The global pandemic has been our savior, in a way.
Think about it…
Despite all the tragedy & chaos it reversed on humanity, it also taught us a fundamental lesson:
Sometimes, no matter what you do or how good you are, sh*t still happens.
This is a bitter one to swallow because it produces a gigantic dissonance with everything you’re taught while growing up.
Especially with the idea of always looking for the bright side of things, staying positive, and waiting for things to get better.
No matter how much positivity you manifest into the universe, the current events will still probably affect you in some negative way.
Statistics are showing a rapid surge in mental illnesses, depression, and sometimes even suicidal behavior among the male population caused by pandemic-induced isolation and home-confinement.
What’s worse, the general attitude of guys is either one of denial, distraction or or self blaming.
Loneliness, depression and isolation are very taboo topics amongst the male population.
But ironically, acknowledging your inner pain and mourning over your losses is the manliest thing you can do at the moment––it will make you grounded and give you peace and grace.
If you temporarily dive in and glance at the Abyss, you will discover a surprising truth:
Spending time in solitude does not need to equal feeling lonely. It is indeed a good occasion to create freedom, balance, and solidify your power.
To learn more about these topics and discover my two preferred methods to deal with loneliness & isolation, check my latest video. Link below:
P.S. If your dating life, social circle, or career have been temporarily shrunk or frozen by the lockdown, and you feel depressed knowing there’s no way out, I’ve got something to share with you…
While the world barely survived in this comatose state, I and my mentors & students still got laid plenty, traveled the world, and increased our social & financial capital.
How did we do it? By collaborating together.
The current global crisis is often too much to handle for one person, but when you join forces with others and leverage their help, epic success is still possible.
This is the core topic of my Lifestyle Design Academy, my most successful digital program launching tomorrow at 7 pm CET.
The LDA offers you 12-months of intensive mentorship with me and immediate access to my global network of hundreds of lifestyle designers, fellow coaches & world-class niche experts.
This is no prerecorded, cookie-cutter program…
The coaching is 100% live, conducted through weekly live Zoom lectures, dozens of missions, drills, and real time accountability systems.
When you combine it with the gigantic worldwide brotherhood I give you access to from day 1 in the course, you’ll be unstoppable.
To get a free 30-min lecture from the program and receive exclusive VIP offers as we enter the launch, click HERE.
Stay tuned for enrollment opening tomorrow evening. Hopefully see you on the first day of the academy.
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Lockdown Is Not The Real Problem (You Are)
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13th March 2021
James Marshall
Lockdown Is Not The Real Problem (You Are)
It’s a harsh truth but somebody has to say it..
If your seductive life & career have suffered because of lockdown, it is not just a case of bad luck.
Of course, the global crisis has spiraled outside of our control, especially in the past few months.
But your current life situation is also the direct outcome of countless choices(yt video link) you’ve made leading up to this day.
The external circumstance has just brought all the cracks into the light. It exposed how fragile and poorly constructed were the social, seductive, and work lives of many guys out there.
Their biggest mistake? Trying to do it all alone.
You can be as efficient, hardworking, and driven as you want but if everything revolves around you, you’re in a very unsafe position.
The moment you’re forced to stop making an effort to build your dream life––because of a global pandemic, for example––your entire life grinds to a halt.
To avoid this from happening to you again and reverse your situation immediately, you must include other people in the equation.
By collaborating with others and building a social circle of allies and trusted advisors which you can refer to, you’ll be able to take breaks from your hustle and be able to weather black swan events, without any negative effects.
I explain to you how to do this in my latest video. Link below:
P.S. The delicate process of building, and infiltrating, powerful social circles is one of the main topics covered in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching this Sunday, March 14th.
In the L.D.A, I not only mentor my students intensively for 12 months in designing an epic social & financially-free life, but I also give them immediate access to elite social circles when they join the program.
In fact, from day 1 of the training everyone is invited to join our global L.D.A network, counting hundreds of members & mentors specifically invited by me, who are happy to collaborate and advise you on how to create your unique masterpiece lifestyle.
