I used to suck with women too (here is proof)

Know what’s the true enemy of progress?


Especially when it comes to getting better with women, you can’t ‘force’ or ‘rush’ results.

Sure, if you lower your standards and play on mere quantity by approaching hundreds of drunk girls in bars or clubs, you might score the odd, awkward one-night-stand rather quickly.

But if you’re committed to becoming the kind of magnetizing, seductive man who is in strong demand by the hottest women in every scenario, it will take some time.

I, for one, was much less confident and effective at this when I first got into the dating scene in my late twenties.

In fact, I was very dorky and uncalibrated…

But instead of taking rejections personally and talking myself out of it, I persisted and focused on making the process enjoyable, turning even the cringiest moments into fun, learning experiences.

Coffee Kiss GIF by The Bachelor

Over a decade later, I’ve not only lived all the romantic and sexual fantasies most men only dream about, but I’ve also helped tens of thousands of others to do the same.

So, if you’re curious to see a much less experienced ‘newbie’ James Marshall in action, go and watch my latest video.

In it, I analyze and roast some of my first ancient infield approaches, breaking down all major seduction mistakes and strengths of my younger self. Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. Looking for me and my elite team to ‘roast’ you and mentor you for one full week and kickstart a lifetime of abundance and success with beautiful women?

Then join us in Barcelona, Spain, from Aug 29th-Sep 4th, for our last and most epic workshop of the year.

Including eight hours of intensive coaching per day, this program will truly leave no stone unturned in your masculine evolution.

We start every morning with in-depth theory masterclasses, covering our famous principle-based method of natural seduction and the latest insights into what truly works with girls in 2022. Yet, the bulk of the day and the core ‘soul’ of the program is devoted to something else:


From day 1 in the workshop, you’ll learn practical ways to overcome your fears and confidently meet and interact with dozens of hot women. From catwalk models who frequently visit Barcelona, to local South European beauties, to the many hot ex-pats, you’ll approach and have more dating opportunities in seven days than in the past seven years of your life.

Only 3 spots remaining, and we plan on selling out by the end of the month.

If interested to learn more and save yours:

> Click here to speak with the enrollment team

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Why men suck at flirting (& how to charge sexual confidence)

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Why women ignore you in the street (& how to fix it)

Why men suck at flirting (& how to charge sexual confidence)

Know what’s ‘the skill’ that sets you apart from most guys and is highly attractive to women?


Season 6 Flirt GIF by Friends

Knowing how to be playful and charge mundane conversations with sexual energy is a fundamental capacity that shows girls you know what you’re doing.

It’s also, by coincidence, the best way to guarantee you’ll never end in the friend zone again.

Smoothly establish yourself as a sexual prospect from the getgo, and trust me, your dating life will massively improve.

This is also ironically one of the things men struggle the most with, and it’s not their fault…

See, there is a lot of pressure and cultural shame in society surrounding the whole idea of expressing your masculine desire and honest self.

‘You’ll offend girls. ‘You’ll get rejected’.

So be it.

The fastest way to propel your results with women is to get out of your way and stop assuming things.

Stop assuming she’s in a rush and doesn’t want to talk.

Stop assuming she’s a cold-hearted b*tch just because of her facial expressions.

Stop thinking you have to play it safe and act like a friend, or that’s exactly what you’ll end up becoming for her.

If ready to unleash epic levels of sexual confidence and finally become a master at flirting, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Looking to venture out of your comfort zone and make 2022 the year when you finally take full control of your dating life?

Be quick! Our last workshop of the year is approaching, and we have only 3 spots left to join.

Running from Aug 29th-Sep 4th, 2022 in Barcelona, Spain, the Residential is a week-long journey that will free you from all the toxic romantic habits you’ve accumulated in your life and install new upgrades that will make you effortlessly more seductive and confident around women.

From how to approach and get girls into intriguing conversations anywhere to spicing things up with sexual tension and making them chase you, to get their contacts, texting & building comfort with social media, to successfully take them home (or have them invite you over) within the first couple of dates, the tools you’ll get in this elite workshop are guaranteed to have you experience insane dating success and breakthroughs for many years to come.

