Five Principles Legacy Edition is open

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Unleash your Inner Natural

With the Five Principles of Natural Seduction in a proven 6-week course

  • Even if you’ve struggled with approach anxiety
  • Even if you’ve never been ‘good’ with women
  • Even if you always struggled with social fear
Join the 6-week course now
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Get the women you want in your life

This comprehensive home study course will give you the proven know-how and action steps to consistently get the women you want into your life, without weird pick up techniques.

Here’s the formula most people will tell you

Swipe right on every girl on tinder and hope the soul crushing algorithm throws you a chance hottie. If you’ve wasted many hours on this method you’ll know tinder is dead.


Go out to a bar or the street and say "hi" to a girl, connect with her, spark attraction, build a connection, touch her and bring her home.

It’s really that simple, isn’t it?

After all: Beautiful women aren’t hiding from you. Just walk down a busy city street or head out to a packed nightclub and you’ll see dozens of them.

How to approach women isn’t a secret anymore - most dating companies give this information away for free.

And once you understand how to connect, touch her and pull her home, most of the pieces should fall in place.

Then why isn’t everybody dating beautiful women?

Here’s the actual truth: Despite all the technical information about seduction online, there is a massive hole in the understanding of the universal principles that underlie the success of all natural ladies men.

If you’re a single guy struggling to meet and date the women he wants right now, you need to know this: The reason for your lack of success isn’t because you’re following the wrong “dating guru”…

...Or because you’re not using the latest “PUA” techniques...

The success you crave is being blocked because of something much more fundamental and when you understand it - much easier to solve. If you’re willing to drop your pride and listen.

So here is the big question

Do you want to waste years of trial and error, huge amounts of money, time and energy chasing around the next gimmick, hoping for an edge…


Are you finally ready to unleash the Inner Natural that’s already within you?

Let’s get started on changing
your dating life forever…

Wherever you are right now with women, I’ve probably been there.

You might know me as James Marshall, the founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles, the “low energy seduction guru”…

…but I wasn’t always like this.

I’ve been the nice guy who was constantly stuck in the friend zone.

I’ve been the guy who couldn’t get a girl’s attention, and couldn’t be open and sexual with a woman.

I’ve been the guy who approaches women day and night, desperately trying to get results… only to experience constant rejection or frustrating flakes.

The very reason I finally mastered seduction was that I’ve made all the mistakes and been through every phase of growth that you will.

Yes that's me in the photo.

So what changed me from a guy who could barely keep a woman’s attention… become a seductive, confident man who got the women he wanted?

It all changed when I became friends
with 3 other “Naturals”

Many years ago, I was lucky enough to stumble onto a trio of guys through a local online forum who were completely different from each other in their styles of game, but yet still had amazing results.

These guys were doing stuff completely different from the scripted, indirect routines of the 2000s. They were Naturals; direct, masculine, no nonsense. Yet they all had very different personalities and methods.

One of them was a highly alpha, dominant male, incredibly direct with dizzyingly fast escalations.

I can’t count the number of times he’d whisk a girl off a barstool to a quiet corner, or walk out of the door with her in hand.

The next was even more low-energy than me.

He’d leave long agonizing silences in conversation, pumping an interaction with so much sexual tension that girls would be bursting to invest from the first words out of his mouth.

And just like that, women would sink into his relaxed state and melt into his arms.

The final one was a gregarious, social animal.

He was able to lock into any social situation or scenario. Glamour club, hipster bars, it didn’t matter to him - He could engage any girl in any situation, and make it work.

Surrounded by these “Naturals” who did nothing according to the book yet got such great results, I wondered:

How do they do it, with such different styles?

I’d spent my teenage years learning Shaolin kung fu (to not get beaten up in highschool so much), eventually ending up in Shaolin temple in China, learning the secret principles that made this such a ferocious yet elegant style.

It gradually dawned on me that the genius of Shaolin martial arts, which worked from “Principles, not techniques” was transferable to other art forms… yes even the art of seduction.

“Principles, not techniques” was transferable to other art forms… yes even the art of seduction.

So instead of analysing these Casanovas through what they said or did technically, I started to break down the principles underlying their seductions. What were the common pattern of behaviors and beliefs that they all shared?

