Nothing saddens me more than witnessing men wasting their potential.
Most guys patiently follow the societal script, waiting for their turn, only to realize as the years go by that they’re still stuck in the same average, unfulfilling routine.
But life is not fair…
And unless you are willing to take action and start to assemble the type of destiny you want, no one else will ever do it for you.
Over the past seventeen years, as I coached thousands of men in person and tens of thousand online, I realized that there are three steps my most successful clients execute to get extraordinary results in both dating, friendships, and business.

First: they focus on what THEY want.
It might sound obvious to some, but most people still design their lifestyle to please and impress others.
If you’re only idea of an epic life is being a show-off Dan Bilzerian type of character who hangs out with celebrities and Victoria’s Secrets models at yacht parties, you might be in for some disappointments.
For starters, this type of baller lifestyle takes many years of financial and networking strategies to be set into motion, and, to be completely honest, it’s not something many enjoy in the long term.
True lifestyle design is about consciously building a life that YOU can enjoy without having to prove anything to anyone.
It can be as ‘simple’ as making your career location-independent and traveling the world while you earn and meet international friends and as wild as infiltrating and becoming the king of the local BDSM scene.
Here is how one of our students, I, describes this process: