The best lifestyle for men? (why it’s a trap)

Ever heard about the digital nomad dream?

Sitting on a beach in Thailand, working on your online business from a laptop while sipping Piña Coladas.

I myself have been a digital nomad for the past fifteen years and most people in my close entourage adopted this lifestyle too.

It truly can be an awesome lifestyle, and there’s nothing that compares to it when it comes to personal freedom.

But it’s definitely NOT what most people think it is.

You see, everyone thinks they have what it takes to go nomad, except they miss the most important part of the picture…


If you want to build a business that you can work on remotely or get hired as a remote worker, you still need lots of contacts and collaborations with others to pull it off.

In fact, most online biz owners I know who often relocate around the world as nomads, rarely do it alone.

They either travel in conjunction with some other nomads as a small tribal unit or move to places where they already have someone on the ground who they can spend time with.

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This helps you to keep both your character (physical & mental health) and business sane.

If you want to learn more about strategies & ways to go nomad, check my latest video!

It’s an epic interview with my buddy, fellow coach, and pro digital nomad Alex Lèon where we detail the most important lessons we’ve learned from managing our online businesses and traveling to dozens of countries over the past decade.

Link below to check it out:


P.SWant to learn how to attract and date tons of attractive women, no matter where you travel or relocate?

Our 2021 coaching season has just begun!

You can now get personally trained by me and my entire team of elite coaches in our entire natural seduction curriculum, covering everything from the basics (approaching, intriguing conversations, taking numbers) all the way to crazy stuff like arranging multiple dates in the same week (or day!) and building a harem of attractive women.

No matter how unique or ambitious your goals in dating and social success are, we can help you get there.

If you’re serious about transforming your seductive life in 2021, you can join us in Kyiv for our upcoming 7-day intensive workshop running from July 11th-18th. There are only 2 spots left, so be quick!

Click HERE to transform your dating life.

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Why I started therapy (the shocking truth)

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Why I started therapy (the shocking truth)

Nothing hurts more than reminiscing about past mistakes.

Especially those that you could now easily prevent from happening. Or traumatic events you had no control over.

Learning from and taking time to analyze a hard failure or trauma can be beneficial to avoid future ones.

But don’t start to excessively condemn your past actions and character like most “tough guys” do.

If you identify everything that belongs to your formative years as weak or stupid, you’ll not get any stronger as a man but just calcify and go to war against yourself in the present.

You did the best you could, with what you had at the time.

This is a liberating mindset that I encourage you to embrace both at a logical and an unconscious level.

Accepting your past f*ckups, however, won’t be easy.

Every fiber of your being will urge you to punish yourself and overcompensate in the now to avoid coming face-to-face with your demons.

But that’s exactly what you need to do, if you want to get rid of them.

There are many methods and schools that deal with this, and after trying most of them––from psychedelic ceremonies to guided hypnosis––throughout most of my adult life, I can tell you that…

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Therapy is an incredible addition to your journey to self love and acceptance.

(Yes! Even the best ladies’ men and most skilled social masters in the world need therapy.)

If you want to learn more about my personal experience with therapy and compare it with yours to see whether it’s something that can benefit you, watch my latest video.

Link below:


P.SWant to permanently transition from a past of scarcity, uncertainty and chaos to present social and seductive abundance?

My Natural Warrior Training program is the world’s first and only 8-day accelerated initiation into manhood that teaches you how to holistically develop your masculinity and character so that you can become the most powerful, attractive, and socially supple version of yourself possible.

NWT leaves no stone unturned in your masculine evolution, covering all aspects of your character, from coordination, strength, flexibility & movement tools of expression, all the way to inner exploration, self-healing methods, sensuality, Tantra basics, tribal training, charisma development, and psychedelic ceremonies.

This is for every guy that currently feels, or perhaps has always felt, a lack of a proper education for it really means to be a Man.

The next round of the Natural Warrior Training runs from August 15th-August 22nd, 2021, at my private property in Portugal, and there are only 2 spots left to join.