It took about a year but I cracked the code

I discovered that at the core of attraction skills, there were just 5 principles that made them each so great with the ladies

Five universal laws that I internalised, ran through my unique personality and unleashing my hidden potential.

Within months my results became incredibly consistent and reliable.

But would it work for other men?

As an ambitious new dating coach, I knew it wouldn’t matter what I personally discovered unless it would work for the average guy on the street.

When I started The Natural Lifestyles in 2007, we didn’t have the reputation we have now. The first few students who trickled in were certainly not star struck, they didn’t care who I was, they just wanted results.

And so I taught them the early unpolished 5 Principles model.

It worked

Gradually I refined the principles and added step by step frameworks for students to internalize and practically apply them.

Pretty soon our students were making quantum shifts...

Fast forward to today...

Over 10 years later, The Natural Lifestyles is now the most elite dating coaching company on the planet, helping hundreds of men over live programs every single year.

The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction have been boiled down into a system that consistently works for all kinds of men, all over the planet.

It didn’t matter if a student was slightly quirky or awkward, or different from what the mainstream considered “attractive”.

When he was taught these 5 Principles and he used them through his unique personality and style, women would find him sexy and seductive.

He didn’t have to use gimmicky lines, or put on false personalities. He could not just “be himself” but present the most powerful masculine aspects of himself quickly and honestly to the women he met.

However, I can’t teach these principles in person to everyone

As much as me and my coaches push ourselves to our very limits, we simply can’t teach everyone who wants to learn from us.

We have a strict 2-1 student-instructor ratio, and we’re not going to sacrifice quality coaching for quantity. Plus this is the last year I will be teaching seduction live before I move onto my own personal next phase of evolution next year.

Unfortunately many guys don’t have the budget for The Euro Tour or a Residential program, or maybe they’re halfway across the planet.

So I’ve put my live coaching methods into a format men everywhere could access and learn from.

A couple of years ago I condensed all my teaching secrets into my first ever online course called “The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction”.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect, after all, up until that point I only thought real transformations we’re obtainable from live coaching, in person, in-field.

The results were truly astounding

By placing these key principles into the hands of men who were eager to learn the art of seduction, yet didn’t have the means to do so, I had provided a gateway to transform them into true Naturals. I was able to mentor this crew in real time through those formative first months of intense learning curve and infield results.

Within the first week my inbox was overloaded with messages reporting profound insights and drastic improvements in their dating lives. The worldwide brotherhood that formed created a community that encouraged and kept each other accountable. Through the live mentoring modules with me, guys could get my personal feedback and insights as they progressed through the course.

What really happened with the Guys on the course?

Here's just what some of the graduates of the first launch of the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction had to say:

I was satisfied once we wrapped up the course, knowing I had done my duty in reaching those guys who were so eager to learn but couldn’t get themselves onto a workshop. My satisfaction didn’t last long.

The course hadn’t even finished for a week before I had the first message pop up on Facebook.

“Hey James” it read.

“Can I still join 5 Principles?”

Soon enough, this small trickle turned into a stream, then a river, and finally a torrent. Barely a day went by without someone asking me when the 5 Principles was going to be released again.

What could I do better?

For a long time, my answer was always a polite ‘no’. I felt I had done the material justice, and wanted to move on to new ventures.

But I kept having this nagging feeling. Asking myself “Could I do it again? If I did...what could I do better?”

I spent months thinking over the course and imagining how I could upgrade the learning experience. Taking feedback from the original clients, I overhauled the course and ran it again, again with life altering results for the group that joined me.  

With my retirement from dating coaching coming, I decided I wanted to run this break through course one last time. I watched back through all the course material, spoke to previous clients and my fellow coaches and decided to record updated insights as legacy edition final lessons on the artform I’ve made my life’s passion and mission.

Brand new lessons

Key principles updated

Even though we had such amazing feedback the first times around, when I started considering opening the doors for 5 Principles again, I wasn’t satisfied with just releasing the same old course.

Afterall, I’d had years of brand new lessons and insights from my own dating life (including consistent threesomes with my girlfriend!) and from looping the globe constantly revising infield with my students through thousands of infield analysed interactions.

Combining that with feedback from the first courses, there was a huge opportunity for me to improve the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction and make it even better in every way possible.