Here is what one of them has to say about it…
To learn more about the program, get access to a free 30-min lecture and a one-hour coaching webinar with me going live TODAY, click HERE
Since the day you’re born, people shamelessly lie to you.
But don’t blame them, they’re acting in good faith.
They want only the best for you…so they start seeding the idea of the “good life” in your mind…
Work hard, get good grades, be nice to people, find a well-paying job, and a pretty girlfriend, and you’ll be happy.
Let me share some personal insight on that, which I have acquired after working with many “traditionally successful” men as a dating & lifestyle coach for the past 15 years:
You’ll never be happy.
And it’s not your fault…
You’re hardwired by nature to experience a chronic state of dissatisfaction for the rest of your days.
No matter how many women you date.
How large your bank account is.
Or how fast & expensive your newest sports car is.
The implication that by acquiring traditional success symbols, you’ll feel worthy and blissful is flawed.
If you want to reverse this natural tendency, there is only ONE thing you can do: shifting from a paradigm of “achieving and collecting” to one of “sharing & collaborating” with others.
This is not about objects or money, rather building leverage to create positive change in your life.
It’s a tricky topic to explain in one email, so I’ve just released a whole video diving deep into it. Click the link below to check it out.
True self-accomplishment is not formed only out of “peak milestone events” like getting promoted or taking home a runaway model, but rather from a smartly designed, day-to-day sustainable, and fulfilling way of living.
That is the main topic of my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy opening its enrollments this Sunday, March 14th, for a select group of ambitious men.
The L.D.A is a 12-month coaching program personally taught by me & world-class guest coaches as we mentor you in designing and building your ideal epic lifestyle.
What does an ideal lifestyle look like? That depends on you…
For some, it’s the digital nomad dream. Sitting on a beach in Thailand, chilling with a cool international crew, and working on your terms.
For others, it’s about having the skillset and high-level operative knowledge to reach out to mentors & teachers in unique walks of life and turn passions like creative arts or coaching people into a profitable career.
The Academy tackles all of the above and much more, offering its students dozens of different lifestyle paths/options to develop, or just try out. That is achieved through a combination of weekly live Zoom lectures, drills & missions to practice on your own, regular masterclasses with guest speakers, as well as giving you immediate access to a large global network of hundreds of other lifestyle designers to collaborate with.
If you are curious about learning more about the program, you can get access right now to one of the lectures for free to see how it works. Click HERE to check it out!
That’s a feeling we all experienced at certain times in our lives.
But as much as we don’t like the idea of it, being inept at something is not always a bad thing.
For starters, sucking is a very important part––and probably the most rewarding phase ––of your journey towards mastery.
That’s because when total beginners attempt stuff, in the worst-case scenario, they’ll still learn a lot more than if they decided to take no action.
Plus your capacities in the new area double often as you take the steep learning curve from complete ignorance to basic competency.
I myself have sucked hard at all of the skills I’m today known and respected for.
Make no mistake: eventually, the “sucking” ends.
That’s the period most people identify with the “advanced” phase of their path.
And that’s the exact moment when the real PROs choose to do what separates them from the rest of the crowd…
Go back to sucking at stuff again.
By changing their environment and seeking more experienced competitors and peers that will motivate them to re-approach things with a less arrogant, more open beginner’s mind.
This is the only real cheat code I know to always keep your skills at peak-level and your mindset & instinct sharp and dynamic. It also keeps you young in thinking and seeking growth and opportunity.
If you too want to know how to transmute your frustration into endless, fire-burning motivation, check my latest video by clicking on the link below
P.S. There is no limit to what a single man can achieve with a killer mindset and motivation, except the fact that he’s, indeed, only one person.
It is much easier to deal with frustration positively when you’re surrounded by a kickass crew of high-achievers who have your interest at heart and are willing to help you out whenever you feel like you suck.
