Dealing With Rejection(s)

No matter how great you’re at seduction, some women will still say “No” to you. The way you decide to handle those rejections is pivotal for your future success in the game…

How do you feel when a girl rejects you?

Today I want to share with you a little Inner Game strategy I teach to my students on our live workshops.

Let’s begin with a very important question, and please be honest with yourself about the answer… 

“How do you feel when a woman rejects you?”

Do you feel anxious and hurt deep down inside?

Does your confidence diminish afterward, indirectly damaging all the next interactions?

Or do you just ignore the negative sensations, pretending you’re tougher than that?

Reality is that––in most cases––when you’re learning Seduction you’ll get rejected a LOT, and the way you decide to deal with it can either make-or-break your future results. So, the next time a woman rejects you, try this…

First, remind yourself what you just did

You saw an attractive girl you wanted to communicate with, you took into account that it might get awkward or feel uncomfortable, but did it anyway, successfully breaking out of your comfort zone and going for what you want in life.

In other words, even before you said a word to her, you’ve already won, following your masculine instinct, and growing as a man.

Second, realize you’re the true Hero in a word of passive spectators

If you get rejected in a public place like a crowded street, or a cafeteria, you might feel social pressure from other people watching you “fail”. That’s totally understandable.  

And that’s the exact moment you should give props to yourself for being the only guy having the b*lls to approach her, proactively becoming the Real Hero of your story, while most people just watch and passively hope for life to get better.

If you follow these mindsets, every time you approach, no matter the outcome you’ll feel good and come out as a better, more masculine, and attractive man.

Watch the latest video I’ve released to see me coaching one of my brave students struggling with blowouts, and how he takes my advice to the next level by becoming truly fearless and magnetizing in his next approaches.

Link down below 😉 

I really hope this helps you a bit to re-program your mind for success and positively improve your future interactions with women.

If by reading this you also got inspired to leave the house right now, but do not know where to start, and want to ignite your dating success & lifestyle in a matter of days ( and not years of trial-and-error on your own), by working with me personally, consider joining one of our upcoming Live Workshops (workshop page).

Click HERE to check the next available dates & different training opportunities.

Talk to you soon,



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