The #1 Attraction Mistake In Dating

Attraction is way too over-hyped these days.

Most men believe that to spark sexual interest in girls they need to consistently display their top game and involve them in the most intriguing conversations.

The goal is to strategically force attraction on her, often also via manipulative techniques like forging fake high-value stories or flexing your financial power so that she is down to sleep with you.

These toxic mindsets stem from a default assumption of scarcity:

‘ Women are not interested in me, so I must do something to get them to like me ‘ .

That’s the opposite of how the most elite natural seducers think and operate.

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As I often remind my students in workshops: if a girl agrees to meet you on a date, she’s already attracted to you.

You don’t have to prove yourself or impress her to move things forward.

Just be relaxed, focus on genuinely getting to know her, make incremental physical touch and often proximity plus time spent together will do the rest for you.

This is also the topic of my latest video where I interview my long-time friend and Seduction legend, Gareth Jones.

Gareth is a true OG in the industry, having spent two decades as a men’s coach and personally befriended many dating pioneers including Neil Strauss and Mystery before moving onto “Natural Game”.

Watch our video to learn how his perception of female attraction changed over the years as he transitioned from the heavily indirect, routine-based pickup philosophy of the late 90s to joining TNL and witnessing first-hand the epic advantages of direct-style Natural Seduction.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. Want to be personally coached by me, Gareth, and my elite mentors for 8 months to unlock peak dating, social, and business results?

In my Lifestyle Design Academy, now open for enrollment until April 17th, you get the chance to have some of the world’s most experienced and in-demand specialists in many areas of lifestyle excellence by your side as you build your own Masterpiece lifestyle.

Through monthly calls, live Q&A panels, and dozens of missions and drills, these mentors will save you years of beginner mistakes by helping you eradicate poor habits from the start and effortlessly overcome sticking points as you advance in your journey.

It goes without saying that by holistically improving every aspect of your lifestyle, you’ll collaterally become a much more attractive ‘high-value’ man who has consistent opportunities to date and have sexy adventures with hot girls without feeling the need to constantly prove himself.

To learn more about the Academy and see how it can practically help you to build the life of your dreams, click on the link below:

> Join the LDA

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4 proven steps to world-conquering charm

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How to approach a girl with her friends watching (field-tested method)

4 proven steps to world-conquering charm

Likability. Charm.

If you do not possess these two qualities, you end up invisible.

Over the past month, you’ve heard me talking about the importance of having an elite social crew around you that proactively helps you to enjoy more sexual and financial success.

And in my latest emails and videos, I’ve shared many practical strategies and insights to meet such high-value people, invite them into your group, and build strong collaborative relationships with them,

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But the truth is that no matter how religiously you apply my advice, no one will ever stick around if you’re not a likable and intriguing person in the first place.

It’s near impossible to build an epic, extraordinary lifestyle if you’re a socially-awkward, boring person.

In fact, most successful men and hot women out there spend time only with people who are stimulating and from whom they can always learn or experience something new.

I’ll be honest with you…

Becoming more charming is not something you can do overnight by learning some formula.

It’s also not something you can fake by recording yourself doing cool adventurous stuff like skydiving or traveling to exotic locations and posting it on Instagram.

Real fascination is not really created by extraordinary experiences––it’s the way you approach and interact with reality.

If you’re committed to unlocking powerful charm, check my latest video linked below. In it, I reveal 4 life-changing habits anyone can practice to become irresistible to most people within months.


P.S. Looking to take your personal charm skills to the next level?

Inside my Lifestyle Design Academy, now open for enrollment until April 17th, 2022, we have an entire sub-course dedicated to developing elite charm & charisma skills: The Marshall Charm School.

Charm School is a large database with dozens of resources––sent to Academy students every week––including book recommendations, niche psychology & politics keynotes, poems, articles, scientific reviews, and videos that are guaranteed to help you stimulate your mind and develop a more objective, culturally-rich worldview.

What sets apart the LDA, however, is the incredible vastity of new people, specialists, and thinkers you’ll be exposed to during the eight months of mentoring.

This is no standard online course.

