Your smartphone is killing your dating life

We all know life is finite, so are you spending your time the right way?

Look, I’m nobody to tell you what you should or should not prioritize.

But will you look back one day at a ripe old age and say:

“Damn, those ten years I devoted to Instagram were a total blast!”

Might read funny now, but that’s where a large percentage of young men are heading nowadays.

Hooked to the instant validation and fake sense of connection of social media, research shows the average person consumes content for at least two hours a day––and that’s at the low end. .

That’s about fifteen hours per week, sixty hours per month, and…you can keep doing the math.

This is not another rant about the dangers of technology and going back to primal ways of living. I’m a big proponent of milking the sh*t out of whatever tools are available to enhance your life and find success faster than previous generations.

Going Out Like That Date GIF by Reba McEntire

What I’m warning you against is passiveness.

The exact kind of spectator mindset you reinforce with hours of mindlessly scrolling your phone every day rapidly transfers to most other areas of your offline reality.

Like, not knowing anymore how to make friends, reduced work productivity, and you guessed it…your dating results.

If you want to learn more about this and find out how to switch from a static consumer type to a ‘let’s make stuff happen’ creator type, watch my latest video below:


P.S. Tired of wasting your prime years dating average, uninteresting girls? Want to start meeting true stunners and finally unlock abundance in your sexual and romantic life?

Then join us overseas, in one of the best seduction locations in the world, for our last workshop of 2022 running from Oct 4th-Oct 8th in New York City, USA.

40+ hours of advanced theory masterclasses built around your unique sticking points and daily long infield sessions where you get real-time ‘over-the-shoulder’ feedback from us as you approach and get on dates with dozens of hot cosmopolitan girls in the Big Apple.

To learn more and guarantee your spot before we sell out, get in touch for free with the coaching team below:

> Speak with the coaches

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First date: how to not f*ck it up (4 rules)

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I got humbled

First date: how to not f*ck it up (4 rules)

Know what’s one of the most flawed, dangerous assumptions guys make in dating?

“If she agrees to go out with you, you’ve already won”.

In some way, there’s truth to it…

When a woman agrees to meet you for a first date, chances are she feels more attraction and connection than a total stranger.

But it’s not a guarantee she will go home with you or see you again.

True stories of hilariously awkward first dates have inspired countless films, series, and works of fiction.

Just ask any of your female friends.

Nearly every girl can list a dozen or more guys she went for drinks with but deeply regrets.

If you want to make sure you don’t end up in any, I suggest you go and watch my latest video below asap.

In it, I outline four subtle mistakes and ‘logistical problems’ that are spoiling your chances to close the deal and build relationships:


P.S. Want to learn the #1 skill that will scientifically help you convert more approaches into dates?

I’m talking about social media (but NOT in the way you know it!).

If curious to discover why Instagram has become one of the best opportunities in 2022 to get hotter women, check my free 3-part guide HERE.

Summer is passing, and so is the opportunity to get coached by TNL in person this year.

We only have a handful of spots left for those looking to work intensively with me, James, and the crew––in some of the most socially-vibrant cities on the planet––to take their dating and lifestyle results to elite levels.

If determined to make it finally happen, book a call with my enrollment team below asap:

> Speak with us

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How to deal with crazy b*tchy hot women (try this)

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Your smartphone is killing your dating life

How to deal with crazy b*tchy hot women (try this)

Ever seen a woman belittle their husband or boyfriend in front of others? He takes it and retreats or sarcastically bites back.

Either way it’s an ugly insight into a relationship dynamic that can happen to anyone.

Most girls, especially the very hot ones, deeply crave a strong man who can stand his ground.

But in today’s society, real, solid, independent men are getting harder and harder to come by.

Drained by chronic use of porn and socially weakened through atomized communities and by meeting women only via dating apps, many guys have become so needy, they’d tolerate anything to get laid and get a cute girlfriend.

Even if you luck apon a hottie who likes the attention.. while it might feel exciting and novel, for the first couple of weeks, to date a servile, agreeing, overly-providing type of man, the vast majority of women will inevitably get bored and turned off by it soon into the relationship.

Hot Girl Si Swimsuit 2017 GIF by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

That’s when the constant nagging, or ‘testing’, begins.

A woman will make her man’s life hell when she feels there’s no consequences, and the man doesn’t command any respect in general.

