Miss your ex? Try THIS

Breakups can be traumatic experiences.

Yet, lots of guys shrug it off and pretend the pain isn’t there…

Perhaps, they even start dating and hooking up right away with new girls to offset the sadness.

Sleep with ten new women until you forgot her’ –– old-school pick up artists used to say.

But inevitably, the pain of the breakup haunts them and has to come out somehow.

Truth is that cutting off someone from your life, who you’ve shared many years of emotional bonding with is a much more complex and long-term process than many think.

The physical part, the ‘let’s stop seeing each other‘ is relatively easy yet only the tip of the iceberg.

Couple Love GIF by Flora Cash

Letting go of your internal attachment to your ex is the true challenge.

To make peace with the grief. To immerse yourself into it until you come out purged of toxic feelings and assumptions of ownership and that she was ‘the one’ that got away.

Of course, you can also ignore everything I just said, skip the grieving part, move on, and secretly hope that she gets back with you in grand Hollywood fashion sometime in the future.

If you go this route, remember: in most cases, it’s not really her you miss. It’s the feeling of comfort of being in a relationship vs having to rethink your life when you’re single.


There is a reason you two broke up. Don’t ignore it.

For more in-depth advice on this delicate topic, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Next week, on April 9th, I’m going to re-open enrollments for my most successful online program: the Lifestyle Design Academy.

LDA is an 8-month live mentoring program, including weekly lectures with me and a cohort of elite specialists in lifestyle disciplines like sexuality, psychology, health, business, becoming a digital nomad, organizing VIP events, and more. The program is quite intense, but if you apply what we teach you, you’re guaranteed to experience massive upward spikes of social, seductive, and financial success within weeks of joining the course.

Here is what current alumni are saying about the Academy…


Interested in learning more? Click on the link below to get access to a free 30-min lecture from last year’s LDA:

> Free LDA Class!

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Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

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3 Steps To Build A Rockstar Lifestyle In 2022 (no b.s.)

Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

Learning to love yourself is no snowflake task.

It’s a tough, challenging path paved with many setbacks.

Definitely not something for p*ssies.

Super Bowl Beer GIF by ADWEEK

But it’s the ultimate turning point to go from mediocrity to experiencing a truly abundant and joyful life.

There’s no escaping that our very existence is filled with constant emotional, psychological and physical damage.

Past traumas, present disappointments, and fears about the future make it hard for many men to truly feel confident and perceive they’re enough.

In the same way, you need to rest to regenerate your body after an intense workout session, so you need to allocate time and attention to self care after very stressful emotional situations to purge and heal your inner wounds.

The more you postpone and ignore this, the harder the blowback when everything crumbles and falls apart under excessive pressure later.

And trust me, without everyday maintenance and assessment, things do break down––no one is exempt from this.

If you want to discover my best practical tips and strategies, learned in almost twenty years of personal & coaching experience, to finally accept yourself and feel worthy of love and success, watch my latest video linked below:


P.S. Looking to access a global brotherhood of high-value men who consistently collaborate to optimize their inner & outer success and get epic results without burning themselves out?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching very soon on April 9th, you get access to eight months of intensive live mentoring, exclusive guest masterclasses with a cohort of some of the best coaches & masters on the planet, and a vibrant, elite community with literally hundreds of guys committed to building Masterpiece lifestyles.

The unique hybrid structure of this program, the constantly updated curriculum, and the daily feedback & accountability from your coaches and peers are guaranteed to take your social, romantic, career, and inner game results to peak levels while guaranteeing you have tons of fun and wild adventures on the way.

To get a sneak peek into the program and get access to a free 30-min ‘lifestyle design course’ click HERE

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Want more girls & clout? Do THIS

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Miss your ex? Try THIS

Want more girls & clout? Do THIS

It’s no mystery that hard work is required to succeed in life.

But it’s the collaborative game that truly takes your results to the next level.

‘Lone-wolf’ hustling is very effective to produce changes in the short-term but has two inherent flaws that make it unsuitable for long-term gains.


