most important if you truly wish to convey a high level of confidence in your ability to lead, satisfy and be well remembered by a lover.

Developing a well-rounded lover skill set is something that will definitely change your life for the better. In my opinion it is something that every man should have high on his list of personal development and sexual relationship goals. Ideally this learning curve is about opening yourself to a strong sense of sensual expression so that you can explore and share a deeper range of sexual and sensual variety. With practice this will develop a more extended capacity to be sensual, sexual, creative, intuitive, and confident. With more capacity and skill the whole experience of sex and sensuality can go to a new level.

So when it comes to navigating the sensual oceans that exist between lovers, where do we start?

Recognise where you’re at and start from there.

We all exist on some spectrum of skill and experience in being great lovers, and we all have potentials, strengths and weaknesses in different areas. The good news is that we can always learn to be better lovers. Like learning to cook or exercise it’s a life skill that will benefit you no matter who you are.

There are few investments in life that give us (and our lucky lovers) the returns that becoming a good lover will. The hard part of the process is recognizing that it takes time to get good at anything. It has been said in studies of mastery that it takes at least 10,000 hrs of experience to be really good at what you do. What this means is that you have some work to do practicing giving and receiving pleasure. The good news is that will some direction and support you can be very good in a short amount of time. SO what are some good starting points?

Work with both Sex and Sensuality:

Within the realms of intimate exchange there is a spectrum of sex and sensuality. Sex is often seen at the friction of genital contact. This is the more physical part of the spectrum whereas sensuality is more to do with exploring the senses and the potentials within them. Sensuality although also physical is about setting up a more subtle energetic feeling experience and psychological framework for experiencing love making and intimacy. Touch, sight, smell, sound, taste and mind are all senses that can be sensually explored and developed. A good lover will have the capacity to create very sensual as well as sexual experiences.
This is where things like knowledge of the body, massage and sexual psychology are very useful.

Get back in your body

A lot of people are so disconnected from their sensuality and sense of connection to their bodies. The concept of exploring a deeper level of sexuality can be a foreign and unexplored terrain. Especially if the ideas of being in the body, feeling and experiencing touch in a more subtle way, seem out of the norm or unknown.

It’s ok if you feel like this, it just means that you have some development and experience to go through.

For many lovers, embodiment is shallow and clunky. With little skill and experience in sensual embodiment, sex often becomes a rigorous, disconnected, friction based act. More aimed to get to the goal of coming hard and fast than appreciating and exploring the joy of making love, being sensual and deepening the range and kinds of pleasure possible between you and your lover.

Sadly this friction based sex alone often leaves us feeling dissatisfied, spent and empty like we have just eaten junk food. Some partners (especially women) are sexually blocked and unfortunately find sex to be a numbing experience. These people often see sex as something that is to be put up with in order to gain other favors like companionship, validation, comfort, security etc.

Ideally we want to be neither sex junkies (needing high intensity sensory overwhelm to be satisfied) or numb to the sexual experience (apathetic to or disconnected from our sex lives). As with most things in life this is about finding a balance and exploring that sweet spot that is the middle ground between sex and sensuality, friction and focus of mind.

Sensuality and sexuality is about exploring a journey of connection, altered states of sensation and consciousness and consensually playing out roles (e.g masculine, feminine, active, surrender, domination, submission etc) that release, balance and affirm parts of our psyche and the relationships we share.The doorway to sensuality is the body and touch. When you drop into a sensual state and or can lead someone else on a sensual journey it’s like opening another dimensions of our being to share.

So there you have a few tips that are useful for you to develop your sensual lover skills. If you have any questions let me know and hit up the comments or send me a general inquiry.I’m available for sexuality and inner game coaching and have just released a sensual massage product to get you guys inspired on your sensual lover journey. Get VIP updates and bonuses on Shae’s video course – Sensual Massage Secrets.Click HERE.