In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching on March 14th, I share with you every single strategy and system that I’ve ever learned to engineer and create your own social circle and tribe, living exceptional lives, even if you’re starting from scratch like when arriving into a new city. I’ve personally done that a dozen times and have backward engineered the steps needed to multiply your social effects quickly.
In fact, I’ve done all the grunt work for you!
The moment you join the program, you’ll also get lifetime access to the global L.D.A community, the very first lifestyle design incubator of its kind, and a place where to meet and organize epic adventures and projects with like-minded guys all over the world.
Check my next email for more big details about the program, and how the enrollment process is going to work.
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The Cult Leader’s Guide to Pickup & World Domination
Nearly every man deeply craves the validating feeling of walking into a room exuding power and commanding respect and admiration”.
Or to be able to confidently speak in public persuasively, capturing the attention of everyone.
To have women whispering and gossiping about you as your aura affects a room.
The self-development industry knows this very well…
Hundreds of books, courses, and live programs are sold every year on the evergreen promise of helping you to become “more charismatic”.
Do they work? It depends…
While I don’t deliberately disagree with the whole idea of working to develop charisma, I do think that most people approach this endeavor the wrong way.
For starters, the reality is that many of the so-called “hyper charismatic” individuals out there as global leaders and celebrities are not very charismatic or attention-grabbing per se…
What makes them perceived as such is their status and the unique role they play in a specific context (e.g: they’re famous, they’re the boss, or just very wealthy).
Another misconception people have about power & personal magnetism is that they boil down to dominating others.
In this skewed view of things, the most charismatic people are those who can forcefully impose their will and presence on less powerful individuals.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The most spellbinding and thrilling people I’ve ever met, or shared stages with, are not oppressive at all––their focus is on helping others to “open up”.
I talk about them and the most important lessons I’ve ever learned about unleashing true personal magnetism in my latest video.
Click the link below to watch it:
P.S. If you want to learn my own system to becoming more charismatic, not in a general and vague way, but specifically tailored to seductive & masculine goals…
While not being strictly a “charisma course”, the Academy is the most comprehensive training I’ve ever put together for those looking to maximize their social, dating & business results through the strategic use of influence & persuasive abilities.
The program lasts for 12 months and includes weekly Zoom lectures hosted by me, monthly webinars with guest coaches, dozens of drills, action steps & template lifestyle strategies, along with over 100+ hours of never released bonuses.
Last year, I tested its efficiency on a focus group of 350+ ambitious guys who were resolute about making the best outcomes possible out of pandemic times, and the results have been mindblowing!
To get a sneak peek into the training and see how powerful it is with your own eyes, click HERE.
Easily among the top 5 marketing pitches ever conceived.
Strongly think about (manifest) something, and the universe will conspire to give it to you.
Tens of thousands of books and self-development courses are sold on this premise every year; billion-dollar markets have spawned from it since its postulation.
And there is definitively some truth to it…
Your thoughts and mental patterns are largely responsible for your success.
But without consistent and smart action, without a broad and influential tribe, and without placing yourself in the right environment, you can stare at your vision board and chant your mantras for years and see zero results.
In the realm of practicality and tangible results, a different law rules the game: the Law Of Asking.
It works like this:
Stop wishing for things to happen, and start asking for them.
And by asking, I mean to human beings–people–making concrete and direct requests for small and big favors that will help you 10x your life goals.
Unfortunately, most guys hate asking for stuff, and when they do so, they act in very shifty, covert ways.
At the same time, making requests to others is no piece of cake…
It’s easy to be perceived as entitled and ruin relationships if you don’t know how to influence people the right way.
To help you with this, I’ve released a comprehensive guide on how to properly Ask for what you want, and get a positive answer as often as possible. Click on the link below to watch it
P.S. Asking is part of a 4-step method that when mastered is guaranteed to enhance your social life, career, and overall lifestyle results.
I teach this system and everything else you need to know about designing an epic personal lifestyle in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching on March 14th.
