How to get a body that women love

Modern Men Are Lazy

Do you ever feel ashamed of your body, or worry that you’re not as strong as previous generations? Do you feel lazy, slow, or weak, and unable to perform in bed? If so, you’re not alone.


Get girls – without a 6 pack

I debunk the myth that you need a six-pack to attract hot girls.

Instead, I show you how to get and keep a body that’s good for dating. Anyone can do a three-month transformation, but can you keep that for three years? 30 years?

Realistic Fitness Goals

In the video, I’ll share with you the most important elements of getting in shape, including:

  • cardio and physical strength
  • not being skinny fat,
  • being good in bed.

a simple diets to cut out 90% of the modern toxic junk

I’ll also share the best lifestyle habits to feel good, awake, focused, and strong, not just gain muscle.

Be A Jacked Dad

Getting shredded for summer is a stupid short-term goal. You should be thinking about being 60 and still having a functional, fit, and healthy body. Fitness is the ultimate status symbol, and to be a man who respects himself, you need to care about it.

Modern Fake “Food”

Most modern “food” is not food at all, but processed garbage that’s efficient for the production cycle. I’ll share a good rule: no more ingredients lists. Just eat actual food. Fasting also changed my life, and I’ll share how it can help your stomach to relax and survive.

If you want to learn more, watch my video. It’s packed with useful information that will help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your sex life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve yourself and your future.

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The Disney romance myth - A roadmap to becoming a real man

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The Disney romance myth – A roadmap to becoming a real man

Disney Fantasy

Disney has ruined romance for our generation, and how to become a real man.

Disney movies have given men the message that they need to be a tall, muscular, and heroic figure to impress one girl.

This has led women to fantasize about some perfect Prince charming who is destined for them.


Social Dominance Pyramid

In my video, I introduce my pyramid, which tracks the evolution of social dominance and shares my insights on how to climb it. The higher you get on the pyramid, the easier it is to attract high-quality women.


Lion King – Climbing the Pyramid

I map Simba’s journey to becoming the king of Pride Rock in the movie, The Lion King, to your journey of climbing the social dominance pyramid.

I take you through each level of the pyramid, from Level 1 boy (born) to Level 7 wizard (giving wisdom down to your sons). I also share real-life examples of how to achieve each level and earn the right to be king.

How can we learn from Simba’s journey?

Become A Soldier

Let’s avoid the pitfalls that have led our generation of men to waste their lives on porn and video games. Instead, I show you how to create a social circle full of models, build inner power, and inspire others to follow you.

My video will help you become a real man and improve your chances of finding the women you really want. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up and become the king of your life.

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Women can feel LOW testosterone?

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How to get a body that women love

Women can feel LOW testosterone?

Masculinity Crisis?

A recent study shows that testosterone levels in men have dropped by 50% in the last few years, sparking debates and concerns about the impact of modern society on masculinity. Some claim that our sedentary lifestyle and exposure to microplastics are draining our testosterone levels, while others argue that testosterone isn’t the only factor in determining masculinity.

Low Test = Low Status

Regardless of the science, it’s worth considering how your testosterone levels might be affecting your life. Do you feel in control of your life? Can you hold eye contact, stand up to your boss, and step up when someone is in danger? These are all indications of confidence and strength, which are often associated with testosterone.

Quick Fix

If you’re interested in boosting your testosterone levels, there are some quick fixes you can try, like eating meat, getting sunlight, exercising regularly, and sleeping well. Avoiding certain foods and environmental factors, like soy, seed oils, and microplastics, can also help.

What ACTUALLY works

But perhaps the most important factor in increasing your testosterone levels is surrounding yourself with other men who inspire and challenge you. A mentor, gym buddy, or coach can help you push your limits and become the best version of yourself.

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