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Get your Girl Back at the Club! (3 tips)

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Lifestyle Design vs Seduction (Video)

Get your Girl Back at the Club! (3 tips)

Me: Give me your number just in case I lose you.
Girl: Ok.
Hold on…

(The mind’s anxious dialogue begins) Whoa, who’s that guy, why is she with him? Lightly touching his arm and smiling from ear to ear like he’s so impressive. Does he know game as well? Yeah, he must. Did she forget me? Should I say hi to remind her? Fuck, why is seduction so hard?

Sound familiar, don't worry guys. Time and time again, I went out at night and wanted a particular girl all to myself. I would meet a feminine, attractive, witty woman with confidence, who reminded me of why I got in seduction (for women like her), only to see her moments later giggling and flirting with another guy. It jived my emotions towards jealousy, then envy, then hope, etc. This is when I noticed, something needed to change...

Fast-forward dozens and dozens of situations like this to today, things have changed for me..


Me: “I will be around but just in case I lose you to a special new boyfriend, give me your number”.

Girl: haha ok.


(Random guy’s confused mind) What guy just walks a girl away while she’s in conversation? Does she know him? He’s a short fucker. Yeah they must know each other. Stupid slut.


Me: “I regret marrying you. My heart is in pain unless you mend it by saying I love you”.

Girl: “hahaha I love you. You are crazy!”


What a shift huh? After meeting many women out at night, I came to the understanding that often women want to flirt with many guys. A big reason women go out is to feel the validation of multiple men chasing her.

Even though we may have had a good connection, it doesn’t mean I own her or she owes me anything. Of course, she’s likely to flirt around the room before choosing a guy.

But it’s not just random chance who gets the girl. If I’ve had a good connection with her and then take the lead and keep several important principles in mind, then most of the time, other men are no real competition.

I manage to take a girl back from 2 much bigger and persistent guys using the following 3 concepts:

1. Stop engaging with the men she is talking to

My mindset is that all other guys are irrelevant to the interaction. The girl matters. Go right to the girl and engage her like you know her. Well, because you do. When your competition inevitably tries to engage you or her, dismiss him without aggression and focus on the girl.

2. “Move her. Move fast”

Before the girl even has a chance to process what’s happening, I move her after saying hi again. In some cases I literally pick her up but the important thing is to create physical distance between her and other men. Be aware that I would only do this to women I clearly had a good connection with. Which brings us to the the third point…

3. Flirtatiously set up a role-play to get her on my side.

Women love role-playing. Most conversations in clubs are boring and predictable. Women go out to have fun and live out fantasies, and playing roles is an important part of that. Part of how I create a unique connection, is to often set up fun role playing dynamics. Use your imagination, simple stuff like Husband/Wife, Boss/Secretary, King/Queen etc. These roles have automatic sexual tension and rapport built into them, allowing you to stand out and bypass all the boring small talk. This means when I reapproach I can jump straight back into role play; “ Is my wife on the verge of cheating on me?”.

Be playful with it and she will respond very well.

Follow these simple steps and you’ll find when you go out at night, it will no longer seem like a chaotic free for all. Instead you will be able to confidently meet, attract, and get back the women you speak to. Try out my tips and watch the woman of “his dreams”, fall back into your arms. If you have question about this topic or inquiry, please click HERE.

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The one thing that holds you back from sexual success

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Next level Lover Secrets (Video)

The one thing that holds you back from sexual success

The reason most men fail with women has less to do with their technical approach to them than their beliefs about their own worthiness. I’ve known men who’s timing was off, who’s flirtation was rudimentary at best, who dressed like dorks and had no money but still got top shelf women all the time.

I’ve also taught many men, who from societal judgement are successful, tall, good looking, charming, kind who (until we kicked them into gear), labored through frustrating loneliness and relationships with women they accepted out of scarcity.

Watch our shy, short Asian student work through his demons to success

Of course, having a working knowledge of seduction, delivery, presence, body language, logistics, escalation, all this is important. However, underlying the approach you use, the tricks you try is your own sense of self worth, entitlement and mission purpose. Without strength here, you will struggle endlessly against your own shadow. I think the roots of most men’s insecurities are deep and often complicated but there are two aspects that tend to dominate.