The LDA is a live digital program where you receive ongoing real-time coaching from me, a select group of world-class guests including my mentors, as well as literally hundreds of fellow lifestyle designers on your same path who love to collaborate and support each other.

Here’s how one of our newest members who just joined puts it:


This revolutionary, hybrid methodology of coaching is guaranteed to help you become the most interesting man in the room, in every room you go.

Ready to build an epic life?

> Join the LDA!

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How To Date 22 Models In 2022 - The Ultimate Guide

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The #1 Attraction Mistake In Dating

How To Date 22 Models In 2022 – The Ultimate Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how to consistently date the top 5% of beautiful women…

The models, the fitness influencers, the club dancers, Strippers & OnlyFans stars, the sexy cosplay girls, I have great news for you today.

My Lifestyle Design Academy is finally LIVE!

This is an 8-month mentorship program personally taught by me as I take you through my secret blueprint to design a Masterpiece social & sexual lifestyle from scratch. Click HERE to check it out.

Now, in order to start bringing more of these high-level women into your life, you need to understand something first…

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In most cases, cold approach seduction is not enough.

That’s because these top-tier females are NOT normally found in the streets and bars most guys go to, ready to be approached. They’re part of exclusive high-barrier social scenes designed by strategic groups of men to enjoy them without having to compete for their attention with the rest of the world.

Sure, if you are really stubborn and approach thousands of new women every year, eventually you might be lucky to score a couple of those rare birds.


But with the right tools and blueprint to follow, you can 10X your results by strategically designing a Seductive Lifestyle that does the hard work for you, often passively on autopilot.


After spending the first 17 years of my adult life learning how to do this myself, I now teach it to my private 1-on-1 students as a simple 3-step process to max out their social & dating lives.

The first step is Targeting

Before you start attracting models and high-status women in your life on autopilot, you need to understand where and who these girls normally hang out with. Your bombshell fitness trainer will probably not spend her nights and free time in the same places and with the same crew that a hot tattooed BDSM queen would.

For the former, it would probably be a VIP social circle with other health-conscious people, probably not obsessed with crazy partying and more devoted to private daytime events, exclusive dinners, yoga retreats, and so on. For the latter, a very Elite group of practitioners that meet in underground settings and rarely accept new members.

Once you have targeted the precise social scene you want to access, finally you need to find an entry point or–as we call it in the Lifestyle Design Academy–a “Gatekeeper”.

These figures are normally not so hard to find. They are the connectors, they know everyone, and for this reason, and are social butterflies. With the right system, you can confidently approach them and proceed to…


The second step: Penetrating & Building Bonds

When you find a gatekeeper, it is paramount that you know precisely how to connect with him or her and offer unique value in exchange for being introduced to his social scene.

This is the most delicate moment in the entire Lifestyle Design process and where most men fail and never get to access those top 5% of women.

For example, if you want to seduce stunning club dancers and you approach a well-connected nightclub owner asking him to introduce you to his girls without offering anything in return, he will probably categorize you as another thirsty dude and forever ban you from his network.

And when that happens, your reputation is burned and you might have to wait a long time before coming across another good opportunity.

The key to getting this right the first time is knowing how to read everyone’s emotional blueprint and offer in return something valuable (e.g., help their business, give them advice, introduce them to a new network, etc) they would not be able to find anywhere else.

If you get this right, you’ll be able to enter their social environment right from a top position in its hierarchy, with attractive factors like status and power working for you as a result of being introduced as an honorable guest.

This brings us to…


The third step: Leveraging it all

The moment you get access to a VIP social scene your goal should be to create as much Leverage as you can, as fast as possible.

This means accumulating many new social assets such as great friends, lovers, business allies, and other people that you can make part of a larger social ecosystem that works proactively to help you get more hot women, connections, and income streams on autopilot.


A primary example of this is what I and my private student call “booty calls by referral”.

If you seduce and sleep with a model and she tells her friends that you are a guy who is chill, good in bed, and will treat them with respect, of course, they’ll take this option on recommendation over a random rich guy in a club or tinder hookup. Think of it like YELP reviews for sex:) This may sound crazy but it’s a common practice in female social circles. There are often a couple of reliable stuntc*cks handed around female groups, and, as long as you is discrete and treat everyone well, the ladies are happy to share.

