How To Touch Women Without Being Creepy

In dating as much as in life, words matter only to an extent.

It’s your actions that truly help you to get results in the long term.

Where am I going with this?

See, often with students, I notice how fear of talking to women is quite easy to overcome.

And so is the struggle to find interesting conversation topics, vibe with the girl, and successfully arrange a date with her.

Wanna guess when a large percentage of men statistically freeze in seduction?

When it’s time to close the deal and make a sexual move.

making love GIF

On one side, some men are uncomfortable with this because it triggers their innate fear of rejection. Most women are social creatures and will gladly talk and even flirt with men they’re not attracted to. By introducing touch and trying to escalate on her, you’ll immediately realize her true intent.

For the most part, however, lots of guys just don’t know how to sexualize things with women.

Sure, they might have some experience in drunk hookups at college parties or by luckily sleeping with a female friend in their social circle after years of knowing each other.

But they’re clueless on how to be direct and move things forward on dates with new girls without creeping them out.

If you too struggle to ‘turn on the heat’ and don’t know how to smoothly transition things from social to sexual, I’ve got good news for you…

You don’t need to go from 0 to 100 with this.

Mastering touch and physical escalation is a process learned in small increments. You can start by practicing with something as simple as a hug and progressively transition to more daring moves.

To learn more on this topic and discover how we personally train our students on workshops in the nuanced art of smooth physical escalation, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Want to work with us to rapidly create more abundance and opportunities with women in 2022?

Our workshop season is about to start! You can join me, Alex, Shae, Virag for 7 days of intensive, life-changing coaching that will give you all the tools to thrive socially and sexually for many years to come.

See, our programs are grounded in pure practicality, and so we take you out in the streets approaching and talking to hot women––while receiving constant feedback in real-time from coaches–– from the very first day of training.

Our hybrid combination of short daily masterclasses on core topics like seductive conversations, texting, social media, and advanced escalation coupled with continuous infield action guarantees that our students not only get to apply concepts right away but often experience epic dating success and start taking girls back to their hotel already within the first few days of the workshop.

The first training opportunity is our residential program running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest, Hungary. Half of the available spots are already sold, so if you want to join make sure to get in touch with us asap.

>Click here to speak with my team

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Got any real friends? (take this test)

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Got any real friends? (take this test)

Tricky question: how many real friends do you have?

Take your time to answer.

Got one best buddy? Five? Ten of them?

Now think about this: would these people deliberately expose themselves to risk to help you out in moments of adversity?

Cross those who wouldn’t off the list.

How many friends left?

If you’re like most men out there, including me when I first started my journey in the early aughts, you will probably end up with a low number of ‘real’ friends.

And don’t be surprised if that number amounts to close to zero.

See, in our hyper-connected, digitally dominated world, it’s easy to confuse passing acquaintances or chat buddies with having a truly cohesive social circle, but in reality…

One is an illusion.

For example, it’s not that unusual to find guys who regularly hang out with dozens of people like coworkers, gym bros, and ex-uni buddies without really bonding individually with any of them.

They may get to experience the odd night out and share beers but totally miss the #1 thing true friendships are about:


Captain Planet Hero GIF by Droplet Adaptogen Drinks

Simply put, real friends don’t just party with you. They also work and fight by your side to help you succeed in every key area of your lifestyle like business, dating, and especially your mental and emotional wellbeing.

To learn more on how to get real friends and dramatically improve your current relationships, watch my latest video linked below.

P.S. Looking to take your social skills to advanced levels of mastery and build a kickass crew with other high-value, truly loyal collaborators?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy 3.0, launching this April, I share all my best secrets and action blueprints collected in over sixteen years of personal and coaching experience on how to join forces with other men, and women, to create passive flows of seductive success and 10x results in core areas of your life like dating, business, and networking.

You also get invited to join our very exclusive LDA Insiders network, where hundreds of guys like you, including new and former Academy students as well as world-famous coaches, interact, share elite insights, help each other out, and embark together on epic lifestyle projects on a nearly daily basis.

That’s it for today! More on the Academy coming soon, can’t wait to show you what I’ve prepared for you this year 😉

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Why men feel lonely (the #1 crisis in masculinity)

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How To Touch Women Without Being Creepy

Why men feel lonely (the #1 crisis in masculinity)

It’s a fact: being a Man in today’s society is a pretty tough job.

Despite all the illusions of freedom, opportunity, and abundance, many guys still lead very one-dimensional, severely limited, and socially-scarce lives.

And most of these issues can be reconducted to one common cause: loneliness

Countless men out there, even if they don’t publicly admit it, are living in a chronic state of isolation, with no one to call or ask for help if they ever need it.


Social circles are shrinking.