One is a nagging doubt that inherently you don’t have what it takes, that for some reason outside your control, you were given a shitty hand to play with. The other aspect is a misunderstanding about what women actually want from a man. We are sold certain standards through our society and media that equate male sexual success with looks, money and status.

The truth is women are generally after something much more valuable and rare, a man who can handle her. A man who makes her feel sexy or as the girl in the video says about Jack, to “Feel like a woman”. The paradox is that worthiness and confidence are not destination states. You don’t get them and that’s it. The process of cold approaching women, forces you to confront your real and imagined limitations and if done intelligently gives you new thinking tools to discern which are delusional bad mindsets and which are areas you need to work on in yourself.

This short film follows the journey one of our students Jack went through with us on a recent Euro Tour. Jack is a 5’3”, shy, inexperienced guy from Taiwan. After years of experimenting with other schools, he came to us with a firm commitment to finally solve this problem. Although as you see, he has a rough start, his plucky good humour and persistence pays off. It’s so gratifying as a coach to help guys like Jack who have great hearts and so much to offer women, finally crack the internal and real world codes for releasing their masculine potential.

If you’ve let those dark cyclical thoughts in your head of not being tall, rich or cool enough stop you from meeting the women of your dreams, take some inspiration from Jack and get out there to seize your dreams. And if you want to join our Euro Tour click HERE.

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Top 3 Wingman Qualities

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Get your Girl Back at the Club! (3 tips)

Top 3 Wingman Qualities

The most important aspect of a good wingman relationship is that you are on the same team. This sounds extremely obvious but is an attitude that the vast majority of men don’t have. They compete with each other, pull each other down, hang shit on each other, and this extends to seduction opportunities.

1. Having his back

A simple example; James and me were talking to two Russian sisters.


Her: This shirt makes you look boring
James: [Smiles, doesn’t say anything]
Her: [Turns to me] Don’t you think his shirt is ugly!
Me: [Smiles] I think it suits him… I think you secretly like it coz it makes him look a sexy businessman. Is that your fantasy?
Her: Ohhh… Mr Executive [She blushes and playful slaps him] I might have to work late tonight… sir.


It’s simple, but I’m siding with him, and turning her playing jab into something they can flirt about.I shouldn’t have to say this, but a lot of guys can’t handle the social pressure when meeting knew people, and the only way they know how to deal with the tension is to pull other people down.

2. Helping At Key Moments

Developing a good wingman relationship means knowing how to make things easy for each other. Any point where a simple helpful gesture can move the whole seduction forward costs your nothing but helps a lot.

Examples of this include:
- talking to a girls male friends to distract him
- helping him to find a taxi when he’s taking her home
- lending him money to buy after party drinks
- letting him use your phone for google maps
- lending him condoms
- giving him the house keys
- putting on music

3. Releasing the social pressure and making the girl feel safe.

This is probably the most advanced aspect of being a good wingman. Any moment where you are interacting with the girl your wing is seducing, your goal should be making her feel, relaxed, safe, and included.

At the bar this means positioning your body so she can be part of the conversation, keeping a warm friendly energy towards her, releasing social pressure by smiling. Don’t try to be funny or put her down. For most girls this will put unnecessary awkwardness into the situation for no reason.

This is even more important when he brings her home. When they walk in, smile, introduce yourself, and remember that she is entering a strangers house. How you act in this situation can determine how relaxed she feels about staying.  This is NOT the time for in jokes or trying to be funny.

So be polite, friendly, and make yourself scarce once she’s settled in. And if you need to get private couching, feel free to CONTACT US.


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Approach Anxiety Made Simple

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The one thing that holds you back from sexual success

Approach Anxiety Made Simple

Does your positivity and confidence stays with you once you see the girl you want to talk to?

Seeing The Cycle

What do you do to get into a positive state to approach? Do you motivate yourself by thinking things like “I can do this” or “I want to feel good?”.

Even though you have good intentions, I’m sure that this positivity doesn’t stick around once you see the girl you want to talk to.

You probably start getting thoughts like “she’s not going to like me” or “i don’t know what to say”. Then your throats start to tighten, your chest contracts and you label this reaction by saying I’m anxious.

