10 Positions All Women Go Crazy For

Things in bed can get boring real quick…

If all you’re able to do is last ten minutes in the three positions we all know.

As a lifelong sex nerd, I’ve devoted the past two decades (while growing my elite dating coaching company) to exploring all realms of human sexuality, bedding countless women, and seeking out the world’s best sexual masters.

Over 10 years ago I found my way to studying Tantra in India, which honestly I had mixed feelings about.

On the one hand, many of the subtle sexual techniques and partner meditations were life changing.

Wildlife gif. A lioness rolls over as a lion stands over her. Text, "The male lion is enticed by the female's supple breasts and firm backside."

However, there was too much religious dogma and ritual around the practices for my liking. I found it slow and unnecessarily convoluted.

After keeping the gems and discarding the sectarian practices, I started teaching Tantric techniques to my students, giving them tools to control arousal, increase intimacy and ecstatic sensation in them and their partners.

This was the bridge between dominance and sensuality and it made all areas of their sexual skills vastly improve

In my latest video, I demonstrate variations on sex positions you may already know but didn’t know how nuanced and varied they can be.

In it, I demonstrate––as explicitly as it gets for YouTube––my top 10 positions with a foxy female assistant AND show you how to integrate Tantric breathwork into them.

I strongly encourage you to take notes and give these a try, no matter how ‘strange’ it feels at first.

The results will speak for themselves.

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Women pay to f*ck me

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Secret Female Fantasies - How To Make Her BEG For It

Women pay to f*ck me

Are all women truly submissive nymphos willing to do anything in bed?

Or is it just a male fantasy used to sell cheap p*rn subscriptions?

The answer is: it depends on who they are with.

See, it’s one thing to be technically proficient at penetrating her for ten minutes.

But it takes a LOT more to help a woman fully express her untamed, slutt*est self so that she can turn into the wild, creative lover we all desire.

The secret lies in knowing how to effectively lead and dominate her in bed so that she trusts you to take her through new intense sexual experiences.

There’s much more to this than just barking orders like a drill sergeant, or whipping out the handcuffs.

The few guys who can take women over their erotic edges, do so through responsive leading, calibrated with empathy, to the needs of each woman

Video gif. Black and white close-up of a hand gripping onto the sheets.

Only if she feels safe, sexy and unjudged, will she will lose control and reveal her true sexual nature to you.

The best part? Relieved of all judgement, and given permission to express herself, sex will turn into a powerful cathartic experience for her.

It’s so good that many of my lovers joke that they should pay me for f*cking them so well 😉

To learn more on how to apply dominance in your encounters, watch my latest video where I interview Australia’s top BDSM master and dive into the nuances of making girls addicted to you:

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How to make women C*m (scientific approach)

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10 Positions All Women Go Crazy For

How to make women C*m (scientific approach)

Ever wondered how to keep women lusting after you for years?

And how to take them over the edge in bed like no one ever did…

…Leading them through their wildest erotic dreams, perhaps even making them squ*rt so explosively that they always remember you?

These may sound like rhetorical questions but you’d be surprised how many men selfishly don’t care or are just oblivious. But as warrior Lover Adventurers, we want to know all the secrets and hidden pleasures of the feminine.

naked orgasm GIF

We’ve come a long way, and emerging fields of scientific studies, such as Sexology and Sexual Anatomy, have since decoded the mysteries of female orgasm.

For a long time, I’ve been lucky to call a close friend, a world-class pioneer in sexual research: Dr. Saida Desilets.

With a Ph.D. in psychology, TedX appearances, and decades of experience in helping men and women get back in touch with their sensuality and erotic energy, few people on this planet are as qualified as Saida in telling you how to truly satisfy any girl in the sheets.

I recently filmed an epic interview with her, diving into the art and science of female pleasure, reclaiming and releasing your inner Beast, and dealing with sexual & performance anxieties.

Watch the full interview below:

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How to get any girl n*ked in 33 seconds

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Women pay to f*ck me

How to get any girl n*ked in 33 seconds

It’s the simple stuff, that tells her whether you really know what you’re doing, or if you’re faking it.

Women are pros at reading nonverbal, subliminal cues.

The way you hug her, how you walk next to her in the street, your eye contact, how you initiate the kiss…

These all paint a clear picture in her head of what kind of man and potential lover you are.

From the first kiss, to how seamlessly you lead her to the bedroom, your physical flow either attracts or repels her.

The moments leading up to sex are crucial and your skill in undressing her is vital.

naked making love GIF

Guys who take minutes to remove a bra and clumsily get stuck when trying to take off her pants sure may make for a good laugh but this kills the tension.

Getting her naked should be a sensual experience that excites her and helps you transition into sleeping with her smoothly.

It has to be fast but not rushed.

How fast? For me about 33 seconds and that’s me doing it deliberately slow;)

Want to see proof? Check my latest video below, where I explicitly demonstrate with a sexy female assistant how to get any woman naked and ready in record time (I can’t believe we’re allowed to show this on YT 🙂



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How to be the best she ever had

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How to make women C*m (scientific approach)

How to be the best she ever had

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I have always valued practicality above all else.

There is a lot of speculation out there on what works best to bring more women into your life and get them attracted to you. The vast majority of theories focus on indirect steps…

You gotta look well, earn well, and have amazing friends.

Things that do help but only in conjunction with the most effective action: you must talk to her first.

So, the first thing that separates needy, thirsty guys from real pros who get the most beautiful women on dates is the ability to effortlessly approach them.

Sexy Cheers GIF

This skill is not innate but learned through repetition and failure until it becomes instinctual. You’ll probably suck at first, but if you stick with it, you’ll unlock epic seductive results most guys simply will never get.

The second most important thing to become the guy in a number of elite women’s lives is knowing how to rock their world in the bedroom.

And just like approaching, this is not something guys ‘just know’ by default.

There are many realms of pleasure to be explored beyond the usual three positions, and those who are willing to venture into them and practice will become a rare prize every girl will want to get a hold of.

To learn more on this and discover what women think of you in bed, watch my latest video below:


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How to get any girl n*ked in 33 seconds