This is the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction: Legacy Edition

I locked myself in the studio and recorded hours of brand new and deeper modules on the 5 principles. Taking them from being a highly effective roadmap to navigating attraction, flirting, creating connections and getting sexual with women; into more holistic lifetime principles for masculine success.

In this edition you’ll receive completely new redux lectures on each of the principles, alongside the originals, where I’ll show you how to use the principles to not just get the girl but to keep her, create intimate exciting relationships and also how to use the principles as a guideline for your own personal masculine journey.

Learn how the principles and frameworks relate to your sense of worthiness, confidence and your essence as a sexually powerful man.

You can be confident that you’re learning the most groundbreaking advances in the art of seduction, with me as your personal mentor and the support of a worldwide brotherhood.

It works like this

  • Each week, you’ll receive a new module to watch via a private membership site.
  • In the module, you’ll have a theory section on the principle, where I break down in depth and within easily applicable frameworks how the principles work.
  • Then action steps and daily missions designed to gradually take you out of your comfort zone into enjoying social freedom, meeting and connecting effectively with women, as well as reaching balance, inner calm and confidence through personal change and meditation methods
  • Alongside the primary course you’ll get a huge library of exclusive bonus material, breaking open the vault on TNL prestige information.
  • You’ll also join a private Facebook group where you’ll have a community of like-minded guys to mastermind with, where I will daily motivate and mentor you and where you can ask any questions you have related to the course.
  • I’ll personally host 5 webinars where you can pick my brain, go through nuances of the course lessons, get motivation, refinement and accountability from me and the group.
  • At the end of the 6 weeks training you’ll receive the Legacy Edition updated modules to deepen and consolidate your progress.
Join the 6-week course now

Here’s a brief overview of how the 5 Principles work and what I’ll teach you in the course:

Awareness is the bedrock of seductive success: without it, you can’t be natural with a woman.

You won’t be able to notice the subtleties of an interaction, or pick up the hints she gives you, and things will go South quickly. You’ll be in your head, trying to work out what to do, instead of sinking into the present moment and allowing yourself to feel what to do. Lack of awareness causes stress and anxiety, the number one symptom that prevents most men from taking consistent action.

But there’s a lot of confusion on what awareness actually is.

You won’t be able to notice the subtleties of an interaction, or pick up the hints she gives you, or now how to read the vibe and know whether you should accelerate the sexual escalation or hang back and chill to let things simmer.

You’ll be in your head, trying to work out what to do, instead of sinking into the present moment and allowing yourself to feel what to do. Lack of awareness causes stress and anxiety, over analysis about what to say - There’s are the primary symptoms that prevents most men from taking consistent action.

But there’s a lot of confusion on what awareness actually is.

Is it reading the Power of Now? Is it spending hours meditating in the lotus posture?

There’s not really any rational step-by-step explanations on how to achieve awareness on the Internet.

The hidden gems and real teachers are hard to find, especially when you don’t know what you’re looking for. I’ve made it easy for you, condensing my years of travelling and seeking out the best masters, taking out all the unnecessary ritual and spiritual mumbo jumbo and putting only the most practical methods into this course. In the Legacy edition, I've added brand new guided video and audio meditation sequences for you to practice with.


What you will learn in this module

  • A simple exercise to do everyday to develop daily mindfulness. If you’ve ever procrastinated with meditation practice, this is a no-fuss, no mess way of building your mindfulness habit.
  • The two kinds of awareness and why you need to understand both of them. If you don’t know this framework of awareness, you’ll always have trouble having a clear mind. And so much more...
  • How to use awareness to have smooth, calibrated openers with women on the street. You’ll notice that me and my coaches rarely have harsh blowouts, and that most women are open to talking from the start. I’ll show you the secret exercise we use to do that.
  • The simple solution to complete relaxation in front of a beautiful women. Men tend to freak out at the sign of a hot chick. Breasts, hair, legs = tensed, uncomfortable, and generally scaring her off. But if you’re relaxed, she’s more likely to be open to meeting you.

Intent is the fuel, the fire behind seduction. In a nutshell, intent is the ability to focus your desire, will and whole being to deliver a clear masculine impact & message to women. Ever run out of things to say, or go on pleasant dates that go nowhere? That's because your intent isn't clear to you and certainly not to her.

Without it, you’ll be stuck in the friend zone forever.

Without it, she won’t know what you want, and she won’t know what to give you.

