How To Read Her Signals

Making the right move on a woman is paramount to lead things from an interesting conversation all the way to the bedroom. But unless you’re able to calibrate your actions properly, and read the various signals she’s giving you, you’re doomed to fail…

Getting girls to teach you game

There is a famous saying in the seduction world…

If you’re a good listener, the girl will tell you how to close her.

In the past 2 years coaching for TNL, I’ve seen students struggling with this all the time…

Going for the number and leaving, when the girl is obviously free and down to spend more time together for a coffee, maybe even at your place 😉

Continuously changing surface-level topics, instead of diving deeper into one she seemed intrigued by.

On a date, talking endlessly, when it’s clear she just wants you to shut up and kiss her.

If this resonates with you and you want to stop missing out on solid opportunities, you have to understand something…

Being a good seducer is as much about leading and having the power, as it is about giving it away and letting the girl do the moves when needed.

The problem is, most guys get the timing completely wrong.

They physically escalate and increase pressure, when they should make the girl feel more comfortable - and thus creeping her out.

Or they are too docile and submissive when the girl is relaxed and attracted and wants them to make a move to increase sexual tension - thus boring her to death.

Ultimately, it all boils down to one important skill…

Reading women’s signals

What is her current emotional state?

Is she just socially polite or sexually invested? 

Is she ready for me to escalate things to a more intimate level?

These are all questions you must be able to answer yourself before you make a move on a girl you like. Good news is that you don’t have to spend years earning a psychology degree, or practicing gimmicky lines, to understand what’s going on in a girl’s mind, because in most cases she will literally coach you on how to close her––if you’re capable of listening.

The Principle of Awareness

At TNL, we call this the Principle of Awareness––one of the foundational blocks of our very successful method of Natural Seduction.

For our students, being Aware means being receptive at all times to what is going on in peoples minds and bodies: firstly their own, and later women’s

They achieve this capacity by going through an intense personalized training curriculum consisting of dozens of infield hours with a coach (2:1 student to instructor ratio) giving them feedback in real-time, internal spirituality & re-wiring drills, roleplay classes with female models, seduction theory, and a lot more.  

Watch my latest video, to learn more about this. Click HERE to watch it.

And hit this link to find out more about my next live coaching opportunities.

Talk to you soon.


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Wingmanship 101 (finding allies, not competitors)

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Afraid Of Creeping Girls Out? Read this

Wingmanship 101 (finding allies, not competitors)

Finding the right wingman can double your results overnight. But how can you choose one?

Lone Wolves Vs Tribal Hunters

Back in the Stone Age, our ancestors realized that by entering into alliances and forming tribes of hunters & gatherers every member could enjoy much more food and vital resources without risking dying of hunger by trying to survive individually.

That’s what I want to talk about to you today: how not to starve in your dating life and rapidly increase your results with women.

When you’re lucky enough to find a like-minded and positive dude––or a small tight-knit crew of them–– to team up with when meeting girls, your results can literally double overnight.

But unless you have a proven system and some basics to follow when going out with your wingman, you’re bound to fail a lot (and possibly even ruin some friendships).

Building a kickass group of wingmen

Finding a guy to go out with to meet women can be easy, but building a long-term relationship of trust, support and mutual respect with one or more men takes work and commitment on both sides.

When I coach my students at one of our live workshops, there are 3 main rules I tell them to keep in mind when going out in pairs in order to better wing each other…

1-He who approaches owns the girls

This golden rule of Seduction was as valid 20 years ago as it is today. In short, whoever approaches a girl, or a group of females, first is the one who has all the power of choice and can pick the woman he likes the most.

What about the other guys? This leads us to rule #2...

2-The main purpose of a wingman is to help the guy who opened succeeding with his girl

When you’re winging another dude, your primary goal should be to help him succeed with the girl he likes.

You can do so by entertaining her friends, flirting with them, and even saying to them that your buddy looks good with their girlfriend. But avoid at all costs interrupting another dude’s conversation with his girl––you’ll just ruin his interaction.

3-If closing your girl helps your wing close his girl, do it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should sleep with her less attractive friend when you don’t want to in order to help your buddy to sleep with his girl.

But realize that the majority of women, especially the less beautiful ones, tend to always receive less attention when compared to, and develop jealousy towards, their stunning girlfriends, so they end up cockblocking everyone in order to not feel like shit.

So what can you do to help your wingman close in a situation like this?

It is as easy as also taking the less attractive girl’s number––even if you don’t plan on dating her––so that she also gets to feel beautiful and seduced by a cool guy.

