“You’re too old for me” – How to deal with age objections

Most men are masters at finding reasons to avoid approaching the women they desire and wasting great opportunities.

One of the main excuses I hear all the time is the classic “But I’m too old for her…”, usually coming from clients in their 30s & 40s after I send them to talk to a twenty-something smoke show during the infield part of my workshops.

Which is ironic because virtually every man I meet craves to get in bed with younger, hotter women, but most succumb to social taboos and the idea that it is ‘unacceptable’ to date someone a decade (or more) younger than them (provided that you’re both well above the legal age of consent obviously).

But is there anything such as “too old” to approach and get dates?

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In my latest video, I show you how to effortlessly handle age-related objections and get younger hotties like Leo DiCaprio would, without needing fame and fortune. You can watch it HERE.

Let me tell you, I’ll be turning 44 this year, and things are only getting better…

Most males mature at a much slower pace than ladies do and therefore reach their peak of attractiveness and abundance of options far later in life.

A guy in his twenties has very often accumulated not even half of the crazy character-building experiences and social references that a hot girl his peer has; at thirty, he’s only getting started…

That’s why it’s senseless to compare yourself to women and not go after some potentially epic dating experiences just because you’re worried about your age.

I’m not gonna lie, some ladies will poke you about it to see how you react and, in some cases, will walk away, BUT, if you’re willing to take a few L’s; you’ll meet countless hot girls who will be very excited to date and get freaky with a mature, non-judgmental gentleman who’s got his sh*t together.

For a prime example of this watch my last video below where I approach a stunning and bratty 25 y.o. Latina in the streets of Barcelona:

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My Craziest infield Video Yet! Barcelona pickup spree on film

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My Craziest infield Video Yet! Barcelona pickup spree on film

Most of you know me as a low energy brooding seducer. Certainly I can be and there’s a lot of power in using intense intent, being grounded and choosing opportune moments to make a move.

how you doin smile GIF by Hyper RPG

However, there’s many other sides to me and when the mood takes me, I like to cut loose and get a little crazier and more fun in my interactions. Especially for guys who are fairly new to approaching, learning to get loose and meet lots of different people, bounce positive energy off them and really learn to enjoy the process, helps disintegrate fear and hesitation.

In my latest video, I show you why being a little silly and having genuine fun when talking to ladies will make them rapidly interested in you and you get you in a charismatic flow state.

Check out my latest video where I treat Barcelona like an amusement park and turn a walk in the park into a hilarious adventure, while picking up a few hotties on the way.

You can watch it HERE.

Knowing how not to take yourself too seriously is a fundamental part of becoming a more seductive and socially capable man.

Of course, there are moments to be playful and moments to get razor sharp with your intent.

And all the best seducers know when to step off the silliness pedal to transition into a simmering, direct sexual frame that will ultimately make her fall for you.

If you want to see me kick up the craziness like never before on film and score a super hot Serbian gal in the process, check out my latest video below.

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To be or not to be dominant?

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“You’re too old for me” - How to deal with age objections

To be or not to be dominant?

Do you often struggle being dominant in bed, or can you confidently take charge of your lovers’ mind, body and pleasure?

sexy yes please GIF by Fifty Shades

Lots of men feel some degree of shame about harnessing their natural dominance tendencies, as they may perceive it as an ultimately selfish, or even toxic expression of their masculinity, that degrades women and does not take in account their needs, settling instead for a safer vanilla mentality and type of lovemaking.

Although this comes from a good place, it’s a mistaken attitude, because so many women crave to be led and taken by a confident and caring man.

Are dominant men all assh*les?

Do women want these type of men ?

And what do ladies actually want in the bedroom?

This is exactly what I answer in my latest video where I sit down with my old friend and frequent channel guest Dr.Saida Desilets. You can watch it HERE.

We examine every aspect of the dilemma, and Saida’s decades of scientific research as a sexologist and psychologist working with thousands of women to unleash their ultimate erotic beings, helps us to shine light on several female sexuality truths and nuances that far too many guys are unaware of.

To find out what we discovered, check the video below…and remember to keep an open mind 😉

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How to get dates this summer

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My Craziest infield Video Yet! Barcelona pickup spree on film

How to get dates this summer

Summer is finally here, which means for proactive men with a little street hustle.. endless possibilities for igniting hot dating opportunities.

Or it means another humid stretch of frustration and inaction, mixed with the FOMO as the world seems to have fun and get laid without you.

The difference is the ability to connect with strangers.

Not only through a focussed cold approach, using “game” to maximize your chances.

Just as importantly it’s through embodying a social vibe, closing the gap between you and people in general while flexing your conversational skills, allowing you to hit flow states where true “natural” game occurs.

Men who can genuinely enjoy the company of strangers and women – having a joke, a flirt or passing special moment, regardless of whether it becomes a seduction – get massive results over time.

Ironically by not always focusing on getting the girl.

dating naked summer GIF by VH1

Knowing how to have fun and just enjoy socializing with strangers will do a lot more for your seductive skills, charisma, and confidence than just plowing through approaches with a win/lose mentality.

Of course when it’s time to pull the trigger; make your intent crystal clear and go for it.

But also learn to break the ice, vibe, and enjoy the human interactions that build so many correlating skills and you might have some fun as well along the way:)

In my latest video, I bounce around gorgeous Barcelona on my recent coaching trip and show first hand how to get loose and meet a heap of cool and sexy people in a couple of hours, without anything flashy or scripted.

By the end I’ve made some good pals, had some laughs, and lined up a few dates.

Check it out HERE.

When you get in the flow and make the city feel like your social and seductive playground and then you come across a girl you’re attracted to.. reaching out and starting a natural, cool, improvisational, and confidently seductive interaction becomes easy.

Whereas, fixating on only ever attempting to talk to specific types of hotties while ignoring and avoiding all other possible social interactions tends to lead to slow or stagnant progress, as too much pressure is put on performing in zero-sum attempts to pick up a woman.

Unfortunately, many guys just buckle under the pressure and end up sitting the summer out.

Check out the new video to learn how to kick-start your dating life this summer.

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I tied a sexy model during a live podcast…

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To be or not to be dominant?