How To Build Freedom Income In 2022 (No Coins, No Tricks)

Ever wondered why some people accumulate great fortunes while others live paycheck to paycheck?


In fact, you’d be surprised to know that rich guys often spend considerably less in proportion to the average person.

And I’m not talking just about money.

Your time is a currency much more valuable than Uncle Sam’s paper out there, and in contrast with cash, it’s a limited resource that it’s always diminishing. If you don’t spend it wisely, you’ll deprive yourself not only of material success but you will also miss many epic lifestyle opportunities.

So don’t believe all the high-vibration, fake Instagram millionaires out there who tell you that by simply working on yourself, repeating some mantra in front of the mirror, and buying some obscure NFT you’ll get overnight rich.

Super League Money GIF by Anderson .Paak

Plot twist: you won’t.

If you’re not satisfied with your current financial situation, you need to take action and find ways to practically increase your income without having to work three jobs at once.

Now, I’m not a financial advisor, but after almost twenty years of personal experience running my business while constantly networking with other high net-worth entrepreneurs, I’ve learned that there are some proven ways a man can go on to increase and even double his base income within months while working less.This frees up valuable time to work on what’s really important to you in life.

I cover them in great detail, while also providing you practical blueprints to optimize your life both financially and socially, in my latest video.

Click on the link below to watch it:

P.S. Wanna know the exact strategies I share with my private students to organically maximize every key area of their masculine lifestyles like social circle, sexuality, physical wellbeing, bio-hacking, business, romantic relationships, and more?

Then be on the lookout for the relaunch of my Lifestyle Design Academy opening enrollments for one week on April 9th, 2022.

In the LDA, we use a collaborative coaching approach. Meaning, you get weekly live Zoom lectures where you get personally trained by me and then also get to try out every concept, arrange accountability and practice sessions, and go on epic adventures with our global tribe of 600+ fellow lifestyle designers.

To get access today to a 30-min lecture from the Academy for free, click HERE

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