The Academy is by far the most comprehensive and life-altering online coaching program I ever released, including weekly live Zoom lectures, Q&A panels, missions, accountability systems & over 100 hours of advanced bonus content.
If you want to be part of the next generation of elite lifestyle designers––a group of men who thrive even during these hard times––make sure to book yourself a spot in the program when the enrollments open on March 14th.
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Revealing The “Lockdown Dating Funnel”
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The Cult Leader’s Guide to Pickup & World Domination
In the past 12 months, I’ve been receiving an unusual amount of mourning messages.
“Seduction is no longer with us… I’m sorry for your loss, James”.
“Daygame is Dead.”
These are mostly coming from men whose dating lives have been damaged––or totally wiped out––by the pandemic.
In part, I have to agree with them…
Dating has indeed been affected by the dark events we’re all living through.
For starters, if you now decide to approach some attractive girl in the street, you might get the “social distancing/mask” objection.
And in some countries, you might not even be able to freely leave your apartment.
But is this enough to announce the end of human desire and the masculine-feminine craving for intimacy and connection?
Results say otherwise, in fact…
If dating feels dead for you, it’s probably because you killed it.
How? By wasting this time complaining and making excuses for not proactively seeking out good opportunities. I’m not saying the facts on the ground aren’t affecting things but I know for myself and my clients, that women still (and often more so) want to hook up.
I’ve been running live intensive live workshops during pandemic times, and results have been mindblowing…
Guys going on dates and taking stunners home left and right; probably some of the best students’ results in the history of TNL.
Why? Because cold approaching still works and in some ways, the playing field has been leveled. Right now an attractive woman has so much LESS opportunity to meet men; no clubs, house parties, festivals, long brunches at cool cafes. So when she does get a chance with a well-calibrated trained man, she’s much more likely to pursue the connection.
We can confirm that seduction is not only alive, but it is much more effective and easier than before if you do things the right way.
To help you navigate the often misunderstood landscape of dating during pandemic times, I’ve just released a video in collaboration with female dating specialist and longtime friend, Hayley Quinn.
In this in-depth interview, we reveal to you a proven and effective “lockdown funnel” that you can implement right away to get back into the dating world.
Click on the link below to watch it:
P.S. If you want to get access to a large peer-group and global community of guys who are absolutely thriving in their seductive and social lives during lockdown times…
As well as receiving weekly coaching tailored to your unique situation from people like me and Hayley and my elite networks of social, seductive and lifestyle specialists…
Make sure you’re ready when I open the enrollments for my Lifestyle Design Academy on March 14th.
That’s because when you join the Academy, I’ll become your mentor for the next 12 months, guiding you on weekly coaching calls (often joined by extra guest instructors) and private and super proactive accountability groups.
If I managed to help my live students get epic seductive results in a matter of days during workshops, imagine what we can do together in one whole year.
So, make sure you check your email in the next few days. The Academy is launching in less than a week, and as part of our VIP list, I have a very epic surprise coming your way 😉
Often success principles transcend the context they’ve been developed in, as is the case for this famous real estate mantra:
“Location! Location! Location!“
In the world of investment properties, the above means that the value of a specific estate is determined by the geographic area the estate is located in.
The same rule holds for lifestyle & social success.
For example, if a guy is trying to maximize his seductive results and date several beautiful women in a city like San Francisco (US), where the male population largely outnumbers the female one, his results will strongly differ than if he did the same in Budapest (EU).
Same guy, same game, but opposite outcomes.
This is a fundamental lifestyle design criteria that most men ignore, but that largely influences the magnitude of their success.
If you want to experience the best the world has to offer, you should be willing to move around it.
This is probably the quickest and most effective social-life success booster I know of.
I’ve moved cities at least a dozen times at this point in my life, and on each occasion, I’ve learned new ways of living, built new networks, and have continually leveraged my position with my collaborators to keep multiplying my results.
In case you’re willing to give this a try but don’t know where to go next, I’ve released a short video guide on “the best cities for men in 2021”. You can watch it by clicking on the link below.
