Can you take girls home on day 1? (Here’s how I do it)

Sleeping with a beautiful girl within hours of meeting her sounds like a wet dream to most men…

But it’s more likely to happen than you might think.

In fact, girls too crave the idea of meeting a sexy stranger and sleeping with him the same day.

Why? Because it’s often the closest they get to experience being in a Hollywood movie.

It’s pure dating magic when you think about it…

Attractive women are so used to annoying catcalling from drunk dudes and weird people that they often ignore everyone when they’re out.

So they often find most of their dating prospects through their social circle and workplace––it gets boring real fast.

But one day they finally meet a charming, socially savvy guy who is so interested in her that has to stop whatever he’s doing and walk up to her in the street.

Sexy Jessica Alba GIF

This is something rare, and many single girls are likely to be intrigued by such a good opportunity.

Still, lots of guys never get to experience the real fun and adventure as they self-sabotage themselves by making poor choices.

Either they get too needy and try to make a move too soon, creeping her out and killing the attraction.

Or they decide to postpone everything, take the number and schedule a date in the future even if she’s clearly free and open to getting to know them at that moment.

If this is you, it’s important you stop self-sabotaging your results right now!

Watch my latest video to learn the three most important things you should do to take a girl home right after the approach. Click the link below to watch it:

P.S. Want to quickly become the kind of charming stranger that can consistently meet and take girls home from all sorts of places?

Many of our students have successfully approached and gotten sexy dates from Starbucks, shopping malls, libraries, bars, universities, and even supermarkets, and you can become one of them 😉

Our coaching curriculum teaches you how to calibrate and adjust your approach based on the situation at hand so that you can always start a conversation and move things forward smoothly and without resistance or tension from her side.

Currently, we still have 2 spots left for our next training program running in Kyiv, Ukraine from July 22nd-July 25th, 2021. To learn more about how everything works, click HERE.

P.P.S. Want to get daily insights into the kind of seductive lifestyle you can build once you master the most powerful nuances of dating? Just follow me on my personal Instagram.

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Why being a tough guy won’t work

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Why men lose their desire (libido killers revealed)

Why being a tough guy won’t work

It’s no secret that most men want to be tough.

Whether it’s business, dating, fitness, or even personal development, the ideal is to be a badass who is reckless and ‘crushing it’ all the time.

Being this “tough” guy often entails pep-talking in front of the mirror and scheduling every minute for maximum productivity, always pushing yourself to the edge to avoid being called a p*ssy.

This relentless pursuit of new conquerings and achievements turns you into a fiercely competitive individual who visualizes and enjoys destroying his opponents.

Most of this occurs as a reaction to unhealed emotional trauma.

We are all broken as we emerge as humans. Some heal and find healthy ways to motivate and discipline themselves while others just ‘tape it up,’ learning to love their pain and making it the rocket fuel of rage.


But is it possible to be a strong man without turning into this kind of twisted tough guy?

Can you face pain with a supple rather than calloused mind?

In my latest video, I talk with Erros Chiodo, one of the coaches from James’s Natural Warrior Workshop, about ex-NAVY SEAL and ultra-athlete David Goggins and his controversial ‘24hr Beast Mode’ approach to motivation and discipline in fitness.

Erros is a Holistic Movement coach who has successfully merged his 10-year experience as a personal trainer, competitive bodybuilder, and strongman with more flexible, chaos-oriented practices such as contemporary dance, gymnastics, and movement culture as a whole. His work now focuses on an integrated approach to strengthening as well as healing the body by addressing the emotional world of his clients.

Together we analyze Can’t Hurt Me, Goggins’ autobiography/self-help book, to reveal whether his advice is useful or potentially harmful to men.

Click the link below to check it out:


P.S.Want to learn how to go beast-mode without destroying yourself, explore your senses of embodiment and sensuality and master flexible training methods to improve your physical strength & appearance?

Our 8-day Natural Warrior Training program is designed to holistically improve all the core aspects––physical, mental & spiritual––of attractive manliness while also serving as an intensive healing and conditioning journey for your inner self.

You’ll be taken through a modern initiation into manhood by our world-class team of experts in powerful schools of masculine potential, such as movement, traditional shamanic healing, psychotherapy, NLP, dance, fighting, sensuality, and Tantra. These will unlock new peak levels of confidence, seductive charm, and social success in your life for years to come.

The next round of NWT runs from August 15th-August 22nd, 2021, at James’ property in Portugal, and there are only 2 spots left to join…

If this is something you’re interested in, and want to learn how it can specifically help you overcome your current romantic & social obstacles, just book a free coaching call with me, and I’ll show you the way.

Click HERE to get started.

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Do you make these nice guy mistakes?

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Can you take girls home on day 1? (Here’s how I do it)

Do you make these nice guy mistakes?

How comfortable are you in disappointing others?

I’m not talking about being disrespectful or creating false expectations about you.

But to just stay authentic to your character and enforce your boundaries even if others might not agree with you.

This is a fundamental personality trait that women, and people in general, perceive as attractive.

Unfortunately, lots of guys deliberately avoid it in favor of a people-pleasing, “nice guy” kind of mentality…

Putting others’ satisfaction and approval before their self-interest.

But make no mistake, the above has nothing to do with having a good heart or being unconditionally kind to others…

It’s just a tactic.

Disappointed GIF


A covert contract where you help someone and act nice just because you expect something in return.

A striking example of this is men who traditionally buy women flowers and invite them to fancy dinners on the first date just because they hope they’ll reciprocate and sleep with them in return.

That is the worst dating strategy ever conceived, and ultimately just delusional.

A much better and more effective option is daring to express your true masculine desire and honest opinion to girls and see how they react.

You’ll be surprised to notice that often, the more you challenge and disagree with her, the more she’ll become attracted to you.

I explain more about this topic and how to make the transition from pathological nice guy to independent and attractive male in my latest video.

Click the link below to watch it:


P.S. If this hits home hard for you and you want to rapidly improve the way you operate around women and people in general, I’ve got you covered!

Our live coaching programs offer 4, 7, and 10-day curriculums teaching men the fundamental and most effective aspects of dating and building socially and seductively fulfilling lifestyles.

Not only you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to approach and constantly get new beautiful women on dates (and into the bedroom without buying your way in) regularly, but you’ll also gain tremendous insight and clarity into your current and past relationship patterns so that you can correct and improve them as you want.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in and want to learn more about how our programs can help you solve your specific dating issues, just book a free no-obligation call with me, and I’ll show you the way.

>>Click HERE to book your call

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The most effective approach technique (+ student infield)

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Why being a tough guy won’t work

The most effective approach technique (+ student infield)

Do you know what the best guys in the dating game all have in common?

They don’t waste time…

Hurry Up On Time GIF by thepanozzoteam

They see a woman they like.They go approach her.

And if the conversation is good, they invite her out on a date.

Acting on their instinct.

This is the ultimate and most effective way to approach girls. ⁠

One that doesn’t require minutes of plotting and tactical thinking. ⁠

Neither coming up with the slickest line to start the conversation.⁠

But that will leave her fantasizing about you even for days after the initial encounter. ⁠

On the other side, the man who waits too long to approach and follows (stalks) the girl, waiting for the “perfect” opportunity, often gets reject on the spot.⁠


Because he goes against his masculine Intent, and as a result appears robotic and fake.⁠

Don’t be that guy.

If you want to learn how to approach like a true natural, without putting unnecessary pressure on yourself and the girl, watch my latest video.

In it, you can see me taking some of my workshop students through one of our in-person “approaching classes”, and the incredible results they get once they start removing the “unnecessary” from their interactions.

Click the link below to watch it:


P.S. Looking to become an effortlessly successful man in dating & all kinds of social scenarios?

Then you better act quickly!

We still have one spot left for our 4-day Intensive program running from May 20th-May 23rd in Kyiv, Ukraine.

When you join, you’ll receive over 34+ hours of personal coaching from me & the entire TNL crew covering everything you need to know about Approaching, Inner Game, Organizing Dates, Texting, Social Media, Masculine Intent Drills, Charisma Building, Taking her home, and many more.

Click HERE to see how the program works.

Alternatively, you can also get mentored by me live 1-on-1 and build a training curriculum that is 100% tailored to your unique needs in romantic relationships, social circle building, and lifestyle design.

Currently, I only work with a few men per year this way due to the very exclusive nature of the training…

If you want to inquire about 1-on-1 coaching, please book a call with me first to see whether we’re a good fit for each other.

Click HERE to speak with me.

P.P.S. Want to get a sneak peek into the crazy and epic lifestyle you can enjoy once you start implementing the TNL method to your life?

Just follow me on my personal Instagram to see what I’m talking about by clicking HERE.

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How to get her to take you home (my secret trick revealed!)

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Do you make these nice guy mistakes?

How to get her to take you home (my secret trick revealed!)

The worst pains and ordeals in dating can be avoided if you do one thing…

Actively try to understand women.

I’ve seen guys doing hundreds of approaches.

Practicing relentlessly the best social freedom drills & routines.

Improving their appearance, vocal tonality, and status.

And still struggling to barely get girls to pay attention to them.

Or they do get women on dates but never manage to sleep with them as they get zero seductive compliance and tons of resistance.

What did they do wrong?

In short, they ignored the girl’s responses.

Perhaps the most paradoxical trait of the dating & seduction industry is how many men within it are clueless about what women are telling them.


It takes two to tango––the sooner you realize it, the better your results will be.

Conversation frameworks, escalation techniques––all these things don’t matter if you are not aware of how she feels around you. It’s just an act.

And women have built-in B.S. detector when it comes to picking the best guys.

