Using seduction principles to improve your career & finances

Choosing the right career is a major struggle in most men’s lives.

Many guys dream of working for world-class companies or starting businesses to fuel a life of adventure and epic financial gain.

But the reality is often much less exciting than that…

Unable to stand out amidst fierce competition in hyper-saturated industries, guys settle for average routines and outcomes.

Living vicariously through their favorite TV-shows characters and social media creators.

Good seduction skills can however radically improve your chances to bridge the gap between your dreams and day-to-day life.

photos kate GIF

That’s because if you’re able to understand people’s unique needs and supply something very valuable to them, you’ll gain an unfair advantage over anyone competing for their attention.

This can be used both for getting famous bosses and companies to pick you for a job, as well as penetrating the inner circle of a mentor you want to learn from.

If you want to learn more on how to apply dating skills to career and business situations, check my latest video. In it, I detail a very simple framework on how to provide incredible value to elite people:


P.S. If you want to get mentored by me, James, and Alex on how to build a lifestyle that brings you tons of social and seductive opportunities, you can now join us in our upcoming 7-day workshop running from July 11th-July 18th, 2021, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Our live program combines over 80+ hours of individualized coaching per student, covering everything from the basics of approaching women, setting dates and inviting them back to your place, to developing strong charisma and influence skills, to healing emotional traumas and inner issues that are currently preventing you from enjoying your dream life.

There are only 2 spots left to join, so if this is something you’re interested in, I suggest you book a free call with me ASAP to get started.

Click HERE to speak with me.

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