How To Go From Friend To Lover

Do you want to know a secret technique that got me many telephone numbers?

Do you want to know a secret technique that got me many telephone numbers and beautiful women coming back to my place in the past 10 years?

It’s called asking for it.

Nowadays, I see lots of men investing countless hours in the pursuit of becoming better versions of themselves in order to attract females. They become passionate about self-growth, read dozens of books, start hitting the gym, start watching TNL YouTube videos, but still struggle to make a move on the girls they like and remain stuck in the uncomfortable place known as the friend zone.

If this is your case, fear no more because today I’m going to help you end this platonic cycle of relationships and transition into real dating. Now, If I had to point the #1 issue causing this friend zone epidemic, I’d probably say that you are waiting for overt signals from the girl before you feel comfortable expressing your interest in her. For example, you might spend an excessive amount of energy talking about things you have no interest in, agreeing and nodding enthusiastically. Or you keep skipping over topics on a surface level without applying any pressure, flirtation or heavy eye contact, hoping instead that she will magically fall for your Olympic-level interview skills. Eventually, she will see you as nothing more than a friendly stranger and she will be gone soon before you think about asking for her number. Or she’ll offer her friendly flakey Instagram to add you to her ever growing follower list.

If I had to point the #1 issue causing this friend zone epidemic, I’d probably say that you are waiting for overt signals from the girl before you feel comfortable expressing your interest in her.

So how can you end this pattern? First, next time, before you go and talk to a woman, take a deep breath and set your intentions. You’re not meeting her to become her friend but because you’re considering her as a possible romantic partner. Second, if you want her telephone number or to ask her out for a coffee at that same moment, just express it. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because there isn’t one. Once you start doing this two things will begin to happen: some women will be attracted to you and look forward to seeing you again and others will reject you. What a wonderful outcome either way. You either get the date or you know you did your masculine job and there are no “what ifs” haunting you for days, weeks, months or even years after.

This is the brave moment in which your seduction journey truly begins. If you watch our students develop throughout a typical TNL workshop you’ll see them evolving from typical ‘nice guys’ struggling to stop girls on the street, to comfortably taking numbers of very attractive women after only three days of live coaching. Learning to express your masculine intent is something that usually takes a lot of time, but because we have excellent female role-play assistants to practice conversation frameworks, intent and touch drills with the students every day before they do it with strangers in the street, then they are able to accelerate in this area much more quickly. Using drama classes to develop a student’s skills in a safe environment where he can experiment and learn before he takes his new learning to the street is the most effective tool we’ve found to help our students speed up the process and learn how to express their desires in a matter of days.

If you’ve spent your whole life not being able to look a woman in the eye and ask her out on a date then you need to join one of our workshops. The shocking thing is that we find this inability to be direct about your sexual intent is very common. The hard truth is that a man will find it hard to get what he is unable to ask for, never mind the other important things like being able to calibrate, contribute to the conversation, challenge, qualify, make an emotional impact and exchange contacts and all that while smoothly making physical moves at the same time.

The great thing is that firstly, you have a choice, you can develop the courage and the ability to ask, and secondly, no matter how long you may have struggled with any of these abilities we have worked out how to teach them to you – see it as the class on dating you never got in high school. I used to teach high school drama classes and not only do I wish I was able to teach there what we at TNL teach, I think that we’ve all been let down by society because these key competencies have been ignored.

But you don’t have to ignore them.

See you in class!

Go well,


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