Plus, you get to put everything you learn into practice by spending 40+ hours infield with me and the crew. We’ll be hitting the best streets, cafès, and hot spots of sunny Barcelona and approach dozens of sexy Latinas and stunning tourists until this becomes second nature for you (and you finally experience your first successes).

To learn more and save your spot before they sell out:

> Click here to speak with the enrollment team

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How To Approach Shy, Introvert Girls (Tricky!)

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I used to suck with women too (here is proof)

How To Approach Shy, Introvert Girls (Tricky!)

Every so often, I need to remind myself of the bigger picture of things.

On the channel, we talk a lot about the different mindset blocks and fears that prevent guys from successfully approaching more women…

The Big Bang Theory Reaction GIF

But have you ever heard about ‘being approached anxiety’?

For once, this is not about your limits, it’s about hers.

Truth is that most women out there do not know how to behave and play cool when a charming stranger stops them in the street or at a cafè.

On a surface level, their lack of participation in the conversation and silence can be interpreted as a clear indicator that she’s not into you and you should move on––and sometimes that’s the reality…

Cute Girl Smile GIF by DEEPSYSTEM

But in a LOT of cases, it’s actually a positive sign: she’s just shy.

This is something that even I, a pro dating coach, tend to overlook at times.

Being introverted and struggling in social situations is also something women are affected by, much more than we think.


And so instead of forcing yourself to find new ways to be more captivating and engaging when a girl is not responding, you should focus on being aware.

Do I really have to win her attention with intensity, or should I create more comfort and reduce pressure?

I cover this topic at great length in my latest video: how to properly approach and seduce the more shy and quiet type of women out there.

What’s more, you can also see one of my students in it implementing the advice in real-time as he successfully manages to ‘unlock’ a pretty unresponsive Eastern European beauty and get her contact 😉

Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. Tired of waiting and letting your best years go by stuck in a mediocre, unexciting dating life?

Then come work with us this Summer to rapidly reverse decades of bad habits, become more confident & social, and start meeting the quality of women you truly deserve.

Only a few spots left for our 7-day Residential Program running from Aug 29th-Sep 4th 2022 in Barcelona, Spain––to learn more and book yours (no obligation!) before they go sold out click HERE.

Alternatively, you can work remotely with me for four weeks through a personalized curriculum and daily accountability in my Private Online Mentoring. To find out how it works and apply, click HERE.

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How to get more women with money (triggering)

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Why men suck at flirting (& how to charge sexual confidence)

How to get more women with money (triggering)

Alex Leòn here.

Today I want to address one of the biggest but often most downplayed taboos in dating:

The impact of money and net worth on your dating life.

I see a lot of avoidance and people dismissing this topic as something marginal that has little to no effect on your romantic results.

“Women don’t care about money. It only matters how they feel around you”.

Let me call B.S on that.

Sure, most women do not merely think in terms of assets and liabilities like cold-hearted investors when meeting you…

…But it doesn’t hurt to have some degree of wealth, and in fact, it is a key leverage tool that will help you to fastrack progress and date top-tier women a lot more quickly than regular guys.

I’ve spent the past few years penetrating social circles and networking with top the 5% of wealthy entrepreneurs, CEOs, and startup creators, and I can honestly attest that many of them are indeed surrounded by elite women.


At this point, you might be wondering:

‘So Alex, does this mean we’re all screwed unless we’re high-level millionaires?’

Not at all 😉

As I previously mentioned, money is just a ‘tool’ that allows you to create experiences and situations that most women are deeply attracted by.

Things like adventurous day trips, holidays, access to VIP events, creative projects, etc.

All of these are highly-scalable ideas that anyone can pull off with creativity and motivation, whether it’s a beach villa party or an underground DJ event in a basement – or simply a spontaneous photoshoot after hiking around your city.

It ultimately is all about how smart you are with your money, not how much you have.

