Why being a tough guy won’t work

It’s no secret that most men want to be tough.

Whether it’s business, dating, fitness, or even personal development, the ideal is to be a badass who is reckless and ‘crushing it’ all the time.

Being this “tough” guy often entails pep-talking in front of the mirror and scheduling every minute for maximum productivity, always pushing yourself to the edge to avoid being called a p*ssy.

This relentless pursuit of new conquerings and achievements turns you into a fiercely competitive individual who visualizes and enjoys destroying his opponents.

Most of this occurs as a reaction to unhealed emotional trauma.

We are all broken as we emerge as humans. Some heal and find healthy ways to motivate and discipline themselves while others just ‘tape it up,’ learning to love their pain and making it the rocket fuel of rage.


But is it possible to be a strong man without turning into this kind of twisted tough guy?

Can you face pain with a supple rather than calloused mind?

In my latest video, I talk with Erros Chiodo, one of the coaches from James’s Natural Warrior Workshop, about ex-NAVY SEAL and ultra-athlete David Goggins and his controversial ‘24hr Beast Mode’ approach to motivation and discipline in fitness.

Erros is a Holistic Movement coach who has successfully merged his 10-year experience as a personal trainer, competitive bodybuilder, and strongman with more flexible, chaos-oriented practices such as contemporary dance, gymnastics, and movement culture as a whole. His work now focuses on an integrated approach to strengthening as well as healing the body by addressing the emotional world of his clients.

Together we analyze Can’t Hurt Me, Goggins’ autobiography/self-help book, to reveal whether his advice is useful or potentially harmful to men.

Click the link below to check it out:


P.S.Want to learn how to go beast-mode without destroying yourself, explore your senses of embodiment and sensuality and master flexible training methods to improve your physical strength & appearance?

Our 8-day Natural Warrior Training program is designed to holistically improve all the core aspects––physical, mental & spiritual––of attractive manliness while also serving as an intensive healing and conditioning journey for your inner self.

You’ll be taken through a modern initiation into manhood by our world-class team of experts in powerful schools of masculine potential, such as movement, traditional shamanic healing, psychotherapy, NLP, dance, fighting, sensuality, and Tantra. These will unlock new peak levels of confidence, seductive charm, and social success in your life for years to come.

The next round of NWT runs from August 15th-August 22nd, 2021, at James’ property in Portugal, and there are only 2 spots left to join…

If this is something you’re interested in, and want to learn how it can specifically help you overcome your current romantic & social obstacles, just book a free coaching call with me, and I’ll show you the way.

Click HERE to get started.

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