If you found the information inside this email useful, this is just the tip of the educational iceberg of what I will teach you the moment you join my Lifestyle Design Academy.


And if you’re really serious about dating the most exclusive women on the planet and building a cool network of epic friends & allies, join me and your LDA brothers right NOW because…

To reward the TRUE action takers who are willing to put in the work to see real changes (while most people just wait for the world to go back to “normal”), I’ve included THREE value-packed extra bonuses for those who join the Academy within the next 36 hours. That’s on top of 9 other bonuses which include over 200 hours of exclusive content, guaranteed to help you experience wild results & growth for many years to come on your lifestyle design journey.

CLICK HERE to join me in this new, crazy adventure as we turn your life into a Masterpiece of social, sexual, and personal success.

Hope to see you on the first day of class.



Profile Image James Marshall
The Natural Lifestyles

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How to propel spiritual growth (no drugs, no hippies)

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4 proven steps to world-conquering charm

How to propel spiritual growth (no drugs, no hippies)

Inner exploration can lead to tremendous self-growth…

…Or grandiose delusions.

See, the real purpose of spirituality and meditation systems out there is to assist you in unlocking higher states of consciousness and clarity of focus.

I’m a big advocate of them, but they’re just tools, although powerful ones.

The moment you elevate them to ‘absolute truths’ and become too obsessed and dogmatic about them, they lose their effectiveness and start damaging your life.

Trust me, I’ve been there…


Trying to live a celibate, stoic monastic life in my mid-twenties.

Meditating several hours every single day and restraining from all earthly pleasures.


I’ll let you decide how that went 😉

Paradoxically, this fanatical ‘all in’ approach to spirituality that many advertise is the exact reason why the majority of men never get involved with inner practices in the first place.


They don’t want to turn into dazed hippies dancing around campfires or restrict everything as if they live in a monastery.


If you are interested in getting started in spirituality but want to skip all the nonsense, watch my latest video below.

In it, I and our executive Inner game Coach, Shae Matthews, break down the most effective ways to kickstart your spiritual & character growth without having to subscribe to absurd dogmas.


P.S. Want to extend success to all aspects of your lifestyle including dating, inner game & spirituality, career, and sexuality?

Then be on the lookout for my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching this Saturday, April 9th.

LDA is an 8-month live mentoring program taught through weekly live lectures with me on core lifestyle design concepts like social circle penetration, outsourcing your business, organizing and getting invited to elite events, traveling the world for free, dating 9s & 10s, befriending high-value mentors, building personal tribe & networks, and a lot more.

You also get access to several live masterclasses with my own mentors and coaches guiding you to take your learnings and results into the stratosphere, like our student J:


To learn more about how the Academy can help you build a masterpiece life, join my free 60-min ‘Lifestyle Hacking’ live webinar this Thursday, April 7th, at 8 pm (CET). This is a live coaching webinar, so spots are limited to guarantee the optimal teaching experience.

> Save your spot today here

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Your Girlfriend’s Darkest Fantasy

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How To Date 22 Models In 2022 - The Ultimate Guide

Your Girlfriend’s Darkest Fantasy

There is one thing most women don’t want you to know.

It’s because once you are aware of it, your seductive power and charm over them will tenfold almost immediately.

See, lots of men think that the secret to getting girls into bed is about being a smooth, masculine guy who is direct, confident, and not afraid to go for what he wants.

And that’s spot on.

Being capable of taking action and approaching women is the fundamental prerequisite for true dating success.

But that’s only step 1…

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Step 2 is about making the girl want you. To turn her on so much that she starts making moves to get physically and emotionally closer to you as soon as possible.

That’s when most men spectacularly fail.

Deeply out of touch with their sensual side, they try to rationalize their way into the highly irrational female erotic mind, often achieving the opposite effect and killing her libido.

Understanding female sexuality is a complex inner journey that requires you to undo much of what society taught you.