First, most people only have so much energy and productive hours in a day. Those who never allow themselves to take the foot off the pedal often end up experiencing burnouts and never-ending mental exhaustion.

Over the months, this inevitably slows their capacity and productivity down to the point that they’re forced, in the end, to take time off work, suffering also economic losses.

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Second, it renders your entire social, romantic, and financial prosperity fragile and constantly threatened by external events.

Take the pandemic…

Countless men all over the planet suffered massive hits to their dating lives and careers because they couldn’t overcome and adapt to the new, staying at home, normal.

But once you have one or more allies by your side who are willing to split the burdens and team up to double and triple the profits, lifestyle success starts to snowball.

This is something vastly more powerful than just having some buddies to hang out with and share stories about the good old times.


What I’m referring to is finding one or more committed collaborators who are aligned with your purpose and motivated to excel and support you as much as you are.

If you currently lack such people in your life, watch my latest video where I share exactly how I find them and how we cooperate to create true masterpiece lifestyles:


P.S. Struggle or don’t have the time to go out and befriend random high-value strangers?

Then feel free to get in touch with one of the 600+ elite people from my own high-level network!

Over the past fifteen years, I’ve had the privilege of teaming up with some of the most intriguing and skilled individuals on the planet. Sexuality and tantra masters, elite fitness & movement coaches, digital cowboy capitalists, laptop entrepreneurs, psychology PHDs, and many more.

And when you join my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching very soon on April 9th, 2022, you get lifetime access to all of them and literally hundreds of other highly motivated men on their path to building epic lives.

To learn more about this elite mentoring program and access a free lecture taken from the LDA curriculum, click HERE and stay tuned for the LDA launch on 9th April

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Videogame Principles To 10x Your Dating Life

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Why men don’t feel worthy (the self-love dilemma)

Videogame Principles To 10x Your Dating Life

Nowadays, a large percentage of men are more invested in their virtual lives than in the real world.

It’s interesting…

They spend money and dozens of hours growing their digital avatars, taking them on epic adventures, accomplishing ambitious missions, and collaborating with online clans of allies to defeat powerful enemies and climb the digital hierarchy.

But still, struggle big time to find the motivation and focus to achieve the same level of success & connection in their daily seductive and social realities.


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The truth is that leveling up in real life is not as easy as accruing experience points in games.

If you screw up your relationships, ignore your friends, or perform poorly in your job, you can’t just load back everything and restart from a saving point.

In contrast with the virtual world, every choice you make in real life has real consequences and involves some degree of risk and planning.

And that’s what ultimately fuels real growth: overcoming obstacles, facing rejection, and learning from your mistakes.


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However, some gaming principles translate quite well to optimizing your masculine lifestyle.

For example, mastering the art of approaching and getting women on dates is, in some aspects, very similar to a video game.

If a girl you just stopped in the street rejects you, realize that it’s never really game over. You can ‘rewind’ the level and start from scratch––just approach another one, and repeat!


Or, if you perceive very hot girls as ‘the final boss’ and feel anxiety at the idea of seducing them, you can split the task into progressive missions of increasing difficulty

Mission 1 is just waving ‘hi’ to a cute girl and keeping walking.

Mission 2 is stopping another one and asking for directions.

Mission 3 is approaching indirectly and trying to get to know her with more personal questions.

And so on…

To learn more about secret virtual principles that will 10x your real dating results, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Looking to maximize your results and learn the most powerful cheat codes to win at the game of life?

Launching on April 9th, 2022, my Lifestyle Design Academy will teach you everything you need to know to rapidly optimize key areas of your life like dating, social circles, business, health, sexuality, and more, without having to work on them individually.

Might sound like a big promise, but for hundreds of our current and past LDA students, epic autopilot success has become the routine.

We achieve all of this by strategically building alliances of trust and respect with others and then leveraging them to 10x results in most parts of your life.

Think of it as high-level, tactical wingmanship on steroids that makes lifestyle success effortless.

To learn more about the LDA method and get a glimpse of how it works, click on the link below to get access to a free 30-min class from the Academy:

>>Free LDA class!

