Tired of texting that leads nowhere? Try THIS

The game has evolved.

And those who refuse to accept it will be left in scarcity and never fulfill their sexual potential.

But I know you’re different.

You’ve been following us for a while, wanting the best, no b.s. seductive education on the planet, so I’m going to keep it real with you…

In 2023 you MUST have an attractive online profile.

Social Media Hearts GIF by Flamingo Services

Technology has changed how we socialize, for the better or the worst.

And nowadays, women expect you to be on social media. It’s an unspoken rule.

Can you still do without it? Sure.

But it would be like denying a girl you met ten years ago your number because you don’t like phones…you only do handwritten letters.

Why make things harder for yourself?

Exchanging a well-designed Instagram profile is a great way to continue the interaction after you approach her in the street so that she can learn more about you and feel safe that you’re a cool guy worth seeing again without having to text for days.

And you don’t need thousands of followers or crazy photos to make this work.

All you gotta do is show four key things on your profile to get women craving to meet you again…

To find out what they are, check the video below:

P.S. Want me to show you how to build an elite profile that gets you tons of hot women and romantic opportunities––in as little as two minutes per day of lazy work?

My Social Media Dating Guide is the world’s first practical blueprint that helps you leverage Instagram to obliterate flakes and triple the percentage of girls you get on dates from your regular approaches.

From how to pick and shoot the right pictures, to smoothly messaging her so that you stand out from her thirsty followers, to creating jealousy via stories…

I cover it all so that you’re able to thrive in the new dating era.

Ready to get better, not bitter?

> Get my Social media dating guide here

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Ugly guy f*cks supermodels – how? (Case Study)

Sometimes is the guy you laugh about that gets all the hotties.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Take Pete Davidson…


Two years ago, no one would have suspected the Saturday Night Live comedian to be a pro at picking up girls.

At first sight, the man doesn’t fit the stereotype of a high-value masculine type.

Skinny, pale, with a cringy sense of fashion and the eye bags of someone who hasn’t slept in years.

Yet, Pete has bedded some of the hottest, most powerful women on the planet.

Singer Ariana Grande, billionaire socialite Kim Kardashian, and recently we got to know he’s now dating superstar model Emily Ratajkowski.

At this point, it’s obviously not all a coincidence…

The man knows the game and is playing his cards in a truly savvy, admirable way.

Alex, I hope this serves as proof that anyone with the right mindset and skillset can succeed at dating.

Looks, money, social status…

These things matter to a much lesser extent than you think.

To find out what really gets women intrigued, watch my in-depth analysis of Pete Davidson’s game below.

In it, I reveal the four core qualities any guy should master to effortlessly date the women of his dreams––even the Emily Ratajkowski stunners out there.

P.S. The fastest way to acquire qualities that women are attracted to is to spend time with men who strongly embody those traits.

That’s how I did it five years ago as a socially awkward boy from rural Austria, and today I’m living my dream life!

Traveling the world with my Russian model girlfriend and her friends, consistently getting girls who I always thought were out of my league hitting on me first.

If you also want this type of power and choice in your lifestyle, I strongly encourage you to apply for one of our upcoming workshops

Starting in April 2023, in Barcelona, Spain, our week-long programs are the most effective way to lightspeed your dating progress in days by getting personally trained by James Marshall, me, and the best teams of naturals on the planet.

We’ll guide you through every step of the process, hitting the streets of the Catalan capital and picking up exotic hotties together, again and again, until it all becomes second nature for you.

To learn more and save your spot before we sell out again:

> Click here to speak with our student manager

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Tired of texting that leads nowhere? Try THIS