The cycle goes around and around as you continue to see women you want to approach, feel the contraction and eventually give up, feeling like you’re trapped in this cycle of ‘approach anxiety’.

If that sounds like you, I’ve got a simple inner game hack that can help you overcome approach anxiety and start feeling good about approaching women.


So how do you stop feeling anxious? You simply find how you run the patterns of contraction and reverse them by doing the opposite. As soon as you feel that contraction, ask yourself:

“What would it be like to experience the opposite?

“What would it be like if i could start to feel like I do when I’m happy, or relaxed, or really calm?”.

Start moving the energy around your body in a way that opens your throat, your heart, cycling it back through the source over and over. It can help to visualize a colour during this process, associating it with the positivity you’re creating.

I guarantee you, if you do that for a few minutes, you’re going to start to feel fantastic, and it’s going to start to reprogram your brain, your emotions, so that you don’t feel those negative contractions of anxiety and fear anymore, and instead start to feel energy, excitement, spontaneity and possibility, or at the very least just neutrality and relaxation.

Deepening The Practice

One of the essentials of being able to tune into your body and energy is knowing how to meditate.

In today’s world we’re taught to pay the most attention to our thoughts. What we think becomes who we are and in essence, the true way to experience the world.

But this tunnel vision blocks out all of the incredible things happening in your body and heart that you can access to dramatically shift your day to day experience of the world.

If meditation is something you’ve never tried before or a point of frustration, you need to get your hands on the Marshall Meditation Method. Instead of having to mess about with clunky apps or endure weird quasi-religious chanting, we’ve broken the process down into a simple and easily approachable man’s man guide to meditation. If you’d like to learn more be sure to click here.

Approach anxiety can absolutely cripple you, but only if you let it. Remember that you’re in the driver’s seat, and so the way that you perceive your anxiety and how you choose to deal with it are in your hands.

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Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

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Top 3 Wingman Qualities

Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

The Nightmare You’re Not Seeing

When you’re first starting out at seduction it’s easy to be so focused on your own fears and

anxieties around meeting women that you forget about how a woman is experiencing YOU.

It’s common for guys to consciously or subconsciously put women on a pedestal, which leads them to think that hot women are flawless, unstoppable and insanely confident to the point that a mere mortal such as yourself would never be cause for concern.

Yet the thing that costs most beginners dates and sex is oftentimes their inability to recognize and acknowledge how a woman is feeling. It’s rather a predicament for her. At first glance, you would think that women would be open to expressing their doubts or fears.

Let’s say you’re asking a woman for her number.

It seems simple enough, you’ve been chatting for 4-5 minutes and seem to get along, so why not ask her on a date?

Yet in her mind she’s recalling all of those times she’s given her number out to guys she’s just met and regretted it soon after. Every woman has had to deal with some guy she gave her number to who wouldn’t stop texting and calling her, and had to block his number, or in the days before smartphones, change HER number (a major headache).

So that’s what’s running through her head, but it’s normal to be afraid of even admitting that.

She doesn’t want to appear stupid or naive.

She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

And most important of all, she doesn’t want to say somewhat that might trigger you and lead to a violent outburst with her as the victim, a realistic concern for a lot of women.

Women Get Approached All The Time

Even when you’re initially approaching her, you need to understand that this likely isn’t the first time she has been approached.

It could have been a guy who was asking for the time, or directions to Starbucks. Seems innocent enough…until he creepily asks for her number out of nowhere.

Maybe it was a homeless guy asking her for money, who then EXPLODED when she ignored him or said no.

Not to mention crazy people roaming around on the street, who are frightening simply because they don’t recognize that they’re crazy and the effect they’re having on other people.

This is why getting coaching is so important. Overcoming your approach anxiety and being able to approach women are just the first steps.

You then need to learn how to develop the internal and external awareness that enable you to pick up on the subtle cues and hints women are giving you, so you can then adapt and adjust.

On workshops we teach guys how to do this, teaching them meditation to raise their awareness, alongside listening in to approaches using live microphones then breaking them down afterwards to help them understand what was REALLY going on between the lines.

