Why Women Love Selfish Guys (sorry)

From the very moment we are born, we’re taught that selfishness is bad.

Parents, teachers, and even the holy books preach an unconditional “others before you” approach to life.

Molding young boys into strongly altruistic, sensitive, pleasing, and most importantly confrontation-adverse men.

If you’ve been there, you know how the story continues…

big brother pop GIF by Big Brother After Dark

Life f*cks you mercilessly in the ass. No lube.

And to make matters worst, you soon realize that those who actually enjoy epic success and earthly pleasures are those who purposely chose to ignore their conditioning: the selfish guys.

Not only do they suffer a lot less, but they seem to be literally magnetic to others, and especially women

That’s because a man who is not shy of prioritizing what he wants and knows how to get it will always elicit strong attraction from girls.

To learn more about how selfishness affects your dating results, watch my latest video on the topic by clicking on the link below:

P.S. Want to get mentored by the world’s best in helping men to unleash their full masculine and seductive potential?

Then join me and my elite team of TNL coaches this October in Barcelona, Spain, as we get ready for our last and most epic workshop of the year.

7 days of intense theory masterclasses, individualized inner game coaching, roleplay sessions with hot female models to practice every concept in a safe environment, and more importantly dozens of hours spent in the field meeting, attracting and ultimately going on dates with several sexy and tanned Mediterranean girls.

If you’re tired of always falling short in your dating life and feel ready to shamelessly go after those women you truly like, this is your chance!

Program runs October 4th-October 10th, 2021, and we only have two spots left to join. To learn more about it and inquiry about enrolling…

Click here to speak with my team

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