Why therapy helps your dating life

It’s no mystery that most men will benefit tremendously from doing therapy.

Getting your sh*t together, sorting through your traumas and fears, and finding a person who knows how to help you dig isn’t easy but it is necessary.

I for one have been deeply involved with inner exploration work, both in the forms of traditional psychotherapy and Eastern spiritual practices, for over two decades.

Paradoxically, I credit a large part of my early seductive success more to my extensive experience with meditation than just having approached tons of women.

Being present, focused, and able to stay relaxed under pressure.

Distracting Listen Up GIF by Ramsey Solutions

These skills are as vital for the aspiring monk as they are for the modern-day Casanova.

Now, while getting a feel for the epic benefits of self-discovery is simple, finding good analysts and spiritual guides is becoming increasingly more complex.

Especially when you consider that virtually anyone with the motivation can open a YouTube channel and start selling his ‘life coaching’ services overnight.

Alex, as I mentioned before, I’ve been actively involved with this since before the Internet was a thing––to put it in another way, I had time to learn a thing or two.

Below you will find a concise video guide where I openly share my best tips and criteria to pick the right therapist and finally start healing your inner wounds:


P.S. What I also have been up to for nearly twenty years is coaching tens of thousands of men like you building insanely abundant and fulfilling dating lives.

From how to approach any woman in an honest and charming way, to rapidly making her interested in you without reciting awkward lines or inventing stories, to setting a date and seeing her again soon so that she becomes your devoted lover.

What started as intense, spontaneous research into what actually works in dating soon sprouted into the world’s most effective and no b.s. method any guy can use to get the romantic results he deserves.

If you too want to access the TNL system at its full power and personally work with me and my team to turn your desires into reality, join us next month, from Oct 4th-Oct 8th, 2022, in New York (US), for our last coaching workshop of the year (next training round starts late spring 2023).

Only two spots remaining. For more details and questions, speak with the team for free below:

> Apply for our last 2022 workshop

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I got humbled

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From ‘hi’ to ‘f*ck me’ in 24 hours

I got humbled

We all need challenges once in a while.

Especially when you get so good by most people’s standards at something that you get paid to travel the world to teach it.

It’s easy to get stuck in your ego and convince yourself that there’s nothing more to be gained or learned.

So, last month I decided to test myself and recorded the very first ‘seduction challenge’ in the history of TNL:

48 hours to get a date in a new city.

No friends or social circle, no Tinder, or any other online distractions.

Just walking up to total hot strangers in the street––filmed by my ninja camerawoman––and using my approaching skills to get the ladies to meet me again on a date within the next couple of days.

No consolation prizes or half-assing it: I either succeed or miserably fail in front of the entire channel.

Safe to say that the whole experience taught me a lot and, in some ways, even humbled me. Find out the outcome of my crazy experiment by watching the full video below:

P.S. Interested in working with me 1-on-1 (live on the street, or online in zoom sessions) to take your abilities with women and your lifestyle results to insane, absolutely ego-inflating levels?

I’ve just opened two more spots for my Online Mentoring Program, and this is your chance of having me as your private coach, accountability partner, texting wingman, and many more epic things for four weeks.

These will sell out fast, and when they do, you’ll have to wait another month before being given the chance to apply.

If motivated to go through an intense, challenging journey that will transform your life, click on the link below to learn more about how the mentoring works:

> Click here to work with Alex

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Your smartphone is killing your dating life

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Why therapy helps your dating life