In fact, recent studies conducted on the US population have shown that nearly one in five men completely lack close friendships, and only a tiny 12% of the male population can say of having more than six friends in their life.


This is bad news, especially when you consider that it’s nearly impossible to succeed at anything significant in this world without other people backing you up.

Take dating…

Approaching and seducing beautiful women will easily turn into an excruciating, annoying task the moment it becomes your only way to meet women at all. Paradoxically, having many female friends will improve your game as much, if not more, than learning how to cold-approach.


Running a business will drain every ounce of energy and happiness you have…

…If you have to do it all by yourself without any close collaborators while working from your laptop and spending most of your day without talking to a living soul.

I think it’s pretty clear by now: to live an epic life, you need epic people around you.

But I’m not just talking about coworkers and old buddies from school you can grab beers with on a Friday night.

I mean real trusted friends and collaborators.


People who got your back in the darkest of times and who will help you achieve your wildest dreams.

If you currently lack such friends in your life and don’t know where to find them, I strongly encourage you to watch my latest video.

In it, I detailed a comprehensive plan to grow your social circle and build a kickass tribe around you that will rapidly 10x your life. Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. Got some epic news for you today.

My infamous Lifestyle Design Academy will be opening its doors again for one week in April 2022.

This is the third edition of what’s by far my most life-changing and transformative program.

Those who join get eight months of intensive live mentoring on core areas of masculine success such as social circle mastery, advanced dating tactics, health & biohacking, character development, sexuality, business skills, and a lot more.

Stay tuned for more info about the LDA in the coming weeks 😉

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Is it wrong to use women for your pleasure?

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Got any real friends? (take this test)

Is it wrong to use women for your pleasure?

Women need to feel strongly desired.

No matter how good your conversation and flirting skills are, if she doesn’t feel you deeply want her, she’ll never really think of you as a lover material.

This is different than being needy or thirsty, it’s the self-assured dominant aspect of masculinity and this is one of the core foundations of successful dating, yet most men are not comfortable nor aware of it.


Accept that you want her and be ready to take her.

That’s what core masculine Intent boils down to.

Ask yourself…

Are you ok with deliberately using girls for your own pleasure and enjoyment?

And by ‘using’, I do not mean taking advantage of them or manipulating them into obeying you –– that’s despicable.

What I suggest is being capable of shutting down the constant need for reciprocating and asking for permission and just focusing on enjoying your own experience.

In the end, if you cannot please yourself first, how can you expect to be deeply seductive to other people?

Paradoxically, this will not only massively benefit your self-esteem and seductive results but will also greatly increase connection and intimacy with the majority of the girls you date.

It’s a very empowering feeling for both women and men to momentarily surrender control and be exploited by others as tools for unrestrained desire and lust.

You just have to let loose.

To learn more about this topic, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Want to attract solid relationships and start dating more high-quality women in the upcoming year?

Knowing how to set and enforce healthy boundaries will guarantee that both your and your partners’ needs are met from the very beginning.

And it all begins with one step: learning how to masterfully approach beautiful girls and get them on dates.

If you want to master the fundamentals of dating and relationships and build a fulfilling masculine lifestyle, join me and my crew of elite coaches from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest, Hungary, for our week-long intensive Residential program.

This is a comprehensive deep-dive into everything a man needs to excel at dating including masterclasses on approaching, conversations, texting, physical escalation, as well as dozens of hours spent in the field meeting and going on adventures with stunning eastern European women.

To learn more about the program, get on a free call with our coaching team:

> Workshop introduction

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2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

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Why men feel lonely (the #1 crisis in masculinity)

2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

Know what separates the most elite women from regular cute girls?


Most model-looking types out there are bombarded online by hundreds of men every day clamoring to get their attention.

Just look on Instagram…

Young girls in their late teens and early twenties with tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of thirsty followers hoping to get something from them.

It’s a twisted validation game that makes it harder than ever to get on dates with the true world-class stunners out there.

But you still have a solid chance if you tailor your seduction strategies to the unique needs of this niche demographic of women. It’s very unlikely you’ll pick them up online but with a calm natural style approach on the street, you definitely have a chance.

See, after over 15 years of my personal and coaching experience in approaching and dating models, I’ve realized that high levels of beauty do not really affect your dating outcomes, provided you follow two main rules:

First, don’t make a big deal out of the fact that she’s a model.

Once she tells you, comment on it briefly and then move on. She’s already aware of her beauty and unique lifestyle. To stand out, focus on challenging and validating what’s truly unique about her as a person (i.e., her character and vibe).

Second, always get her number, not her Instagram.

Unless you also have a world-class, influencer-level profile, avoid becoming one of the zillions guys who message her on social media. Even if you met in person and the conversation was good, she will likely ignore you online because you easily disappear into the mass of online noise.