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Why your social circle is your #1 asset in 2022

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Want more girls & clout? Do THIS

Why your social circle is your #1 asset in 2022

In 2022, having a large, varied, and loyal social circle has become a prerequisite for most men trying to find success in life.


We’re going through very unpredictable and unstable times…

Geopolitical and socioeconomic realities we’ve been used to taking for granted are being rewritten as we speak.

For the first time in modern history, people are starting to realize the inherent fallacies and limits of the traditional success code.

You know the whole ‘work harder than anyone else, mind your own business, find a safe, stable career and relationship and hold onto them for dear life’ type of narrative.

art success GIF by MUTANT MAGIC

Crises such as the 2020 lockdowns and the subsequent economic collapses & recession have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people globally experiencing massive hits to their career and seductive lives, with years of individual efforts nullified overnight.


But while many have suffered in silence from this, others have united and joined forces to not only survive chaos but to also leverage it and thrive both financially and sexually during these challenging last two years beyond what they ever thought possible.

Like our student C:


Truth is having the right groups of people around you can mean the difference between a fragile life of scarcity and one of constant abundance and effortless results.

It’s not really about what you know anymore…


It’s about who you know and whether they care enough about you to help you succeed.

Season 2 Hug GIF by Friends

But making new friends and penetrating high-value social circles to start epic collaborations with others has become increasingly more difficult.

For starters, people have become more prone to self-isolation. Recent habits like working remotely from home and interacting with others only via Zoom have rendered our daily lives devoid of occasions to socialize, making it normal for some guys to go days without talking to someone face to face.


As you can imagine, this atrophies your social skills massively and makes it harder for you to connect with others when you need to.


On the other hand, many social circles have shrunk and closed to strangers because of mass-paranoias and irrational fears induced by events like the pandemic.


The best way to overcome this is using what I refer to as the ‘Gatekeeper Strategy’.


It ultimately requires you to identify one key person within a social scene you want to be part of, initiate a contact, befriend him, and then have him invite you into the group as an elite guest. The trick is, knowing which person has a “gatekeeper personality” and how best to befriend them.

This is a proven method that works like a charm to infiltrate high-end baller social scenes but also small groups of friends you want to hang out with or collaborate on social projects. Plus, it’s very effective even in our socially-disrupted times because all you need is one contact and not having to work your way through the entire group like in the past.


I cover this and many other advanced social circle, dating, wealth creation, and sexuality strategies in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on April 9th, 2022.

LDA is an 8-month mentorship program including weekly live webinars with me where I teach you everything I’ve learned in over twenty years on how to build a masterpiece life, Q&A panels, as well as masterclasses where I invite my own elite mentors to coach you.

Plus, when you join you also get instant access to our global secret lifestyle design network consisting of hundreds of other men on their path to mastery.


We have dozens of success stories of guys making new loyal friends on the program, meeting in person to create growth houses, social and business collabs, and traveling the world together on epic seductive adventures.


To learn more about the LDA and get a taste of its content, click on the link below to get access to a free 30-min class taken from the Academy curriculum:

> Free LDA class!

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The #1 lie about falling in love

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Videogame Principles To 10x Your Dating Life

The #1 lie about falling in love

Falling in love is one of the most beautiful yet fakest things men can experience.

I use the word ‘fake’ here with a purpose…

As most of us learn after entering a few relationships, there is a very thick line between a sudden, heart-bursting infatuation and a genuinely healthy romantic relationship.

For most cases, ‘falling’ for someone and loving them almost immediately has a lot less to do with the person than we think…

Valentines Day Love GIF by Fleischer Studios

It’s often just the result of projecting neediness, excessive expectations, and our own romantic dreams onto the first person that sticks around.

A toxic, codependent relationship re-packaged as ‘destiny’ by the consumerist Hollywood narrative.

Because let’s be fair: a quick, effortless, ‘and they lived happily ever after’ kind of love sells a lot more than something built over time through hardship and small steps.

But that’s what ‘real love’ is: a mutual, mature effort.

