The Best Investment In 2021 (1000% ROI)

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the latest insane investment opportunities:

BTC’s price skyrocketing, teenagers turning into millionaires after purchasing shares from a semi-deceased videogame retailer company.

You might be asking yourself: how do these people do it?

Here’s the caveat...

According to research, up to 40% of the “new rich” internet investors have acquired their wealth not because of some secret understanding of the market but by merely trusting someone else’s advice.

I myself have earned significant profits from cryptocurrencies and real-estate, despite knowing very little about those subjects.


In my case, my network of mentors, élite specialists, and close friends does the work for me, suggesting to me when to short, buy, or hold.

But this is not limited only to financial opportunities.

After coaching very successful men in the social arts for the past 12 years, I realized that individual skills and expertise are often not enough to make a difference in terms of real success.

What separates the real pros in any field from everyone else is not what they know…

Stock Market Loop GIF by xponentialdesign

…But who they know (and what you know about who you know AND… how much they give a sh*t about you).

Work hard as a lone-wolf and you will get somewhere, collaborate with ten other elite guys and you will get 10 times as far.

It is as simple and effective as that.

Without the ability to connect with people beyond a baseline level of politeness and turn them into loyal friends and allies, you’re bound to experience only a fraction of your full potential.

Once you start approaching things this way, you’ll realize that there is ONE key asset you must own before you can start to make money, and people, work for you.

To find out what that is, watch my latest video. Link below.

P.SIf you’ve always wanted to learn the exact steps to build a social circle & tribe and gain access to epic adventures, investment opportunities, and abundance with women, you can do so by joining my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy 2.0.

This is an 8-week accelerated mentorship program in which you’ll be coached by me personally through weekly interactive live lectures, Q&A sessions, weekly practical missions drills, and get access to dozens of hours of unreleased TNL lifestyle teachings.

The course will open for enrollments on March 14th, 2021, and will accept applications for one week only; after that time is over, the coaching sessions will begin right away 😉

Stay tuned for more information and exclusive bonuses that I will send to you in the coming weeks.

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The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)

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4 Steps To Start A Business (No Lambos, No B.S. promises)

The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)

We all have guilty pleasures.

Many people crave sweets, booze, psychedelic drugs, and steamy orgies.

I prefer gardening, (actually I like some of those too) and here’s why you should too…

In 2020 alone, I invested significant amounts of my capital and time in renovating my 40-acre property in Portugal by combining advanced landscape architecture techniques with permaculture principles.


See? That’s me 😉

The thing that fascinates me the most about gardening work is the possibility to use proven techniques and tools to artificially speed-up––and complete in a few years––natural processes that organically would take decades to realize (if they did at all).

It really feels like having god-like powers of some sort.


Now, bear with me for one second and imagine you’re a gardener as well, and you decide to join me for some time to plant seeds together.

But instead of olive trees and edibles, we strategically plant seeds in your social life that with the right treatment are going to germinate and increase your social and sexual opportunities 10x faster compared to what you’ve tried before.

Would you give it a try?

For the past 12 years, while growing TNL, I’ve been coaching a small focus group of elite, high-paying clients on the side in what I believe to be a true “germination accelerator” of social success…


I called it the “Seductive Economy” method.

Today, after years in the vault, and to help as many men as possible to make the best of these hard times, I decided to release a video explaining in detail how the Seductive Economy works and how you can apply it to your own life.

Click the link below to watch it.

P.SIf you liked the idea of us spending four seasons together breaking down your social life and planting scientifically engineered super-seeds that will tremendously enhance it, I’ve got good news for you…

You can do so by joining my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on March 14th.

L.D.A is an intensive 8-week mentorship followed by ten months of lectures entirely hosted by me and a number of selected world-class coaches that I regularly invite on weekly live Zoom classes to coach the students. In the program, we cover very diverse lifestyle design topics such as advanced sexual mastery, BDSM, Tantra, but also online (& offline) business strategies, traveling hacks, social circle engineering, movement culture, masculinity rewiring, archetypal psychology, shamanism, and many more others.

There are over 50 hours of live lectures and 50+ hours of never-before-released support material in the upcoming LDA.

The whole idea behind the training is to give you the most effective toolbox ever released to build (or improve) your dream lifestyle under all the most important metrics.

Stay tuned for enrollments opening 14th of March.

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Will your friends betray you?

