5 Tips To Make Your Bedroom Ideal For Sex

Although good approaching and seduction skills are paramount to consistently taking women home, you also need to make sure they feel comfortable once there.

Setting up the right mood in your crib, and especially in your bedroom, is key if you want sex to happen effortlessly.

I can’t recall how often I’ve been in men’s apartments that were messy, dirty, poorly lit, and generally uninviting.

Ignoring this will result in a weird, non-sexual atmosphere in which she might pull back at the last minute, saying that she “doesn’t feel like it”.

Or you take notice of it and start making the environment work in your favor…


From the moment a woman walks into my bedroom, the environment leads her into sensual surrender and relaxation, and sex is a natural consequence.

You don’t need expensive silk sheets or luxurious interior design in your sex location––it’s the details that matter.

Like the intensity and warmth of your light, a seductive fragrance in the air, and a speaker with a pre-made playlist, while also knowing what things to avoid that ruin immersion.

To learn more about this, watch my latest video, where I give you a tour of my boudoir and share 5 tips to turn your bedroom from a man cave into a sex temple:

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Why No Nut Could Make You Worse in Bed (Unless You do This)

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Why No Nut Could Make You Worse in Bed (Unless You do This)

Again and again, over the years, I’ve been asked to give my opinion as a sex and men’s dating coach on the popular subject of semen retention.

As we’re in the middle of the trending “No Nut November Challenge”, I thought no moment could be more fitting…

See, I’ve helped dozens of private clients (and hundreds online) to solve annoying issues like poor libido, weak erections, and lack of masculine energy, and extreme abstention from ejaculation has never been the solution.

For lots of men, the context in which they practice masturbation is far more damaging than the act itself…


Associating self-pleasuring to frequent extremely graphic p*rn consumption will often desensitize you towards regular sex (which is often not as extreme as in movies unless you know how to make it so).

Or, for example, masturbating frequently with a very tight grip will cause you to lose your erection whenever the intensity of your hand is not matched (especially when you’re inside a woman).

But strictly prescribing a month without ejaculating won’t solve these problems. If anything, it will make them worse

Building unnecessary stress around your sexuality and guilt once you inevitably relapse.

Through decades of personal research and work, I discovered that the best way to control and grow your desire is NOT by putting it on a leash, but by exploring it.

Learning to cycle sexual energy so you can stay on the edge as long as you want without finishing is, for example, one way to use masturbation to train yourself to be great in bed.

There are many others…which I detail in my latest video, shot in collaboration with our executive coach & Tantra expert Shae Matthews, which you can check below:

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10 Sex Questions Men Are Afraid To Ask

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5 Tips To Make Your Bedroom Ideal For Sex

10 Sex Questions Men Are Afraid To Ask

Without any feedback or guidance, it’s pretty much impossible to get past the mediocre, beginner stage in any skill set.

Sexual mastery is no different.

Unfortunately, as most of us know, communication in the bedroom can often be awkward, if not non-existent.

For decades, I’ve been routinely asking liberated women, many of whom I slept with, for sexual advice. And their brazen insights into what they love, dislike, and crave in bed have been pivotal in shaping me into the confident, expert lover I am today.

However, after working with thousands of men as a dating coach, I realized that many guys lack female mentors in their lives, and the ability to inquire clearly.


That’s why I just released a video where I ask my sexy, open-minded assistant Maria to answer ten intimate sex questions every man always wanted to know. Check it out HERE.

The questions I asked her were the following:

  • What is good sex for you?
  • What do you define as bad sex?
  • Would you date a sexually incompatible man?
  • How do you like to be treated after sex?
  • What phrases/words do you like in bed?
  • Are you submissive? Why?
  • How often do you think about sex and masturbate?
  • Do you watch p*rn?
  • Tell me your best sexual experience.
  • What makes a man a good lover?

And I recommend you listen to her answers carefully.

Far from being obvious or predictable, this intimate interview offers you a rare, honest view of female sexual psychology, as well as what you need to work on to please any woman in bed.

Watch it below:

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Are You Making These 5 Sex Mistakes?

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Why No Nut Could Make You Worse in Bed (Unless You do This)

Are You Making These 5 Sex Mistakes?

My latest video on unforgivable sex mistakes is rapidly getting popular on YouTube, so check out what the buzz is all about.

In this highly anticipated clip, I reveal and demonstrate with my foxy assistant Maria five killer bedroom mistakes (and how to correct them).

These sexual errors are way more common and ingrained in most people’s sex lives than you think…


Chances are you’re making one or more of them too.

In fact, most people are so used to them that they become hard to correct habits.

Or deliberately prefer to ignore them to protect their ego, rather than dropping their pride to get rapid improvements.

But if you care about realizing your fullest sexual potential and becoming in control of any girl’s pleasure, you cannot afford to skip this video.

Plus, in it, I not only cover in great length men’s most common erotic fu*kups but also women’s.

So that you can also use this knowledge to easily correct your partners and guide them through the best sex you’ll both ever experience.

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Do THIS to Date Women Far Above Your League

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10 Sex Questions Men Are Afraid To Ask