On the other side, for those few adepts who truly understand the subtleties of female psychology, life becomes easy ––tons of dates, zero resistance, and some girls will even take you home themselves.

If you want to truly start understanding the complexities and miracles of the female mind, check my latest video masterclass.

This is an epic 100-min crash course I’ve just released for free on YouTube in collaboration with TNL’s female coach Virag Tierra that explains everything you need to know in 2021 to fully understand women.

If you take your time and study thoroughly, it will make you realize how blind you may be in certain areas of dating. Click the link below to watch it:


P.SIf you want to personally learn from me, Virag, and the whole TNL crew to take your romantic life and overall lifestyle to new peaks of abundance, NOW is the time!

We only have one spot left for our upcoming 10-day tour of hedonistic madness known as the EuroTour, running from May 26th-Jun 6th 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Click HERE to learn more about it.

After in-depth research and consulting other world-class dating coaches, I have specifically chosen Kyiv as the permanent location for all our upcoming programs in 2021, and that’s for a very good reason…

Currently, no other place in the world compares to it in terms of seductive logistics… It’s easy to get in and out, everything is super safe and open, and most importantly, every single street, cafe, and even shopping market is filled with socially open, eastern European beauties.

Take advantage of this, before it becomes just another hyper-saturated dating bubble dominated by lots of male competitors 😉

––› Click HERE to begin your journey

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How to get lucky on the 1st date

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The most effective approach technique (+ student infield)

How to get lucky on the 1st date

Do women perceive you as creepy or sexy?

Very often, the line between the two is blurred and easy to cross.

That’s because a large percentage of men are uncomfortable with perhaps the most important element of the dating process…

Physical escalation, aka “how to touch a girl to move things forward”.

Sexy Hot Girl GIF by BJRNCK

Some try to overcompensate for their insecurities by becoming overly touchy or sexual, creeping the girl out.

While others do not initiate any kind of escalation to make the girl feel comfortable and get friend-zoned on the first date.

Lastly, there is a small niche of guys who have mastered the art of playing with seductive pressure.

They’ve learned how to physically interact with a girl in a way that sparks her desire and willingness to be taken home while still building tons of comfort––the sweet spot.

This is a topic we cover at length in our live workshops through many hours of class drills with female instructors, and then in the field as the students start to approach and take girls on sexy dates.

If you want to get a sneak peek into one of our “physical escalation classes”, check my latest video.

In it, joined by TNL’s new female coach Virag Tierra, I demonstrate in real-time how to master the physical aspect of seduction and exponentially increase the quality of your 1st dates.

Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. If you want to get coached by me and Virag personally in 2021, make sure to check our upcoming training programs schedule.

Currently, we have a handful of spots open for our 4 and 7-day residential programs running in May and June 2021, as well as for our 10-day flagship EuroTour course.

Our live, in-person programs are the most effective way to receive dozens of years of seduction & dating mastery experience condensed in a practical and minimalistic method that builds on your unique personality & tastes when it comes to women and lifestyle creation.

Everyone can benefit from them. College dudes as well as 40+ silver foxes are welcome and are guaranteed to get the tools to build the dating life they’ve always wanted but never knew how to get.

Currently we’re running most workshops in Kiev, Ukraine – very easy to get in, safe, everything open and most importantly endless amounts of insanely hot women everywhere:)

To begin your epic journey, click HERE.

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We interviewed girls on boyfriends & relationships! (full video)

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How to get her to take you home (my secret trick revealed!)

We interviewed girls on boyfriends & relationships! (full video)

In the past, you’ve heard me talking about all sorts of ways to initiate conversations with & date beautiful girls.

But today, I want to focus on the opposite side of the spectrum:

How do women regularly meet their boyfriends?

This is a very underestimated topic and the exact kind of perspective you should become familiar with as a man if you want to better understand & communicate with girls.

To answer this question, I took a microphone, my trusted cameraman, and ventured into the crowded streets of post-lockdown Budapest interviewing very diverse types of women.

So, how do women regularly find a boyfriend?

The answer will probably surprise you, as much as it surprised me…

To find out what that is, check my latest video before it goes viral 😉

Link below:


P.S. No matter how women meet their dating partners, one thing is certain:

Women want to meet guys who make them feel something.

We at The Natural Lifestyles specialize in helping you become the kind of man who can make unforgettable first impressions on women; who just “gets her” in an effortless manner.

The way we can help you to get there is by intensively (up to 80+ hours of coaching per student) mentoring you for 4, 7, or even 10 whole days as part of our live dating & lifestyle design workshops.

To check our next training dates & locations, click HERE (workshop page)

And if you’re eager to get this area of your life handled once and for all in 2021, but don’t know what kind of program is right for you, just jump on a free 30-minute, no-obligation call with me by clicking HERE (book a call page).

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The #1 Mistake Successful Men Make (don’t underestimate this)

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How to get lucky on the 1st date