Why selfish guys f*ck better

Do you know when people say that to be a truly great lover, you must always make her come first?

I call bullsh*t on that.

Paradoxically, this male obsession with female orgasm is one of the main reasons why so many girls have to fake it and struggle to cum in bed.

Knowing how to expertly please your partner is, of course, of paramount importance…

But there is a time to be devoted and give all your attention to her needs and one to be selfish and shamelessly take what you want in bed.

Being hyper-fixated on guaranteeing that she climaxes at all costs is a one-way ticket to unnecessary pressure and mediocre, unexciting sex––plus, she likely already owns a vibrator for that 😉

It’s the unique alchemy of domination and submission, taking and allowing, and giving and receiving that creates truly mind-blowing sex you’ll both never get enough of.

This is something I cover in great detail in my latest video, where I chat with my fellow international dating coach Robbie Kramer. Together we reveal when you should be selfish and demanding in bed, when not to, and how to get any woman addicted to your d*ck.

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Three naughty words girls wants to hear in bed (not what you think)

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Why she doesn’t want a nice guy in bed (what she really craves)

Three naughty words girls wants to hear in bed (not what you think)

There are three words many girls want to hear in bed.

And they’re not “I love you”…

But “my little sl*t”.

It might sound controversial, but women love when you talk dirty to them during sex.

That’s the female equivalent of when a girl is moaning loud and passionately and begging you to f*ck her harder––a massive turn-on that drives her incredibly wild.

Of course, context and timing are paramount for this.

This is merely a theatrical game that begins and ends within the bedroom to make HER feel sexy and powerful.

So if you want it to work smoothly she needs to feel that you respect her and that there will be no negative consequences after the fantasy ends.

Plus, there are several escalating levels to effective sex talk. Depending on how open-minded your partner is, you might need to begin just with playful teasing remarks first and attempt the more nasty wordplay only later after you know that she can handle it.

In fact I’ve developed an “escalation ladder” for grading dirty talk.

To learn more about the gentleman’s way of dirty talking, watch my latest video below where I dive deep into how to use your verbal skills to help her unleash her most liberated, slutt*est self.

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Why even Nice Girls like it Freaky

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Why selfish guys f*ck better

Why even Nice Girls like it Freaky

Ever heard men making random value assumptions about women’s sex lives like:

She’s not THAT type, she’s a such nice girl”.

Or even…

She would never do that in bed! She’s not a sl*t”.

Opinions like these, especially if spoken carelessly without even knowing the girl, are the reason why so many women close up and struggle to express their full sexuality.

The truth is that ALL girls, especially the “innocent” next-door types who get reminded constantly how pure they look, want to get freaky and be ravaged in bed

dirty mind pleasure GIF by Refinery 29 GIFs

…by the right guy who does not pre-emptively judge them and has the skill set to make their erotic dreams come true.

Of course, it’s also fundamental that you introduce variety in the bedroom: there’s a time to get rough and naughty and a time to make sweet love to your woman.

If you want to learn more about how to uncover her unique desires and help her relax so that she opens up and is willing to try anything with you in bed, watch my latest video below.

In it, I, Shae Matthews, and our colleague Sir Dominic (Australia’s #1 BDSM master), dive deep into mindsets shifts and subtleties required to turn any woman into a freak in the sheets.

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2 Steps To Make Any Girl Orgasm

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Three naughty words girls wants to hear in bed (not what you think)

2 Steps To Make Any Girl Orgasm

Ever wondered why so many women fake in bed?

When they could, you know, just tell you how to take them to climax.

The problem is that the way men and women experience pleasure is vastly different.

goals love GIF by LVRS

And that makes it ever-challenging to understand the sexual needs of one another.

For us, a nice view of her breasts and buttocks, coupled with strong penetration in one of the classic positions, will get the job done within minutes.

But for the majority of women, these things, although appreciated and fundamental for her bedroom satisfaction, are often not enough for peak orgasmic results.

If you want her to remember you as the lover who made her cum the hardest and more often than anyone else, you need to look beyond just physical stimulation…

You must f*ck her mind thoroughly as well.

By eliciting her deepest desires and hidden fantasies, so that she can stop holding back and unleash her wildest, freakiest, and slutt*est side with you.

Wanna learn how to do so? Then check my latest video below where I cover the two things any woman wishes you’d know on how to effortlessly take her to orgasm:


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Why NoFap is dangerous for your Sex Life

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Why even Nice Girls like it Freaky

Why NoFap is dangerous for your Sex Life


Know what’s the most effective way to last as long as you want and have total control over your performance in bed?

It’s certainly not by being overly strict or obsessive about it.

dirty mind pleasure GIF by Refinery 29 GIFs

In recent years, we’ve seen several schools of thought centered around male sexual empowerment rising to prominence.

From classic Taoist “semen retention”, to the modern NoFap movement, all the way to extremist groups preaching prolonged periods of total abstinence (even from intercourse).

What once started as a practical solution to the common problem of having low libido and bedroom stamina, has now evolved into something else entirely.

Leading men to accumulate shame and fanatical behaviors around their masturbation habits and, by extension, their sex lives.

This not only makes sex unnecessarily stressful and ultimately a lot less enjoyable but, when taken to extremes, also poses considerable risks to your sexual health.

Especially if you hit the dreaded flatline where your libido ceases to exist and sometimes never recovers.

To discover a more effective solution to boost your desire and sexual energy without the suffering of NoFap, watch my latest video. In it, I interview Dr.Saida Desilets, a world-class Ph.D. psychologist, and sexologist on how to turn masturbation into training to be amazing in bed.

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Secret Female Fantasies - How To Make Her BEG For It

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2 Steps To Make Any Girl Orgasm

Secret Female Fantasies – How To Make Her BEG For It

Are most women you get in bed with as wild and naughty as you want them to be?

Or are they a little too quiet and not open-minded enough for your tastes?

Be honest with yourself…

One thing I’ve learned from my twenty years of obsession with seduction, sleeping with hundreds of ladies, is that girls will behave very differently during sex depending on who she’s with.

I’ve met far too many chicks who never got to be their most submissive, slutt*est selves, even in long relationships with men they were very attracted to and in love with.

Yet they did with me, a stranger, often on the first night.

Sexy Margot Robbie GIF by Saturday Night Live

If this sounds triggering, it’s not by judging them that you’re going to make sense of it…

Because ANY woman, including your girlfriend, your ex, and your innocent-looking coworker ‘who would never do crazy things in bed’ will, under the right circumstances, turn into a horny nympho begging for more.

And she should! Because it feels very sexy and rewarding for her.

I cover this and other hidden truths on female pleasure in my latest video, where I interview a very open-minded young woman on how to become the elite lover she wants.

Watch it below:

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10 Positions All Women Go Crazy For

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Why NoFap is dangerous for your Sex Life