How to date your dream woman (by getting rejected a lot!)

Let’s be fair, nobody likes getting rejected.

It sucks as much on day one as it does after a decade of approaching countless women.

But what separates the beginner from the man who is actually great with the ladies is the capacity of not letting a bad interaction discourage him from continuing to find the right girl.


You’re not for everyone, and everyone is not for you as my good friend John Keegan says.

Within this duality lies the true essence of a rejection-proof mindset.

Sure, as your social skills improve and you accumulate references, you will succeed more and more at dating, but you will never fully eliminate blowouts.

Because the factors that drive a woman to turn you down are often not in your control…

Maybe you’re just not her type, she’s already emotionally invested in someone and doesn’t want to cheat, or she’s simply having a bad day or not in the headspace to meet new guys.

With these premises in mind, why would you take it so personally when she quickly dismisses you? Accept it, politely walk away, and keep going…

And when you do, you will find that after a disheartening interaction often comes an unexpected encounter with a stunning and sexy “dream” type of girl who is very much into you.

For a prime example of this concept, give a watch to my latest video below…

In it, you will initially see me getting blown out three times in a row, but if you keep watching, you’ll witness how, immediately after that I score a fun flirty conversation with a fitness model who, by the end of it, is very keen to give me her number and see me again.

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The LAZY, No Stress Way To Meet Hot Women This Summer (Without apps, or going to clubs)

Some men think they always need to be in exactly the right “state” to successfully approach women…

Well rested, in a good mood, great levels of energy, the weather should be not too hot nor too chilly.

But the reality is that you don’t always need A-level, incredibly smooth game to get results in dating.

The idea of showing up consistently, no matter how you feel, is far more important than “how” you show up.

You should own whatever mental and energy state you’re in and adapt your seduction style to it, instead of trying to emulate a golden standard that doesn’t feel authentic in the moment.

If you’re feeling low-energy and introverted, carry on with it and allow silence, eye contact, and the expression of your burning intent in the conversation to do the work.

And when you’re feeling pumped and social, let your banter take over, and don’t be afraid to engage in longer interactions, instead of playing the cold mysterious type who doesn’t talk a lot.

Ultimately, this is about being very comfortable in your skin… Because if you can’t accept yourself, how can you expect a woman to do it?

For proof of what I’m talking about, watch my latest video below. In it, I venture into the streets of Budapest in a very lazy, low-energy mood and still manage to get it on with multiple attractive women and take home some solid results.

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How to pick up a hot bartender (without going to bars…)

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How to date your dream woman (by getting rejected a lot!)

How to pick up a hot bartender (without going to bars…)

How many times have you been around a top-tier woman everyone craved and couldn’t take their eyes off but felt impossible to get?

…the hot bartender, the sensual dancer, the model visiting a nightclub.

A view to kill for, surely, but ultimately just an unattainable fantasy for most guys who cannot overcome the incredibly fierce competition of men willing to pool in all their money and status, buying endless drinks and bottle services just to get her attention.

It’s an uphill battle not worth partaking in unless you can outbid everybody else in resources and effort.

But there is a shortcut to meeting and dating these hard-to-get women: approaching them in a totally different scenario.

Outside of their bubble of clout and where nobody else does: during daytime in the street, at a cafè or library when they feel relaxed, open, and not on a pedestal.

In such situations, if you’re charming, socially aware, and flirty you’ll immediately stand out and get the chance the remaining 99% would kill for but never receive.

For a great example of what I’m talking about watch my latest video below where I approach a stunning and very playful Argentinian bartender in the streets of Barcelona and arrange a date with her within minutes:


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Why hot women ignore you (& how to be noticed)

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The LAZY, No Stress Way To Meet Hot Women This Summer (Without apps, or going to clubs)

Why hot women ignore you (& how to be noticed)

Do you ever feel invisible to attractive women?

Barely acknowledging your presence, and even if you try to initiate conversations they act cold and uninterested––a perpetual puzzle that feels impossible to solve.

But the reality is that no girl is truly mean or heartless, she just has better options…

sexy girl GIF

Because everyone in her life, office, social circle, out in the street, and even at family gatherings is trying to compete for her attention. When she enters a room men immediately change personalities, competing with each other and pounding their chests to appear cooler and impress her.

As a result, she instantly rejects almost everyone because she needs to: it’s not personal, just a defense mechanism.

But there are ways to crack it and get on a hot woman’s radar most guys are just not aware of them…

In my latest video, I reveal to you four proven methods to stand out and go from average and unnoticed to an intriguing dating prospect no woman could ignore.

It’s a long, in-depth guide covering all the fundamental aspects I and dozens of my private clients used to increase their seductive market value.

From tips on how to improve your looks using the right type of fashion to social & mindset hacks to bring more stunners into your life and feel more confident and relaxed around them.

Once you develop these traits, you’ll finally have what it takes to be taken seriously by a really hot girl and allow the seduction to happen.

To get started, watch the full video below:

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“You’re too old for me” - How to deal with age objections

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How to pick up a hot bartender (without going to bars…)