Without knowing and transmitting your intent you will have many moments in your life that need you to take bold action and you’ll miss the shot. That means; not having hot sex when you could have, missing the love of your life because she didn’t feel your desire or trust you as a decisive man.


What you will learn in this module

  • The intention to have when you approach to have zero approach anxiety.
  • 3 steps to project a clear, powerful intent that grabs her attention and piques her sexual curiosity. This can even be done just by looking into her eyes, without saying a single word.
  • How to blaze sexual intent in a respectful manner that sets you apart from the bland predictable nice guys and the sleazy ones, and instead has her classify you as a potential lover.
  • Why some guys don’t ever get results in seduction even after years of approaching women.
  • 1 exercise for better posture, confidence and intent that you can do just walking down the street.

What separates a Natural from the average Joe is his ability to create a deep, lasting emotional impact on a woman. She needs to feel like you are right for her emotionally, not be convinced logically. Women decide to sleep with a man for only one reason... because it feels right.

If you can’t do this, it doesn’t matter how many women you approach, or how hard you try: you’ll never get the results you want.

Emotional Impact

What you will learn in this module

  • How to align the 3 levels of communication so that she’s left wanting to see you again.
  • Why it doesn’t matter how long you talk to a woman, it matters how intense the time is. I'll show you how to use emotional impact to turn everyday approaches into potential love affairs in minutes.
  • The simple GSPR framework that reveals her motivations and desires. Ever gotten stuck on asking boring questions and having awkward replies? This framework of conversation removes all that stress.

This is the principle that ties everything together. All great seducers have the ability to create, hold and release pressure with women. On the surface that may sound like being rude or abrasive but this principle leads to deep human truths that most nice guys are completely unaware of.

Whether it’s conversational pressure, emotional pressure or sexual pressure, most men squirm at the thought of putting pressure on women. What if she feels uncomfortable? What if she thinks I’m not a polite gentleman?

The reality is, pressure exists no matter what. Many people retreat from it, which means new situations like meeting a hot girl will cripple a guy, leading him to choose inaction over following his desire. Social pressure is natural and positive when you know how to navigate and sit within it. When you put the right kind of pressure onto a woman, that’s when she starts investing into seducing YOU. That’s when she feels the “spark” or chemistry that means she will more likely emotionally get lost in the ride. And if you can't hold the pressure when things start getting flirtatious and sexual, she'll see you can't handle her sexuality and lose interest.

Pressure & Release

What you will learn in this module

  • How to turn awkward pauses into sexual tension. If you’re a shy, introverted guy, this will have women giggling and opening up about themselves in conversation.
  • The simple QCQ framework that applies pressure and challenges her to fully engage with you and invest in the interaction. This powerful technique flips the typical power dynamic between men and women on it's head so that she chases you.
  • How to drastically reduce your flake rate and get consistent, solid numbers.
  • How to become comfortable and spontaneous in pressurised situations, meaning your comfort zone gets blasted open and new opportunities in all areas don’t daunt you anymore.

Decisiveness is the final principle.

It’s the man’s job to pull the trigger, and if he doesn’t, nothing happens. She’s not going to do it for you. For better or worse, it’s your job to make ALL the important moves in a seduction.

A woman’s role in seduction is to open opportunities and leave doors open - you’re the one who must lead the seduction. Decisiveness is one of the most attractive traits a man can possess, yet getting the correct balance between knowing when and how to lead and when you're being pushy is a delicate act. In this module you'll learn exactly how.


What you will learn in this module

  • How to spot easy opportunities with women most men miss out on.
  • Why most men are the ones that often miss key moments to escalate (rather than the woman resisting your advances) and what to do in those crucial moments.
  • Why you can’t wait for expressed verbal permission from a woman to physically escalate and the #1 mindset to have when it comes to pulling the trigger.
  • What women actually want when it comes to you knowing what you want, escalating, leading and making the moves that get her addicted to your masculine power.

As you can imagine, learning these secrets from me live does not come cheap

At this point in my career I'm possibly the most sought after coach in the business. This is my final year running live programs and already they’ve almost sold out for the entire year.

But don’t worry, The 5 Principles course isn't going to cost you a 5-figure sum like our live programs.

I wanted to make this course accessible to any man that really wants change and is willing to commit to the journey. That's why today joining the course is going to be much less than personally hiring me for a day of live coaching for $5000, (and these days I’m so busy that I only offer private coaching to select few old clients.)

