The #1 Lesson Lockdown Taught Me

The global pandemic has been our savior, in a way.

Think about it…

Despite all the tragedy & chaos it reversed on humanity, it also taught us a fundamental lesson:

Sometimes, no matter what you do or how good you are, sh*t still happens.


This is a bitter one to swallow because it produces a gigantic dissonance with everything you’re taught while growing up.

Especially with the idea of always looking for the bright side of things, staying positive, and waiting for things to get better.

No matter how much positivity you manifest into the universe, the current events will still probably affect you in some negative way.

Statistics are showing a rapid surge in mental illnesses, depression, and sometimes even suicidal behavior among the male population caused by pandemic-induced isolation and home-confinement.

tv land shit happens GIF by YoungerTV

What’s worse, the general attitude of guys is either one of denial, distraction or or self blaming.

Loneliness, depression and isolation are very taboo topics amongst the male population.

But ironically, acknowledging your inner pain and mourning over your losses is the manliest thing you can do at the moment––it will make you grounded and give you peace and grace.


If you temporarily dive in and glance at the Abyss, you will discover a surprising truth:

Spending time in solitude does not need to equal feeling lonely. It is indeed a good occasion to create freedom, balance, and solidify your power.

To learn more about these topics and discover my two preferred methods to deal with loneliness & isolation, check my latest video. Link below:


P.S. If your dating life, social circle, or career have been temporarily shrunk or frozen by the lockdown, and you feel depressed knowing there’s no way out, I’ve got something to share with you…

While the world barely survived in this comatose state, I and my mentors & students still got laid plenty, traveled the world, and increased our social & financial capital.

How did we do it? By collaborating together.

The current global crisis is often too much to handle for one person, but when you join forces with others and leverage their help, epic success is still possible.

This is the core topic of my Lifestyle Design Academy, my most successful digital program launching tomorrow at 7 pm CET.

The LDA offers you 12-months of intensive mentorship with me and immediate access to my global network of hundreds of lifestyle designers, fellow coaches & world-class niche experts.

This is no prerecorded, cookie-cutter program…

The coaching is 100% live, conducted through weekly live Zoom lectures, dozens of missions, drills, and real time accountability systems.

When you combine it with the gigantic worldwide brotherhood I give you access to from day 1 in the course, you’ll be unstoppable.

To get a free 30-min lecture from the program and receive exclusive VIP offers as we enter the launch, click HERE.

Stay tuned for enrollment opening tomorrow evening. Hopefully see you on the first day of the academy.

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Lockdown Is Not The Real Problem (You Are)

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