It’s about stopping being judgmental and letting go of outdated, limiting beliefs about morality and power dynamics.

To learn more about this controversial topic, watch my latest video linked below. In it, I share the stage with Saida Desilets, a psychology Ph.D. & TEDx speaker, to dive deep into the paradoxes of the female erotic mind.


P.S. Want to get personally coached by me, Saida, and five other world-class mentors to experience wild seductive results this year?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on April 9th, you get access to eight months of intense live interactive coaching lectures, missions and accountability systems to rapidly 10x results in every key area of lifestyle success like dating, social dynamics, sexuality, business, health, and spirituality.

Every weekly class serves both as a coaching opportunity to learn new concepts and advance in your path to lifestyle mastery, as well as a personalized Q&A session where I help you break through your unique sticking points to guarantee perpetual growth.

To learn more about this first of its kind program and get access to a free invite-only webinar on Lifestyle Hacking on April 7th, click on the link below:

> Free Lifestyle Design Webinar!

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3 Steps To Build A Rockstar Lifestyle In 2022 (no b.s.)

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How to propel spiritual growth (no drugs, no hippies)

3 Steps To Build A Rockstar Lifestyle In 2022 (no b.s.)

Nothing saddens me more than witnessing men wasting their potential.

Most guys patiently follow the societal script, waiting for their turn, only to realize as the years go by that they’re still stuck in the same average, unfulfilling routine.

But life is not fair…

And unless you are willing to take action and start to assemble the type of destiny you want, no one else will ever do it for you.

Over the past seventeen years, as I coached thousands of men in person and tens of thousand online, I realized that there are three steps my most successful clients execute to get extraordinary results in both dating, friendships, and business.

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First: they focus on what THEY want.

It might sound obvious to some, but most people still design their lifestyle to please and impress others.

If you’re only idea of an epic life is being a show-off Dan Bilzerian type of character who hangs out with celebrities and Victoria’s Secrets models at yacht parties, you might be in for some disappointments.

For starters, this type of baller lifestyle takes many years of financial and networking strategies to be set into motion, and, to be completely honest, it’s not something many enjoy in the long term.

True lifestyle design is about consciously building a life that YOU can enjoy without having to prove anything to anyone.

It can be as ‘simple’ as making your career location-independent and traveling the world while you earn and meet international friends and as wild as infiltrating and becoming the king of the local BDSM scene.

Here is how one of our students, I, describes this process:


Second: they forge alliances with others on the same path to accelerate growth

This separates those who build a rockstar life in a few months and those who take years or decades to start enjoying elite-level seductive results.

Despite what society and corporate culture advocate, true lifestyle success is not a cutthroat, individual competition––it’s a collaborative process.

And when you find people who are aligned with your goals, you can team up with them to instantly multiply your results, overcome obstacles together, and ultimately make your life more fun and adventurous.

For example, you could refer to each other clients and business prospects or pool your brains and creative energies to start organizing epic events like our student D…


Third: they automate & scale their hustle

If you do the above correctly, as time goes by, you’ll have created around you one or more social crews that operate independently without you having to put consistent effort into them. Your friends and allies now fully trust you and respect you and proactively try to help you improve your lifestyle even when you’re in a different country and don’t spend hours every day with them.

This is the coveted moment when you have rockstar-level success on autopilot, and so you can invest your time into repeating the process with new people to scale your life to Masterpiece levels.

That’s it,Alex!

Hope this helped give you clarity on how to finally craft an epic, abundant lifestyle of your own choice!

I cover this at great lengths in the Lifestyle Design Academy, my upcoming 8-month mentorship program launching on April 9th.

In the LDA, I and my team of elite guest coaches help you week-by-week to design your unique lifestyle blueprint and experience major peaks of social, sexual, friendship, and career success in 2022.

You also get to join––from day 1 in the program––a secret global network of hundreds of fellow lifestyle designers and ambitious men who are keen on collaborating to escape the rat race and experience true freedom and adventure.

To learn more about the program, join my free 60-min live webinar ‘Lifestyle Hacking in 2022’ by clicking on the link below:

> Free Lifestyle Hacking Webinar!