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The Best Investment In 2021 (1000% ROI)

Will your friends betray you?

True friendships are like investment funds..

You need to invest resources into them regularly if you want to make real profits, and the risk of getting screwed big time is always present.

Yet, unlike gambling and stocks, having a kickass network of friends, partners, and wingmen around you is a core necessity if you want to lead a joyful and successful life.

Betray Jack Black GIF by Tenacious D

Does that mean that betrayal and painful conflicts between friends are inevitable?

Maybe, but not necessarily.

If you know how to establish solid boundaries from the get-go and effectively confront others, you can keep the damages to a minimum and maximize the good stuff.

Part of the “maximizing” process is also knowing when to fight to prevent the boat from sinking, and when to just let go of people.

Sometimes even the best partnerships are bound to end in a few years’ time.

Priorities change, and people who were once aligned in both vision and purpose suddenly depart from each other; a new cycle of the hero’s journey begins, and new potential collaborators enter your reality.

Only the strongest, most authentic, and mutually-invested relationships will survive.


The good news? Most of this process is completely within your control.

Once you understand how to quickly spot red flags, use direct negotiation skills to permanently clear misunderstandings, and get other people to invest in you to create unbreakable trust, your social success & confidence will reach new peaks.

I reveal some of my most powerful strategies of the above in my latest video. Click the link below to watch it.


P.S. Finding the right new friends and collaborators isn’t easy.

If you’re not involved in some environment that encourages socializing and getting to know each other like high-school or college (that’s why most people reach their “popularity peak” during those years), it will take you a while before stumbling into someone compatible with you.

Back when I started seduction almost 15 years ago, I waited a good couple of years before finding my first real wing-man and the same amount of time to break things off with him.

But you don’t have to go through the same hurdle…

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching on March 14th, I give you complete access to my entire personal network of elite coaches, business owners, fitness & sexuality specialists, and many more.

Plus, when you join the L.D.A community you’ll be instantly introduced to hundreds of aspirant lifestyle designers from around the world, like you who are resolute both in mindset and purpose and are willing to collaborate with you on epic projects, such as our current Academy member Tobias…


To make sure you receive all the updates & some EPIC bonuses when I officially open the enrollment to a limited number of men on March 14th, keep checking my next emails.

Talk soon

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The Truth About Ayahuasca

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The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)

The Truth About Ayahuasca

I’ve always been fascinated by the complexities of the subconscious mind.

Such an obscure and unexplored place, yet wielding tremendous power.

The Philosopher’s Stone

That’s how the legendary Hermetic tradition used to refer to the transformative capacities of our inner world.

In the past two hundred years, dozens of methods and toolboxes have been assembled to help people “dive in”…

Traditional schools of psychoanalysis, hypnosis, advanced meditation practices, and self-development literature, among others.

The most notable problem with these is they begin to produce results after a long time, in most cases years of practice (that’s how long it takes on average to overcome our conscious barriers and finally begin to remodel the sub psyche).


For thousands of years, however, a very effective catalyst for the inner journey has been used extensively by Amazonian tribes: Ayahuasca.

Referred to as the “vine of the soul”, this unique psychotropic brew prepared by the local curanderos (healers/shamans) has achieved worldwide notoriety, spawning hundreds of “Ayahuasca seminars” all over the world claiming to offer westerners the original thing.

Over the past 15 years, I’ve taken dozens of doses of the “holy drink” in very different settings and under the guidance of very diverse masters.

Animation Feels GIF by Trippyogi

What I realized is that most people underestimate the powers of Ayahuasca.

If not taken properly or under a toxic/untrained mentor, one single trip can mess you up mentally and physically for months, or worse…

With the right teacher, setting and mindsets, it can propel you into uncharted areas of growth, joy, and insight.

That’s why I decided to film a short guide on doing Ayahuasca the right way. Click the link below to check it out!


P.S. Traditional shamanic medicine is an excellent way to get started on your healing journey and develop your character.

But it’s only a tool in a larger arsenal of personal transformation and masculine enhancement systems that you can master to truly “evolve” your spirit & body.

After helping thousands of men over the past 12 years to conquer their fears and build amazing social and sexual lives, I’ve realized how the lack of a proper initiation into manhood is the core issue behind most chronic masculine character problems.

That led me to design a very unique and hybrid kind of coaching program focused on helping you reclaim and express your dormant masculine power: the Natural Warrior Training.