And if that’s not an option for you, at the very least you should invest in our online course, The Marshall Meditation Method which I’ve specifically designed around approaching women. You’ll not only learn an important life skill but also have the tools to drop the stories and fears you keep telling yourself and instead focus on her experience of being approached by a strange man, aka you. If you want to learn more about meditation and how my method works be sure to check out this link.

The Art Of Seduction

If you’re still under the impression that pick-up lines and routines work, or that somewhere out there is a magic system that’s going to give you a 100% success rate (“all for a low price of $49.99!”), understand that each and every moment with a woman will be different.

Copying down lines or responses you hear in my in-field videos isn’t going to work, because I’m responding to not only what she’s saying in that moment, but her body language, her tone of voice, and the subtext of our conversation thus far.

As an example, two women might hesitate to give me their number, yet one of them has been living in that city her whole life, whilst another is only going to be there for another 2-3 days. The first may be concerned about getting harassed endlessly by a strange hairy man, whilst the other might not be able to justify giving me her number if she’s leaving town soon.

Ultimately this is why seduction is an art form rather than a series of tools you can pull out at any time the moment calls for it.

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Creating Your Personal Elevator Pitch

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Approach Anxiety Made Simple

Creating Your Personal Elevator Pitch

When you’re meeting women, they seldom care about your job, where you’re from, what you studied. That’s not to say that these things aren’t important, but on face value they really don’t mean anything.

The Everyday Conversation Nobody Wants To Have

Conversations can be tough, that’s for sure. I’m going to run a little script by you, and tell me if it sounds familiar:

So…tell me…what do you…uh…what do you do for work?




And uh…

Where are you from?


Right. That’s cool. I’ve been there.

And umm…


What did you study?

Ah, got it. Yep

……and for how long?

Years, gotcha.

This is the typical conversation I hear most guys having with women when they first join us on a workshop. But an even deadlier sin than this is failing to talk about themselves at all. THEN they ask a woman for her number, and I can only imagine what’s running through her head:

“Ummm….who the hell are you?”

Expressing Yourself

I get that it can be really hard to talk about yourself.

When you think back over the course of your life, you’ve been trained to ask these questions and to value this information by everyone you’ve interacted with along the way. It’s rare that people actually stop and ask “do I really care about what someone does for a living? And does that actually tell me much about them as a person?”.

When you’re meeting women, they seldom care about your job, where you’re from, what you studied. That’s not to say that these things aren’t important, but on face value they really don’t mean anything.

The actual meaning comes from the why. Ok, so you’re an engineer, but why? Did you follow that career path because you thought it would make your parents happy? Because you thought the money would be good? Or you just like trigonometry?

A common trap guys can fall into when they start approaching is thinking that by the simple fact that they are approaching a woman, they’re communicating everything she needs to know about who he is as a man. That he’s confident. That he knows what he wants. That he’s a risk taker. All attractive qualities, and sure, impressive in the moment, but not enough to get most women on a date with you.

Even if you’re still hopeless at approaching (in which case you should sign up for our 3-week beginner’s course, the Dating Accelerator you’re still going to come across a woman at some point and need to find a way to introduce who you are as a person.

The problem is that you still need to make a first impression, and if you don’t know how to do that, you’re going to automatically fall back on your bad habits, which likely include asking too many generic questions, not engaging the answers with curiosity, and failing to talk about yourself.

So what’s the remedy?

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

The good news is that this is something you can practice. Remember that you don’t have to have an impressive resume to talk about yourself. You don’t need to have a high paying job or a fascinating lifestyle of travel and adventure to spark curiosity.

Here’s three things you should keep in mind that you can slip into the conversation.

  1. Something you’re really good at. This isn’t about impressing her, but taking pride in yourself. Maybe you’ve worked really hard at martial arts over the years, or you love programming, or you can balance an orange on your head.
  2. Something you like. Again, it’s not about trying to ‘game’ her by figuring out what she WANTS to hear, but what you genuinely like. Collecting goldfish. Experimental 90’s punk/folk music. Stargazing.
  3. Something you suck at. Don’t play out the cliche job interview answer of reversing this by saying “my biggest flaw is caring too much about people”. No no no. Be honest. This is about showing you’re human. I’m terrible at getting up when my alarm goes off. I can’t cook to save myself. My apartment is a mess most of the time.

