Direct Vs Indirect – The Best Seduction Style

On workshops, I often get asked what’s the best way to approach women: directly or indirectly?

My answer often surprises the students…

Directness is not a style of seduction, but a way of life.

making love passionate kiss GIF

You cannot shyly tiptoe through life, never daring to express your honest opinion, pleasing others instead of confronting them, and then expect to boldly approach a woman in the streets.

Think about that, in terms of how you’ve lived your life so far.

If you want to develop a brave, straightforward attitude, you must live authentically according to your will 24/7.

Make no mistake, being direct is not about bossing people around with arrogance either.

It boils down to two consequential steps:

First, develop your self-awareness to realize what you truly want in life, or in a given situation.

Second, express your honest intentions in clear, no b.s. way, while still taking into consideration other people’s feelings –– empathy is the key.

For a concise guide to developing a direct approach to your own life, refer to my latest video. Link below.


P.SIf you really desire to finally start living a reality that matches your social, romantic, and financial expectations, I’ve got good news for you.

On March 14th, 2021, I’ll be opening the enrollments of my Lifestyle Design Academy 2.0.

The Academy is TNL’s most successful program ever, with hundreds of positive success stories, and a practical method anyone can follow to start designing and bringing to life their own masterpiece lifestyle.

By joining the LDA brotherhood, you’ll learn not only how to achieve the external goals & success you’ve always fantasized about, but also how to develop your character and inner qualities so that you can finally start feeling worthy of more.

Keep checking your inbox in the coming weeks for more details on the LDA relaunch and heaps of more free life-changing content

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3 Principles Everyone Starting Daygame Should Learn

The more I advance in my masculine path and collaborate with other élite specialists, the more I realize true mastery is NOT attained by learning hundreds of different techniques…

…But by executing a few principles in a flawless way.

It’s like having a limited amount of fuel to reach a destination: if you constantly change your path, you’ll gas out before getting to the end.

But how do we determine whether a principle is superior to another one or not?


The answer is a subjective one: it depends on the individual necessities.

For example, when I started my seduction journey, I didn’t experience many of the so-called beginner’s hell problems…

My Shaolin training had taught me to reach very high levels of presence and the ability to get out of my head.

And all the years I had spent on stages with my funk band had pretty much annihilated my social anxiety.

Still, I was far from perfect, and getting physical with a girl was a major issue for me.

But that’s just my story.

Some of the best seducers I’ve met throughout my journey had a very different set of challenges to deal with.

That’s why at our live workshops I often invite a number of external guest teachers to join the TNL coaching team…


So that every student is guaranteed to learn from someone they can deeply relate to.

You can get a glimpse of what I’m talking about by watching my latest video.

In it, I team up with fellow dating coaches and long-time collaborators, Sasha Daygame and John Keegan, to reveal to you the 3 most important principles you should learn when getting started in seduction.

Click the link below to watch it

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The Art & Practice Of Masculinity

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Direct Vs Indirect - The Best Seduction Style

The Art & Practice Of Masculinity

Recently I’ve been wondering..Why is it that some guys come across as masculine and sexy while others struggle to be seen as attractive no matter what?

It is as if some men have an X-factor that gets girls attracted to them on the spot.

You’ve seen it too before…

Take famous actors like Sean Connery or Daniel Craig.

Very different looking, but they both nail the 007 part; what do they share in common?


They exude pure masculinity.

They don’t need to speak or act cool to prove themselves worthy, they know a woman is winning by spending time with them.

As a dating coach, I often come across guys who interact with women in very nice-guy, soft kinds of ways who need to be taught how to be more masculine in their demeanor…

Ball Nuts GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo

To their surprise, the way I approach this initially is through meditation.

That’s because true masculinity is obtained only by re-arranging a number of inner factors. It is not a matter of just toughening up, but mainly enhancing your awareness in key character areas such as love, compassion, conflict resolution, and more.

If you want to learn more about how to develop a healthy masculine mindset, check my latest video.

In it, joined by our executive coach Shae Matthews, I dive deep into the unexplored world of Masculine Archetypes, and how to re-integrate them into your persona. Link below to watch it.


P.SIf you want to learn a complete method of inner work that will teach you how to interact with the different aspects of your archetypal self, check my premium 6-week Awareness Meditation Course. In it, you will learn a system to effectively start your Inner journey towards a socially-free, more masculine, healthy version of yourself.

Click HERE to check how the course works.

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Be A Man: Act Weak.

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3 Principles Everyone Starting Daygame Should Learn