The Truth About Ayahuasca

I’ve always been fascinated by the complexities of the subconscious mind.

Such an obscure and unexplored place, yet wielding tremendous power.

The Philosopher’s Stone

That’s how the legendary Hermetic tradition used to refer to the transformative capacities of our inner world.

In the past two hundred years, dozens of methods and toolboxes have been assembled to help people “dive in”…

Traditional schools of psychoanalysis, hypnosis, advanced meditation practices, and self-development literature, among others.

The most notable problem with these is they begin to produce results after a long time, in most cases years of practice (that’s how long it takes on average to overcome our conscious barriers and finally begin to remodel the sub psyche).


For thousands of years, however, a very effective catalyst for the inner journey has been used extensively by Amazonian tribes: Ayahuasca.

Referred to as the “vine of the soul”, this unique psychotropic brew prepared by the local curanderos (healers/shamans) has achieved worldwide notoriety, spawning hundreds of “Ayahuasca seminars” all over the world claiming to offer westerners the original thing.

Over the past 15 years, I’ve taken dozens of doses of the “holy drink” in very different settings and under the guidance of very diverse masters.

Animation Feels GIF by Trippyogi

What I realized is that most people underestimate the powers of Ayahuasca.

If not taken properly or under a toxic/untrained mentor, one single trip can mess you up mentally and physically for months, or worse…

With the right teacher, setting and mindsets, it can propel you into uncharted areas of growth, joy, and insight.

That’s why I decided to film a short guide on doing Ayahuasca the right way. Click the link below to check it out!


P.S. Traditional shamanic medicine is an excellent way to get started on your healing journey and develop your character.

But it’s only a tool in a larger arsenal of personal transformation and masculine enhancement systems that you can master to truly “evolve” your spirit & body.

After helping thousands of men over the past 12 years to conquer their fears and build amazing social and sexual lives, I’ve realized how the lack of a proper initiation into manhood is the core issue behind most chronic masculine character problems.

That led me to design a very unique and hybrid kind of coaching program focused on helping you reclaim and express your dormant masculine power: the Natural Warrior Training.

I’m running the next Warrior program start of May this year at my personal retreat center in Portugal. Join me and an elite mind/body/soul coaching crew and yes… You’ll get to trip down the rabbit hole with an experienced shaman (and me).

Click HERE to learn more about it.

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