True Masculinity In A Post-Corona World

Modern men are denied a clear call to their masculine hero’s journey and unable to satisfy their most primal instincts. This ”lack“ creates recurring problems in their social, and sexual relationships…

Lacking a clear purpose in life?

As the Corona lockdown eases globally and society goes back to normal, many ambitious men are faced with an important question...

What is the next step?

I spent the last 3 months of quarantine at my property in Portugal, together with some of my fellow TNL coaches and brothers, trying to answer this question.

You see, most guys think the answer is to keep scoring bigger and bigger goals, hoping that one day finally all the effort they put in will make them feel worthy and fulfilled - as if there is a final external goal that when reached, you will feel satisfied and finally at ease with yourself.

If that’s your metric for happiness, you’re likely in for disappointments. 

That’s why we see so many celebrities and high-status men becoming addicted to substances and toxic lifestyles when goal chasing trumps enriching immersion -  To escape the sense of emptiness that haunts them.

But what is causing this lack?

Living in a luxury cage

Realize that most of us live very privileged lives, especially in terms of human history.  We have access to unlimited amounts of food and safe shelter, we spend most of our day in climate-controlled offices sitting in comfy chairs. 

This is a very comfortable and safe bubble to live in…

Except that it doesn’t make us truly satisfied, because no matter how good of a life we are living, we still feel the primal call of the wild. We are animals after all. 

In each of us, there is a yearning to escape the modern world with everything that entails, even if just for a short time. A deep calling exists to honor our instincts and masculine nature, to journey, to explore, to fight, dance, sing, and fuck.



By ignoring these instincts we don’t allow our subjective senses of entitlement and confidence to develop in the first place, in some senses we are still scared children.

This creates chronic problems in our social, sexual, and internal worlds - whether that manifests as having a hard time making a woman sexually attracted to us or struggling to connect with highly successful guys.

If you want to learn about this process in-depth and discover a method to reclaim your lost masculine power––the most important catalyst for social & sexual success, check this video.

Reclaim your stolen masculine power

For many years, you knew me as James Marshall, the seduction teacher, but experience taught me that, with most of my students, there is a more important deep individual work to be done that must develop in tandem with learning to seduce.

That’s why the first workshop I decided to focus on and teach now that the world opens again is the 8-day Natural Warrior Training happening in September 2020 at Natropia, my private retreat center in Portugal.

I’ve gathered together a team of world-class coaches and specialists in different schools of life enhancement, from movement to ancient sacred medicines and spirituality, to initiate men and reconnect them with the dormant warrior inside of them.

Keep in mind, the Natural Warrior Training is definitely NOT for everyone. You don’t need to be an athlete or experienced in meditation but you do need an attitude of holistic learning.

You must be willing to leave your job, your status, your pride at the gates to Natropia, and embrace your vulnerability, power, and presence. 

This is an 8-day intensive journey of deep self-exploration that will completely turn your inner and outer worlds upside down, revealing the root causes of any social, romantic, and purpose issues that you might have, while rapidly enabling you to recreate the way you experience life.

If you think you have what it takes to join NWT, don’t waste further time… The initiation starts in September and more than half of the available spots have already been taken. 

Click here to learn more about the Natural Warrior Training




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How To Stop Being Awkward

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The Intoxicating Appeal Of Impossible Love

How To Stop Being Awkward

Physical awkwardness and a lack of masculine sensuality and coordination are not inborn, but learned. Here’s how to reverse the process…

The origins of Stiffness

How often do you work to improve your relaxing skills?

You see, lots of men dedicate gargantuan amounts of time to improve their appearance, social acumen, and seduction powers, but forgo the most important character trait that ties them all together…

The ability to be at ease with oneself and truly relax in the present moment.

Most of us have a very linear approach to lifestyle success: do more of something––reps, hustle, approaches––to get more of the desired result: a better body, more money & women.

The problem is, this obsessive focus on achieving more in the future creates a lot of tension and stiffness that, unless released, negatively handicaps the way you do things and make you feel, and sometimes appear, as an awkward” man.



Watch this video to learn more about how to stop being awkward and enter a state of seductive self-expression and awareness.

How to relax more

Truth is that relaxing is quite a complex skillset to learn because most people don’t know what being relaxed actually means, and feels like. 

A tense and rigid body will likely stiffen up your mindset and the way you communicate with others, while a supple and strong body will enhance your social success and natural self-expression. 

For most of my adult life, I’ve been fascinated and explored several physical & movement disciplines that taught me how to feel my body more and express myself freely and creatively…

Chinese Kung Fu (the raw, unfiltered discipline, as taught me by the last great masters when living for months at the Shaolin Temple), Ido Portal style of movement, Fighting Monkey, Tai Chi, awareness meditation systems, and many more others.

They all tremendously impacted my success with women and personal charm in so many ways I cannot properly acknowledge in such a short email like this. Click HERE to discover what I’m talking about. 

In the past 15 years, awareness & physical drills have become a foundational part of my live seduction workshops as a way to help students to “warm-up” and get out of their heads to be more present and sensual when meeting women.

The experience taught me that for many of them the problem of awkwardness extends far more deeply than the physical layer of life. It is connected to a core and more critical issue…

A poorly formed, self-doubting, and emotionally locked-off masculinity and sense of self.

Re-training your mind and body (learning to Flow)

This disconnection from a healthy, grounded and fully embodied masculine power is debilitating in all areas of your life. To ignite your masculine potential, to infuse your body, emotions, and mind with purpose, poise, and power, you need to take a journey of deep self-exploration.