Write these down somewhere. You don’t need to treat them as a ‘line’ that has to be inserted into EVERY interaction with a woman, but they are there in those moments when you need to share something about yourself with her.

Speaking of practice, you’re going to need a lot of it if you’re going to get really good at seduction. But as I’ve always said, the adage that ‘practice makes perfect’ is slightly wrong. It should be ‘perfect practice makes perfect’, which means, knowing how to practice is just as important as practicing.

If you’re really keen on learning what that looks like, I’ve put together a course that describes exactly what you should be doing as a beginner to make sure you are actually improving at seduction and not just running around in circles getting nowhere. You can learn all about the Dating Accelerator, including a course breakdown that describes exactly what you’ll be learning, by clicking here.

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How To Set Goals (That You Can Actually Achieve)

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Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

How To Set Goals (That You Can Actually Achieve)

The art of reading signals, why it’s ok to fuck up and what’s an “Indicator of Interest” really?

How to set goals

The Harsh Truth About Goals

It’s Shae here, coming at you with some more inner game wizardry all about goal setting.

Why is it that most people fail to achieve their goals? Think about something like ‘new year’s resolutions’; people declaring they will finally join a gym and lose weight, or quit their job and pursue their dream.

You might even have specific goals about your dating life. Maybe you tired of constantly being reminded by family and friends that you’re still single. Or maybe you’re tired of hoping it will finally happen, only to be disappointed each night you go to sleep.

And when you think about how long this problem has been going on, I’m sure you’ve been wondering why things haven’t changed.

Why you’re still not able to approach women.

Why you’re still not seeing the results you want

Why you still feel so lonely.

As hard as it might be to shine a light on these thoughts and feelings, it’s important to at least acknowledge where you’re at. That’s the first step to the goal setting process.

Being Realistic

See, there is a classic goal-setting format of building a solid plan, then taking the steps to execute that plan and grinding your ass off until it’s completed, no matter what obstacles present themselves.

But let’s be honest, if you’ve already found out that approaching is a possibility, and you haven’t already started taking steps towards it, that methodology really isn’t going to work.

Think about someone who is out of shape. It’s a no-brainer that they have to go on a diet and exercise more, but they can’t actually execute the plan.

So sometimes the plan isn’t the problem, but it’s making it happen.

A paradigm I’ve adopted throughout my life, and one that the other coaches here at The Natural Lifestyles follow, is viewing myself as a creator.

This begins with acknowledging that there is an unseen part of you, whether you want to call it your unconscious, deeper self, or even just your heart, that is available for you to tap into.

By planting a solid intention about what you want, you’re opening yourself up to the possibility that it could happen.

Sometimes that possibility is just enough for things to start shifting and moving, although it can be really hard for the ego to understand this because it’s so attached to grinding and hard work.

Yet we have to ask ourselves, what intention should we set? What genetic code should we instil into that seed to ensure that it grows into something that will bear fruit?

You could set yourself the intention to have a really beautiful girlfriend, and for some guys that’s a legitimate goal.

But if you were to be honest with yourself, do you really feel ready for that? Do you feel like you’re the man you need to be, want to be, in order to have that woman?

How would you feel being with her knowing that you set yourself a goal to learn how to approach, to really gain the confidence to master it, yet never really pursued that until it became your reality?

What if your intention was instead to seek out the coaching you need to first become that man?

Making A Start, Even If It’s Small

If you’ve had a look at our workshops, I’m sure you’ve come up with one or two excuses why it’s just not going to happen for you.

Maybe it’s that you don’t have enough money. Maybe it’s that you can’t get the time off work. Or maybe you’re so wrapped up in your ego that you can’t admit to yourself that you need help.

Trust me, I know how hard it can be to let go of that pride.

But we know that most guys don’t even take the time to fill out an application. Most aren’t even willing to get on the phone with us and talk about their situation, and find a way to make it happen.