And it’s definitely going to be cheaper than learning this by trial and error like I did, taking years of hard work and effort to figure it all out for myself.
This really is a rare opportunity for you to learn up close and personal with me if it’s not realistic for you to travel to where I am in the world for live coaching.

Even though this is an online course, you’re still going to get the accountability, mentorship and personal transformation our live students receive. So before I get to the price of The 5 Principles: Legacy Edition, there’s a few more things you need to know.

To celebrate the Legacy Edition release I’ve thrown in 7 huge bonus modules FREE with the main course. This is over 50 hours of exclusive coaching material, blowing open the TNL vault and revealing to you a wealth of never before released seduction wisdom.


The Guru Interviews

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
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In the process of building the course, I sat down with the world’s best seducers and seduction coaches to discuss how the principles apply to their unique styles. I got them to delve deep into what the principles meant to them, as well as their own insights and thoughts about seduction.
  • Intent and insights to masculinity and the hero’s journey from Liam McRae
  • How to create a lasting emotional impact from John Keegan
  • The meta-frame of Pressure and Release from Shae Matthews, TNL’s Inner Game coach
  • And Decisiveness with the one and only Sasha Daygame!
I found myself mesmerised, talking to these close friends about their take on the principles and it once again proved to me that these principles really are the universal secrets that create long lasting, deep change. Across their many stories, styles and personalities, these epicly successful ladies men all shared common deep level understandings of these universal forces.
This bonus is worth at least $400, if not even more, considering the nuggets of wisdom revealed in these interviews… but today, you get it for free.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
Save money & join the course now

Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $695
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In this bonus, you’ll see me do in-depth breakdowns of infield footage from me and my master coaches, and how the 5 principles work despite our differences in energy levels, style of seduction and personalities. One of my biggest takeaways from my early teaching years was trying to help guys make the leap from understanding the principles to implementing them in cold approaches. That's why I've included these detailed breakdowns.

Through these breakdowns, you’ll see how you can apply the 5 principles to your unique personality and energy levels, and get the women you want.

This infield footage comes from the vault of unreleased crazy footage we’ve accumulated over the years, put together into a cohesive bonus. I’ve included brand new videos in the Legacy Edition where I’ll be breaking down my own in-field approaches, showing you exactly how I implement the 5 Principles when meeting women.
This bonus is worth $295… but I'm throwing it in for free.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $695
Save money & join the course now

Awareness Guided Meditation System

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $1070
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One of the best habits to train and develop your awareness in general is: meditation practice.

However, most beginners don’t know what to do when they sit down to meditate, or how to direct their attention and focus to clear their minds and get into their bodies. So, I’ve specifically created a simple-to-learn video and audio instruction series, using the same techniques I personally use daily and teach on live programs. Just sit down, watch through the video instructions and follow along with me, or download the audios to play on your phone. Plug in and press play and you’ll be able to get into deep presence and calm, learning to relax and experience more of your reality, to be more alert, out of your head and in the moment. This is a completely updated video series previously unavailable on the 5 Principles. Now it's yours. This bonus guided meditation gives you the keys to release anxiety and tension, to become at ease with yourself, your environment and the women you interact with.
This is possibly the most important skill I’ve ever learned, really it’s priceless, and this comes along free with the rest of the bonuses.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $1070
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Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $1167
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Back in 2015, I held my first ever online workshop on the topic my audience voted most for: how to get her sexually invested, and how to physically escalate a seduction? This punchy no fluff demonstration based masterclass got rave reviews as the guys applied the methods in their own successful seductions. This 3-hour long bonus is going to further expand on the tools and techniques you can use with the 5 Principles, along with a demonstration of what they look like with a sexy model, so you can effectively use the principles not just verbally but through touch and sexual escalation.
It originally cost $97 to attend this workshop, but you get this for FREE today.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $1167
Save money & join the course now

