Kurt Harris

Kurt Harris

Kurt Harris

Kurt began as a student with the original Natural crew in the halcyon days of Australia and was quickly embedded as an inner circle friend and coach. He re-joined TNL full time in 2019.

Kurt teaches authentic communication through touch, intent, and conversation. And teaches students to cultivate and channel their sexual energy into their intimate relationships, creative pursuits, mature masculinity, and of course, better sex.

Kurt brings an honours degree in psychology, and is always furthering his personal growth: Being actively mentored in conscious sex, energetic bodywork, and active meditation.

#Sex# Conscious Relating# Meditation

Coaching by Kurt Harris

Kurt teaches authentic communication through touch, intent, and conversation. And teaches students to cultivate and channel their sexual energy into their intimate relationships, creative pursuits, mature masculinity, and of course, better sex.

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Meet the other TNL coaches

Shae Matthews

Inner Game Coach

Our resident Inner Game coach, Shae Matthews specializes in removing a student’s internal blockages, and rewiring their core beliefs through a combination of meditation, NLP and other techniques to help them fast track their way to success with women...

More about Shae

Alex León

Executive Coach

Alex brings a unique perspective to the coaching team having had humble beginnings as an introverted German/Austrian heavily invested in electronics and programming, only to break free and embrace a new way of connecting with women and the world.

More about Alex

James Marshall

CEO of The Natural Lifestyles

Founder and CEO of The Natural Lifestyles, James specializes in low-energy, high-impact seduction.
Combining years of hardcore Shaolin Kung Fu training with years of Australian hippy rock and roll game, James’ wide variety of experiences allows him to see the simple problems stopping men from having the women they want, and the steps needed to be taken to become natural with women.

More about James

Jonathan Thomsen

Executive Coach

Like many at The Natural Lifestyles, Jon has been around since the early days as James Marshall’s best friend in High School.
Over the years Jon has watched James go from a poor hippy musician to the world’s most successful dating coach, and is now bringing his own style of natural game to the team.

More about Jonathan

Kurt Harris

Executive Coach

Kurt was originally a student of The Natural Lifestyles in Melbourne, Australia. Since then he's completed an honours degree in Psychology and is looking forward to helping you find the best coaching option to accelerate you dating, sex life, and lifestyle.

More about Kurt

Combining dozens of years of experience in Natural Seduction & Lifestyle Design, The team at "The Natural Lifestyles" specializes in taking men from a dating life of scarcity and little abundance of women, to giving them the freedom and choice that they desire in their relationships.