P.S. Despite the tremendous positive changes that it creates, not everyone might be able to relocate somewhere new right away…
Some guys might be stuck in a career they’re not passionate about, but they need to pay the bills.
Others hesitate because they have no contacts outside of their cities and don’t want to spend their days in loneliness. Finally, some people might now be able to travel at all because of lockdown restrictions.
If you’re in a similar situation you can temporarily reproduce the benefits of relocating by doing what I call “vagabonding in your city”. That means re-approaching your city with tourist’s eyes, trying out places you never really resonated with, going to bars and cafes in remote, unexplored parts of your town while interacting with new people.
I explain how to do this, as well as how to effectively design your “escape plan” in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on March 14th.
The L.D.A is a vast toolbox providing you different lifestyle blueprints/templates you can adapt to your specific situation to kickstart new lifestyle paths. Currently, we cover dozens of options such as the digital nomad scene, the worldwide invite-only BDSM industry, shamanism, advanced sexuality & tantra, online business strategies, movement culture & more.
What’s more, the most exclusive topics are also taught by a number of world-class masters who I frequently invite to join me for my 12 months of live mentorship throughout the LDA course.
Stay tuned for more information about the enrollment process coming your way very soon 😉
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’d probably know I’m a peaceful guy, so rest assured, we won’t be endorsing any military conflicts in here 😉
What I’m referring to is belonging to a Tribe that has your best interests at heart.
Of course, in 2021, what a Tribe looks like is vastly different from pre-agricultural groups…
Stone spears and mammoth hunts have evolved into laptops and business/lifestyle projects, but the core tribal dynamics still hold true:
Co-operation, leveraging others’ resources, debts & favors, facing common enemies…
The most successful people I know, who also managed to thrive during the global pandemic, are those who could count on others to back them up and help to 10X their outcomes.
Ironically, we live in a time when technology makes it possible to connect with millions of people with the touch of a finger, yet we are more emotionally disconnected from each other than ever before.
If you want to learn how to create a core crew of people that care for you and proactively help you to succeed in life, check my latest video. Link below
P.S. In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on March 14th, you’ll be mentored intensively in mastering influence tools, principles, and social frameworks that will help you to rapidly expand your social circle and build your personal lifestyle entourage.
When you join the program, you’ll also get immediate access to our international lifestyle design network, counting hundreds of premium members and including many of my own coaches and allies who share their strategies and advice with the LDA members..
Stay tuned for more insights about the course and to get access to exclusive content & training webinars, hosted by me personally, as we get closer to the launch.
It often solves as many personal issues as it creates.
Optimizing every single area of your life, for example, can rapidly turn from a healthy habit into a toxic addiction.
Take the idea of having a ´Purpose´ in life…
A singular core purpose is a great advantage to have, helping you focus your efforts in a productive direction.
But it’s not a prerequisite to enjoy life and keep growing as a man.
If you’re waiting for some major epiphany to rescue you from a meaningless existence, I’ve got bad news for you…
In most cases, there will be no such revelation. No grey wizard will knock on the doors of your Shire, inviting you to embark on some epic, unexpected quest.
Your unique hero’s journey will begin when you stop to ask for outside help to feel inspired and proactively start to explore what life path resonates the most with you.
For a complete in-depth video on this topic, check the link below
P.S. Being part of an elite crew of specialists is a great way to “experience” different individual life-paths without necessarily having to embark on each one of them.
Last year, I personally coached over 350 guys worldwide in designing a lifestyle that was specifically tailored to their wildest ambitions and expectations. Despite the early pandemic and obstacles, this experience proved to be a massive success, leading to the largest amount of success-stories for a single program in the history of TNL.
Now, almost ten months later, the Lifestyle Design Academy will officially re-open its enrollments for a new select group of brave adventurers on March 14th, 2021.
Make sure you book yourself a spot in the program, as soon as the limited enrollments open a week from now.