If this is something you need in your life right now, click HERE to book a call with my team.

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Using seduction principles to improve your career & finances

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The best lifestyle for men? (why it’s a trap)

Using seduction principles to improve your career & finances

Choosing the right career is a major struggle in most men’s lives.

Many guys dream of working for world-class companies or starting businesses to fuel a life of adventure and epic financial gain.

But the reality is often much less exciting than that…

Unable to stand out amidst fierce competition in hyper-saturated industries, guys settle for average routines and outcomes.

Living vicariously through their favorite TV-shows characters and social media creators.

Good seduction skills can however radically improve your chances to bridge the gap between your dreams and day-to-day life.

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That’s because if you’re able to understand people’s unique needs and supply something very valuable to them, you’ll gain an unfair advantage over anyone competing for their attention.

This can be used both for getting famous bosses and companies to pick you for a job, as well as penetrating the inner circle of a mentor you want to learn from.

If you want to learn more on how to apply dating skills to career and business situations, check my latest video. In it, I detail a very simple framework on how to provide incredible value to elite people:


P.S. If you want to get mentored by me, James, and Alex on how to build a lifestyle that brings you tons of social and seductive opportunities, you can now join us in our upcoming 7-day workshop running from July 11th-July 18th, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Our live program combines over 80+ hours of individualized coaching per student, covering everything from the basics of approaching women, setting dates and inviting them back to your place, to developing strong charisma and influence skills, to healing emotional traumas and inner issues that are currently preventing you from enjoying your dream life.

There are only 2 spots left to join, so if this is something you’re interested in, I suggest you book a free call with me ASAP to get started.

Click HERE to speak with me.

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Why men lose their desire (libido killers revealed)

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Why I started therapy (the shocking truth)

Why men lose their desire (libido killers revealed)

There’s an assumption that men should be ready to get it on with girls 24/7.

That the male sex drive is a vigorous fire that never stops burning.

However, most guys’ experience proves quite the opposite…

Masculine libido is a very delicate thing.

It’s not ever-present but fluctuating.

The more you try to control it and fake it when you don’t feel it, the less you experience it.

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But why is it that some men have a stronger sensual desire than others?

On one side, physiological reasons such as sleep patterns, diet, stress, or even the weather can affect your hormonal responses and your libido.

On the other, bedroom issues and a lack of motivation to even attempt sleeping with girls can also be extreme forms of self-sabotaging.

Untreated emotional wounds and chronic insecurities will often surface in the least expected ways…

Such as when you’re about to have a good time with a girl you like, and you suddenly feel numb, anxious or dissociated.

If you want to learn how to diagnose and treat most masculine sex drive issues, watch my latest video. In it, I break down the most common inner & outer libido killers I’ve encountered with thousands of students in the past 15 years and how to treat them.

Click the link below to watch it:


P.SWant to go at the root cause of any social, seductive, and confidence issues you will ever experience?

Masculinity problems are often a symptom of a common problem: a poorly formed and immature sense of self.

The lack of masculine role models and proper initiations into manhood (which have been part of human history for thousands of years) has caused men to become stiff, self-doubting, and emotionally numb.

These inner issues will often manifest in your relationship with others, and especially with women.

After working with thousands of male clients over the past fifteen years, I’ve developed a framework for rapidly installing masculinity upgrades in guys and guiding their healing path to confidence and inner balance.

Through both ancient and cutting edge transformational systems, I’ve brought together my elite crew of world class coaches to run the Natural Warrior Training.

NWT is TNL’s most innovative and intensive workshop, with over 8 days of full-spectrum masculine character training ranging from physical movement, & strength training, tribal initiations, Tantra & sensuality coaching, internal martial arts, psychotherapy, shamanic ceremonies, trauma healing, and more.

The next round of NWT runs from August 15th-August 22nd, 2021, at my property in Portugal. There’s only two spots left to join,

CLICK HERE to learn more about it.

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Can you take girls home on day 1? (Here’s how I do it)

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Using seduction principles to improve your career & finances