How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

Hot guys have it much easier in dating.

It would be absurd trying to deny it.

Women will always pick a man who is attractive over several more average options.

The good news, however, is that what “hot” and “sexy” mean to women is something radically different than it does to men.

For most girls, hotness in guys is not merely physical but vastly connected to behavioral traits as well as to perceived social value.

We all have met men who were constantly smashing around with stunners despite not being model-looking or over six feet tall.

In fact, I highly suggest next time you meet one of such unicorns you don’t get envious but instead carefully study every move he makes.

Once you do, you’ll be quick to realize that certain male traits are universally considered attractive and sexy by most women.

Things like being the organizer of a cool event, or being creative and cultivating artistic passions on the side.

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Yet, probably the powerful and magnetic quality a man can own is being capable of saying no to women.

After all, having firm dating standards and politely rejecting people who do not conform to them is the exact thing most attractive women do.

It’s the strongest indicator of non-neediness and abundance a guy can display, but something only a tiny fraction has the courage and confidence to pull off.

To learn more about no b.s.‘high-status’ cheat codes and how to make your character sexier, watch my latest video by clicking on the link below:

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The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

Stop being every girl’s boyfriend!

Do you find yourself falling into the boyfriend role way too often?

Perhaps you want to keep things casual and fun and are not looking to commit to one girl at the moment.

But, somehow, every woman you hang out with starts asking for more.

And so you find yourself in the tough spot of either cutting things off abruptly or being forced to settle into something you’re not fully convinced of.

This is not coincidental or a case of bad luck…

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In fact, you’re getting what you specifically asked for.

Or, as I like to call it, it’s your lack of ability to communicate and enforce your focus on others.

For example, let’s say that your current intention is to get better at dating and explore your sexuality with several attractive women.

But every time you meet one of such women, you start acting all romantic, holding hands in the street and going to candlelight dinners and cute brunches the morning after where she predictably posts stories of you and her on Instagram.

See what you’re doing? Deviating from your original focus in order to keep her sticking around.

The result? She sticks around, but as a demanding girlfriend and not a casual lover.

If you want to learn how to smoothly enter casual ‘friends with benefits’ type of affairs, as well as smoothly transition into traditional monogamous relationships once you’re sure she’s good for you, watch our latest video.

In it, you’ll find comprehensive advice and practical tips on how to properly define your seductive frame and focus and later communicate them to women to get what you truly want without compromise.

Click on the link below to watch it:

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The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you

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How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you

Realize this: what you do or say to women matters far less than you think.

It’s all about how you make them feel.

Being able to impact others at deep emotional levels is what ultimately makes the difference between a guy who is friendly and likable and a man that is craved by women and respected by other males

But there is a reason if this is something only a small percentage of people are capable of.

A fundamental prerequisite must be met: getting rid of all expectations.

The expectation that she will laugh at your jokes.

Or that she will be nice to you if you compliment her.

This is exactly what most nice guys do, provide good emotions to others hoping to get something––most often sex––in return for their chivalrous manners.

Doing the opposite won’t work either…

You know, the whole ‘being an as*hole and disrespecting girls to get them attracted to you’ strategy––that’s still expectation-based (also makes you look like a sociopath).

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What you want to develop is a strong dose of non-neediness.

To express yourself and give to others without wanting anything from them in return.

And, paradoxically, the moment you stop hiding your agendas, women will be much more into you.

Because that’s all they really need: to feel something (not necessarily always positive) with you and from you.

Learn how to appeal to their emotional side, and your dating potential will know no limits.

To learn more about this, watch my latest video interview I just released in collaboration with my good friend and enlightened dating coach, Zan Perrion. Click on the link below to watch it:

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Why Women Should Perceive You As ‘The Prize’

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Stop being every girl’s boyfriend!

Why Women Should Perceive You As ‘The Prize’

Let’s be honest, if being nice and agreeable was enough to attract women, half of the world would be drowning in pus*y.

But they are not.

In fact, things seem to work almost the opposite way if you study dating dynamics carefully…

Girls constantly ditching and friend-zoning the nice guy who respects and nurtures them for the f*ck boy/bad boy type who is selfish and always puts himself first.

Truth is that women love ‘challenges’.

They crave the addictive feeling of being around a masculine guy who is firmly unapologetic about his actions and is not afraid to call them out whenever they do something he doesn’t like.

Are you that kind of guy?

If not, the first thing you have to understand is that being an asshole here is absolutely not the goal. In fact, a large part of being successful with women and socially is owning a strong element of likability.

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What you’re looking for here is to develop personal standards.

The next step is holding women accountable to them by qualifying them…

Is she your type?

Do you share the same interests and similar views on the world?

Does she care about the same things you care about?

Finding answers to questions like these is fundamental to getting the right woman by your side and making her perceive you as the real ‘prize’. This can easily be achieved in a flirtatious way by using a little banter and ‘challenging’ her in a teasing way whenever she does or says something you don’t like.

To learn more about this complex topic, watch my latest video. In it, you’ll also see one of our brave workshop students struggling and succeeding at creating solid connections with several women while remaining unapologetically true to himself.

Click on the link below to watch it


P.S. Looking to get personally mentored by a team of world-class masters in key masculine areas such as seduction, social circle growth, and lifestyle design?

After an overwhelmingly successful and mostly sold-out year of coaching, we are now opening at great demand the enrollments to the 2022 season.

4, 7, and 10-day training programs specifically designed to rapidly install elite upgrades in the way you communicate with women and other high-value people in general.

Every workshop comprises several theory classes, followed by roleplay sessions with our team of hot female coaches to test and internalize the concepts in a safe environment and most importantly dozens of hours spent approaching and talking to beautiful women in real life in the streets, bars, cafès, shopping malls and more.

Due to the exclusive nature of our programs, we can only allow a handful of students into each workshop. If serious about becoming the prize most women crave to conquer, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team and discover the best training options for your specific needs:

→ Click HERE to speak with us

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Why Girls Make You Wait For It (Sometimes Forever)

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The #1 thing every girl secretly wants from you