Five Q&A Webinars

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - Five Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $2667
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I’ll be personally leading 5 x 90 minute webinars during the course where you can get on the call and ask me any questions you have about the course work, discuss the missions, work through challenges and hear from other guys in the group to get different perspectives and motivation. It’s crucial to me that you’re implementing what you’re learning and seeing results. There will be no excuses for not having watched all of the videos and gone through the content and missions. These calls are to make sure this course is a dynamic lived experience for you that propels you out of your room, into action, meeting women and getting on dates fast. I hope you understand just how precious this time with me will be for you. These days I’m too busy for phone coaching but last time I did it, I was charging $500 an hour. So 5 hours of call time to work on your personal growth, even in a small group would cost at least $1000.
These webinars are basically a seduction course in itself but today it’s free with the 5 Principles course.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - 5 Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $2667
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Webinars from 5 Principles 1.0 & 2.0 releases

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - Five Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
#6 - Webinars from 5 Principles 1.0 & 2.0 releases $1000 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $3667
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As well as joining new webinars for the 5 Principles Legacy Edition relaunch, you’ll get access to video recordings of the webinars we ran for the first two intakes of the 5 Principles online courses. This is over 14 hours of in-depth questions and answers on the 5 Principles, as well as inner and outer game, sex and lifestyle development. The students on the first courses hammered me with challenging insightful questions and I deliver hours of my secrets, nothing held back. Whilst I’ve revamped the course for the Legacy relaunch, the core 5 Principles remain the same, and these webinars feature me answering questions from guys just like you who were going through the same journey as you.
If at any time you have a question or want clarification on something, you’re very likely to find the answer in these value-packed webinars, and I’m throwing them in for free as a bonus today.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - Five Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
#6 - Webinars from 5 Principles 1.0 & 2.0 releases $1000 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $3667
Save money & join the course now

In-Depth Interviews with women on attraction, sex, and dating

#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - Five Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
#6 - Webinars from 5 Principles 1.0 & 2.0 releases $1000 FREE
#7 - In-Depth Interviews with women on attraction, sex, and dating $395 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $4062
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Over my years as a dating coach I’ve learned most of the subtleties and deeper secrets of seduction and sexuality from women. I’ve intimately questioned and tested them through countless interactions, relationships and research interviews. The great seducer learns to question and listen to women, to see below the surface of her fears, deceptions and confusion to uncover how they really work, how they need to receive pleasure and romance and what incredible fun and masculine satisfaction they can give you when you front up as a direct, sexually open, spontaneous lover. But if you’re just starting out it can be hard to translate what they tell you into actionable steps. Hearing “be more confident” or “Just be yourself” isn’t really useful compared to a directed framework of principles. That’s why, with the 5 Principles in mind, I’ve conducted 5 in-depth hour long interviews with hot girls on everything from sex, relationships, and dating. These women open up on a very intimate level revealing astonishing truths about female desire and sexuality. That’s why, with the 5 Principles in mind, I’ve conducted 5 in-depth hour long interviews with hot girls on everything from sex, relationships, dating, what male traits and behaviours attract and repel them. These women open up on a very intimate level revealing astonishing truths about female desire and sexuality. These videos are a goldmine and will give you an invaluable insight into a woman’s perspective of the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction. Truly priceless if you’re looking to become a natural with women.
This huge library of bonus modules, exclusive interviews, rare infield analysis, interactive mentorship is over 35 hours of seduction gold. Today it’s all included when you join the course.
#1 - The Guru Interviews $400 FREE
#2 - Five Unreleased Infield Breakdowns $295 FREE
#3 - Awareness Guided Meditation System $375 FREE
#4 - Sexual Escalation and Female Investment Online Workshop $97 FREE
#5 - Five Q&A Webinars $1500 FREE
#6 - Webinars from 5 Principles 1.0 & 2.0 releases $1000 FREE
#7 - In-Depth Interviews with women on attraction, sex, and dating $395 FREE
Total value of all bonuses $4062
Save money & join the course now

So how much does the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction cost?

In this program, you’re literally getting the digital equivalent of the material taught on our TNL workshops.

Over $8000 worth of value

Today you’re receiving over $8000 worth of value from the core coaching modules and a huge library of bonuses.

Even more important than the financial saving, think about how much time and frustration you're saving by completely cutting out the painful trial and error I went through.

Whether it’s years of agonisingly slow progress or money flushed down the drain with dinner dates and expensive nights drinking, this course saves you on every metric.

The sad reality is that many men never really figure out women and dating. If they’re lucky they’ll bounce between long periods of involuntary celibacy, to less than ideal relationships with women they eventually hooked up with through a limited social circle. Maybe they’ll occasionally get lucky and often not. Going through your peak years without an abundance of choice with women, without regular sex and intimacy, these years can feel severely lacking and wasted.