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Miss your ex? Try THIS

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Your Girlfriend’s Darkest Fantasy

Miss your ex? Try THIS

Breakups can be traumatic experiences.

Yet, lots of guys shrug it off and pretend the pain isn’t there…

Perhaps, they even start dating and hooking up right away with new girls to offset the sadness.

Sleep with ten new women until you forgot her’ –– old-school pick up artists used to say.

But inevitably, the pain of the breakup haunts them and has to come out somehow.

Truth is that cutting off someone from your life, who you’ve shared many years of emotional bonding with is a much more complex and long-term process than many think.

The physical part, the ‘let’s stop seeing each other‘ is relatively easy yet only the tip of the iceberg.

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Letting go of your internal attachment to your ex is the true challenge.

To make peace with the grief. To immerse yourself into it until you come out purged of toxic feelings and assumptions of ownership and that she was ‘the one’ that got away.

Of course, you can also ignore everything I just said, skip the grieving part, move on, and secretly hope that she gets back with you in grand Hollywood fashion sometime in the future.

If you go this route, remember: in most cases, it’s not really her you miss. It’s the feeling of comfort of being in a relationship vs having to rethink your life when you’re single.


There is a reason you two broke up. Don’t ignore it.

For more in-depth advice on this delicate topic, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Next week, on April 9th, I’m going to re-open enrollments for my most successful online program: the Lifestyle Design Academy.

LDA is an 8-month live mentoring program, including weekly lectures with me and a cohort of elite specialists in lifestyle disciplines like sexuality, psychology, health, business, becoming a digital nomad, organizing VIP events, and more. The program is quite intense, but if you apply what we teach you, you’re guaranteed to experience massive upward spikes of social, seductive, and financial success within weeks of joining the course.

Here is what current alumni are saying about the Academy…


Interested in learning more? Click on the link below to get access to a free 30-min lecture from last year’s LDA:

> Free LDA Class!

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Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

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3 Steps To Build A Rockstar Lifestyle In 2022 (no b.s.)

Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

Learning to love yourself is no snowflake task.

It’s a tough, challenging path paved with many setbacks.

Definitely not something for p*ssies.

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But it’s the ultimate turning point to go from mediocrity to experiencing a truly abundant and joyful life.

There’s no escaping that our very existence is filled with constant emotional, psychological and physical damage.

Past traumas, present disappointments, and fears about the future make it hard for many men to truly feel confident and perceive they’re enough.

In the same way, you need to rest to regenerate your body after an intense workout session, so you need to allocate time and attention to self care after very stressful emotional situations to purge and heal your inner wounds.

The more you postpone and ignore this, the harder the blowback when everything crumbles and falls apart under excessive pressure later.

And trust me, without everyday maintenance and assessment, things do break down––no one is exempt from this.

If you want to discover my best practical tips and strategies, learned in almost twenty years of personal & coaching experience, to finally accept yourself and feel worthy of love and success, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Looking to access a global brotherhood of high-value men who consistently collaborate to optimize their inner & outer success and get epic results without burning themselves out?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching very soon on April 9th, you get access to eight months of intensive live mentoring, exclusive guest masterclasses with a cohort of some of the best coaches & masters on the planet, and a vibrant, elite community with literally hundreds of guys committed to building Masterpiece lifestyles.

The unique hybrid structure of this program, the constantly updated curriculum, and the daily feedback & accountability from your coaches and peers are guaranteed to take your social, romantic, career, and inner game results to peak levels while guaranteeing you have tons of fun and wild adventures on the way.

To get a sneak peek into the program and get access to a free 30-min ‘lifestyle design course’ click HERE

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Want more girls & clout? Do THIS

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Miss your ex? Try THIS

Want more girls & clout? Do THIS

It’s no mystery that hard work is required to succeed in life.

But it’s the collaborative game that truly takes your results to the next level.

‘Lone-wolf’ hustling is very effective to produce changes in the short-term but has two inherent flaws that make it unsuitable for long-term gains.


