Want women to care for you? Quit this behavior

Building an emotional connection with women is way too over hyped these days.

The idea, the fantasy, that you should bond with girls on a molecular level to spark attraction is exactly what prevents many men from sleeping with any woman.

Truth is that you don’t need to share painful memories and sorrows from the past.

Or to know all her favorite foods and how her first pet was named.

Nor do you need to soul-gaze at each other in a candle-lit room to get intimate with her.

Quite the opposite…

I always keep my game light and fun, focusing more on generating and releasing seductive pressure than building deep emotional attachment with the girl.

After all, you want her to perceive you as a potential lover and not as her psychotherapist or curious uncle.

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Of course, emotions play a central role in this, but not the one you think…

It’s all about stimulating her deepest fantasies with your masculine presence and not about acting as an over-caring boyfriend right off the bat.

To learn more on how to properly create emotional impact without being friend-zoned or laughed at, check my latest video.

In it, I and the legendary Zan Perrion dive deep into common beta behaviors and how to effectively build a ‘seductive vibe’ with women that makes them heavily invested in you. Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. Want to develop irresistible masculine charm and get your dating life handled in the upcoming year?

Running from May 9th-May 15th, 2022, our 7-day Residential workshop is your chance to work directly with me, Alex, Virag, and all of our top coaches as we dissect your current results and install rapid upgrades that will radically enhance your interactions with women for years.

Mastering the approach, leading conversations, getting the number, texting, seeing her again, and taking her back to your place…it’s all covered! And you also get to practice every skill––and possibly get your first successes––by meeting sexy women in the field every day while getting real-time feedback from the coaches.

6 spots available for the whole year, and they often sold out in a couple of weeks..

If interested, click on the link below to speak with the enrollment team:

> Speak with us

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Why men feel miserable

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Why men feel miserable

Women like different men, at different times.

Sometimes, you fit perfectly into the masculine archetype she’s attracted to at the moment, and things will be ridiculously easy.

Others, no matter how good your game is, it will be an uphill effort.

Hit Different GIF by SZA

The only way to overcome the unfair entropy of the dating process is to develop what I often refer to as ‘real masculine abundance

In other words, you try to keep as many doors open with different women as possible so that you’re never desperate and begging for one specific girl to take you.

However, this doesn’t mean you should never settle with one great loving woman if you choose to…

…But you should be resourceful and confident enough to move on and find new romantic partners in the future if things do not go as planned.

The opposite of this is what most men, unfortunately, experience: scarcity.

A chronic state of insecurity, misery, and thirst for female attention often culminating in prioritizing women’s needs over your own.

If you want to stop being attached to girls’ approval and stop selling yourself short to women, make sure to watch my latest video.

In it, I reveal everything that two decades of being a world-famous dating & masculinity coach taught me on how ordinary guys can build incredibly abundant seductive lives.

Click on the link below to watch it

P.S. Looking to proactively stop the neediness and become the guy that women chase?

Our coaching pre-orders for 2022 have officially started!

This is your chance to collaborate with me and the entire TNL team for four, seven, and even ten days of intensive live coaching to radically amplify the magnitude of your opportunities with girls.

Several spots for the next year have already been taken. If serious about transforming your masculine life, click on the link below to begin your epic journey:

=> TNL 2022 coaching opportunities

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The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

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Want women to care for you? Quit this behavior

The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

You can’t fake your way through when seducing women.

Sure, you can invent some grandiose stories and pretend to be smooth and confident…

…For a date or two.

But ultimately, who you truly are will always come through.

And if you lack self-love and trust in the fact that others can be seduced by the ‘real you’, things will fall apart.

Women Seduce GIF by Luh Kel

That’s why we at TNL focus a great deal of our work with each student on the internal aspects of dating.

The so-called ‘core’ of attraction and seduction––your character and set of beliefs.

Only after tackling these pivotal foundations, you can start exploring the outer layers of the seductive process––the technical aspects.

Think about it, a Ferrari will never win a race despite having the best suspensions, tires, or experienced pilot if it lacks an engine.

In the same way, no seduction skills will ever make up for poor self-esteem and sense of self.

If you want to learn how to practically get better at dating, both internally and externally, watch our latest video. In it, you’ll see TNL’s newest female instructor Virag Tierra coaching in real-time some of our students on how to become both effortlessly more confident and successful with girls.

Click on the link below to watch it

P.S. Looking to get coached privately by Virag in one the wildest and most filled to the brim with attractive women locations on the planet?

Running from January 10-12 2021, TNL will land for the first time in history in Miami, Florida!

This is your chance to master the world’s most effective system of natural seduction and masculine improvement while spending dozens of hours meeting exotic women in sunny Miami boulevards and receiving real-time feedback by Virag.

If interested, click on the link below to speak with our enrollment team:

=> Click here to speak with us

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How To Become A Hot Guy (My tested method)

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Why men feel miserable