Whereas, if he’s able to state clear boundaries, and to underwrite his authority by having command of his life and the life he brings her into, most women will become picky kittens.

Set your boundaries soon, set them as early as possible, and don’t be afraid to enforce them.

If you want to learn a practical method to do so and finally get unconditional respect and loyalty from women, watch my latest video below:


P.S. It’s official! By popular demand, we’ve just added one more workshop to our 2022 US coaching tour.

Lots of guys who couldn’t make it to our first programs this summer messaged me begging for more coaching opportunities overseas…now you have no excuses!

If you want to get trained by the best naturals in the world to learn how to effortlessly meet hot women anywhere, confidently flirt with them, and deeply seduce them so they crave your presence and want to meet you again on a date, apply for one of the programs below:

  • From Sept 26th-Oct 2nd, 2022, for our 7-day Residential Program in New York City – 3 spots left.
  • From Oct 4th-Oct 8th, 2022, for our last US-based workshop of the year, the 4-day NYC Intensive – 5 spots left.

80+ hours of personalized coaching per student divided into theory classes, roleplay events with female models to practice the concepts in a safe space, and daily infield sessions approaching and flirting with Manhattan babes, with the world’s best coaches by your side.

To learn more and pick the best program for you, speak with our coaching team for free below:

> Click here to begin your journey

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My 3 favorite cities for meeting hot women (book your tickets!)

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First date: how to not f*ck it up (4 rules)

My 3 favorite cities for meeting hot women (book your tickets!)

Ever wondered why some guys progress fast in dating while others take years to get their first results?

There’s a lot involved with seductive success, and hard work is not always the answer.

Like in real estate investing, for example, your location is critical to define the magnitude of what you can realistically accomplish in your romantic and social lives.

This is the classic case of being in the right place at the right time.

So ask yourself: are your current city and living situation helping you to meet hot girls…

…or are they cock-blocking you?

Being stuck in a small town where everyone knows everybody might not be ideal in the initial phase of your journey where approaching dozens of women and getting reference experiences is generally recommended.

Likewise, moving to a vibrant and popular European capital, only to rent one hour outside the city center in a sketchy neighborhood to save money, will definitely impact how easily you can convince girls to come back to your place at the end of a date.

Chris Harrison Love GIF by The Bachelor

Logistics are and will always be a major make-or-break factor in dating: “Location! Location! Location!”

After years of traveling around the globe every other weekend to coach guys for TNL, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to pick the best home base to build your dream lifestyle.

Good news is that there are plenty of good options to choose from: whether you’re a young student looking to live close to the good bars and hipster cafes or a self-made entrepreneur seeking luxury and elite women.

Watch my latest video to find out my 3 personal favorite cities (and the three to avoid!), discovered in nearly a decade of research, to meet hot girls this year. Link below:

P.S. Want to have instant access to me and dozens of other action takers all over the world, for FREE, and receive the latest daily insights on what truly works with women, lifestyle, sexuality, social circles, wealth-creation, and a lot more in 2022?

I’ve recently launched a free, secret Discord accountability group, and the response has been phenomenal with guys teaming up, networking, and mentoring each other within less than a week from starting.

If you want to join, click on the link below. Only a few more spots are available this month, then you’ll have to join the waitlist:

> Join Alex’s private discord

If you also want to work with me, James, and the team in person, in one of the most proven cities on the planet to seduce hot cosmopolitan women, then join us from Sept 26th-Oct 2nd, 2022, in NYC (spoiler), US, for our legendary seven-day Residential program.

Daily theory classes and personal mentoring from the entire TNL team, daily infield sessions where you’ll meet dozens of elite women and get dates in real life, inner game & confidence training with our psychology specialists, photoshoots for your social media, and a lot more.

Three spots left. We expect to sell out this week.

> Join the Residential here

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Heatwave → hot dates (+ July 2022 TNL Recap)

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How to deal with crazy b*tchy hot women (try this)

Heatwave → hot dates (+ July 2022 TNL Recap)

As cities get hotter and clothes thinner, hormones start raging.

It’s that time of the year again!

And with hordes of hot female tourists traveling around the globe and local beauties looking to get wild, your dating opportunities have never looked so good.

This is your reminder to get off those apps and start talking to girls. In real life.

If this sounds good, but you don’t know where to start or struggle to get past the initial chit-chat and convert your approaches into actual dates leading to sex, I have good news for you…

Dozens of our summer workshops(link) students have already transformed their seductive and social lives this past month, and YOU too can become our next success story.