Perhaps she can even offer you social circle opportunities and become a good friend in the future. Keep an open mind 😉

In my latest video, you can see me coaching two of my brave students in the streets of Barcelona on how to correctly co-operate with each other and become good Wingmen.

If this is something you want to learn, click HERE to check it out! 

I’m sure there is something in it you can take away and apply to your own approaches.

How to join the most élite masculine network on the planet

if you really want to find like-minded, positive guys who are smart enough to know that working together brings more women into everybody’s life then TNL is the best place to get started. We have built an extensive, global online network of these kinds of guys over the past 15 years and, as you can see in the video, a TNL workshop is the perfect place to find your wing.

Click on this link to find out more about our upcoming live coaching programs in 2020.

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Dealing With Rejection(s)

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How To Read Her Signals

Dealing With Rejection(s)

No matter how great you’re at seduction, some women will still say “No” to you. The way you decide to handle those rejections is pivotal for your future success in the game…

How do you feel when a girl rejects you?

Today I want to share with you a little Inner Game strategy I teach to my students on our live workshops.

Let’s begin with a very important question, and please be honest with yourself about the answer… 

“How do you feel when a woman rejects you?”

Do you feel anxious and hurt deep down inside?

Does your confidence diminish afterward, indirectly damaging all the next interactions?

Or do you just ignore the negative sensations, pretending you’re tougher than that?

Reality is that––in most cases––when you’re learning Seduction you’ll get rejected a LOT, and the way you decide to deal with it can either make-or-break your future results. So, the next time a woman rejects you, try this…

First, remind yourself what you just did

You saw an attractive girl you wanted to communicate with, you took into account that it might get awkward or feel uncomfortable, but did it anyway, successfully breaking out of your comfort zone and going for what you want in life.

In other words, even before you said a word to her, you’ve already won, following your masculine instinct, and growing as a man.

Second, realize you’re the true Hero in a word of passive spectators

If you get rejected in a public place like a crowded street, or a cafeteria, you might feel social pressure from other people watching you “fail”. That’s totally understandable.  

And that’s the exact moment you should give props to yourself for being the only guy having the b*lls to approach her, proactively becoming the Real Hero of your story, while most people just watch and passively hope for life to get better.

If you follow these mindsets, every time you approach, no matter the outcome you’ll feel good and come out as a better, more masculine, and attractive man.

Watch the latest video I’ve released to see me coaching one of my brave students struggling with blowouts, and how he takes my advice to the next level by becoming truly fearless and magnetizing in his next approaches.

Link down below 😉 

I really hope this helps you a bit to re-program your mind for success and positively improve your future interactions with women.

If by reading this you also got inspired to leave the house right now, but do not know where to start, and want to ignite your dating success & lifestyle in a matter of days ( and not years of trial-and-error on your own), by working with me personally, consider joining one of our upcoming Live Workshops (workshop page).

Click HERE to check the next available dates & different training opportunities.

Talk to you soon,



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Sorry, I have a boyfriend...

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Wingmanship 101 (finding allies, not competitors)

Sorry, I have a boyfriend…

Can you seduce women who are in committed relationships? If so, what are the methods to effectively handle the most common objection in Seduction? Read this to find out

Four words no man wants to hear

If you have been living and breathing seduction for several years as I have, you probably know that the better you get, and the more dates you’ve been on, the more you can start to sort of see through the Matrix and predict” female behavior.

Every time a girl gives you trouble, you can refer to this huge mind-bank of past seductions and answer in a way that moves things forward.

But in my experience as a TNL coach, there is one situation when both total beginners and even more advanced guys become confused and don't know what to do...

The moment when the adorable girl they just stopped in the street cuts them off with four very feared words:

I have a boyfriend

These words have been confusing men into researching the most effective & sneaky strategies to seduce women who are in committed relationships since the dawn of time.

Usually, guys see this as a very black-and-white kind of scenario…

Either she’s open to cheating on her partner, and so there’s reason to continue the interaction, or she is loyal, you’re totally wasting your time and should retreat immediately.

Let’s analyze all your options briefly…

When it comes to successfully seducing girls in relationships you will often encounter three types of scenarios.

The first scenario is a girl who doesn’t mention her boyfriend at all, or briefly talks about him but keeps being flirtatious and acting as if she was single and available.

With this kind of girl, all you need to do is treating like a normal seduction without making a big deal out of her relationship status. 

That means proposing her the idea of a date, taking her number, and then hitting her up to organize the meet up without mentioning the boyfriend AT ALL.

