Your Girlfriend’s Darkest Fantasy

There is one thing most women don’t want you to know.

It’s because once you are aware of it, your seductive power and charm over them will tenfold almost immediately.

See, lots of men think that the secret to getting girls into bed is about being a smooth, masculine guy who is direct, confident, and not afraid to go for what he wants.

And that’s spot on.

Being capable of taking action and approaching women is the fundamental prerequisite for true dating success.

But that’s only step 1…

Sexy Cameron Diaz GIF

Step 2 is about making the girl want you. To turn her on so much that she starts making moves to get physically and emotionally closer to you as soon as possible.

That’s when most men spectacularly fail.

Deeply out of touch with their sensual side, they try to rationalize their way into the highly irrational female erotic mind, often achieving the opposite effect and killing her libido.

Understanding female sexuality is a complex inner journey that requires you to undo much of what society taught you.

It’s about stopping being judgmental and letting go of outdated, limiting beliefs about morality and power dynamics.

To learn more about this controversial topic, watch my latest video linked below. In it, I share the stage with Saida Desilets, a psychology Ph.D. & TEDx speaker, to dive deep into the paradoxes of the female erotic mind.


P.S. Want to get personally coached by me, Saida, and five other world-class mentors to experience wild seductive results this year?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on April 9th, you get access to eight months of intense live interactive coaching lectures, missions and accountability systems to rapidly 10x results in every key area of lifestyle success like dating, social dynamics, sexuality, business, health, and spirituality.

Every weekly class serves both as a coaching opportunity to learn new concepts and advance in your path to lifestyle mastery, as well as a personalized Q&A session where I help you break through your unique sticking points to guarantee perpetual growth.

To learn more about this first of its kind program and get access to a free invite-only webinar on Lifestyle Hacking on April 7th, click on the link below:

> Free Lifestyle Design Webinar!

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