In fact, despite not being nowhere near millionaire status, I’ve managed to gather around myself, using my seduction skills and finances, more hot, high-quality women than most of my affluent friends ever could––now they ask me for advice!

If you want to find out how I did it and learn how to practically leverage your current finances to improve your dating results, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Want to personally work with me 1-on-1 to improve your social circle, romantic opportunities, and overall build an epic lifestyle filled with a vibrant mix of cool people?

Today, I’m officially re-opening three coaching slots for my private online mentoring.

This is the perfect opportunity to get trained by me remotely as a private student for four weeks, receiving daily accountability, support, action steps, and guidance so that you take consistent action and absolutely smash your wildest goals.

No pre-packaged training. The full mentoring curriculum is built around your specific needs and challenges and includes advanced guidance on core areas like cold-approaching, productivity, social circle game, social media seduction, and lifestyle design.

To apply for the mentoring and see if it’s right for you, book a starter call with me below:

> Get coached by Alex

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Still afraid of talking to hot women?

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How To Approach Shy, Introvert Girls (Tricky!)

Still afraid of talking to hot women?

It’s fascinating.

No matter how many times we cover the topic and how many hundreds of guys we coach per year, we still get the same question asked almost every week:

‘How do I overcome my fear of talking to women?’

It sure is a burning issue for most men and a very critical one.

In the end, being unable to talk to girls because of social anxiety is not just some minor sticking point but an UNPENETRABLE roadblock.


And unless you solve it rapidly and permanently, you will waste precious years of your masculine prime stuck in unwanted celibacy and scarcity.

Now, onto the good news…

This is something every man CAN solve.

I got rid of it, my coaches did, and so did countless students who attended our elite programs over the past seventeen years.

The only reason so many men are still stuck with it is that they seek a one-time ‘medicine-like’ solution when, in fact, curing approach anxiety.

Is a dynamic process.

There are just too many variables to consider when diagnosing why a guy feels paralyzing fear when at the prospect of talking to an attractive stranger.

Past traumas, hardwired conservative or religious beliefs, self-image issues, and lack of desire, to list some.

Our proven way to solve this is to work on the condition from multiple angles.

There are four main layers to this process: inner, outer, short-term, and long-term.

For example, when working in the outer dimension, you can progressively reduce anxiety by executing intermediate steps starting with holding eye contact during conversations and slowly building up to confidently approaching a stranger.

But unless you look at the full spectrum of things, your results will be short-lived.

To learn more about this topic and permanently solve your fear of talking to women, go and watch my latest video linked below now!

P.S. Want to personally collaborate with me and my elite team this Summer to smash your social & inner blockages and finally start dating more high-quality, sexier women?

Then join us in Barcelona from Aug 29th-Sep 4th for our last and most epic Residential workshop of the year.

Let me reassure you…

In only seven days, you’ll experience more breakthroughs and practical success with women than you did in the past few years of your life.

That’s because the entire workshop is designed to make you take intensive, smart action that quickly leads to the high level of results you’ve always wished for but didn’t know how to get.

This is no confusing theory seminar. From day 1 in the program, you will be out in the field meeting and getting dates with dazzling Mediterranean women, helping you quickly make the skillset second nature.

Only four spots left, so if you want to permanently smash your approach anxiety and get to the fun parts of seduction…

> Click here to start the enrollment process

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The #1 struggle when starting daygame

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How to get more women with money (triggering)

The #1 struggle when starting daygame

It’s been two very intense and action-packed weeks in the Catalan capital, working with several clients daily to make impressive breakthroughs in their dating and social results.

The main takeaway?

It’s often the thing we resist the most that we need the most.

I see it happen all the time with my students.

Guys who are highly motivated to change their seductive situation, who promptly invest serious amounts for hiring me as their coach for a few days, travel hundreds of miles to work with me personally…

…Only to find every possible excuse not to approach women and start getting the results they’re after.

The truth is that meeting new women in real life is a lot more complicated than it looks on camera.