That’s why in the past couple of years I have been experimenting with a new kind of workshop––personally taught by me and a group of élite specialists from different schools of human potential (movement being just one of them)––aimed to work on all these key areas of your hero’s journey and attractive character development…

I called it the Natural Warrior Training.

Being a warrior is much more than toughness, brute force, and resilience…

True power comes from the contrast between strength and fluidity, grace, and explosiveness. You need to be able to be gentle with close ones––empathetic and sensible––along with being a tough man that knows how to confront and quickly dominate negative people.

The next round of NWT starts in October 2020, and more than half of the available spots have already been taken. 

If you resonate with all this and want to live a more playful, sensual, and free life without any tension or blockages, click HERE to learn more about the Natural Warrior Training.



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Unleashing The Beast Within

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True Masculinity In A Post-Corona World

Unleashing The Beast Within

Reversing years of being stuck inside your head and not taking action is not easy, but absolutely possible if you follow the right process…

The Foundations of Natural Seduction

Do you know what makes the difference between a real natural seducer and someone pretending to be one through indirect lies and speaking through a mask?

A fake manipulative seducer is just somebody who does not think himself worthy enough to date most beautiful women, and so he tries to win their attention indirectly through well-crafted stories to display higher value or buys their time with lavish gifts and experiences.

On the other side, the successful kind of direct natural seduction we teach at TNL is based on one key assumption…

Being able to express your own masculine essence authentically and unapologetically is one of the most attractive qualities a man can display. 

You need to understand that when you truly communicate who you are without filters, some women will love you and others will still reject you. It is impossible to please everyone, but it is very possible to have a higher success rate with women that are naturally attracted to your personality and the masculine archetype you embody.

It all starts by experimenting and putting your real self out there to develop a strong intuition for what it really feels like to be YOU.

But that is no easy task, especially when you have accumulated years of living inside your head, losing touch with your body and the present moment and listening to little voices that tell you you’re not good enough.. and what you deserve.

In my latest video, I just released, I and some of my mentors share unique awareness drills to help you get out of your head and start experiencing the world as it is through your senses and body.  To see what happens on my exclusive Natural Warrior program in Portugal, click here.

How to develop a Wolf-like Instinct (& Magnetise people)

When your masculine instinct is sharp, confidence, self-trust, and honest self-expression will become accessible as a result. Movement and meditation are excellent tools to get there. 

Reintroducing primal movement patterns in your life will help you to become more aware of your body and communicate non-verbally to bypass thought processes that are slowing you down and reconnect with your primitive, warrior instincts faster.

Be wary, these techniques alone will definitely help and serve a great therapeutic effect for the student but are not enough to produce deep core-level change.

That’s because they belong to just one out of six branches of a powerful masculine transformation system and coaching methodology I’ve developed over the past 12 years called the Natural Warrior Training

NWT is a week-long élite program I personally host twice per year at Natropia, my private property in Portugal. The aim is to set you on the path to becoming a highly evolved, supple and joyful man, and to develop the ability to progress not only at the societal level of success (women, money, outward achievements) but on to continual personal evolution, feeling vital, clear-headed, emotionally stable and expressive.

I created it with the specific purpose of answering the most urgent question in the tricky ––sometimes even dangerous––landscape of modern masculinity…

What goes into becoming a strong, attractive, and independent man in 2020?

If this is something that interests you and you want to know the answer, you have to act NOW!

The next round of NWT starts in October 2020, and more than half of the available spots have already been taken.

Click HERE to learn more about the Natural Warrior Training.

I hope to see you in Portugal at my house, ready to embark on a truly life-transforming mission together.



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Afraid Of Creeping Girls Out? Read this

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How To Stop Being Awkward

Afraid Of Creeping Girls Out? Read this

Women suffer from approach anxiety too. Here is how to handle it…

Approach Anxiety: a female perspective

Often when I coach guys on how to meet gorgeous girls in the street, they feel shy and anxious at the idea of talking to attractive strangers. 

It applies to both ends.

What most men ignore is that during the approach, most times, they’re not the only ones feeling anxiety

Women feel it too! 

If a guy is direct and projects his masculine intent the right way in the first few seconds of the interaction, the girl will be positively surprised and attracted, but, on some occasions, also a bit intimidated. 

Your duty as a seducer is to help her to feel calmer and more at ease about meeting you.

Tension is a great tool to master to spark arousal and excitement in a conversation but to make it really effective you need to mix it with another important quality: calibration. 

In my latest video––handpicked from TNL’s private past workshop infield archive––I take two of my courageous students in sunny Barcelona throughout their first-ever live infield session. 

Youll see how they create tension during the first approaches, and how I help them to reduce it in the next ones to make the girls more relaxed about meeting them.

Just click HERE to watch it.

How to become a more calibrated Seducer

If this is a sticking point you’re personally experiencing in your interactions with women and you’re ready to make the best out of dating life and ignite your personal transformation, now that things are slowly easing out…

Check out our new updated tour workshop dates by clicking HERE.

My next 4-day intensive seduction workshop is already happening on August 13-16th 2020 in Budapest, Hungary, and there is only ONE spot left to join.

We closely monitored the global situation, tourist flows, and health recommendations to make sure everyone can have a complete, and safe, life-changing experience.

You also have the opportunity to speak directly to me, or one of the coaches over a free-consultation call to make sure the coaching fits your own unique situation and challenges and design a personal seduction & lifestyle curriculum for a post-Corona world. 

Just click HERE to get started.

Talk to you soon.



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Unleashing The Beast Within