First, most people only have so much energy and productive hours in a day. Those who never allow themselves to take the foot off the pedal often end up experiencing burnouts and never-ending mental exhaustion.

Over the months, this inevitably slows their capacity and productivity down to the point that they’re forced, in the end, to take time off work, suffering also economic losses.

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Second, it renders your entire social, romantic, and financial prosperity fragile and constantly threatened by external events.

Take the pandemic…

Countless men all over the planet suffered massive hits to their dating lives and careers because they couldn’t overcome and adapt to the new, staying at home, normal.

But once you have one or more allies by your side who are willing to split the burdens and team up to double and triple the profits, lifestyle success starts to snowball.

This is something vastly more powerful than just having some buddies to hang out with and share stories about the good old times.


What I’m referring to is finding one or more committed collaborators who are aligned with your purpose and motivated to excel and support you as much as you are.

If you currently lack such people in your life, watch my latest video where I share exactly how I find them and how we cooperate to create true masterpiece lifestyles:


P.S. Struggle or don’t have the time to go out and befriend random high-value strangers?

Then feel free to get in touch with one of the 600+ elite people from my own high-level network!

Over the past fifteen years, I’ve had the privilege of teaming up with some of the most intriguing and skilled individuals on the planet. Sexuality and tantra masters, elite fitness & movement coaches, digital cowboy capitalists, laptop entrepreneurs, psychology PHDs, and many more.

And when you join my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching very soon on April 9th, 2022, you get lifetime access to all of them and literally hundreds of other highly motivated men on their path to building epic lives.

To learn more about this elite mentoring program and access a free lecture taken from the LDA curriculum, click HERE and stay tuned for the LDA launch on 9th April

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Videogame Principles To 10x Your Dating Life

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Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

Videogame Principles To 10x Your Dating Life

Nowadays, a large percentage of men are more invested in their virtual lives than in the real world.

It’s interesting…

They spend money and dozens of hours growing their digital avatars, taking them on epic adventures, accomplishing ambitious missions, and collaborating with online clans of allies to defeat powerful enemies and climb the digital hierarchy.

But still, struggle big time to find the motivation and focus to achieve the same level of success & connection in their daily seductive and social realities.


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The truth is that leveling up in real life is not as easy as accruing experience points in games.

If you screw up your relationships, ignore your friends, or perform poorly in your job, you can’t just load back everything and restart from a saving point.

In contrast with the virtual world, every choice you make in real life has real consequences and involves some degree of risk and planning.

And that’s what ultimately fuels real growth: overcoming obstacles, facing rejection, and learning from your mistakes.


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However, some gaming principles translate quite well to optimizing your masculine lifestyle.

For example, mastering the art of approaching and getting women on dates is, in some aspects, very similar to a video game.

If a girl you just stopped in the street rejects you, realize that it’s never really game over. You can ‘rewind’ the level and start from scratch––just approach another one, and repeat!


Or, if you perceive very hot girls as ‘the final boss’ and feel anxiety at the idea of seducing them, you can split the task into progressive missions of increasing difficulty

Mission 1 is just waving ‘hi’ to a cute girl and keeping walking.

Mission 2 is stopping another one and asking for directions.

Mission 3 is approaching indirectly and trying to get to know her with more personal questions.

And so on…

To learn more about secret virtual principles that will 10x your real dating results, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Looking to maximize your results and learn the most powerful cheat codes to win at the game of life?

Launching on April 9th, 2022, my Lifestyle Design Academy will teach you everything you need to know to rapidly optimize key areas of your life like dating, social circles, business, health, sexuality, and more, without having to work on them individually.

Might sound like a big promise, but for hundreds of our current and past LDA students, epic autopilot success has become the routine.

We achieve all of this by strategically building alliances of trust and respect with others and then leveraging them to 10x results in most parts of your life.

Think of it as high-level, tactical wingmanship on steroids that makes lifestyle success effortless.

To learn more about the LDA method and get a glimpse of how it works, click on the link below to get access to a free 30-min class from the Academy:

>>Free LDA class!

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Why your social circle is your #1 asset in 2022

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Want more girls & clout? Do THIS