I’m running the next Warrior program start of May this year at my personal retreat center in Portugal. Join me and an elite mind/body/soul coaching crew and yes… You’ll get to trip down the rabbit hole with an experienced shaman (and me).

Click HERE to learn more about it.

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Direct Vs Indirect - The Best Seduction Style

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Will your friends betray you?

Direct Vs Indirect – The Best Seduction Style

On workshops, I often get asked what’s the best way to approach women: directly or indirectly?

My answer often surprises the students…

Directness is not a style of seduction, but a way of life.

making love passionate kiss GIF

You cannot shyly tiptoe through life, never daring to express your honest opinion, pleasing others instead of confronting them, and then expect to boldly approach a woman in the streets.

Think about that, in terms of how you’ve lived your life so far.

If you want to develop a brave, straightforward attitude, you must live authentically according to your will 24/7.

Make no mistake, being direct is not about bossing people around with arrogance either.

It boils down to two consequential steps:

First, develop your self-awareness to realize what you truly want in life, or in a given situation.

Second, express your honest intentions in clear, no b.s. way, while still taking into consideration other people’s feelings –– empathy is the key.

For a concise guide to developing a direct approach to your own life, refer to my latest video. Link below.


P.SIf you really desire to finally start living a reality that matches your social, romantic, and financial expectations, I’ve got good news for you.

On March 14th, 2021, I’ll be opening the enrollments of my Lifestyle Design Academy 2.0.

The Academy is TNL’s most successful program ever, with hundreds of positive success stories, and a practical method anyone can follow to start designing and bringing to life their own masterpiece lifestyle.

By joining the LDA brotherhood, you’ll learn not only how to achieve the external goals & success you’ve always fantasized about, but also how to develop your character and inner qualities so that you can finally start feeling worthy of more.

Keep checking your inbox in the coming weeks for more details on the LDA relaunch and heaps of more free life-changing content

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3 Principles Everyone Starting Daygame Should Learn

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The Truth About Ayahuasca

The Art & Practice Of Masculinity

Recently I’ve been wondering..Why is it that some guys come across as masculine and sexy while others struggle to be seen as attractive no matter what?

It is as if some men have an X-factor that gets girls attracted to them on the spot.

You’ve seen it too before…

Take famous actors like Sean Connery or Daniel Craig.

Very different looking, but they both nail the 007 part; what do they share in common?


They exude pure masculinity.

They don’t need to speak or act cool to prove themselves worthy, they know a woman is winning by spending time with them.

As a dating coach, I often come across guys who interact with women in very nice-guy, soft kinds of ways who need to be taught how to be more masculine in their demeanor…

Ball Nuts GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo

To their surprise, the way I approach this initially is through meditation.

That’s because true masculinity is obtained only by re-arranging a number of inner factors. It is not a matter of just toughening up, but mainly enhancing your awareness in key character areas such as love, compassion, conflict resolution, and more.

If you want to learn more about how to develop a healthy masculine mindset, check my latest video.

In it, joined by our executive coach Shae Matthews, I dive deep into the unexplored world of Masculine Archetypes, and how to re-integrate them into your persona. Link below to watch it.


P.SIf you want to learn a complete method of inner work that will teach you how to interact with the different aspects of your archetypal self, check my premium 6-week Awareness Meditation Course. In it, you will learn a system to effectively start your Inner journey towards a socially-free, more masculine, healthy version of yourself.

Click HERE to check how the course works.

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Be A Man: Act Weak.

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3 Principles Everyone Starting Daygame Should Learn

Be A Man: Act Weak.

A wise man once said:

“Appear strong when you’re weak, and weak when you’re strong”.

Sun Tzu’s practical philosophy has shaped the mindset of entire generations of men seeking victory in a vast array of battlegrounds.

But there is one unique kind of battle that cannot be won by deceiving the enemy with cunning tactics…

The war with the Self.

If you try to fix important inner issues such as lack of confidence, social anxiety, or chronic fear of abandonment by acting tough, you’ll lose.


Because successful inner work is primarily about recognizing that there is nothing noble or manly in wasting chunks of your life burdened by emotional pain & trauma.

In fact, it takes real courage to realize that you’ve been living in reaction to some past events that happened to you one or more decades ago.

Or to accept that emotional wounds some nasty people inflicted on you haven’t been resolved yet.