Now think about the potential life-changing value of what you can discover inside The 5 Principles course.

If you’re currently struggling with seduction and women, the material taught inside this proven course have taken men from every walk of life and situation - a broken heart, a terrible divorce, socially awkward and fearful, having no experience sexually, only dating average girls in their social circle… to giving them choice and abundance with women.

And if you’re already getting okay results in seduction, but want to get to the next level, this is the key to getting consistent results with the top shelf women you really want and making this a lifelong artform in getting and keeping the right women in your life.

I've decided to keep the prices the same as the original release even with all the bonus new content, so you truly are getting an amazing deal right now.

What's inside the offer

The Five Principles - Course


The Five Principles - Missions & Accountability


The Five Principles: Legacy update modules


The Five Principles - Facebook Community


The Guru Interviews


5 Unreleased Infield Breakdowns


Awareness Meditation System


Sexual Touch & Female Investment Workshop


5 Webinars with James Marshall


10 Webinars Recordings (14h of Q&A)


6 In-Depth Interviews with Girls on Sex, Dating

Total value of the 5 Principles Course


Here's the deal

If you’re a guy who wants true change in your dating life, based on authentic holistic methods, the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction: Legacy Edition holds the answers. This course has a proven track record for incredible results and is even better constructed than the first releases.

You’re NOT paying $8387
You’re NOT even paying 50% $4193
You’re NOT even paying 25% $2096

For the 5 Principles 6-week course,
along with the 7 free bonuses worth $8387….


According to our Terms & Conditions

I realise that different guys have different budgets, so I've put together 3 options for you today:



All prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
The Five Principles - Course
The Five Principles - Facebook Group
Legacy Edition 5 Principles Modules
Missions & Drills Series
I want this option


All prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
The Five Principles - Course
The Five Principles - Facebook Group
Legacy Edition 5 Principles Modules
5 Q&A Webinars
Missions & Drills Series
The Guru Interviews
14h of additional Webinars
5 Unreleased Infield Breakdowns
6 In-Depth Interviews with Girls
Awareness Meditation System
Sexual Escalation Workshop
I want this option

As I’ve said, these days I rarely coach one on one. I’m too busy running the company, teaching big group workshops and chasing girls 😉

But for this launch, I’m coming out of phone coaching retirement to offer 5 guys this option.

So, If you’d like to get 3, personal, one-on-one coaching sessions with me over Skype along with the 5 Principles complete package, it’s just $1790 for this premium option.

However, spots are limited to just 5 guys for this highest tier, so act now if you want to personally work with me on your love life.

There’s zero risk for you


According to our Terms & Conditions

Time is running out

Enrolments for the final course are only from 17th March - 24th March

The 5 Principles Legacy Edition isn’t available anywhere else, and it’s only available NOW until the countdown hits zero.

Once the launch period for Legacy Edition is over, this course is going off the market, along with the bonuses.

I’ll move straight onto mentoring the guys in the course to get their dating life moving straight away.

I only run these courses when I can ensure I’m there by your side as you’re working through the content.

It’s been over 3 years since I first released the course, and it took a huge resurgence of interest to convince me to open the doors again. If you’re thinking “I’ll just wait until he does it again”, you’ll be waiting forever.

This is my last year

This is my last year as head coach for The Natural Lifestyles and the final time I’ll be leading the 5 Principles course.

Are you willing to miss out on this opportunity? How much longer will you risk your love life, personal happiness and sense of manhood on chance, drunken nights out or demoralising dating Apps?

The 5 Principles Legacy Edition is the culmination of my 10 years of coaching and all of the lessons taken from our first releases, built into a 6 week course to unleash your inner natural. Trust your gut: this material has been proven to change lives, and it can change yours.

So if you want to join me and a new tribe of brave men on your personal journey to seductive success, click on your preferred payment option below, and I hope to see you inside The 5 Principles: Legacy Edition and talk to you in person at the first webinar.


One final thought

Right now, you’ve got the chance to change your life forever. I’ve been in this industry of coaching men for 10 years, and I’ve got extensive first-hand experience of seeing the different paths men go down when it comes to fixing their issues of loneliness or lack of success at finding and keeping the women they really want.