Something built on values that go beyond mere attraction and chemistry––values like trust and respect for the other person’s boundaries.

Sounds easy? It’s absolutely not. It’s hell at times.

But it is still more real than any rom-com out there.

To learn more on how to effectively select the right partner and make a romantic relationship last over time, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Less than 3 weeks before we re-open enrollments to our most successful digital program: the Lifestyle Design Academy.

LDA is an 8-month, intensive, remote mentorship where I and a crew of world-class guest coaches guide you with weekly lectures, drills, masterclasses, and action blueprints to help you holistically maximize your social, seductive, and career results without having to focus on each of these areas separately.

To learn more about this program and get access to a free 30-minute class taken from last year’s Academy curriculum, click HERE

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Why Women Disrespect Men - Avoid THIS Mistake!

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Why your social circle is your #1 asset in 2022

Why Women Disrespect Men – Avoid THIS Mistake!

Without boundaries, no relationship is ever going to last.

This is not to say that in order to make things work with women or even friends, you need to turn into some strict commander type that always expects others to do what he says.

But if you don’t ever define what is acceptable and what’s not, people will often inadvertently hurt you, or worse, take advantage of you.

That is a hard-learned lesson that you can most definitely spare yourself, as long as you follow two core rules:

First, always set boundaries as early as possible in the relationship.

If you’re not okay with your girl talking to other men on Instagram, for example, express it to her as soon as you start dating.

The more you wait and passively sit on something, the less prone to accept your requests others will be.

Second, if they violate your agreement, you need to cut them out.

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That’s is the hardest part. Not because you must enter some power play to win their respect back again but simply because you need to make things right with the toughest negotiator in your life––yourself.

Breaking boundaries means deliberately damaging something all relationships are built upon: trust.

To learn more about how to correctly set uncrossable lines in friendships and dating and build strong trust and respect without being rude or authoritarian, watch my latest video linked below:

P.S. Looking to become a truly successful man and maximize your social, sexual, and career results without giving yourself burnout by trying to work individually on each of them?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on April 9th, I share with you all the secrets that my most elite students consistently use every year to fuel truly epic and successful lives.

Sneak peek: is not really about how hard or how smart you work, but how much other people are willing to do for you.

You just don’t have enough time in a day to put in effort in both your dating life, career, social circle, fitness, and even hobbies! But if you join forces with others on the same path, unbelievable things will happen.

To learn more about this, click on the link below and get access to a free 30-min class taken from last year’s Academy curriculum:

>>Free LDA Class

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The #1 Post-Breakup Mistake Men Make

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The #1 lie about falling in love

The #1 Post-Breakup Mistake Men Make

Cutting things off with someone you shared years of your life with is hard…

Getting back on your feet and starting a new seduction journey is harder.

After working with hundreds of TNL clients who recently broke up with long-term girlfriends and even ex-wives, I’ve noticed that most guys are clueless on how to behave when single.

Incapable of meeting new partners and keep enjoying good sex and connection, lots of men turn to involuntary, passive celibacy for months (or even years!), hopelessly waiting for a new girl to appear in their lives.

And of course, as soon as they find one, they immediately enter a new relationship to ‘secure’ themselves a few more years of mediocre romance.

That’s if they don’t get back with their ex right away to avoid all the trouble.

Truth is that no one likes to break up, but learning how to be single and enjoy it is probably one of the most crucial turning points in every man’s life.

If you want to hear my best post-breakup advice and discover my #1 method to successfully kick-start your dating journey after years in a long-term relationship, check the video linked below:

P.S. In less than a month, I’ll be re-opening enrollments for my most successful and life-changing online mentoring program: the Lifestyle Design Academy.

Coming on April 9th, the LDA is an 8-month live online course designed to help you achieve peak-level results in every key area of your life including social circles, career, health, networking, high-level dating, and a lot more.

There are no prerecorded videos and one-fits-all lectures.