But that’s how this specific type of conflict is won: by showing up and facing the enemy.

Watch my latest video to learn how to win your own inner battles and develop real bulletproof self-esteem that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Link below.

P.SFighting an army in a misty field is not recommended, you will fall into traps.

That is a good analogy to represent what most men who attempt the inner path face…Debris, chaos, fog.

It’s hard to understand anything at all in there, let alone solve the biggest struggle in your life.

But that’s not an impossible task if you got a map. Get yours through my most popular home study course which equips you to survey and balance your inner world HERE.

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22 Inner game lessons for a better life

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The Art & Practice Of Masculinity

22 Inner game lessons for a better life

Top lessons that I’ve learned over my years in relationships as well as in my development

I was having a think about the top lessons that I’ve learned over my years in relationships as well as in my development, After sitting down and having a chat with Liam Mcrea and thinking about all the work I’ve done in the naturals with James Marshall over the years I decided to write out the top lessons for life that For the principles for a better relationship with yourself and others.

Im interested to hear which ones you like the most and if you have any others that you think should make the list.



A spiritual warriors cheat sheet


22 Lessons to live by

1. Realize that the source of all love, happiness and abundance exists within yourself

There is no other person or thing that can give you what you truly seek outside yourself. When you realize and embody this you will enter the flow as an independent yet simultaneously connected individual. When we let go of needing to fulfill ourselves through the external we free ourselves to truly be powerful and make choices that are in our best interests.

2. Work on your purpose on a daily basis even if you dont know what it is (seek it) and know that your self and all that is reflected back to it from the world of circumstance is like a garden that needs to be tended and nurtured constantly

The seeds you plant today with thought word and deed will be the world you wake up in tomorrow. When you are at one with your purpose you will be able to navigate the ocean of life with greater ease grace and synchronicity.

3. Never take your power for granted you are the creator of the meaning in your life

Learn to stand between the opposites of life and hold the paradox. Be aware that your desires, feelings and conditions only a small and transient aspect of the possibilities that exist in life and the opposite of them is just as real and powerful if you need to tune into them and bring them into being as well.

4. Grow from your challenges rather than resist and resent them

When you allow yourself to really step into a challenge you will find things out about yourself that you never knew, You will grow learn and evolve as a result. Resisting challenge only prolongs the suffering accepting it allows you to move through it with greater ease and grace.

5. Be wary of putting yourself into a box of limited being and always question what truly serves you

Learn to say no to energies, thoughts, feelings and people that are not good for you and your evolution and be clear on your boundaries of what’s ok and not ok for you.

6. Develop yourself worth and let go of guilt shame and fear

Drop any attachments to the past or the future that have negative emotions attached to them and know that as you let go and forgive yourself and others, you will always be rewarded with a greater sense of peace, love and appreciation for life as it is rather than what you wished it was. This will make you stronger, clearer and wiser in the process.

Drop any attachments to the past or the future that have negative emotions attached to them and know that as you let go and forgive yourself and others, you will always be rewarded with a greater sense of peace, love and appreciation for life as it is rather than what you wished it was. This will make you stronger, clearer and wiser in the process.


7. Have gratitude, love and appreciation for what you have even if it’s just this breath and be open to the greater potential of receiving that which you truly desire in your heart

Understand that you are the door keeper that rejects or accepts things coming into your life and gratitude is the magnet to attract that which you desire in your heart.

8. Be open to receiving, understanding and creating new distinctions in your view of the world

A closed mind is the beginning of suffering. Learning to grasp more complex understandings free’s you from the chains of ignorance and allows you to make better choices that are in alignment with what actually is. There are no black and whites in the world nor shades of grey. There is every color, combination and variation you can imagine.

9. Don’t be afraid of the ocean of chaos that is life, it is you

Even though at times the calling to be more than we have ever been before can seem overwhelming at times consciously engaging and working through it with skill and strategy is the path to true self actualisation. To repress or reject the chaos of life only means that you will have to learn the lessons unconsciously and in a way that is destructive to yourself and others.

10. Don’t let society, other people, culture or religion take over your own values but respect and have empathy and compassion for the value of others

When we allow others values to supersede and subsume our own we become deeply conflicted, stressed and destructive to ourselves and others. Instead make the wiser choice, Work out what’s important to you in your heart and live it with committed resolve. When you are on your path of true will destiny will open before you and nothing can stand in your way. If it does and it succeeds it was not your destiny anyway.