The path of ignoring the problem

There’s the path of ignoring the problem and not taking action. Waiting and hoping.

You’ve got the choice to ignore everything you’ve just seen, heard and read, and to continue procrastinate with your dating problems.

Unfortunately messages from society often tell you that by being a nice guy and waiting for the One, that special woman will somehow materialise in your life.

The reality is, fairy tale romances come from having the skills and confidence to make moves, to go for what you want and be able to sweep that gorgeous woman off her feet.

These problems don’t fix themselves. Keep doing what you’re doing (or not doing) and you’ll keep getting what you’re getting (or not getting!)

The path of trying to figure out all on your own

Then there’s the path of trying to figure this all out on your own.

There’s enough information on the internet for you to possibly figure this out eventually, if you can sift through all the misinformation and marketing hype, I won’t deny that fact. I figured most of this out alone but I had to go down a lot of dead ends before I figured out the right pathways.

I was fortunate to later cross paths with legendary seducers, to roll with iconic rat packs and be able to work full time on this passion. Back when I started there was very little information, now there's a massive overload of trashy, over hyped info from faceless marketing and inexperienced coaches. So many men get paralysed from constantly searching for free tips, watching endless youtube videos and never taking any real action.

Why waste those painful years and herculean effort to solve this issue, when you can benefit from my suffering?

I’ve done the grunt work, take advantage of it.

The Natural Lifestyles has over a decade of experience, constantly tested in the real world and consistently delivering life changing results.  

Maybe you’ll try to stitch a plan together and try meeting women DIY for a few months, and sooner or later try to find this page again to see if you can join the course.

But by then, it’ll be back in the vault. These days everyone wants a piece of me and I can only focus on a limited number of live and online coaching projects in this my final, most intense year of coaching. 2020 I'll be onto the next mission.

Now is your final chance

The opportunity will be over and gone, along with the chance of transformation and getting what you want.

For all the guys who missed out last time, now is your final chance. You don’t want to be the guy  emailing me months later realizing they’d made a critical mistake and begging to get access to the course.

I want men on this course who are committed to taking action, to shaking off complacency and want real change. I’ll stand by you and help you through the challenging but ultimately fun and life enriching journey of learning to express your sexual desire and bring women into your life for joyful sexy experiences.

And for all the new guys who have become TNL fans, now is your chance to join a historical movement in masculine personal change at its peak. I’ll be delivering my very best most focussed attention to this group to make sure my Legacy creates incredible results in your life.

Get the real permanent change this year, no more living in fear or regret at a love life never fully realised.

James Marshall


You've got a full 30 days to check the entire product out.

Look through the product, go out and test it to see if what's taught actually works.

If within 30 days of your purchase, after trying out and applying the material, you're not satisfied with The Five Principles, send an email to [email protected] explaining why it didn’t achieve the desired results, and you'll get a quick refund of your entire purchase.



All prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
The Five Principles - Course
The Five Principles - Facebook Group
Legacy Edition 5 Principles Modules
Missions & Drills Series
I want this option


All prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
The Five Principles - Course
The Five Principles - Facebook Group
Legacy Edition 5 Principles Modules
5 Q&A Webinars
Missions & Drills Series
The Guru Interviews
14h of additional Webinars
5 Unreleased Infield Breakdowns
6 In-Depth Interviews with Girls
Awareness Meditation System
Sexual Escalation Workshop
I want this option



Will I get lifetime access to the video course after the 6 weeks are up?

Yes! My intention for this course was to create a comprehensive, all-in-one resource that guys could come back to again and again to learn and apply. While you will experience immense changes over 6 weeks, getting good at seduction and realising your masculine purpose is a lifelong journey. As such, you will have lifetime access to the course material even after the initial 6 weeks.

The private facebook group will also stay open forever so you can stay in touch with your brotherhood including members from the first courses and TNL coaches.


I joined "The Five Principles" on the first launches. Can I get access to the new bonuses?

Yes! To show my appreciation to you for joining the flagship program you will receive access to the new bonus material free of charge. We will contact you soon with updates.


I agree to receive emails from The Natural Lifestyles at the email provided above. These emails may include newsletters and promotion offers. Your personal details will never be shared with a third party

Other Questions?

For any other questions, click the support-chat icon in the right-bottom corner and we'll get back to you shortly.