Looking Good Family Guy GIF by FOX

It takes a lot of balls and willpower to initially push through the veils of limiting beliefs society enforces on us.

From a young age, we are taught to avoid talking to strangers and settle for a small comfort bubble of friends we meet in school, through hobbies, or in the office.

If you want to become great with women, you need to ignore all that nonsense.

And realize that the world truly is your playground. You can do what you want, meet who you want. No limits.

Of course, getting good at this also requires a strong dose of empathy.

Women, unfortunately, are not always approached by cool, respectful guys with good game and intentions. Some individuals out there like to cat-call and make girls feel uncomfortable.

But do not let this fear of disturbing her prevent you from taking action.


In the end, women love to be approached by the right guy.

It’s the ultimate Hollywood fantasy: meeting a sexy stranger on the bus to the office or randomly in the street.

To learn how to become such intriguing stranger and confidently get over most triggers and mental blockages men experience when starting day game, watch my latest video linked below


P.S. Want to work with Alex, James, and the rest of the team to learn how to constantly access new streams of hot women and finally build the dating life you deserve?

Then check our upcoming workshop dates for Summer 2022:

We still have a couple of spots left for our four-day Intensive in Barcelona, Spain, running from Aug 23rd-Aug 26th, as well as for our 7-day Residential program from Aug 29th-Sep 4th.

This is your chance to get access to several days of advanced coaching, spend dozens of hours infield meeting women, participate in exclusive masterclasses with guest coaches, roleplay sessions with our team of female model instructors, and a lot more.

To figure out what’s the best program for you and reserve your spot before everything goes sold out within the next week:

> Speak with our enrollment team today!

Alternatively, if determined to work with me individually as your coach and spend three days together going through an extremely-customized and elite curriculum tailored to your needs only, you can apply for my 1-on-1 private workshop HERE

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Feeling like quitting

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Still afraid of talking to hot women?

Feeling like quitting

Getting good with women it’s a process of undoing.

You don’t need to learn dozens of slick lines or stealthy tactics to build a rich and satisfying dating life.

Most men obsess about adding tons of details to their seductive skillset, bringing unnecessary confusion and slowness to their fragile interactions.

True mastery is about removing such layers of complexity.

Reverse engineering every approach to its core atom:


Fx Networks Fight GIF by Reservation Dogs

Without a clear understanding of ‘why’ you’re putting yourself out there, withstanding theinitial rejections and failures becomes quickly unbearable until you give up.

And no…

To look cool in front of my buddies’ or ‘to make my ex suffer back by seeing me with other girls’ are not good reasons to kickstart your seduction journey.

In practical terms, this is about becoming more resilient.

Embracing the struggle and beautiful chaos of this unique path not only until things get better and you start getting results but until you also fall in love with the process.

Alex, I’ll be honest with you, this is no quick-fix task…

And if you’re looking to stay in the game long-term to experience all the crazy and insane opportunities it has to offer you, you need to be driven by something more than childish wishes from your Ego.

To learn more on how to identify your unique purpose and unleash powerful intent that will make your dating and social results feel almost effortless, watch Shae’s latest video.

Link below:


P.S. Want to work personally with me, Shae, Alex, and the rest of the elite TNL team to unravel your dating life and design a clear path to guaranteed success with women?

Our live workshops are the perfect testing ground to practically meet dozens of hot girls in real life and sharpen your skills while progressively refining your mindset and developing confidence until you truly think and behave like a Natural.

Currently, we’re fully sold out for most of the upcoming summer coaching season including our July New York program…

However, you can still join us starting Aug 29th-Sep 4th, 2022 in Barcelona, Spain for our 7-day Residential program. 8+ hours of personalized coaching per day including advanced theory classes, infield sessions, night-game sessions, elite masterclasses with surprise guests on texting, social media, and all the most relevant strategies to confidently meet & seduce high-level women in 2022.

To learn more about them and save your spot before this one too gets fully booked over the next few days:

> Click here to speak with the enrollment team

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No B.S guide to flirting (field-tested)

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The #1 struggle when starting daygame