What you get is several months of intensive real-time training where you get on long (we often exceed 4 hours!) Zoom calls with me, a select group of world-class coaches, and your global brotherhood of hundreds of LDA members to learn all of our secrets and field-tested blueprints to be a highly successful man in this day and age.

To learn more about the program and get access to a free 30-min masterclass taken from the Academy, click HERE

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How to make your 20s & 30s count (do this, get success early!)

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Why Women Disrespect Men - Avoid THIS Mistake!

How to make your 20s & 30s count (do this, get success early!)

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much…The life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill-provided but use what we have wastefully.

– The Greek philosopher Seneca

But truth is that as much in the Golden Age as now, men have a common tendency to let the years go by without actively breaking out of homeostasis and pursuing their wildest dreams.

It’s a sad realization, and it’s even sadder to discover that the time you wasted will not come back. You cannot rewind the tape as if you missed the turning points of an epic movie.

Seth Meyers Time GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

And while this is generally true for every part of men’s lives, it is especially relevant for those going through their ‘building years’, aka their twenties and thirties.

After helping thousands of men to build their dream lifestyles for nearly 17 years, James has noticed that personal, social, and sexual improvement is way faster for younger guys.

That’s because the further you get in life, the more obligations and responsibilities will arise––the less time you’ll have to work on yourself.

James knows all the above way too well: he is 42 himself 😉

So if you’re a young dude reading this and want to get off your a$$ and smash your wildest life goals in the next decade or so, James highly recommends you watch the video linked below. James and Shae dive deep into key lessons and life-changing tips to make the most out of your most productive years:

P.S. Want to get personally mentored by me to maximize your social, seductive, and career success in a matter of months and access a secret network of men dedicated to engineering masterpiece lives?

If the answer is ‘yes’, then be on the lookout for the upcoming relaunch of my elite Lifestyle Design Academy on April 9th.

Inside the LDA, you get access to 8 intensive weeks of long live coaching sessions, assignments, and accountability systems. Then, after you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll receive six more months of follow-up advanced mentoring by me and an international faculty of specialists on social dynamics, sexuality, health optimization, business, and a lot more.

We’ve had all kinds of people finding epic success with this program, from 20-year olds who had to start from scratch to more experienced guys with very elite ambitions.

Hope to see you in when the doors open.

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Why Tinder Is Dead (The Algorithm Of Loneliness)

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The #1 Post-Breakup Mistake Men Make

Why Tinder Is Dead (The Algorithm Of Loneliness)

Modern men largely associate dating success with ‘luck’.

Even if they don’t openly admit it, they don’t know any practical ways to meet new women, and so they passively wait for some random girls––often below their standards––to appear in their life and make a move first.

Think I’m exaggerating it?

Just look at your social circle.

It’s very common to find people who are single and obviously attracted to each other in the same group who never date because he’s too shy to ask her out.

Know what is even crazier?

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Thinking you can build a great romantic and sex life through Tinder.

The whole idea that you’re not allowed to talk to a girl unless you fit into her perfect standards of beauty is flawed and renders guys even more static and insecure than they already are.

Plus, research confirms that up to 78% of Tinder users are men who will swipe right in almost every time.

Wanna guess how many times a girl will swipe on a guy? 4 times out of 100.

And that’s not even a guarantee she will reply to you, let alone accept to meet you on a date.

If you’re ready to leave this complicated, frustrating nonsense behind and learn two proven methods to meet girls without being a model check the video below.

In it, I will reveal to you how to finally take control of your dating life in 2022.

P.S. Looking to learn how to not only experience crazy success with women but also extend it to other core areas of your life like friendships, career, health, finances, and social circles?

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on April 9th, I share with you all the secrets that took me from good at cold-approaching to living an epic life filled with more social and seductive opportunities I can handle.

The crazy stuff?

Paradoxically, most of this success, including with girls, truly happens on autopilot once you put action where it actually matters.

To learn more about the program and get access to a free 30-min Masterclass taken from last year’s LDA, click HERE

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How To Build Freedom Income In 2022 (No Coins, No Tricks)

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How to make your 20s & 30s count (do this, get success early!)