11. Connect to the source of your power on a regular basis

Your being is always connected to infinite intelligence, love and abundance, with an open heart and a desire to be connected with your source you will always have the love and polarity of the divine masculine and feminine within you on tap. Learn to be still, watch and listen as an impersonal witness and let your higher connection and knowing come into being effortlessly.

12. Say yes to experiences that challenge you and make you grow even if past conditioning tells you to close off and push them away

At the same time know when something is not for you and don’t be afraid to walk away if it’s not right.

13. Above all else be true to yourself and your needs and never forget that you are the centre of the world as far as your concerned

Paradoxically understand that everyone else is a centre as well and respect and support them to fulfil the needs and themselves as long as does not harm others unnecessarily or intentionally.


14. Trust in the abundance of life to provide you with your needs and fulfil your desires but don’t forget to do your bit in creating alignment with them as best as you can

Think of what you wish for regularly and feel good about it then let go, trust and take appropriate action. Learn to clear your own path by letting go of limiting beliefs, knowing your values and setting goals and intensions on a regular basis.


15. Aim for efficiency and let go of ways of thinking, feeling and acting that cost you time and effort

The one thing you have a limited resource of is time, never forget it and aim to be a master of your time. By setting up systems and strategies that help you get more out of what you do and help you get to where you need to be easier and faster. A sub lesson of this is to be aware of time and energy traps that exist in the world and do your best to free yourself from them. Society is full of these traps that want you to buy into all kinds of schemes and scams learn to avoid time intensive processes, avoid time wasting and don’t buy into anything big before you have thought about it’s consequences and the sacrifices that it way bring in the long run.


16. Love your shadow and realise that your down times are equally valid, important and powerful to your evolution, growth and wholeness as a human

Your shadow is your ally in disguise, Your best friend that holds a mirror to your flaws with the intention of helping grow and be more of what you truly are.


17. Let go of shadows that aren’t yours. It is a normal part of life that we share and exchange energies and information with others and the world around us

Be aware of energies and information that does not serve you and detach from them. Intent and send shadows that do not belong to you back to the source and abstain from negative sources of information that invade your thought and feeling space. This means turning off the TV, choosing your internet info wisely and not reading the papers if and when the information that they are presenting is not of highest intentions.


18. Don’t take things personally

In the final analysis most of the things that worry us and seem to create negativity are insignificant in the greater context if life. Ask yourself will you really care about this on your death bed? And in the light of all the things that are really important, the love you have from people around you, your life, your health, and your very miraculous existence does it really matter? 9 times out of 10 it will be a no and if so take a deep breath say fuck it and let it go back to the source. Holding onto negative thoughts and feelings only ends up poisoning yourself anyway.


19. Abstain from negativity, judgment, fear and criticism as much as possible

It only fosters separation negative ego and drops your energy to a lower state of potential.


20. Look after yourself and learn to truly love yourself like a perfect parent would bring up a child

We are all still children that need strong parents in this journey of life and as such we need allot of love, support, nurturing and most of all allot of fun, creativity and play. Eat well, sleep well, love allot and do things you love and make you happy on a regular basis. Be the source of your own happiness.


21. Take responsability and speak for yourself only

Be aware of the tendency to generalise, delete and distort the world around you and think that if it’s true for you it’s true for others as well. Catch yourself out at every opportunity and realise that there are no real limits to the life you create except the rules you put on life and it’s self.

22. Forgive the challenging past and let go of your fears. The attachment to the hurtful past and the fears that live within it are the very things that will recreate that which you feared in the first place

When you take the lessons from your experiences the fear based emotions will fall away and you will be left with gold nuggets of loving wisdom you can keep forever.


If you are interested in finding out more about how to actually embody these lessons and other lessons get in contact with me. I’de love to hear from you.

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Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…

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Be A Man: Act Weak.

Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…

Many guys come to us asking for relationship advice when it’s already too late. They want to know how to make their girlfriend like them, how to bring the spark back, how to keep things exciting.

But what they don’t realize is the relationship advice they’ve been given is not just unhelpful…in most of the cases we see, it’s too little, too late. They are already in too deep, driven by cultural myths about what women want, and have lost their masculine energy, vitality and life force that made the woman attracted to them in the first place.

