Dating has changed – game over?

Dating is not what it used to be…

Since I was young and trying to get laid, the dating landscape has changed drastically.

With Tinder, Instagram, and Onlyfans surging, young men are vanishing into their rooms to blink at screens all night, instead of meeting girls at the skate park with a cask of cheap wine, as we did in my day.

Nowadays, it’s all about satisfying the algorithm’s cravings: picking the right pictures, swiping all day, and crafting the perfect first message in the hopes that she replies with a dry-ass ‘Hi’.

Or is it?

We can’t ignore the impact that online dating has made on modern society, yet…

The truth is some things have never changed. Women still respect a man who approaches her with charm and directness.

one direction kiss GIF by RealityTVGIFs

Cold approach is still the great equalizer that allows guys without high status or carefully constructed social funnels to sweep beauties off the street.

The good news is, you have way less competition as the years go by. If you become one of the tiny fraction of men who learn how to approach women competently, your options become limitless.

Or.. you can go back to swiping.

If you’re interested in watching me and Gareth Jones discussing recent trends in seduction and our favorite methods to get dates in this digitally-confusing era, watch the video below:


P.S. All coaching workshops for 2022 are completely sold out!

If you want to join me and the crew to learn the world’s most effective method to effortlessly meet women and get them on dates in real life, without wasting time in front of a screen, check our training availability for the 2023 season below:

> Click here for more info on coaching dates

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The low-effort, high-return way to meet hot women

Can I be honest with you?

It absolutely bewilders me how so many men think they must put in insanely long hours and effort to meet girls.

Like…you’re supposed to enjoy this!

Dating should be fun, for the most part, and add to your life––this is not a job.

Sure, results may differ.

hot girl si swimsuit 2017 GIF by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit

Some guys will encounter success much faster than others when starting to approach women due to their background, pre-existing social skills, looks, and many other factors.

But that doesn’t mean everyone who’s not already ‘gifted’ should endure soul-crushing amounts of approaches and late nights out going through hell to get a date eventually.

Let me repeat it in case it’s not clear yet: this is not the gym. You don’t need to heavily shock some muscle for years to see growth in this area of your life.

It might trigger some, but the truth is that many of the most successful seducers I’ve ever met were quite lazy individuals.

Nowadays, I’m all about that lifestyle: getting the most romantic results with the least amount of effort.

If you want to learn how I do it, check out my latest video below:


P.S. Want to access my secret network of 200+ ambitious guys, including many of my private students, testing out and sharing the most effective strategies to win at dating, business, fitness, and lifestyle design––for FREE?

For a limited time, you can still join my elite Discord where I personally coach and interact with people daily at no cost.

Starting as my private ‘lifestyle experiment’, the group has exceeded all my expectations forming a thriving global community with people from dozens of countries within weeks of its creation.

We’re very close to reaching maximum capacity, so if you still want to get in for free before we start to limit access to paying members, click below:

> Join Alex’s private Discord HERE

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From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

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Dating has changed - game over?

From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

You must stop wasting your time on this…

There’s no point in waiting for three or more dates out with a woman before making a move.

It’s just a fairytale.

Girls do not have any set rules about how soon they’ll sleep with a guy.

Nor do they enjoy texting for weeks before finally meeting you in person.

Sorry to break it to you, but if she keeps making excuses to postpone the date or avoids physical contact, something has gone very wrong.

Truth is that when the connection is powerful and sexual tension is there, women will often want to see you again and get naughty as soon as possible

–sometimes even within hours of meeting each other.

What tends to happen, however, is that some girls will purposefully make you wait, even though they deeply desire you, because they don’t want to appear ‘easy’ or feel judged.

As I like to remind my students, generating attraction is only one part of solving the dating puzzle…

Making her feel comfortable and safe around you is what often unlocks results.

To see a practical example of how quickly one can go from meeting a sexy stranger on the street to seeing her again on a date, check my latest infield video below:


P.S. Want to get access to a world-class tribe of hundreds of ambitious men smashing it and helping each other to excel in their dating lives, careers, and overall lifestyles?

I’ve just opened ten more slots for my FREE Transformation Discord!

Inside the group, you’ll receive daily accountability, field reports, peer-to-peer mentoring, as well as tons of content and free live webinars I don’t post anywhere else.

This is a limited opportunity, I’m running this as a lifestyle experiment and absolutely for free only in 2022. If you miss the boat this year, you’ll only be able to join my network in the future as a private, workshop paying client.

Join today for free below:

> Alex’s Private Discord

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