James Marshall

Founder and CEO

James Marshall

James Marshall

Founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles, James specializes in low-energy, high-impact seduction.

Combining years of hardcore Shaolin Kung Fu training with years of Australian hippy rock and roll game, James’ wide variety of experiences allows him to see the simple problems stopping men from having the women they want, and the steps needed to be taken to become natural with women.

#Natural Seduction# Low Energy# Meditation

James Marshall

James' Videos

The 3 Pillars of Seductive Mastery

7 Life Changing Seduction Hacks I wish I knew when I started

The 10 Mistakes you’re making that mess up your Dating Life

Why the "Safe Path" is actually the "Dangerous Path"

Stopping Czech Girl on a Bike!

Entering the seduction scene at the peak of pick-up lines, scripted material and fake personas, James set out on a mission to develop an approach that focused on being able to naturally show women who he was as a man.

Make no apology,
take full responsibility

It wasn’t an easy journey, having started from limited success with women through extended periods of isolation in his pursuit of meditation and martial arts mastery, and settling for average hippy chicks in his social circle as a musician.

Through integrating himself into a group of men who were true naturals with women, James eventually boiled their talents down to a set of 5 teachable principles that are the cornerstone of his seduction coaching.

On live programs, James brings passion and intensity to his students, driven to see them succeed with women. Having experienced years of pain and rejection, he understands the journey from the beginning to the end and is adept at helping men to express their natural selves with women, rather than feeling as though they need to be ‘alpha’ or ‘pump up their state’ to have a genuine connection.


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Coaching by James Marshall

Exclusively coaching 7 Day Residential and the EuroTour, James is the best in the business when it comes to Natural game. Whilst they may try, no other coach will be able to pinpoint the errors you’re making when interacting with women and turn them around with masterful insight that can only come from years of experience. Beginners and advanced students alike will be blown away by the combination of passion, dedication and expertise that James brings to his coaching.

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Meet the other TNL coaches


Alex León

Executive Coach

Alex brings a unique perspective to the coaching team having had humble beginnings as an introverted German/Austrian heavily invested in electronics and programming, only to break free and embrace a new way of connecting with women and the world.

More about Alex

Shae Matthews

Inner Game Coach

Our resident Inner Game coach, Shae Matthews specializes in removing a student’s internal blockages, and rewiring their core beliefs through a combination of meditation, NLP and other techniques to help them fast track their way to success with women...

More about Shae

James Marshall

CEO of The Natural Lifestyles

Founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles, James specializes in low-energy, high-impact seduction. Combining years of hardcore Shaolin Kung Fu training with years of Australian hippy rock and roll game, James’ wide variety of experiences allows him to see the simple problems stopping men from having the women they want, and the steps needed to be taken to become natural with women.

More about James

Virag Tierra

Executive Coach

After being personally trained by James for the past five years and collaborating on dozens of workshops as a guest-teacher, TNL’s newest rising star, Virag, has now joined the crew as a full-time executive coach.

More about Virag

Combining dozens of years of experience in Natural Seduction & Lifestyle Design, The team at "The Natural Lifestyles" specializes in taking men from a dating life of scarcity and little abundance of women, to giving them the freedom and choice that they desire in their relationships.