If you’re looking to get mentored by me, Alex, Shae, and the rest of the TNL crew this summer to finally unlock the romantic results you deserve, join us on the following dates:

  • Aug 29th-Sep 2nd, for our 4-day Barcelona Intensive––2 spots left.
  • Sep 26th-Oct 2nd, in New York City, US, for our 7-day Residential––4 spots left.

After many requests, we have also added one more date in New York to guarantee coaching to as many brave men overseas as possible:

  • Oct 4th-Oct 8th, the 4-Day New York Intensive––6 spots left.

We expect the above to fill up very quickly. If serious to work with us, click and book a free introductory call with the training team below:

> Get hot dates this summer

In case you missed our latest content, here’s a recap of last month’s videos:

Alex Leòn has released an advanced, in-depth guide on how to develop one of the most effective seduction skills men largely ignore: connection. He’s so good at teaching it that one of his students literally made a girl he just approached involuntarily weep by bonding deeply (he also got her contact and set a date). Watch the full thing HERE

I also highly recommend you check Alex’s very moving and insightful ‘origin’ story video. From attending a conservative, all-male boarding school and never getting physical with a girl until college to traveling the world with me and throwing baller parties with models and micro-celebrities, the guy is an excellent example of pro-level lifestyle design. He breaks down the truth behind his fast progress HERE

Talking about humble beginnings…I’ve recently uploaded part 2 of my ‘self-roast’ series. In this one, you’ll see me tearing apart some more unreleased infields from my first year in the game (over a decade ago). Will young James Marshall succeed at charming two cute tourists in a park in Prague? Find out the answer HERE

Closing off with some wisdom from an interview I recently posted with my old friend and seduction legend Zan Perrion…

Ever wondered how to stay young in your body and spirit virtually forever, effectively slowing down aging and enjoying epic libido and energy well after your thirties? Zan has figured out ‘a process’, and he reveals it in his full enlightening interview below:

That’s all for today,

Time to cool off.

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Why most relationships don’t work (how to fix it)

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My 3 favorite cities for meeting hot women (book your tickets!)

Why most relationships don’t work (how to fix it)

To settle or not to settle, that is the question.

Every man is faced sooner or later with the critical decision of focusing on one girl and attempting the relationship path or keep playing the field, travel solo, and meet new lovers.

In most cases, what often feels like the safest option, settling, is far from a comfortable and effortless task.

It’s one thing to hold hands and declare love and commitment…

…but to really make it work in the long term, you must know what you’re doing.

Research conducted in 2021 in Europe on people aged 25-35 shows that nearly 70% of new couples break up within six to twelve months.

Most guys are plain clueless about how to keep a girl interested and loyal for a long time.

naked scarlett johansson GIF

And while self-improvement strategies are nowadays widely encouraged to get more dates, the vast majority of men still approach relationships with a mainstream ‘just be yourself’ type of thinking that doesn’t work.

If you want to improve your chances at the long-term dating game, watch my latest video.

In it, our inner game and sexuality specialist, Shae Matthews, breaks down the most critical mistakes men make when interacting with their partners and how to keep the attraction going well beyond the initial spark phase. Link below:


P.S. Want to join me, Shae, Alex, and the rest of the team in person to learn how to confidently meet, seduce and embark on epic romantic adventures with elite women this year?

Then be quick! There are only two workshops left in 2022 to transform your dating life:

From Aug 29th-Sep 2nd, 2022, in Barcelona, Spain, for our four-day Intensive Workshop–three spots remaining.

From Sep 26th-Oct 2nd, 2022, in New York, US, for our flagship seven-day Residential Program–five spots remaining.

Whether you’re looking to enter a stable, healthy relationship with a gorgeous, loyal, and mature girlfriend or travel the world and have casual affairs with exotic beauties, it all begins with one key step

Knowing how to walk up to her and make it happen.

And that’s what you’ll learn in any of our world-class programs! Revealing theory masterclasses and practical skills that we never release on YouTube with our coaching team and many hours spent infield putting it all into practice by meeting and interacting with hot women in real life, you’ll leave the program as the guy ‘who just gets it’.

If serious about starting this journey, book a free introductory call with our coaching team below:

> Become a natural

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From college virgin to millionaire’s dating coach

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Heatwave → hot dates (+ July 2022 TNL Recap)