A man feels as though, if he is a good enough guy, shows respect, affection, is on time, is neat, is nice, a woman will fall for him.

What we’ve seen over and over is that women respond to how a man makes her feel, not the things he does. And most guys have no idea how they make a woman feel, or what feelings are exciting for her.

Here are the 3 distinct phases guys play out:

1. Knight in shining armour

This is a classic role that guys love to play. It’s fed into our brains since childhood… the powerful handsome rich prince saving the princess and getting rewarded with sex, affection, and female attention. This story often leads guys to pursue girls who are not interested in them, spend months or years patiently hoping that if they stick around long enough a girl will recognize what a good guy they are, or stay in toxic relationships with girls who have extreme emotional problems hoping that they can ‘fix them’ or ‘save them. This leads to the next mistake…

2. Sacrifices

The knight has to slay a big dragon to impress the princess. But it’s worth it when he gets that sweet, sweet feminine attention and approval he’s been craving in the form of sex, a girlfriend, intimacy etc. So many guys often end up making sacrifices to prove their love, from the subtle day by day ones to the grandiose. An example of the subtle is attending to a woman’s every need to the point where you smother her. and the grandiose… in this job I’ve watched countless guys throw away passions, friendship groups, careers, fulfilling lifestyles and artistic pursuits to ‘be with a girl’. And here’s the worst part: women don’t respect you for it… they actually resent it! They are attracted to a man with a vital life force and purpose… unless that purpose is ‘needily extract validation and feminine attention from this woman.’ She wants to be part of your life, NOT your whole life.

3. Resentment

Men who play out these stereotypes long enough end up resenting women. They feel cheated by the system, lied to, manipulated. This is covered extensively in “No More Mr Nice Guy” by Robert Glover. It feels for them that no matter how hard they try, no matter how nice, chivalrous they are, their quest for feminine affection and attention winds up hurting them.


So what is the ultimate relationship advice? Maintain a purpose, drive, and passion outside of women. Make her a fun addition to your already stimulating lifestyle, not the focal point of it. This involves discovering who YOU are as a man before diving head first into a serious long-term monogamous relationship. Click HERE to explore this topic in depth.

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5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys

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22 Inner game lessons for a better life

5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys

Shy guys often wonder if they’ll ever meet a girl. Some of them turn to the internet for seduction tips. This can be confusing when they come across extroverted ‘life-of-the-party’ style pickup artists and seduction coaches.

“Could that really be me?” They ask, wondering if they’ll ever be able to feel comfortable in a nightclub.

The good news is, you don’t have to! Here are my 5 Top Seduction Tips For Shy Guys:

1. You don’t have to be high energy

If you’ve ever watched infield videos of James Marshall you’ll see that he’s cool, calm and collected, almost to the point of being boring. A natural introvert, he likes to keep things low key. Many guys assume that because some pickup artists they watch shout and yell and are high energy, that this is the ONLY way to meet girls. If you are a shy guy, this is going to make things WORSE for you, as you burn up your energy, stress yourself out, and adopt behaviours that don’t fit your natural temperament. Low energy can be as powerful, if not more powerful approach, as it gives the girl space and time to relax, get to know you, and allows sexual tension to develop.

2. Some girls think shy guys are cute

Not every girl wants a muscle bound suit wearing rich guy. Some girls find shy guys cute and endearing. Does this mean you can just ‘be yourself’? Not exactly. You still need to approach women, show sexual intent, and make a move. But it doesn’t have to be super smooth. Awkwardness transforms into sexual tension if she likes you.

3. Sometimes the girl is just as shy as you

Many guys think that all girls are the same. Some are confident, and some are super shy! Knowing this helps you to stop interpreting every awkward moment as your fault… sometimes she’s just nervous too.

4. Speaking less is better

You don’t have to dominate the conversation. In fact, leaving space for her to talk puts more pressure on her to invest in the conversation, allows you to listen more and find out about her. This is a good chance to give her a flirtatious look with your eyes to turn friendly chit chat into sexually charged conversation.

5. With practice you will relax

Rejection is good! If you are shy, the best thing you can do is go an get rejected. You will start to realize it’s not so bad, and avoid becoming obsessed over trying to make the seduction go perfectly. Learning to be relaxed and comfortable after rejection is a vital skill for the rest of your life. Go get rejected today!

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Make Seduction Fun (3 rules)

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Relationship Advice They DON’T Tell You…