The second kind of situation you might find yourself in is a girl who is obviously attracted, happy, and turned on at the idea of dating you but feels a bit guilty about going on a date with another man

The key here is leaving the girl time to get to know you and relax in your presence, so she can make the best decision possible for herself without you forcing it on her in any way.

In this case, I recommend you do not put lots of pressure on her by organizing a very romantic date in a cool bar at candlelight, but treat the whole experience as something very relaxed and light-hearted (e.g go for a tea, or just have a cool walk around the city).

No matter how good you are, many women will still say NO

Finally, you will also meet plenty of women who are very loyal and adamant about not cheating on their partner.

While in this case, you have very little room to maneuver and nothing romantic or sexual might happen in the short-term, you can still gain many incredible benefits by befriending a girl in a serious relationship.

For example, she can become your wing-girl, a business collaborator, a gatekeeper to more hot women, and even a future lover, if you know how to handle her.

This is the topic of my latest video I just released: what to do when she has a boyfriend.

Check it out by clicking on this link.

Hope this more advanced kind of content helps you and inspires you to try new things in order to become a more attractive guy and waste no good opportunities.

If you want to take your progress to the next level and truly transform yourself from the ground-up into the best seducer you can be, you can join one of my upcoming 4 or 10-day Residential workshops.

The TNL team, including myself, offer the most élite and comprehensive seduction & lifestyle design curriculum available to man in 2020 including, but not limited to, areas like Meditation, Inner Game, Approach Systems, Texting, Date Protocols, Sexuality, etc.––with a 2:1 student-to-instructor ratio, currently unmatched in the industry.

Click HERE to check the next training opportunities.

Talk to you soon,


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Poor Voice = Poor Connection

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Dealing With Rejection(s)

Poor Voice = Poor Connection

Before you learn what to say to women, you need to be heard by women. Let’s start with that…

Why women ignore you

Yes, I do.



Frankly, I think that most of us, me included, have been in the uncomfortable situation of initiating a conversation with a girl who often goes silent and replies in monosyllables.

Men dread this type of situation, and so they try to make up for it by using what the Seduction Community calls “plowing”, a stream of consciousness-like conversation technique in which you are supposed to talk endlessly to eventually hit an interesting topic and win her attention back.

Now, I’m not against any of that, but I think that does not answer the most important question…

Why is she ignoring you?

It might shock you but in my many years of coaching for TNL, I have realized that the solution to this situation is as easy as doing two things: speak slower, and articulate your words more clearly.

Often women do not engage in the conversation just because they do not understand what you’re saying or talking about. 

One thing is just speaking to someone, another one is being heard. And if you want to have people engage with you more you must make sure your voice and tonality are matching your intentions.

Training your voice

It all begins by assessing how good your current Vocal Projection is. 

That is your ability to speak clearly and powerfully enough without straining your vocal cords. 

Projection is not just about basic volume and power, but also very important to make your words and sentences more impactful at an emotional level.




We’re looking at developing your voice from different angles, making it not just louder or more attractive, but also more effective.

The first bit of coaching advice I have for you is to just speak slower

Perhaps this sounds just like common sense to you, but I can guarantee that unless you’ve received some vocal training in the past––as an actor or singer––you’re probably often speaking at a much faster pace than you need to.

Making a conscious effort of speaking slowly brings many incredible benefits to your communication. 

Firstly, it makes your voice sound deeper.

It goes without saying that a nice, deep, voice is much attractive to women than a high-pitched, squeaky one.

Secondly, it helps you express your full range of emotions better. This is very important for guys who often sound too flat or “boring” in their conversations as well as men who have problems communicating their sexual intent.   

To find out my favorite vocal training exercises, check out my latest video by clicking HERE

I hope this clip helps you to realize how an external sticking point becomes way easier to get rid of when you’re developing your Inner world in conjunction.

This is one of the most unique and distinctive features that make the TNL coaching methodology so well-rounded and effective for many different men who are joining our programs with very diverse goals.

While most seduction companies nowadays either concentrate on pure techniques and outer drills or solely on inner spirituality work, such as breaking free from childhood trauma, we integrate all of them into the most comprehensive model of seduction, masculine embodiment & lifestyle ever created.

If these are areas of your life you consider yourself not fully happy with at the moment and are willing to invest time & resources to pro-actively rewrite your future social & romantic success, consider joining one of my upcoming workshops.

Click HERE to check the next training dates. 

I wish you all the best,


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