To learn more about this topic, and witness one of my brave students approaching and seducing a stunning Ukrainian model in front of the camera, watch my latest video. Link below:

P.S. If you want to master the art of natural seduction and start dating the extremely beautiful women most guys thirst over on social media….

Then join me and my elite team of coaches from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest for our exclusive 7-day Residential workshop!

This is your chance to receive intensive 8+ hours a day training on how to approach, seduce, get contacts, and meet on dates with exactly the types of gorgeous women you’ve always wanted.

We waste no time on confusing theory or state-pumping placebos. Instead, we teach you the skills and head to the streets to take action by talking to dozens of beautiful women in the streets, cafes, and shopping malls of Budapest, giving you precise real-time feedback to make sure every approach leads to improvement. I and the crew will be by your side every step of the way, making this a fun, fast-paced, exponential learning curve.

To learn more, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

> What’s the 7-day Workshop?

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Should you ever pay on a 1st date? (avoid this trap)

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Is it wrong to use women for your pleasure?

Should you ever pay on a 1st date? (avoid this trap)

Taking women out for expensive dates is never a good idea.

The Hollywood tale of treating girls to luxurious dinners and gifts will only contribute, in the vast majority of cases, to creating a skewed relationship dynamic built around impressing women to build attraction.

To be fair, I rarely take girls out for anything more than a hot tea because that’s more than enough to move forward in the seductive process.

I don’t need to incentivize their interest.

It’s my character and skill-set that gets the job done.

expensive usa network GIF by Bunim/Murray Productions

Don’t confuse any of this, however, with being stingy.

If you truly like a girl and have the resources to invite her to your favorite Italian restaurant, by all means, do it.

Just realize that is not necessary and don’t expect something in return from her.

At the same time, make sure you don’t pick someone that just wants to be around you for whatever expensive experiences you might provide to her.

Which leads us to the question:

Who should pay on the first date?

And what if she never proposes to split the bill?

To find out the answers, watch my latest in-depth video on the topic by clicking on the link below:

P.S. Wanna learn how to effortlessly attract the women of your dreams without paying for stuff, show up in flashy cars, or fake to be someone you’re not?

Mastering the art of cold approach is by far the fastest and most proven way to radically transform your dating life.

That means knowing by heart how to confidently talk to women anywhere, engage them in seductive conversations and build tension and intimacy so that they’re attracted and want to see you again on a date (or perhaps even go home with you right away!).

If this seems like something out of a Hollywood movie for you, rest assured…

For the past fifteen years, I and my elite crew of coaches have been teaching thousands of men in person how to meet girls everywhere and get heaps of dates, and the best is yet to come!

Running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, I’ll be leading a week-long workshop in Budapest focused on teaching eight brave men all the skills and tools to build a dating life of abundance and consistency.

Half of the spots are already taken, so if interested in learning more, get in touch with the enrollment team asap by clicking on the link below:

>Speak with us

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From fear to confidence (instant transformation method)

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2 Steps To Date Models (Field-tested!)

From fear to confidence (instant transformation method)

You’re on your own.

You can ask for all the support you want from friends, family, and authorities, but in the end, you are the only catalyst for solving your own problems and promoting growth.

It’s about taking ownership of your life and reducing the urge to look exclusively for answers on the outside.

It begins by developing, or better ‘unlocking’, one of the key foundations of true core confidence: self-trust

Flex I Look Good GIF by Nate Makuch

This is the ability to create and follow internal solutions to deal with external problems.

And while it might feel disorienting and extremely challenging at first, over a length of time, it will set up in motion a very efficient and automatic survival system that will guarantee you’ll overcome and thrive in all sorts of difficult scenarios––your instinct.

It’s fundamental that you continuously hone and perfect this inner skill to avoid losing accuracy.


By progressively feeding it new, more complex problems to solve.

Do this for a while, and you’ll notice that even the most anxiety-inducing tasks––like approaching a woman in an unusual place as the subway––will start to become exciting puzzles to solve.

To learn more on how to intuitively turn fear into confidence and win in every situation, watch the video linked below:

P.S. Want to work with us in 2022 to learn how to intuitively attract world-class women?

Our intensive live workshops are the fastest way to unlock and refine both the inner and outer skills that contribute to massive social and seductive success.

From dealing with negative beliefs, social anxiety, self-sabotage, and poor self-esteem, to effortlessly approaching women everywhere, taking their contacts, and smoothly organizing successful dates––we cover it all!

Your next opportunity to get coached personally by me and the entire TNL team is our 7-day Residential program running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, in Budapest, Hungary.

To learn more about it and see whether it’s a good fit for you, click on the link below to speak with our enrollment team:

>Click here to speak with us

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Why men fail at dates (try this instead)

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Should you ever pay on a 1st date? (avoid this trap)