Keep in mind, you’re not signing up for some hardcore sales pitch, we actually just want to help in whatever way we can.

So if you’re setting yourself some goals for next year, maybe plant that seed. “What would it be like to do a workshop with the Natural Lifestyles? What resources, opportunities, connections do I need to come my way in order to make that a reality?”

Maybe you need to take a smaller step in order to convince yourself that it’s worthwhile. A lot of our clients have started with our beginners online course, The Dating Accelerator before moving on to our live coaching.

Over the 3 weeks of online content you’ll be given a simple framework to help you get over your approach anxiety, start approaching, and hopefully getting some numbers which will then lead to dates.

Will it mean you achieve your goal of having threesomes with playboy bunnies this time next month?

Probably not.

But it’s a start. It’s a way of you acting on your intention.

You’ll be amazed at what setting yourself that intention can lead to, especially if you’re willing to get out of your own way. Be sure to check out the Dating Accelerator by clicking here.

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Finding Motivation To Approach Women

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Finding Motivation To Approach Women

When guys start out approaching they often have a really short term goal in mind. What’s the long vision? Is having beautiful women in your life enough?

Let’s Start Simple...

It’s Shae here with some news that might be a little scary to read.

Are you ready?

You might want to sit down for this.

I’ve done some digging and discovered that you’re going to die someday. I am too. So are the rest of the coaches, and everyone you, friends, colleagues, mortal enemies.

All going to die someday.

Now I wouldn’t be giving you this grim news if it weren’t for some purpose, and that is a poignant reminder that life is short.

If you’ve known about pick-up, approaching, seduction, whatever you want to call it, for longer than 6 months, and still haven’t taken action by approaching or getting coaching, that’s six months wasted.

It might not seem like a big deal, but you’re never going to get that time back. And if you don’t start by taking action today, say by filling in an application form and getting on the phone with us about a workshop, you’re effectively stating that you’re ok with paralysis.

This is a dangerous place to be in because the one thing you can be sure of is that you are going to die someday, but you don’t know when. It could be tomorrow, or in a year from now. Would you want to look back on the last year of your life and acknowledge that you had lived in fear the whole time?

Using Frustration To Your Advantage

When guys start out approaching they often have a really short term goal in mind. This isn’t intentional, it's more than they’re moving away from a place of pain.

It could be something like getting more sex, because they’re been inactively single for so long.

Or it could just be getting over their approach anxiety because they’re sick of feeling trapped and worrying about what other people think.

That initial feeling of frustration slowly builds over time to a point of bursting where they eventually feel like they’d rather die than put up with the problem for another moment longer.

These are great goals to work towards, but what you’ll eventually find is that if you take action, you’ll move past them.

It’s not that big of a leap for you to reach a stage where you feel comfortable approaching women, and those who have trouble with it typically start out with our beginner’s online course, the Dating Accelerator. Putting things in perspective it’s really a waste of your life to spend so much time at a stage that can be overcome by making a small investment and learning from guys who have not only been through the ‘beginner’s hell’ you’re experiencing, but have also developed strategies to fast track the process and taught them to hundreds of other men. If you want to get your hands on these insights you can find out more about the course and what’s included by clicking here.

Why You REALLY Want To Approach

But eventually, you’ll need to have some kind of grander purpose that you’re moving towards.

Sure, beautiful women are great, but if you had a bunch of beautiful women in your life, then what? Why would that be important to you?

Because once you’ve started moving away from that initial pain point, that ‘rock bottom’ which drove you to start making a change, you’ll then have to find something to move towards.

The good news is that there isn’t any right or wrong answer to this. It’s incredibly personal.

For myself I know that being with a beautiful woman can be like holding up a mirror, revealing all of my flaws, inadequacies and insecurities. Beyond the sex and initial appeal of a beautiful woman lies an opportunity for me to grow as a person, whilst also offering her the same in kind.

So what’s your deeper motivation for approaching?

Maybe it's love. Maybe you are overcome with a passion for women that makes you feel alive. Maybe you envision having a family one day.

Be sure to check out today’s video, and leave a comment letting us know what the big picture vision is for you.

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